Merge branch 'new-image-attributes' of into mb21-new-image-attributes

* Bumped version to 1.16.
* Added Attr field to Link and Image.
* Added `common_link_attributes` extension.
* Updated readers for link attributes.
* Updated writers for link attributes.
* Updated tests
* Updated stack.yaml to build against unreleased versions of
  pandoc-types and texmath.
* Fixed various compiler warnings.

Closes #261.


* Relative (percentage) image widths in docx writer.
* ODT/OpenDocument writer (untested, same issue about percentage widths).
* Update pandoc-citeproc.
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2015-11-19 22:41:12 -08:00
commit 244cd5644b
81 changed files with 1181 additions and 748 deletions

View file

@ -517,14 +517,22 @@ General writer options
: Print a system default data file. Files in the user data directory
are ignored.
: Specify the dpi (dots per inch) value for conversion from pixels
to inch/centimeters and vice versa. The default is 96dpi.
Technically, the correct term would be ppi (pixels per inch).
: Disable text wrapping in output. By default, text is wrapped
appropriately for the output format.
appropriately for the output format. This affects only the
generated source code, not the layout on the rendered page.
: Specify length of lines in characters (for text wrapping).
This affects only the generated source code, not the layout on
the rendered page.
`--toc`, `--table-of-contents`
@ -2909,6 +2917,49 @@ nonbreaking space after the image:
![This image won't be a figure](/url/of/image.png)\
#### Extension: `common_link_attributes` ####
Attributes can be set on links and images:
An inline ![image](foo.jpg){#id .class width=30 height=20px}
and a reference ![image][ref] with attributes.
[ref]: foo.jpg "optional title" {#id .class key=val key2="val 2"}
(This syntax is compatible with [PHP Markdown Extra] when only `#id`
and `.class` are used.)
For HTML and EPUB, all attributes except `width` and `height` (but
including `srcset` and `sizes`) are passed through as is. The other
writers ignore attributes that are not supported by their output
The `width` and `height` attributes on images are treated specially. When
used without a unit, the unit is assumed to be pixels. However, any of
the following unit identifiers can be used: `px`, `cm`, `mm`, `in`, `inch`
and `%`. There must not be any spaces between the number and the unit.
For example:
![](file.jpg){ width=50% }
- Dimensions are converted to inches for output in page-based formats like
LaTeX. Dimensions are converted to pixels for output in HTML-like
formats. Use the `--dpi` option to specify the number of pixels per
inch. The default is 96dpi.
- The `%` unit is generally relative to some available space.
For example the above example will render to
`<img href="file.jpg" style="width: 50%;" />` (HTML),
`\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{file.jpg}` (LaTeX), or
`\externalfigure[file.jpg][width=0.5\textwidth]` (ConTeXt).
- Some output formats have a notion of a class
or a unique identifier (LaTeX `\caption`), or both (HTML).
- When no `width` or `height` attributes are specified, the fallback
is to look at the image resolution and the dpi metadata embedded in
the image file.
@ -3221,9 +3272,14 @@ letters are omitted.
#### Extension: `link_attributes` ####
Parses multimarkdown style key-value attributes on link and image references.
Note that pandoc's internal document model provides nowhere to put
these, so they are presently just ignored.
Parses multimarkdown style key-value attributes on link
and image references. This extension should not be confused with the
[`common_link_attributes`](#extension-common_link_attributes) extension.
This is a reference ![image][ref] with multimarkdown attributes.
[ref]: "Image title" width=20px height=30px
id=myId class="myClass1 myClass2"
#### Extension: `mmd_header_identifiers` ####
@ -3266,7 +3322,8 @@ variants are supported:
`markdown_phpextra` (PHP Markdown Extra)
: `footnotes`, `pipe_tables`, `raw_html`, `markdown_attribute`,
`fenced_code_blocks`, `definition_lists`, `intraword_underscores`,
`header_attributes`, `abbreviations`, `shortcut_reference_links`.
`header_attributes`, `common_link_attributes`, `abbreviations`,
`markdown_github` (GitHub-Flavored Markdown)
: `pipe_tables`, `raw_html`, `tex_math_single_backslash`,

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Name: pandoc
Version: 1.16
Cabal-Version: >= 1.10
Build-Type: Custom
License: GPL
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ Library
xml >= 1.3.12 && < 1.4,
random >= 1 && < 1.2,
extensible-exceptions >= 0.1 && < 0.2,
pandoc-types >= 1.12.4 && < 1.13,
pandoc-types >= 1.16 && < 1.17,
aeson >= 0.7 && < 0.11,
tagsoup >= 0.13.1 && < 0.14,
base64-bytestring >= 0.1 && < 1.1,
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ Library
Executable pandoc
Build-Depends: pandoc,
pandoc-types >= 1.12.4 && < 1.13,
pandoc-types >= 1.16 && < 1.17,
base >= 4.2 && <5,
directory >= 1 && < 1.3,
filepath >= 1.1 && < 1.5,
@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ Test-Suite test-pandoc
Build-Depends: base >= 4.2 && < 5,
syb >= 0.1 && < 0.7,
pandoc-types >= 1.12.4 && < 1.13,
pandoc-types >= 1.16 && < 1.17,
bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.11,
text >= 0.11 && < 1.3,
directory >= 1 && < 1.3,

View file

@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ data Opt = Opt
, optIgnoreArgs :: Bool -- ^ Ignore command-line arguments
, optVerbose :: Bool -- ^ Verbose diagnostic output
, optReferenceLinks :: Bool -- ^ Use reference links in writing markdown, rst
, optDpi :: Int -- ^ Dpi
, optWrapText :: Bool -- ^ Wrap text
, optColumns :: Int -- ^ Line length in characters
, optFilters :: [FilePath] -- ^ Filters to apply
@ -258,6 +259,7 @@ defaultOpts = Opt
, optIgnoreArgs = False
, optVerbose = False
, optReferenceLinks = False
, optDpi = 96
, optWrapText = True
, optColumns = 72
, optFilters = []
@ -454,6 +456,16 @@ options =
"" -- "Print default data file"
, Option "" ["dpi"]
(\arg opt ->
case safeRead arg of
Just t | t > 0 -> return opt { optDpi = t }
_ -> err 31
"dpi must be a number greater than 0")
"" -- "Dpi (default 96)"
, Option "" ["no-wrap"]
(\opt -> return opt { optWrapText = False }))
@ -1029,8 +1041,8 @@ extractMedia media dir d =
return $ walk (adjustImagePath dir fps) d
adjustImagePath :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> Inline -> Inline
adjustImagePath dir paths (Image lab (src, tit))
| src `elem` paths = Image lab (dir ++ "/" ++ src, tit)
adjustImagePath dir paths (Image attr lab (src, tit))
| src `elem` paths = Image attr lab (dir ++ "/" ++ src, tit)
adjustImagePath _ _ x = x
adjustMetadata :: M.Map String MetaValue -> Pandoc -> IO Pandoc
@ -1104,6 +1116,7 @@ main = do
, optIgnoreArgs = ignoreArgs
, optVerbose = verbose
, optReferenceLinks = referenceLinks
, optDpi = dpi
, optWrapText = wrap
, optColumns = columns
, optFilters = filters
@ -1327,6 +1340,7 @@ main = do
writerNumberOffset = numberFrom,
writerSectionDivs = sectionDivs,
writerReferenceLinks = referenceLinks,
writerDpi = dpi,
writerWrapText = wrap,
writerColumns = columns,
writerEmailObfuscation = obfuscationMethod,

View file

@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ writers = [
,("html" , PureStringWriter writeHtmlString)
,("html5" , PureStringWriter $ \o ->
writeHtmlString o{ writerHtml5 = True })
,("icml" , PureStringWriter writeICML)
,("icml" , IOStringWriter writeICML)
,("s5" , PureStringWriter $ \o ->
writeHtmlString o{ writerSlideVariant = S5Slides
, writerTableOfContents = False })

View file

@ -29,16 +29,36 @@ Portability : portable
Functions for determining the size of a PNG, JPEG, or GIF image.
module Text.Pandoc.ImageSize ( ImageType(..), imageType, imageSize,
sizeInPixels, sizeInPoints ) where
module Text.Pandoc.ImageSize ( ImageType(..)
, imageType
, imageSize
, sizeInPixels
, sizeInPoints
, desiredSizeInPoints
, Dimension(..)
, Direction(..)
, dimension
, inInch
, inPoints
, numUnit
, showInInch
, showInPixel
, showFl
) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, unpack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead, hush)
import Data.Default (Default)
import Numeric (showFFloat)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.Pandoc.Compat.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans
@ -48,6 +68,20 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-- algorithms borrowed from
data ImageType = Png | Gif | Jpeg | Pdf | Eps deriving Show
data Direction = Width | Height
instance Show Direction where
show Width = "width"
show Height = "height"
data Dimension = Pixel Integer
| Centimeter Double
| Inch Double
| Percent Double
instance Show Dimension where
show (Pixel a) = show a ++ "px"
show (Centimeter a) = showFl a ++ "cm"
show (Inch a) = showFl a ++ "in"
show (Percent a) = show a ++ "%"
data ImageSize = ImageSize{
pxX :: Integer
@ -55,7 +89,11 @@ data ImageSize = ImageSize{
, dpiX :: Integer
, dpiY :: Integer
} deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
instance Default ImageSize where
def = ImageSize 300 200 72 72
showFl :: (RealFloat a) => a -> String
showFl a = showFFloat (Just 5) a ""
imageType :: ByteString -> Maybe ImageType
imageType img = case B.take 4 img of
@ -87,8 +125,93 @@ defaultSize = (72, 72)
sizeInPixels :: ImageSize -> (Integer, Integer)
sizeInPixels s = (pxX s, pxY s)
sizeInPoints :: ImageSize -> (Integer, Integer)
sizeInPoints s = (pxX s * 72 `div` dpiX s, pxY s * 72 `div` dpiY s)
-- | Calculate (height, width) in points using the image file's dpi metadata,
-- using 72 Points == 1 Inch.
sizeInPoints :: ImageSize -> (Double, Double)
sizeInPoints s = (pxXf * 72 / dpiXf, pxYf * 72 / dpiYf)
pxXf = fromIntegral $ pxX s
pxYf = fromIntegral $ pxY s
dpiXf = fromIntegral $ dpiX s
dpiYf = fromIntegral $ dpiY s
-- | Calculate (height, width) in points, considering the desired dimensions in the
-- attribute, while falling back on the image file's dpi metadata if no dimensions
-- are specified in the attribute (or only dimensions in percentages).
desiredSizeInPoints :: WriterOptions -> Attr -> ImageSize -> (Double, Double)
desiredSizeInPoints opts attr s =
case (getDim Width, getDim Height) of
(Just w, Just h) -> (w, h)
(Just w, Nothing) -> (w, w / ratio)
(Nothing, Just h) -> (h * ratio, h)
(Nothing, Nothing) -> sizeInPoints s
ratio = fromIntegral (pxX s) / fromIntegral (pxY s)
getDim dir = case (dimension dir attr) of
Just (Percent _) -> Nothing
Just dim -> Just $ inPoints opts dim
Nothing -> Nothing
inPoints :: WriterOptions -> Dimension -> Double
inPoints opts dim = 72 * inInch opts dim
inInch :: WriterOptions -> Dimension -> Double
inInch opts dim =
case dim of
(Pixel a) -> fromIntegral a / (fromIntegral $ writerDpi opts)
(Centimeter a) -> a * 0.3937007874
(Inch a) -> a
(Percent _) -> 0
-- | Convert a Dimension to a String denoting its equivalent in inches, for example "2.00000".
-- Note: Dimensions in percentages are converted to the empty string.
showInInch :: WriterOptions -> Dimension -> String
showInInch _ (Percent _) = ""
showInInch opts dim = showFl $ inInch opts dim
-- | Convert a Dimension to a String denoting its equivalent in pixels, for example "600".
-- Note: Dimensions in percentages are converted to the empty string.
showInPixel :: WriterOptions -> Dimension -> String
showInPixel opts dim =
case dim of
(Pixel a) -> show a
(Centimeter a) -> show (floor $ dpi * a * 0.3937007874 :: Int)
(Inch a) -> show (floor $ dpi * a :: Int)
(Percent _) -> ""
dpi = fromIntegral $ writerDpi opts
-- | Maybe split a string into a leading number and trailing unit, e.g. "3cm" to Just (3.0, "cm")
numUnit :: String -> Maybe (Double, String)
numUnit s =
let (nums, unit) = span (\c -> isDigit c || ('.'==c)) s
in case readMaybe nums of
Just n -> Just (n, unit)
Nothing -> Nothing
-- | Read a Dimension from an Attr attribute.
-- `dimension Width attr` might return `Just (Pixel 3)` or for example `Just (Centimeter 2.0)`, etc.
dimension :: Direction -> Attr -> Maybe Dimension
dimension dir (_, _, kvs) =
case dir of
Width -> extractDim "width"
Height -> extractDim "height"
extractDim key =
case lookup key kvs of
Just str ->
case numUnit str of
Just (num, unit) -> toDim num unit
Nothing -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
toDim a "cm" = Just $ Centimeter a
toDim a "mm" = Just $ Centimeter (a / 10)
toDim a "in" = Just $ Inch a
toDim a "inch" = Just $ Inch a
toDim a "%" = Just $ Percent a
toDim a "px" = Just $ Pixel (floor a::Integer)
toDim a "" = Just $ Pixel (floor a::Integer)
toDim _ _ = Nothing
epsSize :: ByteString -> Maybe ImageSize
epsSize img = do
@ -278,15 +401,15 @@ exifHeader hdr = do
return (tag, payload)
entries <- sequence $ replicate (fromIntegral numentries) ifdEntry
subentries <- case lookup ExifOffset entries of
Just (UnsignedLong offset) -> do
Just (UnsignedLong offset') -> do
pos <- lift bytesRead
lift $ skip (fromIntegral offset - (fromIntegral pos - 8))
lift $ skip (fromIntegral offset' - (fromIntegral pos - 8))
numsubentries <- lift getWord16
sequence $
replicate (fromIntegral numsubentries) ifdEntry
_ -> return []
let allentries = entries ++ subentries
(width, height) <- case (lookup ExifImageWidth allentries,
(wdth, hght) <- case (lookup ExifImageWidth allentries,
lookup ExifImageHeight allentries) of
(Just (UnsignedLong w), Just (UnsignedLong h)) ->
return (fromIntegral w, fromIntegral h)
@ -301,8 +424,8 @@ exifHeader hdr = do
let yres = maybe 72 (\(UnsignedRational x) -> floor $ x * resfactor)
$ lookup YResolution allentries
return $ ImageSize{
pxX = width
, pxY = height
pxX = wdth
, pxY = hght
, dpiX = xres
, dpiY = yres }

