diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index b06f96c78..86e2c499b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@ INSTALL.*
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 5442e3364..305c8debc 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -93,33 +93,12 @@ all: build-program
 %.1: %.1.md $(MAIN)
 	./$(MAIN) -s -S -w man $< >$@ || rm -f $@
-define generate-shell-script
-echo >&2 "Generating $@...";                             \
-awk '                                                    \
-	/^[ \t]*###+ / {                                 \
-                lead = $$0; sub(/[^ \t].*$$/, "", lead); \
-		t = "$(dir $<)/"$$2;                     \
-		while (getline line < t > 0)             \
-			print lead line;                 \
-		next;                                    \
-	}                                                \
-	{ print }                                        \
-' <$< >$@
-chmod +x $@
 $(ODTREF): $(addprefix $(ODTSTYLES)/, layout-cache meta.xml styles.xml content.xml mimetype \
                                      settings.xml Configurations2 Thumbnails META-INF)
 	cd $(ODTSTYLES) ; \
 	zip -9 -q -r $(notdir $@) * -x $(notdir $@)
-.PHONY: wrappers
-wrappers: $(WRAPPERS)
-$(WRAPPERS): %: $(SRCDIR)/wrappers/%.in $(SRCDIR)/wrappers/*.sh
-	@$(generate-shell-script)
 .PHONY: configure
 cleanup_files+=Setup.hi Setup.o $(BUILDCMD) $(BUILDVARS)
 ifdef GHC_PKG
diff --git a/wrappers/hsmarkdown.in b/hsmarkdown
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
rename from wrappers/hsmarkdown.in
rename to hsmarkdown
diff --git a/wrappers/html2markdown.in b/html2markdown
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 74%
rename from wrappers/html2markdown.in
rename to html2markdown
index 0f4297128..0649e0478
--- a/wrappers/html2markdown.in
+++ b/html2markdown
@@ -5,7 +5,49 @@
 SYNOPSIS="converts HTML from a URL, file, or STDIN to markdown-formatted text."
-### common.sh
+err ()  { echo "$*"   | fold -s -w ${COLUMNS:-110} >&2; }
+errn () { printf "$*" | fold -s -w ${COLUMNS:-110} >&2; }
+usage () {
+    err "$1 - $2" # short description
+    err "See the $1(1) man page for usage."
+# Portable which(1).
+pathfind () {
+    oldifs="$IFS"; IFS=':'
+    for _p in $PATH; do
+        if [ -x "$_p/$*" ] && [ -f "$_p/$*" ]; then
+            IFS="$oldifs"
+            return 0
+        fi
+    done
+    IFS="$oldifs"
+    return 1
+for p in pandoc $REQUIRED; do
+    pathfind $p || {
+        err "You need '$p' to use this program!"
+        exit 1
+    }
+CONF=$(pandoc --dump-args "$@" 2>&1) || {
+    errcode=$?
+    echo "$CONF" | sed -e '/^pandoc \[OPTIONS\] \[FILES\]/,$d' >&2
+    [ $errcode -eq 2 ] && usage "$THIS" "$SYNOPSIS"
+    exit $errcode
+OUTPUT=$(echo "$CONF" | sed -ne '1p')
+ARGS=$(echo "$CONF" | sed -e '1d')
 grab_url_with () {
     url="${1:?internal error: grab_url_with: url required}"
@@ -104,7 +146,24 @@ if [ -n "$argument" ] && ! [ -f "$argument" ]; then
-### tempdir.sh
+# As a security measure refuse to proceed if mktemp is not available.
+pathfind mktemp || { err "Couldn't find 'mktemp'; aborting."; exit 1;  }
+# Avoid issues with /tmp directory on Windows/Cygwin 
+cygwin=$(uname | sed -ne '/^CYGWIN/p')
+if [ -n "$cygwin" ]; then
+    TMPDIR=.
+    export TMPDIR
+THIS_TEMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -t $THIS.XXXXXXXX)" || exit 1
+readonly THIS_TEMPDIR
+trap 'exitcode=$?
+      [ -z "$THIS_TEMPDIR" ] || rm -rf "$THIS_TEMPDIR"
+      exit $exitcode' 0 1 2 3 13 15
 if [ -n "$inurl" ]; then
     err "Attempting to fetch file from '$inurl'..."
diff --git a/wrappers/markdown2pdf.in b/markdown2pdf
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 62%
rename from wrappers/markdown2pdf.in
rename to markdown2pdf
index 37be69469..ab0f3ae78
--- a/wrappers/markdown2pdf.in
+++ b/markdown2pdf
@@ -3,9 +3,68 @@
 SYNOPSIS="converts markdown-formatted text to PDF, using pdflatex."
