Docx Writer: Take TOC title from toc-title metadata field
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 15 additions and 1 deletions
@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ data WriterState = WriterState{
, stPrintWidth :: Integer
, stStyleMaps :: StyleMaps
, stFirstPara :: Bool
, stTocTitle :: [Inline]
defaultWriterState :: WriterState
@ -131,6 +132,7 @@ defaultWriterState = WriterState{
, stPrintWidth = 1
, stStyleMaps = defaultStyleMaps
, stFirstPara = False
, stTocTitle = normalizeInlines [Str "Table of Contents"]
type WS a = StateT WriterState IO a
@ -193,6 +195,13 @@ isValidChar (ord -> c)
| 0x10000 <= c && c <= 0x10FFFF = True
| otherwise = False
metaValueToInlines :: MetaValue -> [Inline]
metaValueToInlines (MetaString s) = normalizeInlines [Str s]
metaValueToInlines (MetaInlines ils) = ils
metaValueToInlines (MetaBlocks bs) = query return bs
metaValueToInlines (MetaBool b) = [Str $ show b]
metaValueToInlines _ = []
-- | Produce an Docx file from a Pandoc document.
writeDocx :: WriterOptions -- ^ Writer options
-> Pandoc -- ^ Document to convert
@ -235,11 +244,15 @@ writeDocx opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
-- parse styledoc for heading styles
let styleMaps = getStyleMaps styledoc
let tocTitle = fromMaybe (stTocTitle defaultWriterState) $
metaValueToInlines <$> lookupMeta "toc-title" meta
((contents, footnotes), st) <- runStateT (writeOpenXML opts{writerWrapText = False} doc')
defaultWriterState{ stChangesAuthor = fromMaybe "unknown" username
, stChangesDate = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%XZ" utctime
, stPrintWidth = (maybe 420 (\x -> quot x 20) pgContentWidth)
, stStyleMaps = styleMaps
, stTocTitle = tocTitle
let epochtime = floor $ utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds utctime
let imgs = M.elems $ stImages st
@ -626,7 +639,8 @@ makeTOC :: WriterOptions -> WS [Element]
makeTOC opts | writerTableOfContents opts = do
let depth = "1-"++(show (writerTOCDepth opts))
let tocCmd = "TOC \\o \""++depth++"\" \\h \\z \\u"
title <- withParaPropM (pStyleM "TOC Heading") (blocksToOpenXML opts [Para [Str "Table of Contents"]])
tocTitle <- gets stTocTitle
title <- withParaPropM (pStyleM "TOC Heading") (blocksToOpenXML opts [Para tocTitle])
return $
[mknode "w:sdt" [] ([
mknode "w:sdtPr" [] (
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