View file

@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ data Extension =
| Ext_markdown_attribute -- ^ Interpret text inside HTML as markdown
-- iff container has attribute 'markdown'
| Ext_escaped_line_breaks -- ^ Treat a backslash at EOL as linebreak
| Ext_common_link_attributes -- ^ link and image attributes
| Ext_link_attributes -- ^ MMD style reference link attributes
| Ext_autolink_bare_uris -- ^ Make all absolute URIs into links
| Ext_fancy_lists -- ^ Enable fancy list numbers and delimiters
@ -155,6 +156,7 @@ pandocExtensions = Set.fromList
, Ext_subscript
, Ext_auto_identifiers
, Ext_header_attributes
, Ext_common_link_attributes
, Ext_implicit_header_references
, Ext_line_blocks
, Ext_shortcut_reference_links
@ -188,6 +190,7 @@ phpMarkdownExtraExtensions = Set.fromList
, Ext_definition_lists
, Ext_intraword_underscores
, Ext_header_attributes
, Ext_common_link_attributes
, Ext_abbreviations
, Ext_shortcut_reference_links
@ -335,6 +338,7 @@ data WriterOptions = WriterOptions
, writerSectionDivs :: Bool -- ^ Put sections in div tags in HTML
, writerExtensions :: Set Extension -- ^ Markdown extensions that can be used
, writerReferenceLinks :: Bool -- ^ Use reference links in writing markdown, rst
, writerDpi :: Int -- ^ Dpi for pixel to/from inch/cm conversions
, writerWrapText :: Bool -- ^ Wrap text to line length
, writerColumns :: Int -- ^ Characters in a line (for text wrapping)
, writerEmailObfuscation :: ObfuscationMethod -- ^ How to obfuscate emails
@ -381,6 +385,7 @@ instance Default WriterOptions where
, writerSectionDivs = False
, writerExtensions = pandocExtensions
, writerReferenceLinks = False
, writerDpi = 96
, writerWrapText = True
, writerColumns = 72
, writerEmailObfuscation = JavascriptObfuscation

View file

@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ handleImage' :: WriterOptions
-> FilePath
-> Inline
-> IO Inline
handleImage' opts tmpdir (Image ils (src,tit)) = do
handleImage' opts tmpdir (Image attr ils (src,tit)) = do
exists <- doesFileExist src
if exists
then return $ Image ils (src,tit)
then return $ Image attr ils (src,tit)
else do
res <- fetchItem' (writerMediaBag opts) (writerSourceURL opts) src
case res of
@ -99,20 +99,20 @@ handleImage' opts tmpdir (Image ils (src,tit)) = do
let basename = showDigest $ sha1 $ BL.fromChunks [contents]
let fname = tmpdir </> basename <.> ext
BS.writeFile fname contents
return $ Image ils (fname,tit)
return $ Image attr ils (fname,tit)
_ -> do
warn $ "Could not find image `" ++ src ++ "', skipping..."
return $ Image ils (src,tit)
return $ Image attr ils (src,tit)
handleImage' _ _ x = return x
convertImages :: FilePath -> Inline -> IO Inline
convertImages tmpdir (Image ils (src, tit)) = do
convertImages tmpdir (Image attr ils (src, tit)) = do
img <- convertImage tmpdir src
newPath <-
case img of
Left e -> src <$ warn e
Right fp -> return fp
return (Image ils (newPath, tit))
return (Image attr ils (newPath, tit))
convertImages _ x = return x
-- Convert formats which do not work well in pdf to png

View file

@ -164,7 +164,8 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Parsing ( anyLine,
@ -1066,7 +1067,7 @@ toKey = Key . map toLower . unwords . words . unbracket
where unbracket ('[':xs) | "]" `isSuffixOf` xs = take (length xs - 1) xs
unbracket xs = xs
type KeyTable = M.Map Key Target
type KeyTable = M.Map Key (Target, Attr)
type SubstTable = M.Map Key Inlines
@ -1264,3 +1265,14 @@ addWarning mbpos msg =
infixr 5 <+?>
(<+?>) :: (Monoid a, Monad m) => ParserT s st m a -> ParserT s st m a -> ParserT s st m a
a <+?> b = a >>= flip fmap (try b <|> return mempty) . (<>)
extractIdClass :: Attr -> Attr
extractIdClass (ident, cls, kvs) = (ident', cls', kvs')
ident' = case (lookup "id" kvs) of
Just v -> v
Nothing -> ident
cls' = case (lookup "class" kvs) of
Just cl -> words cl
Nothing -> cls
kvs' = filter (\(k,_) -> k /= "id" || k /= "class") kvs

View file

@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ infixr 5 $$
else x <> cr <> y
infixr 5 $+$
-- | @a $$ b@ puts @a@ above @b@, with a blank line between.
-- | @a $+$ b@ puts @a@ above @b@, with a blank line between.
($+$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
($+$) x y = if isEmpty x
then y

View file

@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ addInline (Node _ EMPH nodes) =
addInline (Node _ STRONG nodes) =
(Strong (addInlines nodes) :)
addInline (Node _ (LINK url title) nodes) =
(Link (addInlines nodes) (unpack url, unpack title) :)
(Link nullAttr (addInlines nodes) (unpack url, unpack title) :)
addInline (Node _ (IMAGE url title) nodes) =
(Image (addInlines nodes) (unpack url, unpack title) :)
(Image nullAttr (addInlines nodes) (unpack url, unpack title) :)
addInline _ = id

View file

@ -635,11 +635,20 @@ addToStart toadd bs =
-- A DocBook mediaobject is a wrapper around a set of alternative presentations
getMediaobject :: Element -> DB Inlines
getMediaobject e = do
imageUrl <- case filterChild (named "imageobject") e of
Nothing -> return mempty
(imageUrl, attr) <-
case filterChild (named "imageobject") e of
Nothing -> return (mempty, nullAttr)
Just z -> case filterChild (named "imagedata") z of
Nothing -> return mempty
Just i -> return $ attrValue "fileref" i
Nothing -> return (mempty, nullAttr)
Just i -> let atVal a = attrValue a i
w = case atVal "width" of
"" -> []
d -> [("width", d)]
h = case atVal "depth" of
"" -> []
d -> [("height", d)]
atr = (atVal "id", words $ atVal "role", w ++ h)
in return (atVal "fileref", atr)
let getCaption el = case filterChild (\x -> named "caption" x
|| named "textobject" x
|| named "alt" x) el of
@ -649,7 +658,7 @@ getMediaobject e = do
let (caption, title) = if isNull figTitle
then (getCaption e, "")
else (return figTitle, "fig:")
liftM (image imageUrl title) caption
liftM (imageWith attr imageUrl title) caption
getBlocks :: Element -> DB Blocks
getBlocks e = mconcat <$> (mapM parseBlock $ elContent e)
@ -968,7 +977,8 @@ parseInline (Elem e) =
Just h -> h
_ -> ('#' : attrValue "linkend" e)
let ils' = if ils == mempty then str href else ils
return $ link href "" ils'
let attr = (attrValue "id" e, words $ attrValue "role" e, [])
return $ linkWith attr href "" ils'
"foreignphrase" -> emph <$> innerInlines
"emphasis" -> case attrValue "role" e of
"bold" -> strong <$> innerInlines

View file

@ -539,10 +539,10 @@ bodyPartToBlocks (OMathPara e) = do
-- replace targets with generated anchors.
rewriteLink' :: Inline -> DocxContext Inline
rewriteLink' l@(Link ils ('#':target, title)) = do
rewriteLink' l@(Link attr ils ('#':target, title)) = do
anchorMap <- gets docxAnchorMap
return $ case M.lookup target anchorMap of
Just newTarget -> (Link ils ('#':newTarget, title))
Just newTarget -> (Link attr ils ('#':newTarget, title))
Nothing -> l
rewriteLink' il = return il

View file

@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ fetchImages mimes root arc (query iq -> links) =
<$> findEntryByPath abslink arc
iq :: Inline -> [FilePath]
iq (Image _ (url, _)) = [url]
iq (Image _ _ (url, _)) = [url]
iq _ = []
-- Remove relative paths
renameImages :: FilePath -> Inline -> Inline
renameImages root (Image a (url, b)) = Image a (collapseFilePath (root </> url), b)
renameImages root (Image attr a (url, b)) = Image attr a (collapseFilePath (root </> url), b)
renameImages _ x = x
imageToPandoc :: FilePath -> Pandoc
@ -190,14 +190,14 @@ fixInlineIRs s (Span as v) =
Span (fixAttrs s as) v
fixInlineIRs s (Code as code) =
Code (fixAttrs s as) code
fixInlineIRs s (Link t ('#':url, tit)) =
Link t (addHash s url, tit)
fixInlineIRs s (Link attr t ('#':url, tit)) =
Link attr t (addHash s url, tit)
fixInlineIRs _ v = v
prependHash :: [String] -> Inline -> Inline
prependHash ps l@(Link is (url, tit))
prependHash ps l@(Link attr is (url, tit))
| or [s `isPrefixOf` url | s <- ps] =
Link is ('#':url, tit)
Link attr is ('#':url, tit)
| otherwise = l
prependHash _ i = i

View file

@ -601,16 +601,8 @@ pLineBreak = do
return B.linebreak
pLink :: TagParser Inlines
pLink = pRelLink <|> pAnchor
pAnchor :: TagParser Inlines
pAnchor = try $ do
tag <- pSatisfy (tagOpenLit "a" (isJust . lookup "id"))
return $ B.spanWith (fromAttrib "id" tag , [], []) mempty
pRelLink :: TagParser Inlines
pRelLink = try $ do
tag <- pSatisfy (tagOpenLit "a" (isJust . lookup "href"))
pLink = try $ do
tag <- pSatisfy $ tagOpenLit "a" (const True)
mbBaseHref <- baseHref <$> getState
let url' = fromAttrib "href" tag
let url = case (isURI url', mbBaseHref) of
@ -618,11 +610,9 @@ pRelLink = try $ do
_ -> url'
let title = fromAttrib "title" tag
let uid = fromAttrib "id" tag
let spanC = case uid of
[] -> id
s -> B.spanWith (s, [], [])
let cls = words $ fromAttrib "class" tag
lab <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> manyTill inline (pCloses "a")
return $ spanC $ (escapeURI url) title lab
return $ B.linkWith (uid, cls, []) (escapeURI url) title lab
pImage :: TagParser Inlines
pImage = do
@ -634,7 +624,13 @@ pImage = do
_ -> url'
let title = fromAttrib "title" tag
let alt = fromAttrib "alt" tag
return $ B.image (escapeURI url) title (B.text alt)
let uid = fromAttrib "id" tag
let cls = words $ fromAttrib "class" tag
let getAtt k = case fromAttrib k tag of
"" -> []
v -> [(k, v)]
let kvs = concat $ map getAtt ["width", "height", "sizes", "srcset"]
return $ B.imageWith (uid, cls, kvs) (escapeURI url) title (B.text alt)
pCode :: TagParser Inlines
pCode = try $ do

View file

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (fromListingsLanguage)
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize (numUnit, showFl)
import Text.Pandoc.Error
-- | Parse LaTeX from string and return 'Pandoc' document.
@ -398,7 +399,8 @@ inlineCommand = try $ do
star <- option "" (string "*")
let name' = name ++ star
let raw = do
rawcommand <- getRawCommand name'
rawargs <- withRaw (skipopts *> option "" dimenarg *> many braced)
let rawcommand = '\\' : name ++ star ++ snd rawargs
transformed <- applyMacros' rawcommand
if transformed /= rawcommand
then parseFromString inlines transformed
@ -528,7 +530,9 @@ inlineCommands = M.fromList $
, ("href", (unescapeURL <$> braced <* optional sp) >>= \url ->
tok >>= \lab ->
pure (link url "" lab))
, ("includegraphics", skipopts *> (unescapeURL <$> braced) >>= mkImage)
, ("includegraphics", do options <- option [] keyvals
src <- unescapeURL <$> braced
mkImage options src)
, ("enquote", enquote)
, ("cite", citation "cite" AuthorInText False)
, ("Cite", citation "cite" AuthorInText False)
@ -590,14 +594,19 @@ inlineCommands = M.fromList $
-- in which case they will appear as raw latex blocks:
[ "index" ]
mkImage :: String -> LP Inlines
mkImage src = do
mkImage :: [(String, String)] -> String -> LP Inlines
mkImage options src = do
let replaceTextwidth (k,v) = case numUnit v of
Just (num, "\\textwidth") -> (k, showFl (num * 100) ++ "%")
_ -> (k, v)
let kvs = map replaceTextwidth $ filter (\(k,_) -> k `elem` ["width", "height"]) options
let attr = ("",[], kvs)
let alt = str "image"
case takeExtension src of
"" -> do
defaultExt <- getOption readerDefaultImageExtension
return $ image (addExtension src defaultExt) "" alt
_ -> return $ image src "" alt
return $ imageWith attr (addExtension src defaultExt) "" alt
_ -> return $ imageWith attr src "" alt
inNote :: Inlines -> Inlines
inNote ils =
@ -978,7 +987,7 @@ readFileFromDirs (d:ds) f =
keyval :: LP (String, String)
keyval = try $ do
key <- many1 alphaNum
val <- option "" $ char '=' >> many1 alphaNum
val <- option "" $ char '=' >> many1 (alphaNum <|> char '.' <|> char '\\')
skipMany spaceChar
optional (char ',')
skipMany spaceChar
@ -1005,11 +1014,11 @@ rawLaTeXInline = do
addImageCaption :: Blocks -> LP Blocks
addImageCaption = walkM go
where go (Image alt (src,tit)) = do
where go (Image attr alt (src,tit)) = do
mbcapt <- stateCaption <$> getState
return $ case mbcapt of
Just ils -> Image (toList ils) (src, "fig:")
Nothing -> Image alt (src,tit)
Just ils -> Image attr (toList ils) (src, "fig:")
Nothing -> Image attr alt (src,tit)
go x = return x
addTableCaption :: Blocks -> LP Blocks