-### common.sh
-### tempdir.sh
+err ()  { echo "$*"   | fold -s -w ${COLUMNS:-110} >&2; }
+errn () { printf "$*" | fold -s -w ${COLUMNS:-110} >&2; }
+usage () {
+    err "$1 - $2" # short description
+    err "See the $1(1) man page for usage."
+# Portable which(1).
+pathfind () {
+    oldifs="$IFS"; IFS=':'
+    for _p in $PATH; do
+        if [ -x "$_p/$*" ] && [ -f "$_p/$*" ]; then
+            IFS="$oldifs"
+            return 0
+        fi
+    done
+    IFS="$oldifs"
+    return 1
+for p in pandoc $REQUIRED; do
+    pathfind $p || {
+        err "You need '$p' to use this program!"
+        exit 1
+    }
+CONF=$(pandoc --dump-args "$@" 2>&1) || {
+    errcode=$?
+    echo "$CONF" | sed -e '/^pandoc \[OPTIONS\] \[FILES\]/,$d' >&2
+    [ $errcode -eq 2 ] && usage "$THIS" "$SYNOPSIS"
+    exit $errcode
+OUTPUT=$(echo "$CONF" | sed -ne '1p')
+ARGS=$(echo "$CONF" | sed -e '1d')
+# As a security measure refuse to proceed if mktemp is not available.
+pathfind mktemp || { err "Couldn't find 'mktemp'; aborting."; exit 1;  }
+# Avoid issues with /tmp directory on Windows/Cygwin 
+cygwin=$(uname | sed -ne '/^CYGWIN/p')
+if [ -n "$cygwin" ]; then
+    TMPDIR=.
+    export TMPDIR
+THIS_TEMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -t $THIS.XXXXXXXX)" || exit 1
+readonly THIS_TEMPDIR
+trap 'exitcode=$?
+      [ -z "$THIS_TEMPDIR" ] || rm -rf "$THIS_TEMPDIR"
+      exit $exitcode' 0 1 2 3 13 15
diff --git a/wrappers/common.sh b/wrappers/common.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 9605f5940..000000000
--- a/wrappers/common.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-err ()  { echo "$*"   | fold -s -w ${COLUMNS:-110} >&2; }
-errn () { printf "$*" | fold -s -w ${COLUMNS:-110} >&2; }
-usage () {
-    err "$1 - $2" # short description
-    err "See the $1(1) man page for usage."
-# Portable which(1).
-pathfind () {
-    oldifs="$IFS"; IFS=':'
-    for _p in $PATH; do
-        if [ -x "$_p/$*" ] && [ -f "$_p/$*" ]; then
-            IFS="$oldifs"
-            return 0
-        fi
-    done
-    IFS="$oldifs"
-    return 1
-for p in pandoc $REQUIRED; do
-    pathfind $p || {
-        err "You need '$p' to use this program!"
-        exit 1
-    }
-CONF=$(pandoc --dump-args "$@" 2>&1) || {
-    errcode=$?
-    echo "$CONF" | sed -e '/^pandoc \[OPTIONS\] \[FILES\]/,$d' >&2
-    [ $errcode -eq 2 ] && usage "$THIS" "$SYNOPSIS"
-    exit $errcode
-OUTPUT=$(echo "$CONF" | sed -ne '1p')
-ARGS=$(echo "$CONF" | sed -e '1d')
diff --git a/wrappers/tempdir.sh b/wrappers/tempdir.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index f25ae7f51..000000000
--- a/wrappers/tempdir.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# As a security measure refuse to proceed if mktemp is not available.
-pathfind mktemp || { err "Couldn't find 'mktemp'; aborting."; exit 1;  }
-# Avoid issues with /tmp directory on Windows/Cygwin 
-cygwin=$(uname | sed -ne '/^CYGWIN/p')
-if [ -n "$cygwin" ]; then
-    TMPDIR=.
-    export TMPDIR
-THIS_TEMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -t $THIS.XXXXXXXX)" || exit 1
-readonly THIS_TEMPDIR
-trap 'exitcode=$?
-      [ -z "$THIS_TEMPDIR" ] || rm -rf "$THIS_TEMPDIR"
-      exit $exitcode' 0 1 2 3 13 15