[Docx Reader] Only use bCs/iCs on runs with rtl or cs property

Fixes #6514
This commit is contained in:
Nikolay Yakimov 2020-07-13 19:03:31 +03:00
parent 804e8eeed2
commit 22c373370c
3 changed files with 59 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -261,46 +261,43 @@ resolveDependentRunStyle rPr
| otherwise = return rPr
runStyleToTransform :: PandocMonad m => RunStyle -> DocxContext m (Inlines -> Inlines)
runStyleToTransform rPr
| Just sn <- getStyleName <$> rParentStyle rPr
, sn `elem` spansToKeep = do
transform <- runStyleToTransform rPr{rParentStyle = Nothing}
return $ spanWith ("", [normalizeToClassName sn], []) . transform
| Just s <- rParentStyle rPr = do
ei <- extraInfo spanWith s
transform <- runStyleToTransform rPr{rParentStyle = Nothing}
return $ ei . transform
| Just True <- isItalic rPr = do
transform <- runStyleToTransform rPr{isItalic = Nothing}
return $ emph . transform
| Just True <- isBold rPr = do
transform <- runStyleToTransform rPr{isBold = Nothing}
return $ strong . transform
| Just True <- isSmallCaps rPr = do
transform <- runStyleToTransform rPr{isSmallCaps = Nothing}
return $ smallcaps . transform
| Just True <- isStrike rPr = do
transform <- runStyleToTransform rPr{isStrike = Nothing}
return $ strikeout . transform
| Just True <- isRTL rPr = do
transform <- runStyleToTransform rPr{isRTL = Nothing}
return $ spanWith ("",[],[("dir","rtl")]) . transform
| Just False <- isRTL rPr = do
transform <- runStyleToTransform rPr{isRTL = Nothing}
runStyleToTransform rPr' = do
opts <- asks docxOptions
inBidi <- asks docxInBidi
return $ if inBidi
then spanWith ("",[],[("dir","ltr")]) . transform
else transform
| Just SupScrpt <- rVertAlign rPr = do
transform <- runStyleToTransform rPr{rVertAlign = Nothing}
return $ superscript . transform
let styles = isEnabled Ext_styles opts
ctl = (Just True == isRTL rPr') || (Just True == isForceCTL rPr')
italic rPr | ctl = isItalicCTL rPr
| otherwise = isItalic rPr
bold rPr | ctl = isBoldCTL rPr
| otherwise = isBold rPr
go rPr
| Just sn <- getStyleName <$> rParentStyle rPr
, sn `elem` spansToKeep =
spanWith ("", [normalizeToClassName sn], [])
. go rPr{rParentStyle = Nothing}
| styles, Just s <- rParentStyle rPr =
spanWith (extraAttr s) . go rPr{rParentStyle = Nothing}
| Just True <- italic rPr =
emph . go rPr{isItalic = Nothing, isItalicCTL = Nothing}
| Just True <- bold rPr =
strong . go rPr{isBold = Nothing, isBoldCTL = Nothing}
| Just True <- isSmallCaps rPr =
smallcaps . go rPr{isSmallCaps = Nothing}
| Just True <- isStrike rPr =
strikeout . go rPr{isStrike = Nothing}
| Just True <- isRTL rPr =
spanWith ("",[],[("dir","rtl")]) . go rPr{isRTL = Nothing}
| inBidi, Just False <- isRTL rPr =
spanWith ("",[],[("dir","ltr")]) . go rPr{isRTL = Nothing}
| Just SupScrpt <- rVertAlign rPr =
superscript . go rPr{rVertAlign = Nothing}
| Just SubScrpt <- rVertAlign rPr = do
transform <- runStyleToTransform rPr{rVertAlign = Nothing}
return $ subscript . transform
subscript . go rPr{rVertAlign = Nothing}
| Just "single" <- rUnderline rPr = do
transform <- runStyleToTransform rPr{rUnderline = Nothing}
return $ Pandoc.underline . transform
| otherwise = return id
Pandoc.underline . go rPr{rUnderline = Nothing}
| otherwise = id
return $ go rPr'
runToInlines :: PandocMonad m => Run -> DocxContext m Inlines
runToInlines (Run rs runElems)
@ -512,13 +509,8 @@ trimSps (Many ils) = Many $ Seq.dropWhileL isSp $Seq.dropWhileR isSp ils
isSp LineBreak = True
isSp _ = False
extraInfo :: (Eq (StyleName a), PandocMonad m, HasStyleName a)
=> (Attr -> i -> i) -> a -> DocxContext m (i -> i)
extraInfo f s = do
opts <- asks docxOptions
return $ if isEnabled Ext_styles opts
then f ("", [], [("custom-style", fromStyleName $ getStyleName s)])
else id
extraAttr :: (Eq (StyleName a), HasStyleName a) => a -> Attr
extraAttr s = ("", [], [("custom-style", fromStyleName $ getStyleName s)])
parStyleToTransform :: PandocMonad m => ParagraphStyle -> DocxContext m (Blocks -> Blocks)
parStyleToTransform pPr = case pStyle pPr of
@ -534,8 +526,11 @@ parStyleToTransform pPr = case pStyle pPr of
| otherwise -> do
let pPr' = pPr { pStyle = cs }
transform <- parStyleToTransform pPr'
ei <- extraInfo divWith c
return $ ei . (if isBlockQuote c then blockQuote else id) . transform
styles <- asks (isEnabled Ext_styles . docxOptions)
return $
(if styles then divWith (extraAttr c) else id)
. (if isBlockQuote c then blockQuote else id)
. transform
| Just left <- indentation pPr >>= leftParIndent -> do
let pPr' = pPr { indentation = Nothing }