View file

@ -368,23 +368,26 @@ referenceKey = try $ do
let sourceURL = liftM unwords $ many $ try $ do
skipMany spaceChar
notFollowedBy' referenceTitle
notFollowedBy' $ guardEnabled Ext_common_link_attributes >> attributes
notFollowedBy' (() <$ reference)
many1 $ notFollowedBy space >> litChar
let betweenAngles = try $ char '<' >> manyTill litChar (char '>')
src <- try betweenAngles <|> sourceURL
tit <- option "" referenceTitle
-- currently we just ignore MMD-style link/image attributes
_kvs <- option [] $ guardEnabled Ext_link_attributes
attr <- option nullAttr $ try $
guardEnabled Ext_common_link_attributes >> skipSpaces >> attributes
addKvs <- option [] $ guardEnabled Ext_link_attributes
>> many (try $ spnl >> keyValAttr)
let target = (escapeURI $ trimr src, tit)
let attr' = extractIdClass $ foldl (\x f -> f x) attr addKvs
target = (escapeURI $ trimr src, tit)
st <- getState
let oldkeys = stateKeys st
let key = toKey raw
case M.lookup key oldkeys of
Just _ -> addWarning (Just pos) $ "Duplicate link reference `" ++ raw ++ "'"
Nothing -> return ()
updateState $ \s -> s { stateKeys = M.insert key target oldkeys }
updateState $ \s -> s { stateKeys = M.insert key (target, attr') oldkeys }
return $ return mempty
referenceTitle :: MarkdownParser String
@ -517,9 +520,9 @@ atxHeader = try $ do
(text, raw) <- withRaw $
trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many (notFollowedBy atxClosing >> inline)
attr <- atxClosing
attr'@(ident,_,_) <- registerHeader attr (runF text defaultParserState)
attr' <- registerHeader attr (runF text defaultParserState)
guardDisabled Ext_implicit_header_references
<|> registerImplicitHeader raw ident
<|> registerImplicitHeader raw attr'
return $ B.headerWith attr' level <$> text
atxClosing :: MarkdownParser Attr
@ -560,16 +563,16 @@ setextHeader = try $ do
many (char underlineChar)
let level = (fromMaybe 0 $ findIndex (== underlineChar) setextHChars) + 1
attr'@(ident,_,_) <- registerHeader attr (runF text defaultParserState)
attr' <- registerHeader attr (runF text defaultParserState)
guardDisabled Ext_implicit_header_references
<|> registerImplicitHeader raw ident
<|> registerImplicitHeader raw attr'
return $ B.headerWith attr' level <$> text
registerImplicitHeader :: String -> String -> MarkdownParser ()
registerImplicitHeader raw ident = do
registerImplicitHeader :: String -> Attr -> MarkdownParser ()
registerImplicitHeader raw attr@(ident, _, _) = do
let key = toKey $ "[" ++ raw ++ "]"
updateState (\s -> s { stateHeaderKeys =
M.insert key ('#':ident,"") (stateHeaderKeys s) })
M.insert key (('#':ident,""), attr) (stateHeaderKeys s) })
-- hrule block
@ -980,11 +983,11 @@ para = try $ do
return $ do
result' <- result
case B.toList result' of
[Image alt (src,tit)]
[Image attr alt (src,tit)]
| Ext_implicit_figures `Set.member` exts ->
-- the fig: at beginning of title indicates a figure
return $ B.para $ B.singleton
$ Image alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)
$ Image attr alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)
_ -> return $ B.para result'
plain :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
@ -1719,16 +1722,18 @@ link = try $ do
setState $ st{ stateAllowLinks = False }
(lab,raw) <- reference
setState $ st{ stateAllowLinks = True }
regLink lab <|> referenceLink (lab,raw)
regLink B.linkWith lab <|> referenceLink B.linkWith (lab,raw)
regLink :: (String -> String -> Inlines -> Inlines)
regLink :: (Attr -> String -> String -> Inlines -> Inlines)
-> F Inlines -> MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
regLink constructor lab = try $ do
(src, tit) <- source
return $ constructor src tit <$> lab
attr <- option nullAttr $
guardEnabled Ext_common_link_attributes >> attributes
return $ constructor attr src tit <$> lab
-- a link like [this][ref] or [this][] or [this]
referenceLink :: (String -> String -> Inlines -> Inlines)
referenceLink :: (Attr -> String -> String -> Inlines -> Inlines)
-> (F Inlines, String) -> MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
referenceLink constructor (lab, raw) = do
sp <- (True <$ lookAhead (char ' ')) <|> return False
@ -1757,10 +1762,10 @@ referenceLink constructor (lab, raw) = do
then do
headerKeys <- asksF stateHeaderKeys
case M.lookup key headerKeys of
Just (src, tit) -> constructor src tit <$> lab
Just ((src, tit), _) -> constructor nullAttr src tit <$> lab
Nothing -> makeFallback
else makeFallback
Just (src,tit) -> constructor src tit <$> lab
Just ((src,tit), attr) -> constructor attr src tit <$> lab
dropBrackets :: String -> String
dropBrackets = reverse . dropRB . reverse . dropLB
@ -1794,9 +1799,9 @@ image = try $ do
char '!'
(lab,raw) <- reference
defaultExt <- getOption readerDefaultImageExtension
let constructor src = case takeExtension src of
"" -> B.image (addExtension src defaultExt)
_ -> B.image src
let constructor attr' src = case takeExtension src of
"" -> B.imageWith attr' (addExtension src defaultExt)
_ -> B.imageWith attr' src
regLink constructor lab <|> referenceLink constructor (lab,raw)
note :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
@ -1947,7 +1952,7 @@ textualCite = try $ do
spc | null spaces' = mempty
| otherwise =
lab <- parseFromString (mconcat <$> many inline) $ dropBrackets raw'
fallback <- referenceLink (lab,raw')
fallback <- referenceLink B.linkWith (lab,raw')
return $ do
fallback' <- fallback
cs' <- cs

View file

@ -576,20 +576,28 @@ image = try $ do
sym "[["
choice imageIdentifiers
fname <- many1 (noneOf "|]")
_ <- many (try $ char '|' *> imageOption)
_ <- many imageOption
dims <- try (char '|' *> (sepBy (many digit) (char 'x')) <* string "px")
<|> return []
_ <- many imageOption
let kvs = case dims of
w:[] -> [("width", w)]
w:(h:[]) -> [("width", w), ("height", h)]
_ -> []
let attr = ("", [], kvs)
caption <- (B.str fname <$ sym "]]")
<|> try (char '|' *> (mconcat <$> manyTill inline (sym "]]")))
return $ B.image fname ("fig:" ++ stringify caption) caption
return $ B.imageWith attr fname ("fig:" ++ stringify caption) caption
imageOption :: MWParser String
imageOption =
try (oneOfStrings [ "border", "thumbnail", "frameless"
imageOption = try $ char '|' *> opt
opt = try (oneOfStrings [ "border", "thumbnail", "frameless"
, "thumb", "upright", "left", "right"
, "center", "none", "baseline", "sub"
, "super", "top", "text-top", "middle"
, "bottom", "text-bottom" ])
<|> try (string "frame")
<|> try (many1 (oneOf "x0123456789") <* string "px")
<|> try (oneOfStrings ["link=","alt=","page=","class="] <* many (noneOf "|]"))
collapseUnderscores :: String -> String

View file

@ -812,9 +812,9 @@ substKey = try $ do
res <- B.toList <$> directive'
il <- case res of
-- use alt unless :alt: attribute on image:
[Para [Image [Str "image"] (src,tit)]] ->
[Para [Image _ [Str "image"] (src,tit)]] ->
return $ B.image src tit alt
[Para [Link [Image [Str "image"] (src,tit)] (src',tit')]] ->
[Para [Link _ [Image _ [Str "image"] (src,tit)] (src',tit')]] ->
return $ src' tit' (B.image src tit alt)
[Para ils] -> return $ B.fromList ils
_ -> mzero
@ -827,7 +827,8 @@ anonymousKey = try $ do
src <- targetURI
pos <- getPosition
let key = toKey $ "_" ++ printf "%09d" (sourceLine pos)
updateState $ \s -> s { stateKeys = M.insert key (src,"") $ stateKeys s }
--TODO: parse width, height, class and name attributes
updateState $ \s -> s { stateKeys = M.insert key ((src,""), nullAttr) $ stateKeys s }
stripTicks :: String -> String
stripTicks = reverse . stripTick . reverse . stripTick
@ -841,7 +842,8 @@ regularKey = try $ do
char ':'
src <- targetURI
let key = toKey $ stripTicks ref
updateState $ \s -> s { stateKeys = M.insert key (src,"") $ stateKeys s }
--TODO: parse width, height, class and name attributes
updateState $ \s -> s { stateKeys = M.insert key ((src,""), nullAttr) $ stateKeys s }
-- tables
@ -1131,12 +1133,12 @@ referenceLink = try $ do
if null anonKeys
then mzero
else return (head anonKeys)
(src,tit) <- case M.lookup key keyTable of
((src,tit), attr) <- case M.lookup key keyTable of
Nothing -> fail "no corresponding key"
Just target -> return target
Just val -> return val
-- if anonymous link, remove key so it won't be used again
when (isAnonKey key) $ updateState $ \s -> s{ stateKeys = M.delete key keyTable }
return $ src tit label'
return $ B.linkWith attr src tit label'
autoURI :: RSTParser Inlines
autoURI = do

View file

@ -523,10 +523,10 @@ normalizeInlines (Note bs : ys) = Note (normalizeBlocks bs) :
normalizeInlines ys
normalizeInlines (Quoted qt ils : ys) =
Quoted qt (normalizeInlines ils) : normalizeInlines ys
normalizeInlines (Link ils t : ys) =
Link (normalizeInlines ils) t : normalizeInlines ys
normalizeInlines (Image ils t : ys) =
Image (normalizeInlines ils) t : normalizeInlines ys
normalizeInlines (Link attr ils t : ys) =
Link attr (normalizeInlines ils) t : normalizeInlines ys
normalizeInlines (Image attr ils t : ys) =
Image attr (normalizeInlines ils) t : normalizeInlines ys
normalizeInlines (Cite cs ils : ys) =
Cite cs (normalizeInlines ils) : normalizeInlines ys
normalizeInlines (x : xs) = x : normalizeInlines xs

View file

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding (blankline, space)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List ( stripPrefix, intersperse, intercalate )
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Aeson (Value(String), fromJSON, toJSON, Result(..))
@ -126,8 +127,8 @@ blockToAsciiDoc _ Null = return empty
blockToAsciiDoc opts (Plain inlines) = do
contents <- inlineListToAsciiDoc opts inlines
return $ contents <> blankline
blockToAsciiDoc opts (Para [Image alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
blockToAsciiDoc opts (Para [Image alt (src,tit)])
blockToAsciiDoc opts (Para [Image attr alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
blockToAsciiDoc opts (Para [Image attr alt (src,tit)])
blockToAsciiDoc opts (Para inlines) = do
contents <- inlineListToAsciiDoc opts inlines
-- escape if para starts with ordered list marker
@ -392,7 +393,7 @@ inlineToAsciiDoc _ (RawInline f s)
inlineToAsciiDoc _ (LineBreak) = return $ " +" <> cr
inlineToAsciiDoc _ Space = return space
inlineToAsciiDoc opts (Cite _ lst) = inlineListToAsciiDoc opts lst
inlineToAsciiDoc opts (Link txt (src, _tit)) = do
inlineToAsciiDoc opts (Link _ txt (src, _tit)) = do
-- relative: link:downloads/[download]
-- abs: http://google.cod[Google]
-- or[email john]
@ -408,7 +409,7 @@ inlineToAsciiDoc opts (Link txt (src, _tit)) = do
return $ if useAuto
then text srcSuffix
else prefix <> text src <> "[" <> linktext <> "]"
inlineToAsciiDoc opts (Image alternate (src, tit)) = do
inlineToAsciiDoc opts (Image attr alternate (src, tit)) = do
-- image:images/logo.png[Company logo, title="blah"]
let txt = if (null alternate) || (alternate == [Str ""])
then [Str "image"]
@ -416,8 +417,19 @@ inlineToAsciiDoc opts (Image alternate (src, tit)) = do
linktext <- inlineListToAsciiDoc opts txt
let linktitle = if null tit
then empty
else text $ ",title=\"" ++ tit ++ "\""
return $ "image:" <> text src <> "[" <> linktext <> linktitle <> "]"
else ",title=\"" <> text tit <> "\""
showDim dir = case (dimension dir attr) of
Just (Percent a) ->
["scaledwidth=" <> text (show (Percent a))]
Just dim ->
[text (show dir) <> "=" <> text (showInPixel opts dim)]
Nothing ->
dimList = showDim Width ++ showDim Height
dims = if null dimList
then empty
else "," <> cat (intersperse "," dimList)
return $ "image:" <> text src <> "[" <> linktext <> linktitle <> dims <> "]"
inlineToAsciiDoc opts (Note [Para inlines]) =
inlineToAsciiDoc opts (Note [Plain inlines])
inlineToAsciiDoc opts (Note [Plain inlines]) = do

View file

@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ inlineToNodes (SmallCaps xs) =
((node (INLINE_HTML (T.pack "<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">")) []
: inlinesToNodes xs ++
[node (INLINE_HTML (T.pack "</span>")) []]) ++ )
inlineToNodes (Link ils (url,tit)) =
inlineToNodes (Link _ ils (url,tit)) =
(node (LINK (T.pack url) (T.pack tit)) (inlinesToNodes ils) :)
inlineToNodes (Image ils (url,tit)) =
inlineToNodes (Image _ ils (url,tit)) =
(node (IMAGE (T.pack url) (T.pack tit)) (inlinesToNodes ils) :)
inlineToNodes (RawInline fmt xs)
| fmt == Format "html" = (node (INLINE_HTML (T.pack xs)) [] :)

View file

@ -35,10 +35,11 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (query)
import Text.Printf ( printf )
import Data.List ( intercalate )
import Data.List ( intercalate, intersperse )
import Data.Char ( ord )
import Control.Monad.State
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Templates ( renderTemplate' )
import Network.URI ( isURI, unEscapeString )
@ -141,10 +142,14 @@ blockToConTeXt :: Block
blockToConTeXt Null = return empty
blockToConTeXt (Plain lst) = inlineListToConTeXt lst
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToConTeXt (Para [Image txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':_)]) = do
blockToConTeXt (Para [Image attr txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':_)]) = do
capt <- inlineListToConTeXt txt
return $ blankline $$ "\\placefigure" <> braces capt <>
braces ("\\externalfigure" <> brackets (text src)) <> blankline
img <- inlineToConTeXt (Image attr txt (src, ""))
let (ident, _, _) = attr
label = if null ident
then empty
else "[]" <> brackets (text $ toLabel ident)
return $ blankline $$ "\\placefigure" <> label <> braces capt <> img <> blankline
blockToConTeXt (Para lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToConTeXt lst
return $ contents <> blankline
@ -312,7 +317,7 @@ inlineToConTeXt (RawInline _ _) = return empty
inlineToConTeXt (LineBreak) = return $ text "\\crlf" <> cr
inlineToConTeXt Space = return space
-- Handle HTML-like internal document references to sections
inlineToConTeXt (Link txt (('#' : ref), _)) = do
inlineToConTeXt (Link _ txt (('#' : ref), _)) = do
opts <- gets stOptions
contents <- inlineListToConTeXt txt
let ref' = toLabel $ stringToConTeXt opts ref
@ -320,7 +325,7 @@ inlineToConTeXt (Link txt (('#' : ref), _)) = do
<> braces contents
<> brackets (text ref')
inlineToConTeXt (Link txt (src, _)) = do
inlineToConTeXt (Link _ txt (src, _)) = do
let isAutolink = txt == [Str (unEscapeString src)]
st <- get
let next = stNextRef st
@ -335,11 +340,29 @@ inlineToConTeXt (Link txt (src, _)) = do
else brackets empty <> brackets contents)
<> "\\from"
<> brackets (text ref)
inlineToConTeXt (Image _ (src, _)) = do
let src' = if isURI src
inlineToConTeXt (Image attr@(_,cls,_) _ (src, _)) = do
opts <- gets stOptions
let showDim dir = let d = text (show dir) <> "="
in case (dimension dir attr) of
Just (Pixel a) ->
[d <> text (showInInch opts (Pixel a)) <> "in"]
Just (Percent a) ->
[d <> text (showFl (a / 100)) <> "\\textwidth"]
Just dim ->
[d <> text (show dim)]
Nothing ->
dimList = showDim Width ++ showDim Height
dims = if null dimList
then empty
else brackets $ cat (intersperse "," dimList)
clas = if null cls
then empty
else brackets $ text $ toLabel $ head cls
src' = if isURI src
then src
else unEscapeString src
return $ braces $ "\\externalfigure" <> brackets (text src')
return $ braces $ "\\externalfigure" <> brackets (text src') <> dims <> clas
inlineToConTeXt (Note contents) = do
contents' <- blockListToConTeXt contents
let codeBlock x@(CodeBlock _ _) = [x]

View file

@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ blockToCustom _ Null = return ""
blockToCustom lua (Plain inlines) = callfunc lua "Plain" inlines
blockToCustom lua (Para [Image txt (src,tit)]) =
blockToCustom lua (Para [Image _ txt (src,tit)]) =
callfunc lua "CaptionedImage" src tit txt
blockToCustom lua (Para inlines) = callfunc lua "Para" inlines
@ -308,10 +308,10 @@ inlineToCustom lua (RawInline format str) =
inlineToCustom lua (LineBreak) = callfunc lua "LineBreak"
inlineToCustom lua (Link txt (src,tit)) =
inlineToCustom lua (Link _ txt (src,tit)) =
callfunc lua "Link" txt src tit
inlineToCustom lua (Image alt (src,tit)) =
inlineToCustom lua (Image _ alt (src,tit)) =
callfunc lua "Image" alt src tit
inlineToCustom lua (Note contents) = callfunc lua "Note" contents

