Factor out T.P.Readers.LaTeX.Macro.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 156 additions and 139 deletions
@ -634,6 +634,7 @@ library
@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding (blankline, many, mathDisplay, mathInline,
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding (blankline, many, mathDisplay, mathInline,
optional, space, spaces, withRaw, (<|>))
optional, space, spaces, withRaw, (<|>))
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Types (ExpansionPoint (..), Macro (..),
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Types (Tok (..), TokType (..))
ArgSpec (..), Tok (..), TokType (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Parsing
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Parsing
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Accent (accentCommands)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Accent (accentCommands)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Citation (citationCommands, cites)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Citation (citationCommands, cites)
@ -58,6 +57,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Math (dollarsMath, inlineEnvironments,
newtheorem, theoremstyle, proof,
newtheorem, theoremstyle, proof,
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Table (tableEnvironments)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Table (tableEnvironments)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Macro (macroDef)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Lang (polyglossiaLangToBCP47,
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Lang (polyglossiaLangToBCP47,
babelLangToBCP47, setDefaultLanguage)
babelLangToBCP47, setDefaultLanguage)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.SIunitx (siunitxCommands)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.SIunitx (siunitxCommands)
@ -1027,143 +1027,6 @@ authors = try $ do
addMeta "author" (map trimInlines auths)
addMeta "author" (map trimInlines auths)
macroDef :: (PandocMonad m, Monoid a) => (Text -> a) -> LP m a
macroDef constructor = do
(_, s) <- withRaw (commandDef <|> environmentDef)
(constructor (untokenize s) <$
guardDisabled Ext_latex_macros)
<|> return mempty
where commandDef = do
(name, macro') <- newcommand <|> letmacro <|> defmacro
guardDisabled Ext_latex_macros <|>
updateState (\s -> s{ sMacros = M.insert name macro' (sMacros s) })
environmentDef = do
mbenv <- newenvironment
case mbenv of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (name, macro1, macro2) ->
guardDisabled Ext_latex_macros <|>
do updateState $ \s -> s{ sMacros =
M.insert name macro1 (sMacros s) }
updateState $ \s -> s{ sMacros =
M.insert ("end" <> name) macro2 (sMacros s) }
-- @\newenvironment{envname}[n-args][default]{begin}{end}@
-- is equivalent to
-- @\newcommand{\envname}[n-args][default]{begin}@
-- @\newcommand{\endenvname}@
letmacro :: PandocMonad m => LP m (Text, Macro)
letmacro = do
controlSeq "let"
(name, contents) <- withVerbatimMode $ do
Tok _ (CtrlSeq name) _ <- anyControlSeq
optional $ symbol '='
-- we first parse in verbatim mode, and then expand macros,
-- because we don't want \let\foo\bar to turn into
-- \let\foo hello if we have previously \def\bar{hello}
contents <- bracedOrToken
return (name, contents)
contents' <- doMacros' 0 contents
return (name, Macro ExpandWhenDefined [] Nothing contents')
defmacro :: PandocMonad m => LP m (Text, Macro)
defmacro = try $
-- we use withVerbatimMode, because macros are to be expanded
-- at point of use, not point of definition
withVerbatimMode $ do
controlSeq "def"
Tok _ (CtrlSeq name) _ <- anyControlSeq
argspecs <- many (argspecArg <|> argspecPattern)
contents <- bracedOrToken
return (name, Macro ExpandWhenUsed argspecs Nothing contents)
