diff --git a/stack.full.yaml b/stack.full.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b82c3e67..000000000
--- a/stack.full.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# This version builds both pandoc and pandoc-citeproc, assuming
-# pandoc-citeproc is in the pandoc-citeproc subdirectory.
-  pandoc:
-    trypandoc: false
-    embed_data_files: false
-    old-locale: false
-    network-uri: true
-  pandoc-citeproc:
-    bibutils: true
-    embed_data_files: true
-# if you are on macOS, stack install cpphs and
-# uncomment the following three lines:
-  pandoc-citeproc:  '-pgmP cpphs -optP--cpp'
-  highlighting-kate: '-pgmP cpphs -optP--cpp'
-- '.'
-- '../pandoc-citeproc'
-- '../pandoc-types'
-- '../texmath'
-- hslua-0.9.0
-- skylighting-0.3.3
-resolver: lts-8.12