View file

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import Data.Char ( toLower )
import Data.Monoid ( Any(..) )
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting ( languages, languagesByExtension )
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
import Text.TeXMath
import qualified Text.XML.Light as Xml
@ -150,6 +151,15 @@ listItemToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> Doc
listItemToDocbook opts item =
inTagsIndented "listitem" $ blocksToDocbook opts $ map plainToPara item
imageToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> Attr -> String -> Doc
imageToDocbook _ attr src = selfClosingTag "imagedata" $
("fileref", src) : idAndRole attr ++ dims
dims = go Width "width" ++ go Height "depth"
go dir dstr = case (dimension dir attr) of
Just a -> [(dstr, show a)]
Nothing -> []
-- | Convert a Pandoc block element to Docbook.
blockToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> Block -> Doc
blockToDocbook _ Null = empty
@ -165,7 +175,7 @@ blockToDocbook opts (Div _ bs) = blocksToDocbook opts $ map plainToPara bs
blockToDocbook _ (Header _ _ _) = empty -- should not occur after hierarchicalize
blockToDocbook opts (Plain lst) = inlinesToDocbook opts lst
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToDocbook opts (Para [Image txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':_)]) =
blockToDocbook opts (Para [Image attr txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':_)]) =
let alt = inlinesToDocbook opts txt
capt = if null txt
then empty
@ -174,7 +184,7 @@ blockToDocbook opts (Para [Image txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':_)]) =
capt $$
(inTagsIndented "mediaobject" $
(inTagsIndented "imageobject"
(selfClosingTag "imagedata" [("fileref",src)])) $$
(imageToDocbook opts attr src)) $$
inTagsSimple "textobject" (inTagsSimple "phrase" alt))
blockToDocbook opts (Para lst)
| hasLineBreaks lst = flush $ nowrap $ inTagsSimple "literallayout" $ inlinesToDocbook opts lst
@ -321,7 +331,7 @@ inlineToDocbook _ (RawInline f x) | f == "html" || f == "docbook" = text x
| otherwise = empty
inlineToDocbook _ LineBreak = text "\n"
inlineToDocbook _ Space = space
inlineToDocbook opts (Link txt (src, _))
inlineToDocbook opts (Link attr txt (src, _))
| Just email <- stripPrefix "mailto:" src =
let emailLink = inTagsSimple "email" $ text $
escapeStringForXML $ email
@ -331,19 +341,30 @@ inlineToDocbook opts (Link txt (src, _))
char '(' <> emailLink <> char ')'
| otherwise =
(if isPrefixOf "#" src
then inTags False "link" [("linkend", drop 1 src)]
else inTags False "ulink" [("url", src)]) $
then inTags False "link" $ ("linkend", drop 1 src) : idAndRole attr
else inTags False "ulink" $ ("url", src) : idAndRole attr ) $
inlinesToDocbook opts txt
inlineToDocbook _ (Image _ (src, tit)) =
inlineToDocbook opts (Image attr _ (src, tit)) =
let titleDoc = if null tit
then empty
else inTagsIndented "objectinfo" $
inTagsIndented "title" (text $ escapeStringForXML tit)
in inTagsIndented "inlinemediaobject" $ inTagsIndented "imageobject" $
titleDoc $$ selfClosingTag "imagedata" [("fileref", src)]
titleDoc $$ imageToDocbook opts attr src
inlineToDocbook opts (Note contents) =
inTagsIndented "footnote" $ blocksToDocbook opts contents
isMathML :: HTMLMathMethod -> Bool
isMathML (MathML _) = True
isMathML _ = False
idAndRole :: Attr -> [(String, String)]
idAndRole (id',cls,_) = ident ++ role
ident = if null id'
then []
else [("id", id')]
role = if null cls
then []
else [("role", unwords cls)]

View file

@ -536,7 +536,6 @@ styleToOpenXml sm style =
, mknode "w:link" [("w:val","VerbatimChar")] ()
, mknode "w:pPr" []
$ mknode "w:wordWrap" [("w:val","off")] ()
: mknode "w:noProof" [] ()
: ( maybe [] (\col -> [mknode "w:shd" [("w:val","clear"),("w:fill",drop 1 $ fromColor col)] ()])
$ backgroundColor style )
@ -752,7 +751,7 @@ blockToOpenXML opts (Header lev (ident,_,_) lst) = do
blockToOpenXML opts (Plain lst) = withParaProp (pCustomStyle "Compact")
$ blockToOpenXML opts (Para lst)
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToOpenXML opts (Para [Image alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
blockToOpenXML opts (Para [Image attr alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
pushParaProp $ pCustomStyle $
if null alt
@ -760,7 +759,7 @@ blockToOpenXML opts (Para [Image alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
else "FigureWithCaption"
paraProps <- getParaProps False
contents <- inlinesToOpenXML opts [Image alt (src,tit)]
contents <- inlinesToOpenXML opts [Image attr alt (src,tit)]
captionNode <- withParaProp (pCustomStyle "ImageCaption")
$ blockToOpenXML opts (Para alt)
return $ mknode "w:p" [] (paraProps ++ contents) : captionNode
@ -1087,11 +1086,11 @@ inlineToOpenXML opts (Note bs) = do
[ mknode "w:rPr" [] footnoteStyle
, mknode "w:footnoteReference" [("w:id", notenum)] () ] ]
-- internal link:
inlineToOpenXML opts (Link txt ('#':xs,_)) = do
inlineToOpenXML opts (Link _ txt ('#':xs,_)) = do
contents <- withTextPropM (rStyleM "Hyperlink") $ inlinesToOpenXML opts txt
return [ mknode "w:hyperlink" [("w:anchor",xs)] contents ]
-- external link:
inlineToOpenXML opts (Link txt (src,_)) = do
inlineToOpenXML opts (Link _ txt (src,_)) = do
contents <- withTextPropM (rStyleM "Hyperlink") $ inlinesToOpenXML opts txt
extlinks <- gets stExternalLinks
id' <- case M.lookup src extlinks of
@ -1102,7 +1101,7 @@ inlineToOpenXML opts (Link txt (src,_)) = do
M.insert src i extlinks }
return i
return [ mknode "w:hyperlink" [("r:id",id')] contents ]
inlineToOpenXML opts (Image alt (src, tit)) = do
inlineToOpenXML opts (Image attr alt (src, tit)) = do
-- first, check to see if we've already done this image
pageWidth <- gets stPrintWidth
imgs <- gets stImages
@ -1119,7 +1118,8 @@ inlineToOpenXML opts (Image alt (src, tit)) = do
Right (img, mt) -> do
ident <- ("rId"++) `fmap` getUniqueId
(xpt,ypt) <- case imageSize img of
Right size -> return $ sizeInPoints size
Right size -> return $
desiredSizeInPoints opts attr size
Left msg -> do
liftIO $ warn $
"Could not determine image size in `" ++
@ -1211,11 +1211,9 @@ parseXml refArchive distArchive relpath =
-- | Scales the image to fit the page
-- sizes are passed in emu
fitToPage :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
fitToPage :: (Double, Double) -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
fitToPage (x, y) pageWidth
-- Fixes width to the page width and scales the height
| x > pageWidth =
(pageWidth, round $
((fromIntegral pageWidth) / ((fromIntegral :: Integer -> Double) x)) * (fromIntegral y))
| otherwise = (x, y)
| x > fromIntegral pageWidth =
(pageWidth, floor $ ((fromIntegral pageWidth) / x) * y)
| otherwise = (floor x, floor y)

View file

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options ( WriterOptions(
import Text.Pandoc.Shared ( escapeURI, removeFormatting, camelCaseToHyphenated
, trimr, normalize, substitute )
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared ( defField, metaToJSON )
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Templates ( renderTemplate' )
import Data.List ( intersect, intercalate, isPrefixOf, transpose )
import Data.Default (Default(..))
@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ blockToDokuWiki opts (Plain inlines) =
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
-- dokuwiki doesn't support captions - so combine together alt and caption into alt
blockToDokuWiki opts (Para [Image txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
blockToDokuWiki opts (Para [Image attr txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
capt <- if null txt
then return ""
else (" " ++) `fmap` inlineListToDokuWiki opts txt
@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ blockToDokuWiki opts (Para [Image txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
else "|" ++ if null tit then capt else tit ++ capt
-- Relative links fail isURI and receive a colon
prefix = if isURI src then "" else ":"
return $ "{{" ++ prefix ++ src ++ opt ++ "}}\n"
return $ "{{" ++ prefix ++ src ++ imageDims opts attr ++ opt ++ "}}\n"
blockToDokuWiki opts (Para inlines) = do
indent <- stIndent <$> ask
@ -462,7 +463,7 @@ inlineToDokuWiki _ (LineBreak) = return "\\\\\n"
inlineToDokuWiki _ Space = return " "
inlineToDokuWiki opts (Link txt (src, _)) = do
inlineToDokuWiki opts (Link _ txt (src, _)) = do
label <- inlineListToDokuWiki opts txt
case txt of
[Str s] | "mailto:" `isPrefixOf` src -> return $ "<" ++ s ++ ">"
@ -473,7 +474,7 @@ inlineToDokuWiki opts (Link txt (src, _)) = do
where src' = case src of
'/':xs -> xs -- with leading / it's a
_ -> src -- link to a help page
inlineToDokuWiki opts (Image alt (source, tit)) = do
inlineToDokuWiki opts (Image attr alt (source, tit)) = do
alt' <- inlineListToDokuWiki opts alt
let txt = case (tit, alt) of
("", []) -> ""
@ -481,10 +482,21 @@ inlineToDokuWiki opts (Image alt (source, tit)) = do
(_ , _ ) -> "|" ++ tit
-- Relative links fail isURI and receive a colon
prefix = if isURI source then "" else ":"
return $ "{{" ++ prefix ++ source ++ txt ++ "}}"
return $ "{{" ++ prefix ++ source ++ imageDims opts attr ++ txt ++ "}}"
inlineToDokuWiki opts (Note contents) = do
contents' <- blockListToDokuWiki opts contents
modify (\s -> s { stNotes = True })
return $ "((" ++ contents' ++ "))"
-- note - may not work for notes with multiple blocks
imageDims :: WriterOptions -> Attr -> String
imageDims opts attr = go (toPx $ dimension Width attr) (toPx $ dimension Height attr)
toPx = fmap (showInPixel opts) . checkPct
checkPct (Just (Percent _)) = Nothing
checkPct maybeDim = maybeDim
go (Just w) Nothing = "?" ++ w
go (Just w) (Just h) = "?" ++ w ++ "x" ++ h
go Nothing (Just h) = "?0x" ++ h
go Nothing Nothing = ""

View file

@ -455,10 +455,10 @@ writeEPUB opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
chapters' [1..]
let fixInternalReferences :: Inline -> Inline
fixInternalReferences (Link lab ('#':xs, tit)) =
fixInternalReferences (Link attr lab ('#':xs, tit)) =
case lookup xs reftable of
Just ys -> Link lab (ys, tit)
Nothing -> Link lab ('#':xs, tit)
Just ys -> Link attr lab (ys, tit)
Nothing -> Link attr lab ('#':xs, tit)
fixInternalReferences x = x
-- internal reference IDs change when we chunk the file,
@ -870,14 +870,14 @@ transformInline :: WriterOptions
-> IORef [(FilePath, (FilePath, Maybe Entry))] -- ^ (oldpath, newpath) media
-> Inline
-> IO Inline
transformInline opts mediaRef (Image lab (src,tit)) = do
transformInline opts mediaRef (Image attr lab (src,tit)) = do
newsrc <- modifyMediaRef opts mediaRef src
return $ Image lab (newsrc, tit)
return $ Image attr lab (newsrc, tit)
transformInline opts mediaRef (x@(Math t m))
| WebTeX url <- writerHTMLMathMethod opts = do
newsrc <- modifyMediaRef opts mediaRef (url ++ urlEncode m)
let mathclass = if t == DisplayMath then "display" else "inline"
return $ Span ("",["math",mathclass],[]) [Image [x] (newsrc, "")]
return $ Span ("",["math",mathclass],[]) [Image nullAttr [x] (newsrc, "")]
transformInline opts mediaRef (RawInline fmt raw)
| fmt == Format "html" = do
let tags = parseTags raw

View file

@ -314,8 +314,8 @@ blockToXml :: Block -> FBM [Content]
blockToXml (Plain ss) = cMapM toXml ss -- FIXME: can lead to malformed FB2
blockToXml (Para [Math DisplayMath formula]) = insertMath NormalImage formula
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToXml (Para [Image alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) =
insertImage NormalImage (Image alt (src,tit))
blockToXml (Para [Image atr alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) =
insertImage NormalImage (Image atr alt (src,tit))
blockToXml (Para ss) = liftM (list . el "p") $ cMapM toXml ss
blockToXml (CodeBlock _ s) = return . spaceBeforeAfter .
map (el "p" . el "code") . lines $ s
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ toXml Space = return [txt " "]
toXml LineBreak = return [el "empty-line" ()]
toXml (Math _ formula) = insertMath InlineImage formula
toXml (RawInline _ _) = return [] -- raw TeX and raw HTML are suppressed
toXml (Link text (url,ttl)) = do
toXml (Link _ text (url,ttl)) = do
fns <- footnotes `liftM` get
let n = 1 + length fns
let ln_id = linkID n
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ toXml (Link text (url,ttl)) = do
( [ attr ("l","href") ('#':ln_id)
, uattr "type" "note" ]
, ln_ref) ]
toXml img@(Image _ _) = insertImage InlineImage img
toXml img@(Image _ _ _) = insertImage InlineImage img
toXml (Note bs) = do
fns <- footnotes `liftM` get
let n = 1 + length fns
@ -478,12 +478,12 @@ insertMath immode formula = do
WebTeX url -> do
let alt = [Code nullAttr formula]
let imgurl = url ++ urlEncode formula
let img = Image alt (imgurl, "")
let img = Image nullAttr alt (imgurl, "")
insertImage immode img
_ -> return [el "code" formula]
insertImage :: ImageMode -> Inline -> FBM [Content]
insertImage immode (Image alt (url,ttl)) = do
insertImage immode (Image _ alt (url,ttl)) = do
images <- imagesToFetch `liftM` get
let n = 1 + length images
let fname = "image" ++ show n
@ -572,8 +572,8 @@ plain Space = " "
plain LineBreak = "\n"
plain (Math _ s) = s
plain (RawInline _ s) = s
plain (Link text (url,_)) = concat (map plain text ++ [" <", url, ">"])
plain (Image alt _) = concat (map plain alt)
plain (Link _ text (url,_)) = concat (map plain text ++ [" <", url, ">"])
plain (Image _ alt _) = concat (map plain alt)
plain (Note _) = "" -- FIXME
-- | Create an XML element.

