diff --git a/benchmark/benchmark-pandoc.hs b/benchmark/benchmark-pandoc.hs index 482293ab0..60b543e1a 100644 --- a/benchmark/benchmark-pandoc.hs +++ b/benchmark/benchmark-pandoc.hs @@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ readerBench doc (name, reader) = _ -> error $ "Could not find writer for " ++ name inp = writer def{ writerWrapText = True } doc -- we compute the length to force full evaluation - getLength (Pandoc (Meta a b c) d) = - length a + length b + length c + length d + getLength (Pandoc (Meta _) d) = length d in bench (name ++ " reader") $ whnfIO $ getLength `fmap` (reader def{ readerSmart = True }) inp