argspecArg :: PandocMonad m => LP m ArgSpec
argspecArg = do
Tok _ (Arg i) _ <- satisfyTok isArgTok
return $ ArgNum i
argspecPattern :: PandocMonad m => LP m ArgSpec
argspecPattern =
Pattern <$> many1 (satisfyTok (\(Tok _ toktype' txt) ->
(toktype' == Symbol || toktype' == Word) &&
(txt /= "{" && txt /= "\\" && txt /= "}")))
newcommand :: PandocMonad m => LP m (Text, Macro)
newcommand = do
pos <- getPosition
Tok _ (CtrlSeq mtype) _ <- controlSeq "newcommand" <|>
controlSeq "renewcommand" <|>
controlSeq "providecommand" <|>
controlSeq "DeclareMathOperator" <|>
controlSeq "DeclareRobustCommand"
withVerbatimMode $ do
Tok _ (CtrlSeq name) txt <- do
optional (symbol '*')
anyControlSeq <|>
(symbol '{' *> spaces *> anyControlSeq <* spaces <* symbol '}')
numargs <- option 0 $ try bracketedNum
let argspecs = map ArgNum [1..numargs]
optarg <- option Nothing $ Just <$> try bracketedToks
contents' <- bracedOrToken
let contents =
case mtype of
"DeclareMathOperator" ->
Tok pos (CtrlSeq "mathop") "\\mathop"
: Tok pos Symbol "{"
: Tok pos (CtrlSeq "mathrm") "\\mathrm"
: Tok pos Symbol "{"
: (contents' ++
[ Tok pos Symbol "}", Tok pos Symbol "}" ])
_ -> contents'
macros <- sMacros <$> getState
case M.lookup name macros of
Just macro
| mtype == "newcommand" -> do
report $ MacroAlreadyDefined txt pos
return (name, macro)
| mtype == "providecommand" -> return (name, macro)
_ -> return (name, Macro ExpandWhenUsed argspecs optarg contents)
newenvironment :: PandocMonad m => LP m (Maybe (Text, Macro, Macro))
newenvironment = do
pos <- getPosition
Tok _ (CtrlSeq mtype) _ <- controlSeq "newenvironment" <|>
controlSeq "renewenvironment" <|>
controlSeq "provideenvironment"
withVerbatimMode $ do
optional $ symbol '*'
name <- untokenize <$> braced
numargs <- option 0 $ try bracketedNum
optarg <- option Nothing $ Just <$> try bracketedToks
let argspecs = map (\i -> ArgNum i) [1..numargs]
startcontents <- spaces >> bracedOrToken
endcontents <- spaces >> bracedOrToken
macros <- sMacros <$> getState
case M.lookup name macros of
Just _
| mtype == "newenvironment" -> do
report $ MacroAlreadyDefined name pos
return Nothing
| mtype == "provideenvironment" ->
return Nothing
_ -> return $ Just (name,
Macro ExpandWhenUsed argspecs optarg startcontents,
Macro ExpandWhenUsed [] Nothing endcontents)
bracketedNum :: PandocMonad m => LP m Int
bracketedNum = do
ds <- untokenize <$> bracketedToks
case safeRead ds of
Just i -> return i
_ -> return 0
looseItem :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
looseItem :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
looseItem = do
looseItem = do
inListItem <- sInListItem <$> getState
inListItem <- sInListItem <$> getState
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Macro
( macroDef
import Text.Pandoc.Extensions (Extension(..))
import Text.Pandoc.Logging (LogMessage(MacroAlreadyDefined))
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Parsing
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Types
import Text.Pandoc.Class
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead)
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding (blankline, mathDisplay, mathInline,
optional, space, spaces, withRaw, (<|>))
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), optional)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Text (Text)
macroDef :: (PandocMonad m, Monoid a) => (Text -> a) -> LP m a
macroDef constructor = do
(_, s) <- withRaw (commandDef <|> environmentDef)
(constructor (untokenize s) <$
guardDisabled Ext_latex_macros)
<|> return mempty
where commandDef = do
(name, macro') <- newcommand <|> letmacro <|> defmacro
guardDisabled Ext_latex_macros <|>
updateState (\s -> s{ sMacros = M.insert name macro' (sMacros s) })
environmentDef = do
mbenv <- newenvironment