View file

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Compat.Monoid ((<>))
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Templates
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath
import Text.Pandoc.Slides
@ -356,10 +357,10 @@ parseMailto s = do
_ -> fail "not a mailto: URL"
-- | Obfuscate a "mailto:" link.
obfuscateLink :: WriterOptions -> Html -> String -> Html
obfuscateLink opts txt s | writerEmailObfuscation opts == NoObfuscation =
H.a ! A.href (toValue s) $ txt
obfuscateLink opts (renderHtml -> txt) s =
obfuscateLink :: WriterOptions -> Attr -> Html -> String -> Html
obfuscateLink opts attr txt s | writerEmailObfuscation opts == NoObfuscation =
addAttrs opts attr $ H.a ! A.href (toValue s) $ txt
obfuscateLink opts attr (renderHtml -> txt) s =
let meth = writerEmailObfuscation opts
s' = map toLower (take 7 s) ++ drop 7 s
in case parseMailto s' of
@ -385,7 +386,7 @@ obfuscateLink opts (renderHtml -> txt) s =
linkText ++ "+'<\\/'+'a'+'>');\n// -->\n")) >>
H.noscript (preEscapedString $ obfuscateString altText)
_ -> error $ "Unknown obfuscation method: " ++ show meth
_ -> H.a ! A.href (toValue s) $ toHtml txt -- malformed email
_ -> addAttrs opts attr $ H.a ! A.href (toValue s) $ toHtml txt -- malformed email
-- | Obfuscate character as entity.
obfuscateChar :: Char -> String
@ -401,11 +402,33 @@ obfuscateString = concatMap obfuscateChar . fromEntities
addAttrs :: WriterOptions -> Attr -> Html -> Html
addAttrs opts attr h = foldl (!) h (attrsToHtml opts attr)
toAttrs :: [(String, String)] -> [Attribute]
toAttrs kvs = map (\(x,y) -> customAttribute (fromString x) (toValue y)) kvs
attrsToHtml :: WriterOptions -> Attr -> [Attribute]
attrsToHtml opts (id',classes',keyvals) =
[prefixedId opts id' | not (null id')] ++
[A.class_ (toValue $ unwords classes') | not (null classes')] ++
map (\(x,y) -> customAttribute (fromString x) (toValue y)) keyvals
[A.class_ (toValue $ unwords classes') | not (null classes')] ++ toAttrs keyvals
imgAttrsToHtml :: WriterOptions -> Attr -> [Attribute]
imgAttrsToHtml opts attr =
attrsToHtml opts (ident,cls,kvs') ++
toAttrs (dimensionsToAttrList opts attr)
(ident,cls,kvs) = attr
kvs' = filter isNotDim kvs
isNotDim ("width", _) = False
isNotDim ("height", _) = False
isNotDim _ = True
dimensionsToAttrList :: WriterOptions -> Attr -> [(String, String)]
dimensionsToAttrList opts attr = (go Width) ++ (go Height)
go dir = case (dimension dir attr) of
(Just (Percent a)) -> [("style", show dir ++ ":" ++ show (Percent a))]
(Just dim) -> [(show dir, showInPixel opts dim)]
_ -> []
imageExts :: [String]
imageExts = [ "art", "bmp", "cdr", "cdt", "cpt", "cr2", "crw", "djvu", "erf",
@ -426,8 +449,8 @@ blockToHtml :: WriterOptions -> Block -> State WriterState Html
blockToHtml _ Null = return mempty
blockToHtml opts (Plain lst) = inlineListToHtml opts lst
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToHtml opts (Para [Image txt (s,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
img <- inlineToHtml opts (Image txt (s,tit))
blockToHtml opts (Para [Image attr txt (s,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
img <- inlineToHtml opts (Image attr txt (s,tit))
let tocapt = if writerHtml5 opts
then H5.figcaption
else H.p ! A.class_ "caption"
@ -792,10 +815,10 @@ inlineToHtml opts inline =
_ -> return mempty
| f == Format "html" -> return $ preEscapedString str
| otherwise -> return mempty
(Link txt (s,_)) | "mailto:" `isPrefixOf` s -> do
(Link attr txt (s,_)) | "mailto:" `isPrefixOf` s -> do
linkText <- inlineListToHtml opts txt
return $ obfuscateLink opts linkText s
(Link txt (s,tit)) -> do
return $ obfuscateLink opts attr linkText s
(Link attr txt (s,tit)) -> do
linkText <- inlineListToHtml opts txt
let s' = case s of
'#':xs | writerSlideVariant opts ==
@ -805,19 +828,23 @@ inlineToHtml opts inline =
let link' = if txt == [Str (unEscapeString s)]
then link ! A.class_ "uri"
else link
let link'' = addAttrs opts attr link'
return $ if null tit
then link'
else link' ! A.title (toValue tit)
(Image txt (s,tit)) | treatAsImage s -> do
then link''
else link'' ! A.title (toValue tit)
(Image attr txt (s,tit)) | treatAsImage s -> do
let alternate' = stringify txt
let attributes = [A.src $ toValue s] ++
[A.title $ toValue tit | not $ null tit] ++
[A.alt $ toValue $ stringify txt]
[A.title $ toValue tit | not (null tit)] ++
[A.alt $ toValue alternate' | not (null txt)] ++
imgAttrsToHtml opts attr
let tag = if writerHtml5 opts then H5.img else H.img
return $ foldl (!) tag attributes
-- note: null title included, as in
(Image _ (s,tit)) -> do
(Image attr _ (s,tit)) -> do
let attributes = [A.src $ toValue s] ++
[A.title $ toValue tit | not $ null tit]
[A.title $ toValue tit | not (null tit)] ++
imgAttrsToHtml opts attr
return $ foldl (!) H5.embed attributes
-- note: null title included, as in
(Note contents)
@ -855,7 +882,7 @@ blockListToNote :: WriterOptions -> String -> [Block] -> State WriterState Html
blockListToNote opts ref blocks =
-- If last block is Para or Plain, include the backlink at the end of
-- that block. Otherwise, insert a new Plain block with the backlink.
let backlink = [Link [Str ""] ("#" ++ writerIdentifierPrefix opts ++ "fnref" ++ ref,[])]
let backlink = [Link nullAttr [Str ""] ("#" ++ writerIdentifierPrefix opts ++ "fnref" ++ ref,[])]
blocks' = if null blocks
then []
else let lastBlock = last blocks

View file

@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ blockToHaddock opts (Plain inlines) = do
contents <- inlineListToHaddock opts inlines
return $ contents <> cr
-- title beginning with fig: indicates figure
blockToHaddock opts (Para [Image alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) =
blockToHaddock opts (Para [Image alt (src,tit)])
blockToHaddock opts (Para [Image attr alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) =
blockToHaddock opts (Para [Image attr alt (src,tit)])
blockToHaddock opts (Para inlines) =
-- TODO: if it contains linebreaks, we need to use a @...@ block
(<> blankline) `fmap` blockToHaddock opts (Plain inlines)
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ inlineToHaddock _ (RawInline f str)
inlineToHaddock _ (LineBreak) = return cr
inlineToHaddock _ Space = return space
inlineToHaddock opts (Cite _ lst) = inlineListToHaddock opts lst
inlineToHaddock _opts (Link txt (src, _)) = do
inlineToHaddock _ (Link _ txt (src, _)) = do
let linktext = text $ escapeString $ stringify txt
let useAuto = isURI src &&
case txt of
@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ inlineToHaddock _opts (Link txt (src, _)) = do
_ -> False
return $ nowrap $ "<" <> text src <>
(if useAuto then empty else space <> linktext) <> ">"
inlineToHaddock opts (Image alternate (source, tit)) = do
linkhaddock <- inlineToHaddock opts (Link alternate (source, tit))
inlineToHaddock opts (Image attr alternate (source, tit)) = do
linkhaddock <- inlineToHaddock opts (Link attr alternate (source, tit))
return $ "<" <> linkhaddock <> ">"
-- haddock doesn't have notes, but we can fake it:
inlineToHaddock opts (Note contents) = do

View file

@ -18,14 +18,16 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.XML
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath (texMathToInlines)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (splitBy)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (splitBy, fetchItem, warn)
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate')
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isInfixOf, stripPrefix)
import Data.Text as Text (breakOnAll, pack)
import Control.Monad.State
import Network.URI (isURI)
import System.FilePath (pathSeparator)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
type Style = [String]
@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ data WriterState = WriterState{
, maxListDepth :: Int
type WS a = State WriterState a
type WS a = StateT WriterState IO a
defaultWriterState :: WriterState
defaultWriterState = WriterState{
@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ lowerAlphaName :: String
upperAlphaName :: String
subListParName :: String
footnoteName :: String
citeName :: String
paragraphName = "Paragraph"
codeBlockName = "CodeBlock"
blockQuoteName = "Blockquote"
@ -113,28 +116,29 @@ lowerAlphaName = "lowerAlpha"
upperAlphaName = "upperAlpha"
subListParName = "subParagraph"
footnoteName = "Footnote"
citeName = "Cite"
-- | Convert Pandoc document to string in ICML format.
writeICML :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
writeICML opts (Pandoc meta blocks) =
writeICML :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> IO String
writeICML opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts
then Just $ writerColumns opts
else Nothing
render' = render colwidth
renderMeta f s = Just $ render' $ fst $ runState (f opts [] s) defaultWriterState
Just metadata = metaToJSON opts
renderMeta f s = liftM (render' . fst) $ runStateT (f opts [] s) defaultWriterState
metadata <- metaToJSON opts
(renderMeta blocksToICML)
(renderMeta inlinesToICML)
(doc, st) = runState (blocksToICML opts [] blocks) defaultWriterState
main = render' doc
(doc, st) <- runStateT (blocksToICML opts [] blocks) defaultWriterState
let main = render' doc
context = defField "body" main
$ defField "charStyles" (render' $ charStylesToDoc st)
$ defField "parStyles" (render' $ parStylesToDoc st)
$ defField "hyperlinks" (render' $ hyperlinksToDoc $ links st)
$ metadata
in if writerStandalone opts
return $ if writerStandalone opts
then renderTemplate' (writerTemplate opts) context
else main
@ -407,7 +411,7 @@ inlineToICML opts style (Subscript lst) = inlinesToICML opts (subscriptName:styl
inlineToICML opts style (SmallCaps lst) = inlinesToICML opts (smallCapsName:style) lst
inlineToICML opts style (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = inlinesToICML opts style $ [Str ""] ++ lst ++ [Str ""]
inlineToICML opts style (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = inlinesToICML opts style $ [Str ""] ++ lst ++ [Str ""]
inlineToICML opts style (Cite _ lst) = inlinesToICML opts style lst
inlineToICML opts style (Cite _ lst) = inlinesToICML opts (citeName:style) lst
inlineToICML _ style (Code _ str) = charStyle (codeName:style) $ text $ escapeStringForXML str
inlineToICML _ style Space = charStyle style space
inlineToICML _ style LineBreak = charStyle style $ text lineSeparator
@ -416,7 +420,7 @@ inlineToICML opts style (Math mt str) =
inlineToICML _ _ (RawInline f str)
| f == Format "icml" = return $ text str
| otherwise = return empty
inlineToICML opts style (Link lst (url, title)) = do
inlineToICML opts style (Link _ lst (url, title)) = do
content <- inlinesToICML opts (linkName:style) lst
state $ \st ->
let ident = if null $ links st
@ -426,7 +430,7 @@ inlineToICML opts style (Link lst (url, title)) = do
cont = inTags True "HyperlinkTextSource"
[("Self","htss-"++show ident), ("Name",title), ("Hidden","false")] content
in (cont, newst)
inlineToICML opts style (Image alt target) = imageICML opts style alt target
inlineToICML opts style (Image attr alt target) = imageICML opts style attr alt target
inlineToICML opts style (Note lst) = footnoteToICML opts style lst
inlineToICML opts style (Span _ lst) = inlinesToICML opts style lst
@ -499,39 +503,48 @@ styleToStrAttr style =
in (stlStr, attrs)
-- | Assemble an ICML Image.
imageICML :: WriterOptions -> Style -> [Inline] -> Target -> WS Doc
imageICML _ style _ (linkURI, _) =
let imgWidth = 300::Int --TODO: set width, height dynamically as in Docx.hs
imgHeight = 200::Int
scaleFact = show (1::Double) --TODO: set scaling factor so image is scaled exactly to imgWidth x imgHeight
hw = show $ imgWidth `div` 2
hh = show $ imgHeight `div` 2
qw = show $ imgWidth `div` 4
qh = show $ imgHeight `div` 4
uriPrefix = if isURI linkURI then "" else "file:"
imageICML :: WriterOptions -> Style -> Attr -> [Inline] -> Target -> WS Doc
imageICML opts style attr _ (src, _) = do
res <- liftIO $ fetchItem (writerSourceURL opts) src
imgS <- case res of
Left (_) -> do
liftIO $ warn $ "Could not find image `" ++ src ++ "', skipping..."
return def
Right (img, _) -> do
case imageSize img of
Right size -> return size
Left msg -> do
return $ warn $ "Could not determine image size in `" ++
src ++ "': " ++ msg
return def
let (ow, oh) = sizeInPoints imgS
(imgWidth, imgHeight) = desiredSizeInPoints opts attr imgS
hw = showFl $ ow / 2
hh = showFl $ oh / 2
scale = showFl (imgWidth / ow) ++ " 0 0 " ++ showFl (imgHeight / oh)
src' = if isURI src then src else "file://." ++ pathSeparator : src
(stlStr, attrs) = styleToStrAttr style
props = inTags True "Properties" [] $ inTags True "PathGeometry" []
$ inTags True "GeometryPathType" [("PathOpen","false")]
$ inTags True "PathPointArray" []
$ vcat [
selfClosingTag "PathPointType" [("Anchor", "-"++qw++" -"++qh),
("LeftDirection", "-"++qw++" -"++qh), ("RightDirection", "-"++qw++" -"++qh)]
, selfClosingTag "PathPointType" [("Anchor", "-"++qw++" "++qh),
("LeftDirection", "-"++qw++" "++qh), ("RightDirection", "-"++qw++" "++qh)]
, selfClosingTag "PathPointType" [("Anchor", qw++" "++qh),
("LeftDirection", qw++" "++qh), ("RightDirection", qw++" "++qh)]
, selfClosingTag "PathPointType" [("Anchor", qw++" -"++qh),
("LeftDirection", qw++" -"++qh), ("RightDirection", qw++" -"++qh)]
selfClosingTag "PathPointType" [("Anchor", "-"++hw++" -"++hh),
("LeftDirection", "-"++hw++" -"++hh), ("RightDirection", "-"++hw++" -"++hh)]
, selfClosingTag "PathPointType" [("Anchor", "-"++hw++" "++hh),
("LeftDirection", "-"++hw++" "++hh), ("RightDirection", "-"++hw++" "++hh)]
, selfClosingTag "PathPointType" [("Anchor", hw++" "++hh),
("LeftDirection", hw++" "++hh), ("RightDirection", hw++" "++hh)]
, selfClosingTag "PathPointType" [("Anchor", hw++" -"++hh),
("LeftDirection", hw++" -"++hh), ("RightDirection", hw++" -"++hh)]
image = inTags True "Image"
[("Self","ue6"), ("ItemTransform", scaleFact++" 0 0 "++scaleFact++" -"++qw++" -"++qh)]
[("Self","ue6"), ("ItemTransform", scale++" -"++hw++" -"++hh)]
$ vcat [
inTags True "Properties" [] $ inTags True "Profile" [("type","string")] $ text "$ID/Embedded"
$$ selfClosingTag "GraphicBounds" [("Left","0"), ("Top","0"), ("Right", hw), ("Bottom", hh)]
, selfClosingTag "Link" [("Self", "ueb"), ("LinkResourceURI", uriPrefix++linkURI)]
, selfClosingTag "Link" [("Self", "ueb"), ("LinkResourceURI", src')]
doc = inTags True "CharacterStyleRange" attrs
$ inTags True "Rectangle" [("Self","uec"), ("ItemTransform", "1 0 0 1 "++qw++" -"++qh)]
$ inTags True "Rectangle" [("Self","uec"), ("StrokeWeight", "0"),
("ItemTransform", scale++" "++hw++" -"++hh)]
$ (props $$ image)
in do
state $ \st -> (doc, st{ inlineStyles = Set.insert stlStr $ inlineStyles st } )

