Lua filter: allow shorthand functions for math and quoted
Allow to use functions named `SingleQuoted`, `DoubleQuoted`, `DisplayMath`, and `InlineMath` in filters.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 52 additions and 21 deletions
@ -247,10 +247,7 @@ Extra-Source-Files:
Source-repository head
type: git
location: git://
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import Control.Monad ( (>=>), when )
import Control.Monad.Trans ( MonadIO(..) )
import Data.Map ( Map )
import Scripting.Lua ( LuaState, StackValue(..) )
import Text.Pandoc.Definition ( Block(..), Inline(..), Pandoc(..) )
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.PandocModule ( pushPandocModule )
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.StackInstances ()
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
@ -135,6 +135,12 @@ execInlineLuaFilter lua fnMap x = do
case Map.lookup fnName fnMap of
Nothing -> return x
Just fn -> callFilterFn fn
let tryFilterAlternatives :: [(String, LuaFilterFunction Inline -> IO Inline)] -> IO Inline
tryFilterAlternatives [] = return x
tryFilterAlternatives ((fnName, callFilterFn) : alternatives) =
case Map.lookup fnName fnMap of
Nothing -> tryFilterAlternatives alternatives
Just fn -> callFilterFn fn
case x of
LineBreak -> tryFilter "LineBreak" runFn
SoftBreak -> tryFilter "SoftBreak" runFn
@ -142,9 +148,7 @@ execInlineLuaFilter lua fnMap x = do
Cite cs lst -> tryFilter "Cite" $ \fn -> runFn fn lst cs
Code attr str -> tryFilter "Code" $ \fn -> runFn fn str attr
Emph lst -> tryFilter "Emph" $ \fn -> runFn fn lst
Math mt lst -> tryFilter "Math" $ \fn -> runFn fn lst mt
Note blks -> tryFilter "Note" $ \fn -> runFn fn blks
Quoted qt lst -> tryFilter "Quoted" $ \fn -> runFn fn qt lst
RawInline f str -> tryFilter "RawInline" $ \fn -> runFn fn f str
SmallCaps lst -> tryFilter "SmallCaps" $ \fn -> runFn fn lst
Span attr lst -> tryFilter "Span" $ \fn -> runFn fn lst attr
@ -153,6 +157,22 @@ execInlineLuaFilter lua fnMap x = do
Strong lst -> tryFilter "Strong" $ \fn -> runFn fn lst
Subscript lst -> tryFilter "Subscript" $ \fn -> runFn fn lst
Superscript lst -> tryFilter "Superscript" $ \fn -> runFn fn lst
Math DisplayMath lst -> tryFilterAlternatives
[ ("DisplayMath", \fn -> runFn fn lst)
, ("Math", \fn -> runFn fn DisplayMath lst)
Math InlineMath lst -> tryFilterAlternatives
[ ("InlineMath", \fn -> runFn fn lst)
, ("Math", \fn -> runFn fn InlineMath lst)
Quoted SingleQuote lst -> tryFilterAlternatives
[ ("SingleQuoted", \fn -> runFn fn lst)
, ("Quoted", \fn -> runFn fn SingleQuote lst)
Quoted DoubleQuote lst -> tryFilterAlternatives
[ ("DoubleQuoted", \fn -> runFn fn lst)
, ("Quoted", \fn -> runFn fn DoubleQuote lst)
Link attr txt (src, tit) -> tryFilter "Link" $
\fn -> runFn fn txt src tit attr
Image attr alt (src, tit) -> tryFilter "Image" $
@ -8,15 +8,28 @@ import Test.Tasty.HUnit (Assertion, assertEqual, testCase)
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (ioProperty, testProperty)
import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ()
import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Block, Inline, Meta, Pandoc)
import Text.Pandoc.Builder ( (<>), bulletList, doc, emph, linebreak, rawBlock
, para, plain, space, str, strong)
import Text.Pandoc.Builder ( (<>), bulletList, doc, doubleQuoted, emph
, linebreak, rawBlock, singleQuoted, para, plain
, space, str, strong)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua
import qualified Scripting.Lua as Lua
tests :: [TestTree]
tests =
[ testCase "macro expansion via filter" $
[ testProperty "inline elements can be round-tripped through the lua stack" $
\x -> ioProperty (roundtripEqual (x::Inline))
, testProperty "block elements can be round-tripped through the lua stack" $
\x -> ioProperty (roundtripEqual (x::Block))
, testProperty "meta blocks can be round-tripped through the lua stack" $
\x -> ioProperty (roundtripEqual (x::Meta))
, testProperty "documents can be round-tripped through the lua stack" $
\x -> ioProperty (roundtripEqual (x::Pandoc))
, testCase "macro expansion via filter" $
assertFilterConversion "a '{{helloworld}}' string is expanded"
(doc . para $ str "{{helloworld}}")
@ -40,17 +53,11 @@ tests =
(doc $ rawBlock "markdown" "*charly* **delta**")
(doc . para $ emph "charly" <> space <> strong "delta")
, testProperty "inline elements can be round-tripped through the lua stack" $
\x -> ioProperty (roundtripEqual (x::Inline))
, testProperty "block elements can be round-tripped through the lua stack" $
\x -> ioProperty (roundtripEqual (x::Block))
, testProperty "meta blocks can be round-tripped through the lua stack" $
\x -> ioProperty (roundtripEqual (x::Meta))
, testProperty "documents can be round-tripped through the lua stack" $
\x -> ioProperty (roundtripEqual (x::Pandoc))
, testCase "allow shorthand functions for quote types" $
assertFilterConversion "single quoted becomes double quoted string"
(doc . para . singleQuoted $ str "simple")
(doc . para . doubleQuoted $ str "simple")
assertFilterConversion :: String -> FilePath -> Pandoc -> Pandoc -> Assertion
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
return {
SingleQuoted = function (content)
return pandoc.Quoted("DoubleQuote", content)
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