View file

@ -259,10 +259,13 @@ newtype Cell = Cell [BodyPart]
leftBiasedMergeRunStyle :: RunStyle -> RunStyle -> RunStyle
leftBiasedMergeRunStyle a b = RunStyle
{ isBold = isBold a <|> isBold b
, isBoldCTL = isBoldCTL a <|> isBoldCTL b
, isItalic = isItalic a <|> isItalic b
, isItalicCTL = isItalicCTL a <|> isItalicCTL b
, isSmallCaps = isSmallCaps a <|> isSmallCaps b
, isStrike = isStrike a <|> isStrike b
, isRTL = isRTL a <|> isRTL b
, isForceCTL = isForceCTL a <|> isForceCTL b
, rVertAlign = rVertAlign a <|> rVertAlign b
, rUnderline = rUnderline a <|> rUnderline b
, rParentStyle = rParentStyle a

View file

@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Parse.Styles (
) where
import Codec.Archive.Zip
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -101,10 +100,13 @@ data CharStyle = CharStyle { cStyleId :: CharStyleId
} deriving (Show)
data RunStyle = RunStyle { isBold :: Maybe Bool
, isBoldCTL :: Maybe Bool
, isItalic :: Maybe Bool
, isItalicCTL :: Maybe Bool
, isSmallCaps :: Maybe Bool
, isStrike :: Maybe Bool
, isRTL :: Maybe Bool
, isForceCTL :: Maybe Bool
, rVertAlign :: Maybe VertAlign
, rUnderline :: Maybe String
, rParentStyle :: Maybe CharStyle
@ -121,10 +123,13 @@ data ParStyle = ParStyle { headingLev :: Maybe (ParaStyleName, Int)
defaultRunStyle :: RunStyle
defaultRunStyle = RunStyle { isBold = Nothing
, isBoldCTL = Nothing
, isItalic = Nothing
, isItalicCTL = Nothing
, isSmallCaps = Nothing
, isStrike = Nothing
, isRTL = Nothing
, isForceCTL = Nothing
, rVertAlign = Nothing
, rUnderline = Nothing
, rParentStyle = Nothing
@ -240,20 +245,21 @@ elemToCharStyle :: NameSpaces
elemToCharStyle ns element parentStyle
= CharStyle <$> (CharStyleId <$> findAttrTextByName ns "w" "styleId" element)
<*> getElementStyleName ns element
<*> (Just $ elemToRunStyle ns element parentStyle)
<*> Just (elemToRunStyle ns element parentStyle)
elemToRunStyle :: NameSpaces -> Element -> Maybe CharStyle -> RunStyle
elemToRunStyle ns element parentStyle
| Just rPr <- findChildByName ns "w" "rPr" element =
isBold = checkOnOff ns rPr (elemName ns "w" "b") `mplus`
checkOnOff ns rPr (elemName ns "w" "bCs")
, isItalic = checkOnOff ns rPr (elemName ns "w" "i") `mplus`
checkOnOff ns rPr (elemName ns "w" "iCs")
isBold = checkOnOff ns rPr (elemName ns "w" "b")
, isBoldCTL = checkOnOff ns rPr (elemName ns "w" "bCs")
, isItalic = checkOnOff ns rPr (elemName ns "w" "i")
, isItalicCTL = checkOnOff ns rPr (elemName ns "w" "iCs")
, isSmallCaps = checkOnOff ns rPr (elemName ns "w" "smallCaps")
, isStrike = checkOnOff ns rPr (elemName ns "w" "strike")
, isRTL = checkOnOff ns rPr (elemName ns "w" "rtl")
, isForceCTL = checkOnOff ns rPr (elemName ns "w" "cs")
, rVertAlign =
findChildByName ns "w" "vertAlign" rPr >>=
findAttrByName ns "w" "val" >>=