View file

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Slides
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (highlight, styleToLaTeX,
formatLaTeXInline, formatLaTeXBlock,
@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ pandocToLaTeX options (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
_ -> blocks
else blocks
-- see if there are internal links
let isInternalLink (Link _ ('#':xs,_)) = [xs]
let isInternalLink (Link _ _ ('#':xs,_)) = [xs]
isInternalLink _ = []
modify $ \s -> s{ stInternalLinks = query isInternalLink blocks' }
let template = writerTemplate options
@ -395,7 +396,7 @@ blockToLaTeX (Div (identifier,classes,kvs) bs) = do
blockToLaTeX (Plain lst) =
inlineListToLaTeX $ dropWhile isLineBreakOrSpace lst
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToLaTeX (Para [Image txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
blockToLaTeX (Para [Image attr txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
inNote <- gets stInNote
modify $ \st -> st{ stInMinipage = True, stNotes = [] }
capt <- inlineListToLaTeX txt
@ -405,7 +406,7 @@ blockToLaTeX (Para [Image txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
captForLof <- if null notes
then return empty
else brackets <$> inlineListToLaTeX (walk deNote txt)
img <- inlineToLaTeX (Image txt (src,tit))
img <- inlineToLaTeX (Image attr txt (src,tit))
let footnotes = notesToLaTeX notes
return $ if inNote
-- can't have figures in notes
@ -684,12 +685,19 @@ listItemToLaTeX lst
defListItemToLaTeX :: ([Inline], [[Block]]) -> State WriterState Doc
defListItemToLaTeX (term, defs) = do
term' <- inlineListToLaTeX term
-- put braces around term if it contains an internal link,
-- since otherwise we get bad bracket interactions: \item[\hyperref[..]
let isInternalLink (Link _ _ ('#':_,_)) = True
isInternalLink _ = False
let term'' = if any isInternalLink term
then braces term'
else term'
def' <- liftM vsep $ mapM blockListToLaTeX defs
return $ case defs of
(((Header _ _ _) : _) : _) ->
"\\item" <> brackets term' <> " ~ " $$ def'
"\\item" <> brackets term'' <> " ~ " $$ def'
_ ->
"\\item" <> brackets term' $$ def'
"\\item" <> brackets term'' $$ def'
-- | Craft the section header, inserting the secton reference, if supplied.
sectionHeader :: Bool -- True for unnumbered
@ -893,11 +901,11 @@ inlineToLaTeX (RawInline f str)
| otherwise = return empty
inlineToLaTeX (LineBreak) = return $ "\\\\" <> cr
inlineToLaTeX Space = return space
inlineToLaTeX (Link txt ('#':ident, _)) = do
inlineToLaTeX (Link _ txt ('#':ident, _)) = do
contents <- inlineListToLaTeX txt
lab <- toLabel ident
return $ text "\\protect\\hyperlink" <> braces (text lab) <> braces contents
inlineToLaTeX (Link txt (src, _)) =
inlineToLaTeX (Link _ txt (src, _)) =
case txt of
[Str x] | escapeURI x == src -> -- autolink
do modify $ \s -> s{ stUrl = True }
@ -914,16 +922,31 @@ inlineToLaTeX (Link txt (src, _)) =
src' <- stringToLaTeX URLString (escapeURI src)
return $ text ("\\href{" ++ src' ++ "}{") <>
contents <> char '}'
inlineToLaTeX (Image _ (source, _)) = do
inlineToLaTeX (Image attr _ (source, _)) = do
modify $ \s -> s{ stGraphics = True }
let source' = if isURI source
opts <- gets stOptions
let showDim dir = let d = text (show dir) <> "="
in case (dimension dir attr) of
Just (Pixel a) ->
[d <> text (showInInch opts (Pixel a)) <> "in"]
Just (Percent a) ->
[d <> text (showFl (a / 100)) <> "\\textwidth"]
Just dim ->
[d <> text (show dim)]
Nothing ->
dimList = showDim Width ++ showDim Height
dims = if null dimList
then empty
else brackets $ cat (intersperse "," dimList)
source' = if isURI source
then source
else unEscapeString source
source'' <- stringToLaTeX URLString (escapeURI source')
inHeading <- gets stInHeading
return $
(if inHeading then "\\protect\\includegraphics" else "\\includegraphics")
<> braces (text source'')
(if inHeading then "\\protect\\includegraphics" else "\\includegraphics") <>
dims <> braces (text source'')
inlineToLaTeX (Note contents) = do
inMinipage <- gets stInMinipage
modify (\s -> s{stInNote = True})

View file

@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ inlineToMan _ (RawInline f str)
inlineToMan _ (LineBreak) = return $
cr <> text ".PD 0" $$ text ".P" $$ text ".PD" <> cr
inlineToMan _ Space = return space
inlineToMan opts (Link txt (src, _)) = do
inlineToMan opts (Link _ txt (src, _)) = do
linktext <- inlineListToMan opts txt
let srcSuffix = fromMaybe src (stripPrefix "mailto:" src)
return $ case txt of
@ -352,12 +352,12 @@ inlineToMan opts (Link txt (src, _)) = do
| escapeURI s == srcSuffix ->
char '<' <> text srcSuffix <> char '>'
_ -> linktext <> text " (" <> text src <> char ')'
inlineToMan opts (Image alternate (source, tit)) = do
inlineToMan opts (Image attr alternate (source, tit)) = do
let txt = if (null alternate) || (alternate == [Str ""]) ||
(alternate == [Str source]) -- to prevent autolinks
then [Str "image"]
else alternate
linkPart <- inlineToMan opts (Link txt (source, tit))
linkPart <- inlineToMan opts (Link attr txt (source, tit))
return $ char '[' <> text "IMAGE: " <> linkPart <> char ']'
inlineToMan _ (Note contents) = do
-- add to notes in state

View file

@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Text as T
type Notes = [[Block]]
type Refs = [([Inline], Target)]
type Ref = ([Inline], Target, Attr)
type Refs = [Ref]
data WriterState = WriterState { stNotes :: Notes
, stRefs :: Refs
, stRefShortcutable :: Bool
@ -200,15 +201,16 @@ refsToMarkdown opts refs = mapM (keyToMarkdown opts) refs >>= return . vcat
-- | Return markdown representation of a reference key.
keyToMarkdown :: WriterOptions
-> ([Inline], (String, String))
-> Ref
-> State WriterState Doc
keyToMarkdown opts (label, (src, tit)) = do
keyToMarkdown opts (label, (src, tit), attr) = do
label' <- inlineListToMarkdown opts label
let tit' = if null tit
then empty
else space <> "\"" <> text tit <> "\""
return $ nest 2 $ hang 2
("[" <> label' <> "]:" <> space) (text src <> tit')
<> linkAttributes opts attr
-- | Return markdown representation of notes.
notesToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> State WriterState Doc
@ -264,7 +266,7 @@ elementToListItem opts (Sec lev _nums (ident,_,_) headerText subsecs)
not (null subsecs) && lev < writerTOCDepth opts ]
where headerLink = if null ident
then headerText
else [Link headerText ('#':ident, "")]
else [Link nullAttr headerText ('#':ident, "")]
elementToListItem _ (Blk _) = []
attrsToMarkdown :: Attr -> Doc
@ -283,6 +285,12 @@ attrsToMarkdown attribs = braces $ hsep [attribId, attribClasses, attribKeys]
map (\(k,v) -> text k
<> "=\"" <> text v <> "\"") ks
linkAttributes :: WriterOptions -> Attr -> Doc
linkAttributes opts attr =
if isEnabled Ext_common_link_attributes opts && attr /= nullAttr
then attrsToMarkdown attr
else empty
-- | Ordered list start parser for use in Para below.
olMarker :: Parser [Char] ParserState Char
olMarker = do (start, style', delim) <- anyOrderedListMarker
@ -328,8 +336,8 @@ blockToMarkdown opts (Plain inlines) = do
else contents
return $ contents' <> cr
-- title beginning with fig: indicates figure
blockToMarkdown opts (Para [Image alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) =
blockToMarkdown opts (Para [Image alt (src,tit)])
blockToMarkdown opts (Para [Image attr alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) =
blockToMarkdown opts (Para [Image attr alt (src,tit)])
blockToMarkdown opts (Para inlines) =
(<> blankline) `fmap` blockToMarkdown opts (Plain inlines)
blockToMarkdown opts (RawBlock f str)
@ -668,21 +676,21 @@ blockListToMarkdown opts blocks =
-- | Get reference for target; if none exists, create unique one and return.
-- Prefer label if possible; otherwise, generate a unique key.
getReference :: [Inline] -> Target -> State WriterState [Inline]
getReference label (src, tit) = do
getReference :: Attr -> [Inline] -> Target -> State WriterState [Inline]
getReference attr label target = do
st <- get
case find ((== (src, tit)) . snd) (stRefs st) of
Just (ref, _) -> return ref
case find (\(_,t,a) -> t == target && a == attr) (stRefs st) of
Just (ref, _, _) -> return ref
Nothing -> do
let label' = case find ((== label) . fst) (stRefs st) of
let label' = case find (\(l,_,_) -> l == label) (stRefs st) of
Just _ -> -- label is used; generate numerical label
case find (\n -> notElem [Str (show n)]
(map fst (stRefs st)))
(map (\(l,_,_) -> l) (stRefs st)))
[1..(10000 :: Integer)] of
Just x -> [Str (show x)]
Nothing -> error "no unique label"
Nothing -> label
modify (\s -> s{ stRefs = (label', (src,tit)) : stRefs st })
modify (\s -> s{ stRefs = (label', target, attr) : stRefs st })
return label'
-- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to markdown.
@ -692,10 +700,10 @@ inlineListToMarkdown opts lst = do
go (if inlist then avoidBadWrapsInList lst else lst)
where go [] = return empty
go (i:is) = case i of
(Link _ _) -> case is of
(Link _ _ _) -> case is of
-- If a link is followed by another link or '[' we don't shortcut
(Link _ _):_ -> unshortcutable
Space:(Link _ _):_ -> unshortcutable
(Link _ _ _):_ -> unshortcutable
Space:(Link _ _ _):_ -> unshortcutable
Space:(Str('[':_)):_ -> unshortcutable
Space:(RawInline _ ('[':_)):_ -> unshortcutable
Space:(Cite _ _):_ -> unshortcutable
@ -897,7 +905,7 @@ inlineToMarkdown opts (Cite (c:cs) lst)
return $ pdoc <+> r
modekey SuppressAuthor = "-"
modekey _ = ""
inlineToMarkdown opts (Link txt (src, tit)) = do
inlineToMarkdown opts (Link attr txt (src, tit)) = do
plain <- gets stPlain
linktext <- inlineListToMarkdown opts txt
let linktitle = if null tit
@ -912,7 +920,7 @@ inlineToMarkdown opts (Link txt (src, tit)) = do
shortcutable <- gets stRefShortcutable
let useShortcutRefLinks = shortcutable &&
isEnabled Ext_shortcut_reference_links opts
ref <- if useRefLinks then getReference txt (src, tit) else return []
ref <- if useRefLinks then getReference attr txt (src, tit) else return []
reftext <- inlineListToMarkdown opts ref
return $ if useAuto
then if plain
@ -929,14 +937,15 @@ inlineToMarkdown opts (Link txt (src, tit)) = do
else if plain
then linktext
else "[" <> linktext <> "](" <>
text src <> linktitle <> ")"
inlineToMarkdown opts (Image alternate (source, tit)) = do
text src <> linktitle <> ")" <>
linkAttributes opts attr
inlineToMarkdown opts (Image attr alternate (source, tit)) = do
plain <- gets stPlain
let txt = if null alternate || alternate == [Str source]
-- to prevent autolinks
then [Str ""]
else alternate
linkPart <- inlineToMarkdown opts (Link txt (source, tit))
linkPart <- inlineToMarkdown opts (Link attr txt (source, tit))
return $ if plain
then "[" <> linkPart <> "]"
else "!" <> linkPart

View file

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty (render)
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate')
import Text.Pandoc.XML ( escapeStringForXML )
import Data.List ( intersect, intercalate )
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State
data WriterState = WriterState {
stNotes :: Bool -- True if there are notes
, stOptions :: WriterOptions -- writer options
data WriterReader = WriterReader {
@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ type MediaWikiWriter = ReaderT WriterReader (State WriterState)
-- | Convert Pandoc to MediaWiki.
writeMediaWiki :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
writeMediaWiki opts document =
let initialState = WriterState { stNotes = False }
let initialState = WriterState { stNotes = False, stOptions = opts }
env = WriterReader { options = opts, listLevel = [], useTags = False }
in evalState (runReaderT (pandocToMediaWiki document) env) initialState
@ -100,14 +102,15 @@ blockToMediaWiki (Plain inlines) =
inlineListToMediaWiki inlines
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToMediaWiki (Para [Image txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
blockToMediaWiki (Para [Image attr txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
capt <- if null txt
then return ""
else ("|caption " ++) `fmap` inlineListToMediaWiki txt
img <- imageToMediaWiki attr
let opt = if null txt
then ""
else "|alt=" ++ if null tit then capt else tit ++ capt
return $ "[[File:" ++ src ++ "|frame|none" ++ opt ++ "]]\n"
return $ "[[File:" ++ src ++ "|frame|none" ++ img ++ opt ++ "]]\n"
blockToMediaWiki (Para inlines) = do
tags <- asks useTags
@ -312,6 +315,23 @@ alignmentToString alignment = case alignment of
AlignCenter -> "center"
AlignDefault -> "left"
imageToMediaWiki :: Attr -> MediaWikiWriter String
imageToMediaWiki attr = do
opts <- gets stOptions
let (_, cls, _) = attr
toPx = fmap (showInPixel opts) . checkPct
checkPct (Just (Percent _)) = Nothing
checkPct maybeDim = maybeDim
go (Just w) Nothing = '|':w ++ "px"
go (Just w) (Just h) = '|':w ++ "x" ++ h ++ "px"
go Nothing (Just h) = "|x" ++ h ++ "px"
go Nothing Nothing = ""
dims = go (toPx $ dimension Width attr) (toPx $ dimension Height attr)
classes = if null cls
then ""
else "|class=" ++ unwords cls
return $ dims ++ classes
-- | Convert list of Pandoc block elements to MediaWiki.
blockListToMediaWiki :: [Block] -- ^ List of block elements
-> MediaWikiWriter String
@ -379,7 +399,7 @@ inlineToMediaWiki (LineBreak) = return "<br />\n"
inlineToMediaWiki Space = return " "
inlineToMediaWiki (Link txt (src, _)) = do
inlineToMediaWiki (Link _ txt (src, _)) = do
label <- inlineListToMediaWiki txt
case txt of
[Str s] | isURI src && escapeURI s == src -> return src
@ -390,14 +410,15 @@ inlineToMediaWiki (Link txt (src, _)) = do
'/':xs -> xs -- with leading / it's a
_ -> src -- link to a help page
inlineToMediaWiki (Image alt (source, tit)) = do
inlineToMediaWiki (Image attr alt (source, tit)) = do
img <- imageToMediaWiki attr
alt' <- inlineListToMediaWiki alt
let txt = if null tit
then if null alt
then ""
else '|' : alt'
else '|' : tit
return $ "[[File:" ++ source ++ txt ++ "]]"
return $ "[[File:" ++ source ++ img ++ txt ++ "]]"
inlineToMediaWiki (Note contents) = do
contents' <- blockListToMediaWiki contents