case mbenv of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (name, macro1, macro2) ->
guardDisabled Ext_latex_macros <|>
do updateState $ \s -> s{ sMacros =
M.insert name macro1 (sMacros s) }
updateState $ \s -> s{ sMacros =
M.insert ("end" <> name) macro2 (sMacros s) }
-- @\newenvironment{envname}[n-args][default]{begin}{end}@
-- is equivalent to
-- @\newcommand{\envname}[n-args][default]{begin}@
-- @\newcommand{\endenvname}@
letmacro :: PandocMonad m => LP m (Text, Macro)
letmacro = do
controlSeq "let"
(name, contents) <- withVerbatimMode $ do
Tok _ (CtrlSeq name) _ <- anyControlSeq
optional $ symbol '='
-- we first parse in verbatim mode, and then expand macros,
-- because we don't want \let\foo\bar to turn into
-- \let\foo hello if we have previously \def\bar{hello}
contents <- bracedOrToken
return (name, contents)
contents' <- doMacros' 0 contents
return (name, Macro ExpandWhenDefined [] Nothing contents')
defmacro :: PandocMonad m => LP m (Text, Macro)
defmacro = try $
-- we use withVerbatimMode, because macros are to be expanded
-- at point of use, not point of definition
withVerbatimMode $ do
controlSeq "def"
Tok _ (CtrlSeq name) _ <- anyControlSeq
argspecs <- many (argspecArg <|> argspecPattern)
contents <- bracedOrToken
return (name, Macro ExpandWhenUsed argspecs Nothing contents)
argspecArg :: PandocMonad m => LP m ArgSpec
argspecArg = do
Tok _ (Arg i) _ <- satisfyTok isArgTok
return $ ArgNum i
argspecPattern :: PandocMonad m => LP m ArgSpec
argspecPattern =
Pattern <$> many1 (satisfyTok (\(Tok _ toktype' txt) ->
(toktype' == Symbol || toktype' == Word) &&
(txt /= "{" && txt /= "\\" && txt /= "}")))
newcommand :: PandocMonad m => LP m (Text, Macro)
newcommand = do
pos <- getPosition
Tok _ (CtrlSeq mtype) _ <- controlSeq "newcommand" <|>
controlSeq "renewcommand" <|>
controlSeq "providecommand" <|>
controlSeq "DeclareMathOperator" <|>
controlSeq "DeclareRobustCommand"
withVerbatimMode $ do
Tok _ (CtrlSeq name) txt <- do
optional (symbol '*')
anyControlSeq <|>
(symbol '{' *> spaces *> anyControlSeq <* spaces <* symbol '}')
numargs <- option 0 $ try bracketedNum
let argspecs = map ArgNum [1..numargs]
optarg <- option Nothing $ Just <$> try bracketedToks
contents' <- bracedOrToken
let contents =
case mtype of
"DeclareMathOperator" ->
Tok pos (CtrlSeq "mathop") "\\mathop"
: Tok pos Symbol "{"
: Tok pos (CtrlSeq "mathrm") "\\mathrm"
: Tok pos Symbol "{"
: (contents' ++
[ Tok pos Symbol "}", Tok pos Symbol "}" ])
_ -> contents'
macros <- sMacros <$> getState
case M.lookup name macros of
Just macro
| mtype == "newcommand" -> do
report $ MacroAlreadyDefined txt pos
return (name, macro)
| mtype == "providecommand" -> return (name, macro)
_ -> return (name, Macro ExpandWhenUsed argspecs optarg contents)
newenvironment :: PandocMonad m => LP m (Maybe (Text, Macro, Macro))
newenvironment = do
pos <- getPosition
Tok _ (CtrlSeq mtype) _ <- controlSeq "newenvironment" <|>
controlSeq "renewenvironment" <|>
controlSeq "provideenvironment"
withVerbatimMode $ do
optional $ symbol '*'
name <- untokenize <$> braced
numargs <- option 0 $ try bracketedNum
optarg <- option Nothing $ Just <$> try bracketedToks
let argspecs = map (\i -> ArgNum i) [1..numargs]
startcontents <- spaces >> bracedOrToken
endcontents <- spaces >> bracedOrToken
macros <- sMacros <$> getState
case M.lookup name macros of
Just _
| mtype == "newenvironment" -> do
report $ MacroAlreadyDefined name pos
return Nothing
| mtype == "provideenvironment" ->
return Nothing
_ -> return $ Just (name,
Macro ExpandWhenUsed argspecs optarg startcontents,
Macro ExpandWhenUsed [] Nothing endcontents)
bracketedNum :: PandocMonad m => LP m Int
bracketedNum = do
ds <- untokenize <$> bracketedToks
case safeRead ds of
Just i -> return i
_ -> return 0
Add table
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