diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/ContentReader.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/ContentReader.hs
index 5520d039f..998999d25 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/ContentReader.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/ContentReader.hs
@@ -661,16 +661,23 @@ read_list         = matchingElement NsText "list"
                     $ constructList
 --                  $ liftA bulletList
                     $ matchChildContent' [ read_list_item
+                                         , read_list_header
 read_list_item   :: ElementMatcher [Blocks]
-read_list_item    = matchingElement NsText "list-item"
-                    $ liftA (compactify.(:[]))
-                      ( matchChildContent' [ read_paragraph
-                                           , read_header
-                                           , read_list
-                                           ]
-                      )
+read_list_item    = read_list_element "list-item"
+read_list_header :: ElementMatcher [Blocks]
+read_list_header  = read_list_element "list-header"
+read_list_element               :: ElementName -> ElementMatcher [Blocks]
+read_list_element listElement   = matchingElement NsText listElement
+                                  $ liftA (compactify.(:[]))
+                                    ( matchChildContent' [ read_paragraph
+                                                         , read_header
+                                                         , read_list
+                                                         ]
+                                    )
diff --git a/test/Tests/Readers/Odt.hs b/test/Tests/Readers/Odt.hs
index f731dacdc..8dcd7b29b 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Readers/Odt.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Readers/Odt.hs
@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ namesOfTestsComparingToNative   = [ "blockquote"
                                   , "orderedListMixed"
                                   , "orderedListRoman"
                                   , "orderedListSimple"
+                                  , "orderedListHeader"
                                   , "referenceToChapter"
                                   , "referenceToListItem"
                                   , "referenceToText"
@@ -182,4 +183,5 @@ namesOfTestsComparingToNative   = [ "blockquote"
                                   , "tableWithContents"
                                   , "unicode"
                                   , "unorderedList"
+                                  , "unorderedListHeader"
diff --git a/test/odt/native/orderedListHeader.native b/test/odt/native/orderedListHeader.native
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..926eb5957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/odt/native/orderedListHeader.native
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+[ OrderedList
+    ( 1 , Decimal , Period )
+    [ [ Plain
+          [ Str "A"
+          , Space
+          , Str "list"
+          , Space
+          , Str "item"
+          , Space
+          , Str "(list-header)"
+          ]
+      ]
+    , [ Plain [ Str "A" , Space , Str "second" ] ]
+    , [ Para [ Str "A" , Space , Str "third" ]
+      , OrderedList
+          ( 1 , Decimal , Period )
+          [ [ Para
+                [ Str "New"
+                , Space
+                , Str "level!"
+                , Space
+                , Str "(list-header)"
+                ]
+            , OrderedList
+                ( 1 , Decimal , Period )
+                [ [ Plain
+                      [ Str "And"
+                      , Space
+                      , Str "another!"
+                      , Space
+                      , Str "(list-header)"
+                      ]
+                  ]
+                , [ Plain
+                      [ Str "It's"
+                      , Space
+                      , Str "great"
+                      , Space
+                      , Str "up"
+                      , Space
+                      , Str "here!"
+                      ]
+                  ]
+                ]
+            ]
+          , [ Plain [ Str "Oh" , Space , Str "noes" ] ]
+          , [ Plain [ Str "We" , Space , Str "fell!" ] ]
+          ]
+      ]
+    , [ Plain [ Str "Maybe" , Space , Str "someone" ] ]
+    , [ Plain [ Str "Pushed" , Space , Str "us?" ] ]
+    ]
+, Para []
+, OrderedList
+    ( 4 , Decimal , Period )
+    [ [ Plain
+          [ Str "Start"
+          , Space
+          , Str "new"
+          , Space
+          , Str "list,"
+          , Space
+          , Str "but"
+          , Space
+          , Str "a"
+          , Space
+          , Str "different"
+          , Space
+          , Str "starting"
+          , Space
+          , Str "point."
+          , Space
+          , Str "(list-header)"
+          ]
+      ]
+    , [ Plain
+          [ Str "Because" , Space , Str "we" , Space , Str "can." ]
+      ]
+    ]
diff --git a/test/odt/native/unorderedListHeader.native b/test/odt/native/unorderedListHeader.native
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05db5838b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/odt/native/unorderedListHeader.native
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+[ BulletList
+    [ [ Plain
+          [ Str "A"
+          , Space
+          , Str "list"
+          , Space
+          , Str "item"
+          , Space
+          , Str "(list-header)"
+          ]
+      ]
+    , [ Plain [ Str "A" , Space , Str "second" ] ]
+    , [ Para [ Str "A" , Space , Str "third" ]
+      , BulletList
+          [ [ Para
+                [ Str "New"
+                , Space
+                , Str "level!"
+                , Space
+                , Str "(list-header)"
+                ]
+            , BulletList
+                [ [ Plain
+                      [ Str "And"
+                      , Space
+                      , Str "another!"
+                      , Space
+                      , Str "(list-header)"
+                      ]
+                  ]
+                , [ Plain
+                      [ Str "It's"
+                      , Space
+                      , Str "great"
+                      , Space
+                      , Str "up"
+                      , Space
+                      , Str "here!"
+                      ]
+                  ]
+                ]
+            ]
+          , [ Plain [ Str "Oh" , Space , Str "noes" ] ]
+          , [ Plain [ Str "We" , Space , Str "fell!" ] ]
+          ]
+      ]
+    , [ Plain [ Str "Maybe" , Space , Str "someone" ] ]
+    , [ Plain [ Str "Pushed" , Space , Str "us?" ] ]
+    ]
diff --git a/test/odt/odt/orderedListHeader.odt b/test/odt/odt/orderedListHeader.odt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e99a898c8
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/odt/odt/orderedListHeader.odt differ
diff --git a/test/odt/odt/unorderedListHeader.odt b/test/odt/odt/unorderedListHeader.odt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f5980ef7
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/odt/odt/unorderedListHeader.odt differ