View file

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import Codec.Archive.Zip
import Text.Pandoc.Options ( WriterOptions(..) )
import Text.Pandoc.Shared ( stringify, fetchItem', warn,
getDefaultReferenceODT )
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize ( imageSize, sizeInPoints )
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize ( imageSize, desiredSizeInPoints )
import Text.Pandoc.MIME ( getMimeType, extensionFromMimeType )
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ writeODT opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
return $ fromArchive archive''
transformPicMath :: WriterOptions -> IORef [Entry] -> Inline -> IO Inline
transformPicMath opts entriesRef (Image lab (src,t)) = do
transformPicMath opts entriesRef (Image attr lab (src,t)) = do
res <- fetchItem' (writerMediaBag opts) (writerSourceURL opts) src
case res of
Left (_ :: E.SomeException) -> do
@ -134,7 +134,8 @@ transformPicMath opts entriesRef (Image lab (src,t)) = do
return $ Emph lab
Right (img, mbMimeType) -> do
(w,h) <- case imageSize img of
Right size -> return $ sizeInPoints size
Right size -> return $
desiredSizeInPoints opts attr size
Left msg -> do
warn $ "Could not determine image size in `" ++
src ++ "': " ++ msg
@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ transformPicMath opts entriesRef (Image lab (src,t)) = do
modifyIORef entriesRef (entry:)
let fig | "fig:" `isPrefixOf` t = "fig:"
| otherwise = ""
return $ Image lab (newsrc, fig++tit')
return $ Image attr lab (newsrc, fig++tit')
transformPicMath _ entriesRef (Math t math) = do
entries <- readIORef entriesRef
let dt = if t == InlineMath then DisplayInline else DisplayBlock

View file

@ -286,8 +286,8 @@ blockToOpenDocument o bs
| Plain b <- bs = if null b
then return empty
else inParagraphTags =<< inlinesToOpenDocument o b
| Para [Image c (s,'f':'i':'g':':':t)] <- bs
= figure c s t
| Para [Image attr c (s,'f':'i':'g':':':t)] <- bs
= figure attr c s t
| Para b <- bs = if null b
then return empty
else inParagraphTags =<< inlinesToOpenDocument o b
@ -342,10 +342,10 @@ blockToOpenDocument o bs
return $ inTags True "table:table" [ ("table:name" , name)
, ("table:style-name", name)
] (vcat columns $$ th $$ vcat tr) $$ captionDoc
figure caption source title | null caption =
withParagraphStyle o "Figure" [Para [Image caption (source,title)]]
figure attr caption source title | null caption =
withParagraphStyle o "Figure" [Para [Image attr caption (source,title)]]
| otherwise = do
imageDoc <- withParagraphStyle o "FigureWithCaption" [Para [Image caption (source,title)]]
imageDoc <- withParagraphStyle o "FigureWithCaption" [Para [Image attr caption (source,title)]]
captionDoc <- withParagraphStyle o "FigureCaption" [Para caption]
return $ imageDoc $$ captionDoc
@ -391,8 +391,8 @@ inlineToOpenDocument o ils
| RawInline f s <- ils = if f == Format "opendocument"
then return $ text s
else return empty
| Link l (s,t) <- ils = mkLink s t <$> inlinesToOpenDocument o l
| Image _ (s,t) <- ils = mkImg s t
| Link _ l (s,t) <- ils = mkLink s t <$> inlinesToOpenDocument o l
| Image attr _ (s,t) <- ils = mkImg attr s t
| Note l <- ils = mkNote l
| otherwise = return empty
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ inlineToOpenDocument o ils
, ("xlink:href" , s )
, ("office:name", t )
] . inSpanTags "Definition"
mkImg s t = do
mkImg _ s t = do
id' <- gets stImageId
modify (\st -> st{ stImageId = id' + 1 })
return $ inTags False "draw:frame"

View file

@ -116,12 +116,12 @@ blockToOrg (Div attrs bs) = do
nest 2 endTag $$ "#+END_HTML" $$ blankline
blockToOrg (Plain inlines) = inlineListToOrg inlines
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToOrg (Para [Image txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
blockToOrg (Para [Image attr txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
capt <- if null txt
then return empty
else (\c -> "#+CAPTION: " <> c <> blankline) `fmap`
inlineListToOrg txt
img <- inlineToOrg (Image txt (src,tit))
img <- inlineToOrg (Image attr txt (src,tit))
return $ capt <> img
blockToOrg (Para inlines) = do
contents <- inlineListToOrg inlines
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ inlineToOrg (RawInline f str) | f == "tex" || f == "latex" = return $ text str
inlineToOrg (RawInline _ _) = return empty
inlineToOrg (LineBreak) = return (text "\\\\" <> cr)
inlineToOrg Space = return space
inlineToOrg (Link txt (src, _)) = do
inlineToOrg (Link _ txt (src, _)) = do
case txt of
[Str x] | escapeURI x == src -> -- autolink
do modify $ \s -> s{ stLinks = True }
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ inlineToOrg (Link txt (src, _)) = do
_ -> do contents <- inlineListToOrg txt
modify $ \s -> s{ stLinks = True }
return $ "[[" <> text src <> "][" <> contents <> "]]"
inlineToOrg (Image _ (source, _)) = do
inlineToOrg (Image _ _ (source, _)) = do
modify $ \s -> s{ stImages = True }
return $ "[[" <> text source <> "]]"
inlineToOrg (Note contents) = do

View file

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate')
import Text.Pandoc.Builder (deleteMeta)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ type Refs = [([Inline], Target)]
data WriterState =
WriterState { stNotes :: [[Block]]
, stLinks :: Refs
, stImages :: [([Inline], (String, String, Maybe String))]
, stImages :: [([Inline], (Attr, String, String, Maybe String))]
, stHasMath :: Bool
, stHasRawTeX :: Bool
, stOptions :: WriterOptions
@ -138,17 +139,22 @@ noteToRST num note = do
return $ nowrap $ marker $$ nest 3 contents
-- | Return RST representation of picture reference table.
pictRefsToRST :: [([Inline], (String, String, Maybe String))]
pictRefsToRST :: [([Inline], (Attr, String, String, Maybe String))]
-> State WriterState Doc
pictRefsToRST refs = mapM pictToRST refs >>= return . vcat
-- | Return RST representation of a picture substitution reference.
pictToRST :: ([Inline], (String, String,Maybe String))
pictToRST :: ([Inline], (Attr, String, String, Maybe String))
-> State WriterState Doc
pictToRST (label, (src, _, mbtarget)) = do
pictToRST (label, (attr, src, _, mbtarget)) = do
label' <- inlineListToRST label
dims <- imageDimsToRST attr
let (_, cls, _) = attr
classes = if null cls
then empty
else ":class: " <> text (unwords cls)
return $ nowrap
$ ".. |" <> label' <> "| image:: " <> text src
$ ".. |" <> label' <> "| image:: " <> text src $$ hang 3 empty (classes $$ dims)
$$ case mbtarget of
Nothing -> empty
Just t -> " :target: " <> text t
@ -183,11 +189,16 @@ blockToRST (Div attr bs) = do
return $ blankline <> startTag $+$ contents $+$ endTag $$ blankline
blockToRST (Plain inlines) = inlineListToRST inlines
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToRST (Para [Image txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
blockToRST (Para [Image attr txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
capt <- inlineListToRST txt
dims <- imageDimsToRST attr
let fig = "figure:: " <> text src
let alt = ":alt: " <> if null tit then capt else text tit
return $ hang 3 ".. " (fig $$ alt $+$ capt) $$ blankline
alt = ":alt: " <> if null tit then capt else text tit
(_,cls,_) = attr
classes = if null cls
then empty
else ":figclass: " <> text (unwords cls)
return $ hang 3 ".. " (fig $$ alt $$ classes $$ dims $+$ capt) $$ blankline
blockToRST (Para inlines)
| LineBreak `elem` inlines = do -- use line block if LineBreaks
lns <- mapM inlineListToRST $ splitBy (==LineBreak) inlines
@ -382,8 +393,8 @@ inlineListToRST lst =
isComplex (Strikeout _) = True
isComplex (Superscript _) = True
isComplex (Subscript _) = True
isComplex (Link _ _) = True
isComplex (Image _ _) = True
isComplex (Link _ _ _) = True
isComplex (Image _ _ _) = True
isComplex (Code _ _) = True
isComplex (Math _ _) = True
isComplex (Cite _ (x:_)) = isComplex x
@ -436,17 +447,17 @@ inlineToRST (RawInline f x)
inlineToRST (LineBreak) = return cr -- there's no line break in RST (see Para)
inlineToRST Space = return space
-- autolink
inlineToRST (Link [Str str] (src, _))
inlineToRST (Link _ [Str str] (src, _))
| isURI src &&
if "mailto:" `isPrefixOf` src
then src == escapeURI ("mailto:" ++ str)
else src == escapeURI str = do
let srcSuffix = fromMaybe src (stripPrefix "mailto:" src)
return $ text srcSuffix
inlineToRST (Link [Image alt (imgsrc,imgtit)] (src, _tit)) = do
label <- registerImage alt (imgsrc,imgtit) (Just src)
inlineToRST (Link _ [Image attr alt (imgsrc,imgtit)] (src, _tit)) = do
label <- registerImage attr alt (imgsrc,imgtit) (Just src)
return $ "|" <> label <> "|"
inlineToRST (Link txt (src, tit)) = do
inlineToRST (Link _ txt (src, tit)) = do
useReferenceLinks <- get >>= return . writerReferenceLinks . stOptions
linktext <- inlineListToRST $ normalizeSpaces txt
if useReferenceLinks
@ -461,8 +472,8 @@ inlineToRST (Link txt (src, tit)) = do
modify $ \st -> st { stLinks = (txt,(src,tit)):refs }
return $ "`" <> linktext <> "`_"
else return $ "`" <> linktext <> " <" <> text src <> ">`__"
inlineToRST (Image alternate (source, tit)) = do
label <- registerImage alternate (source,tit) Nothing
inlineToRST (Image attr alternate (source, tit)) = do
label <- registerImage attr alternate (source,tit) Nothing
return $ "|" <> label <> "|"
inlineToRST (Note contents) = do
-- add to notes in state
@ -471,16 +482,33 @@ inlineToRST (Note contents) = do
let ref = show $ (length notes) + 1
return $ " [" <> text ref <> "]_"
registerImage :: [Inline] -> Target -> Maybe String -> State WriterState Doc
registerImage alt (src,tit) mbtarget = do
registerImage :: Attr -> [Inline] -> Target -> Maybe String -> State WriterState Doc
registerImage attr alt (src,tit) mbtarget = do
pics <- get >>= return . stImages
txt <- case lookup alt pics of
Just (s,t,mbt) | (s,t,mbt) == (src,tit,mbtarget) -> return alt
Just (a,s,t,mbt) | (a,s,t,mbt) == (attr,src,tit,mbtarget)
-> return alt
_ -> do
let alt' = if null alt || alt == [Str ""]
then [Str $ "image" ++ show (length pics)]
else alt
modify $ \st -> st { stImages =
(alt', (src,tit, mbtarget)):stImages st }
(alt', (attr,src,tit, mbtarget)):stImages st }
return alt'
inlineListToRST txt
imageDimsToRST :: Attr -> State WriterState Doc
imageDimsToRST attr = do
let (ident, _, _) = attr
name = if null ident
then empty
else ":name: " <> text ident
showDim dir = let cols d = ":" <> text (show dir) <> ": " <> text (show d)
in case (dimension dir attr) of
Just (Percent a) ->
case dir of
Height -> empty
Width -> cols (Percent a)
Just dim -> cols dim
Nothing -> empty
return $ cr <> name $$ showDim Width $$ showDim Height

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
-- or a MediaBag, or the internet.
-- If file not found or filetype not jpeg or png, leave the inline unchanged.
rtfEmbedImage :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> IO Inline
rtfEmbedImage opts x@(Image _ (src,_)) = do
rtfEmbedImage opts x@(Image attr _ (src,_)) = do
result <- fetchItem' (writerMediaBag opts) (writerSourceURL opts) src
case result of
Right (imgdata, Just mime)
@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ rtfEmbedImage opts x@(Image _ (src,_)) = do
return ""
Right sz -> return $ "\\picw" ++ show xpx ++
"\\pich" ++ show ypx ++
"\\picwgoal" ++ show (xpt * 20)
++ "\\pichgoal" ++ show (ypt * 20)
"\\picwgoal" ++ show (floor (xpt * 20) :: Integer)
++ "\\pichgoal" ++ show (floor (ypt * 20) :: Integer)
-- twip = 1/1440in = 1/20pt
where (xpx, ypx) = sizeInPixels sz
(xpt, ypt) = sizeInPoints sz
let raw = "{\\pict" ++ filetype ++ sizeSpec ++ " " ++
(xpt, ypt) = desiredSizeInPoints opts attr sz
let raw = "{\\pict" ++ filetype ++ sizeSpec ++ "\\bin " ++
concat bytes ++ "}"
return $ if B.null imgdata
then x
@ -350,10 +350,10 @@ inlineToRTF (RawInline f str)
| otherwise = ""
inlineToRTF (LineBreak) = "\\line "
inlineToRTF Space = " "
inlineToRTF (Link text (src, _)) =
inlineToRTF (Link _ text (src, _)) =
"{\\field{\\*\\fldinst{HYPERLINK \"" ++ (codeStringToRTF src) ++
"\"}}{\\fldrslt{\\ul\n" ++ (inlineListToRTF text) ++ "\n}}}\n"
inlineToRTF (Image _ (source, _)) =
inlineToRTF (Image _ _ (source, _)) =
"{\\cf1 [image: " ++ source ++ "]\\cf0}"
inlineToRTF (Note contents) =
"{\\super\\chftn}{\\*\\footnote\\chftn\\~\\plain\\pard " ++

View file

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import Data.Ord ( comparing )
import Data.Char ( chr, ord )
import Control.Monad.State
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Network.URI ( isURI, unEscapeString )
import System.FilePath
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ data WriterState =
, stSubscript :: Bool -- document contains subscript
, stEscapeComma :: Bool -- in a context where we need @comma
, stIdentifiers :: [String] -- header ids used already
, stOptions :: WriterOptions -- writer options
{- TODO:
@ -61,7 +63,8 @@ writeTexinfo :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
writeTexinfo options document =
evalState (pandocToTexinfo options $ wrapTop document) $
WriterState { stStrikeout = False, stSuperscript = False,
stEscapeComma = False, stSubscript = False, stIdentifiers = [] }
stEscapeComma = False, stSubscript = False,
stIdentifiers = [], stOptions = options}
-- | Add a "Top" node around the document, needed by Texinfo.
wrapTop :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
@ -130,12 +133,12 @@ blockToTexinfo (Plain lst) =
inlineListToTexinfo lst
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToTexinfo (Para [Image txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
blockToTexinfo (Para [Image attr txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
capt <- if null txt
then return empty
else (\c -> text "@caption" <> braces c) `fmap`
inlineListToTexinfo txt
img <- inlineToTexinfo (Image txt (src,tit))
img <- inlineToTexinfo (Image attr txt (src,tit))
return $ text "@float" $$ img $$ capt $$ text "@end float"
blockToTexinfo (Para lst) =
@ -424,11 +427,11 @@ inlineToTexinfo (RawInline f str)
inlineToTexinfo (LineBreak) = return $ text "@*" <> cr
inlineToTexinfo Space = return space
inlineToTexinfo (Link txt (src@('#':_), _)) = do
inlineToTexinfo (Link _ txt (src@('#':_), _)) = do
contents <- escapeCommas $ inlineListToTexinfo txt
return $ text "@ref" <>
braces (text (stringToTexinfo src) <> text "," <> contents)
inlineToTexinfo (Link txt (src, _)) = do
inlineToTexinfo (Link _ txt (src, _)) = do
case txt of
[Str x] | escapeURI x == src -> -- autolink
do return $ text $ "@url{" ++ x ++ "}"
@ -437,10 +440,16 @@ inlineToTexinfo (Link txt (src, _)) = do
return $ text ("@uref{" ++ src1 ++ ",") <> contents <>
char '}'
inlineToTexinfo (Image alternate (source, _)) = do
inlineToTexinfo (Image attr alternate (source, _)) = do
content <- escapeCommas $ inlineListToTexinfo alternate
return $ text ("@image{" ++ base ++ ",,,") <> content <> text "," <>
text (ext ++ "}")
opts <- gets stOptions
let showDim dim = case (dimension dim attr) of
(Just (Pixel a)) -> showInInch opts (Pixel a) ++ "in"
(Just (Percent _)) -> ""
(Just d) -> show d
Nothing -> ""
return $ text ("@image{" ++ base ++ ',':(showDim Width) ++ ',':(showDim Height) ++ ",")
<> content <> text "," <> text (ext ++ "}")
ext = drop 1 $ takeExtension source'
base = dropExtension source'

View file

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty (render)
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate')
import Text.Pandoc.XML ( escapeStringForXML )
@ -116,9 +117,9 @@ blockToTextile opts (Plain inlines) =
inlineListToTextile opts inlines
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToTextile opts (Para [Image txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
blockToTextile opts (Para [Image attr txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
capt <- blockToTextile opts (Para txt)
im <- inlineToTextile opts (Image txt (src,tit))
im <- inlineToTextile opts (Image attr txt (src,tit))
return $ im ++ "\n" ++ capt
blockToTextile opts (Para inlines) = do
@ -435,23 +436,39 @@ inlineToTextile _ (LineBreak) = return "\n"
inlineToTextile _ Space = return " "
inlineToTextile opts (Link txt (src, _)) = do
inlineToTextile opts (Link (_, cls, _) txt (src, _)) = do
let classes = if null cls
then ""
else "(" ++ unwords cls ++ ")"
label <- case txt of
[Code _ s]
| s == src -> return "$"
[Str s]
| s == src -> return "$"
_ -> inlineListToTextile opts txt
return $ "\"" ++ label ++ "\":" ++ src
return $ "\"" ++ classes ++ label ++ "\":" ++ src
inlineToTextile opts (Image alt (source, tit)) = do
inlineToTextile opts (Image attr@(_, cls, _) alt (source, tit)) = do
alt' <- inlineListToTextile opts alt
let txt = if null tit
then if null alt'
then ""
else "(" ++ alt' ++ ")"
else "(" ++ tit ++ ")"
return $ "!" ++ source ++ txt ++ "!"
classes = if null cls
then ""
else "(" ++ unwords cls ++ ")"
showDim dir = let toCss str = Just $ show dir ++ ":" ++ str ++ ";"
in case (dimension dir attr) of
Just (Percent a) -> toCss $ show (Percent a)
Just dim -> toCss $ showInPixel opts dim ++ "px"
Nothing -> Nothing
styles = case (showDim Width, showDim Height) of
(Just w, Just h) -> "{" ++ w ++ h ++ "}"
(Just w, Nothing) -> "{" ++ w ++ "height:auto;}"
(Nothing, Just h) -> "{" ++ "width:auto;" ++ h ++ "}"
(Nothing, Nothing) -> ""
return $ "!" ++ classes ++ styles ++ source ++ txt ++ "!"
inlineToTextile opts (Note contents) = do
curNotes <- liftM stNotes get

View file

@ -7,5 +7,13 @@ flags:
network-uri: true
- '.'
- location:
git: ''
commit: c64eb383dce64396290aa815351ddb6e43cb6b0f
extra-dep: true
- location:
git: ''
commit: a716e9b5d8c1634847db2c1119e60836634569bf
extra-dep: true
extra-deps: []
resolver: lts-3.13

View file

@ -56,14 +56,16 @@ arbInline n = frequency $ [ (60, liftM Str realString)
, (10, do x1 <- arbitrary
x2 <- realString
return $ Math x1 x2)
, (10, do x1 <- arbInlines (n-1)
, (10, do x0 <- arbAttr
x1 <- arbInlines (n-1)
x3 <- realString
x2 <- liftM escapeURI realString
return $ Link x1 (x2,x3))
, (10, do x1 <- arbInlines (n-1)
return $ Link x0 x1 (x2,x3))
, (10, do x0 <- arbAttr
x1 <- arbInlines (n-1)
x3 <- realString
x2 <- liftM escapeURI realString
return $ Image x1 (x2,x3))
return $ Image x0 x1 (x2,x3))
, (2, liftM2 Cite arbitrary (arbInlines 1))
, (2, liftM Note $ resize 3 $ listOf1 $ arbBlock (n-1))

View file

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tests = [ testGroup "code blocks"
, testGroup "definition lists"
[ "with internal link" =: definitionList [(link "#go" "" (str "testing"),
[plain (text "hi there")])] =?>
"\\begin{description}\n\\tightlist\n\\item[\\protect\\hyperlink{go}{testing}]\nhi there\n\\end{description}"
"\\begin{description}\n\\tightlist\n\\item[{\\protect\\hyperlink{go}{testing}}]\nhi there\n\\end{description}"
, testGroup "math"
[ "escape |" =: para (math "\\sigma|_{\\{x\\}}") =?>

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("author",MetaList [MetaInlines [Str "John",Space,Str "MacFarlane"],MetaInlines [Str "Anonymous"]]),("date",MetaInlines [Str "July",Space,Str "17,",Space,Str "2006"]),("title",MetaInlines [Str "Pandoc",Space,Str "Test",Space,Str "Suite"])]})
[Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "set",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "tests",Space,Str "for",Space,Str "pandoc.",Space,Str "Most",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "them",Space,Str "are",Space,Str "adapted",Space,Str "from",Space,Str "John",Space,Str "Gruber\8217s",Space,Str "markdown",Space,Str "test",Space,Str "suite."]
,Header 1 ("headers",[],[]) [Str "Headers"]
,Header 2 ("level-2-with-an-embedded-link",[],[]) [Str "Level",Space,Str "2",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "an",Space,Link [Str "embedded",Space,Str "link"] ("/url","")]
,Header 2 ("level-2-with-an-embedded-link",[],[]) [Str "Level",Space,Str "2",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "an",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "embedded",Space,Str "link"] ("/url","")]
,Header 3 ("level-3-with-emphasis",[],[]) [Str "Level",Space,Str "3",Space,Str "with",Space,Emph [Str "emphasis"]]
,Header 4 ("level-4",[],[]) [Str "Level",Space,Str "4"]
,Header 5 ("level-5",[],[]) [Str "Level",Space,Str "5"]
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("author",MetaList [MetaInlines [Str "John",Spa
,Header 1 ("inline-markup",[],[]) [Str "Inline",Space,Str "Markup"]
,Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Emph [Str "emphasized"],Str ",",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "so",Space,Emph [Str "is",Space,Str "this"],Str "."]
,Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Strong [Str "strong"],Str ",",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "so",Space,Strong [Str "is",Space,Str "this"],Str "."]
,Para [Str "An",Space,Emph [Link [Str "emphasized",Space,Str "link"] ("/url","")],Str "."]
,Para [Str "An",Space,Emph [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "emphasized",Space,Str "link"] ("/url","")],Str "."]
,Para [Strong [Emph [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "strong",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "em."]]]
,Para [Str "So",Space,Str "is",Space,Strong [Emph [Str "this"]],Space,Str "word."]
,Para [Strong [Emph [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "strong",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "em."]]]
@ -230,51 +230,51 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("author",MetaList [MetaInlines [Str "John",Spa
,Para [Str "Minus:",Space,Str "-"]
,Header 1 ("links",[],[]) [Str "Links"]
,Header 2 ("explicit",[],[]) [Str "Explicit"]
,Para [Str "Just",Space,Str "a",Space,Link [Str "URL"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Link [Str "URL",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "title"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Link [Str "URL",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "title"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Link [Str "URL",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "title"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Link [Str "URL",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "title"] ("/url/","")]
,Para [Link [Str "URL",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "title"] ("/url/","")]
,Para [Link [Str "with_underscore"] ("/url/with_underscore","")]
,Para [Link [Str ""] ("","")]
,Para [Link [Str "Empty"] ("",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Just",Space,Str "a",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "URL"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "URL",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "title"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "URL",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "title"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "URL",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "title"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "URL",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "title"] ("/url/","")]
,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "URL",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "title"] ("/url/","")]
,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "with_underscore"] ("/url/with_underscore","")]
,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str ""] ("","")]
,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "Empty"] ("",""),Str "."]
,Header 2 ("reference",[],[]) [Str "Reference"]
,Para [Str "Foo",Space,Link [Str "bar"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Foo",Space,Link [Str "bar"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Foo",Space,Link [Str "bar"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "With",Space,Link [Str "embedded",Space,Str "[brackets]"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Link [Str "b"] ("/url/",""),Space,Str "by",Space,Str "itself",Space,Str "should",Space,Str "be",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "link."]
,Para [Str "Indented",Space,Link [Str "once"] ("/url",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Indented",Space,Link [Str "twice"] ("/url",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Indented",Space,Link [Str "thrice"] ("/url",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Foo",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "bar"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Foo",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "bar"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Foo",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "bar"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "With",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "embedded",Space,Str "[brackets]"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "b"] ("/url/",""),Space,Str "by",Space,Str "itself",Space,Str "should",Space,Str "be",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "link."]
,Para [Str "Indented",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "once"] ("/url",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Indented",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "twice"] ("/url",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Indented",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "thrice"] ("/url",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "This",Space,Str "should",Space,Str "[not][]",Space,Str "be",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "link."]
,CodeBlock ("",[],[]) "[not]: /url"
,Para [Str "Foo",Space,Link [Str "bar"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Foo",Space,Link [Str "biz"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Foo",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "bar"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Foo",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "biz"] ("/url/",""),Str "."]
,Header 2 ("with-ampersands",[],[]) [Str "With",Space,Str "ampersands"]
,Para [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "a",Space,Link [Str "link",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "an",Space,Str "ampersand",Space,Str "in",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "URL"] ("",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "link",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "an",Space,Str "amersand",Space,Str "in",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "link",Space,Str "text:",Space,Link [Str "AT&T"] ("",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "an",Space,Link [Str "inline",Space,Str "link"] ("/script?foo=1&bar=2",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "an",Space,Link [Str "inline",Space,Str "link",Space,Str "in",Space,Str "pointy",Space,Str "braces"] ("/script?foo=1&bar=2",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "a",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "link",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "an",Space,Str "ampersand",Space,Str "in",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "URL"] ("",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "link",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "an",Space,Str "amersand",Space,Str "in",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "link",Space,Str "text:",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "AT&T"] ("",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "an",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "inline",Space,Str "link"] ("/script?foo=1&bar=2",""),Str "."]
,Para [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "an",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "inline",Space,Str "link",Space,Str "in",Space,Str "pointy",Space,Str "braces"] ("/script?foo=1&bar=2",""),Str "."]
,Header 2 ("autolinks",[],[]) [Str "Autolinks"]
,Para [Str "With",Space,Str "an",Space,Str "ampersand:",Space,Link [Str ""] ("","")]
,Para [Str "With",Space,Str "an",Space,Str "ampersand:",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str ""] ("","")]
[[Para [Str "In",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "list?"]]
,[Para [Link [Str ""] ("","")]]
,[Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str ""] ("","")]]
,[Para [Str "It",Space,Str "should."]]]
,Para [Str "An",Space,Str "e-mail",Space,Str "address:",Space,Link [Str ""] ("","")]
,Para [Str "An",Space,Str "e-mail",Space,Str "address:",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str ""] ("","")]
[Para [Str "Blockquoted:",Space,Link [Str ""] ("","")]]
[Para [Str "Blockquoted:",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str ""] ("","")]]
,Para [Str "Auto-links",Space,Str "should",Space,Str "not",Space,Str "occur",Space,Str "here:",Space,Code ("",[],[]) "<>"]
,CodeBlock ("",[],[]) "or here: <>"
,Header 1 ("images",[],[]) [Str "Images"]
,Para [Str "From",Space,Quoted DoubleQuote [Str "Voyage",Space,Str "dans",Space,Str "la",Space,Str "Lune"],Space,Str "by",Space,Str "Georges",Space,Str "Melies",Space,Str "(1902):"]
,Para [Image [Str "lalune",Space,Str "fig",Space,Str "caption"] ("lalune.jpg","fig:")]
,Para [Str "Here",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "movie",Space,Image [] ("movie.jpg",""),Space,Str "icon.",Space,Str "And",Space,Str "here",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "second",Space,Str "movie",Space,Image [Str "alt",Space,Str "text"] ("movie.jpg",""),Space,Str "icon.",Space,Str "And",Space,Str "here",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "third",Space,Str "movie",Space,Image [Str "alt",Space,Str "text"] ("movie.jpg",""),Space,Str "icon."]
,Para [Image [Str "lalune",Space,Str "no",Space,Str "figure",Space,Str "alt",Space,Str "text"] ("lalune.jpg","")]
,Para [Image ("",[],[]) [Str "lalune",Space,Str "fig",Space,Str "caption"] ("lalune.jpg","fig:")]
,Para [Str "Here",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "movie",Space,Image ("",[],[]) [] ("movie.jpg",""),Space,Str "icon.",Space,Str "And",Space,Str "here",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "second",Space,Str "movie",Space,Image ("",[],[]) [Str "alt",Space,Str "text"] ("movie.jpg",""),Space,Str "icon.",Space,Str "And",Space,Str "here",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "third",Space,Str "movie",Space,Image ("",[],[]) [Str "alt",Space,Str "text"] ("movie.jpg",""),Space,Str "icon."]
,Para [Image ("",[],[]) [Str "lalune",Space,Str "no",Space,Str "figure",Space,Str "alt",Space,Str "text"] ("lalune.jpg","")]
,Header 1 ("footnotes",[],[]) [Str "Footnotes"]
,Para [Str "Here",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "footnote",Space,Str "reference,",Note [Para [Str "Here",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "footnote.",Space,Str "It",Space,Str "can",Space,Str "go",Space,Str "anywhere",Space,Str "after",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "footnote",Space,Str "reference.",Space,Str "It",Space,Str "need",Space,Str "not",Space,Str "be",Space,Str "placed",Space,Str "at",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "end",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "document."]],Space,Str "and",Space,Str "another.",Note [Para [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "long",Space,Str "note.",Space,Str "This",Space,Str "one",Space,Str "contains",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "blocks."],Para [Str "Subsequent",Space,Str "blocks",Space,Str "are",Space,Str "indented",Space,Str "to",Space,Str "show",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "they",Space,Str "belong",Space,Str "to",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "footnote",Space,Str "(as",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "list",Space,Str "items)."],CodeBlock ("",[],[]) " { <code> }",Para [Str "If",Space,Str "you",Space,Str "want,",Space,Str "you",Space,Str "can",Space,Str "indent",Space,Str "every",Space,Str "line,",Space,Str "but",Space,Str "you",Space,Str "can",Space,Str "also",Space,Str "be",Space,Str "lazy",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "just",Space,Str "indent",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "first",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "each",Space,Str "block."]],Space,Str "This",Space,Str "should",Space,Emph [Str "not"],Space,Str "be",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "footnote",Space,Str "reference,",Space,Str "because",Space,Str "it",Space,Str "contains",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "space.[^my",Space,Str "note]",Space,Str "Here",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "an",Space,Str "inline",Space,Str "note.",Note [Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Emph [Str "easier"],Space,Str "to",Space,Str "type.",Space,Str "Inline",Space,Str "notes",Space,Str "may",Space,Str "contain",Space,Link [Str "links"] ("",""),Space,Str "and",Space,Code ("",[],[]) "]",Space,Str "verbatim",Space,Str "characters,",Space,Str "as",Space,Str "well",Space,Str "as",Space,Str "[bracketed",Space,Str "text]."]]]
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See e.g. issues #1866, #1835
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\newcommand{\wbal}{The Wikibook about \LaTeX}
\wbal is a good resource for learning \LaTeX.
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View file

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@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
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View file

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