Changes to build with new doctemplates/doclayout.

The new version of doctemplates adds many features to pandoc's
templating system, while remaining backwards-compatible.
New features include partials and filters.  Using template filters,
one can lay out data in enumerated lists and tables.

Templates are now layout-sensitive: so, for example, if a
text with soft line breaks is interpolated near the end of
a line, the text will break and wrap naturally.  This makes
the templating system much more suitable for programatically
generating markdown or other plain-text files from metadata.
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2019-10-20 22:49:04 -07:00
parent 4d5fd9e2fe
commit 1fe9742263
27 changed files with 120 additions and 97 deletions

View file

@ -13,7 +13,3 @@ source-repository-package
tag: 0.16.3
type: git
tag: 0333142110e77408b8ee048064941884317aa757

View file

@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ $endif$

View file

@ -417,9 +417,10 @@ library
case-insensitive >= 1.2 && < 1.3,
unicode-transforms >= 0.3 && < 0.4,
HsYAML >= 0.2 && < 0.3,
doclayout >= 0.1 && < 0.2,
doclayout >= 0.2 && < 0.3,
ipynb >= 0.1 && < 0.2,
attoparsec >= 0.12 && < 0.14
attoparsec >= 0.12 && < 0.14,
text-conversions >= 0.3 && < 0.4
if os(windows) && arch(i386)
build-depends: basement >= 0.0.10,
foundation >= 0.0.23

View file

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options (TopLevelDivision (TopLevelDefault),
ObfuscationMethod (NoObfuscation),
CiteMethod (Citeproc))
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (camelCaseToHyphenated)
import Text.DocLayout (render)
import Text.DocTemplates (Context(..), Val(..))
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -405,7 +406,7 @@ valToMetaVal :: Val Text -> MetaValue
valToMetaVal (MapVal (Context m)) =
MetaMap . M.mapKeys unpack . valToMetaVal $ m
valToMetaVal (ListVal xs) = MetaList $ map valToMetaVal xs
valToMetaVal (SimpleVal t) = MetaString (unpack t)
valToMetaVal (SimpleVal d) = MetaString (unpack $ render Nothing d)
valToMetaVal NullVal = MetaString ""
-- see

View file

@ -16,16 +16,18 @@ Marshaling instance for doctemplates Context and its components.
module Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshaling.Context () where
import Prelude
import qualified Foreign.Lua as Lua
import Foreign.Lua (Pushable)
import Text.DocTemplates (Context(..), Val(..))
import Text.DocTemplates (Context(..), Val(..), TemplateTarget)
import Text.DocLayout (render)
instance Pushable a => Pushable (Context a) where
instance (TemplateTarget a, Pushable a) => Pushable (Context a) where
push (Context m) = Lua.push m
instance Pushable a => Pushable (Val a) where
instance (TemplateTarget a, Pushable a) => Pushable (Val a) where
push NullVal = Lua.push ()
push (MapVal ctx) = Lua.push ctx
push (ListVal xs) = Lua.push xs
push (SimpleVal x) = Lua.push x
push (SimpleVal d) = Lua.push $ render Nothing d

View file

@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ instance FromYAML ReferenceLocation where
-- | Options for writers
data WriterOptions = WriterOptions
{ writerTemplate :: Maybe Template -- ^ Template to use
{ writerTemplate :: Maybe (Template Text) -- ^ Template to use
, writerVariables :: Context Text -- ^ Variables to set in template
, writerTabStop :: Int -- ^ Tabstop for conversion btw spaces and tabs
, writerTableOfContents :: Bool -- ^ Include table of contents

View file

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import System.IO (stdout, hClose)
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory, withTempDirectory,
import qualified System.IO.Error as IE
import Text.DocLayout (literal)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError (PandocPDFProgramNotFoundError))
import Text.Pandoc.MIME (getMimeType)
@ -134,7 +135,10 @@ makeWithWkhtmltopdf program pdfargs writer opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
MathJax _ -> ["--run-script", "MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook('End Typeset', function() { window.status = 'mathjax_loaded' });",
"--window-status", "mathjax_loaded"]
_ -> []
meta' <- metaToContext opts (return . stringify) (return . stringify) meta
meta' <- metaToContext opts
(return . literal . stringify)
(return . literal . stringify)
let toArgs (f, mbd) = maybe [] (\d -> ['-':'-':f, d]) mbd
let args = pdfargs ++ mathArgs ++ concatMap toArgs
[("page-size", getField "papersize" meta')

View file

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk, walkM)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML (writeHtml5String, tagWithAttributes)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.XML (toHtml5Entities)
import Text.DocLayout (literal, render)
-- | Convert Pandoc to CommonMark.
writeCommonMark :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m Text
@ -50,8 +51,8 @@ writeCommonMark opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
else [OrderedList (1, Decimal, Period) $ reverse notes]
main <- blocksToCommonMark opts (blocks' ++ notes')
metadata <- metaToContext opts
(fmap T.stripEnd . blocksToCommonMark opts)
(fmap T.stripEnd . inlinesToCommonMark opts)
(fmap (literal . T.stripEnd) . blocksToCommonMark opts)
(fmap (literal . T.stripEnd) . inlinesToCommonMark opts)
let context =
-- for backwards compatibility we populate toc
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ writeCommonMark opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
return $
case writerTemplate opts of
Nothing -> main
Just tpl -> renderTemplate tpl context
Just tpl -> render Nothing $ renderTemplate tpl context
softBreakToSpace :: Inline -> Inline
softBreakToSpace SoftBreak = Space

View file

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Data.Typeable
import Foreign.Lua (Lua, Pushable)
import Text.DocLayout (render, literal)
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocIO)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Lua (Global (..), LuaException (LuaException),
@ -101,17 +102,18 @@ writeCustom luaFile opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
Lua.tostring' (-1) >>= throw . PandocLuaException . UTF8.toString
rendered <- docToCustom opts doc
context <- metaToContext opts
(fmap (literal . pack) . blockListToCustom)
(fmap (literal . pack) . inlineListToCustom)
return (rendered, context)
return (pack rendered, context)
let (body, context) = case res of
Left (LuaException msg) -> throw (PandocLuaException msg)
Right x -> x
return $ pack $
return $
case writerTemplate opts of
Nothing -> body
Just tpl -> renderTemplate tpl $ setField "body" body context
Just tpl -> render Nothing $
renderTemplate tpl $ setField "body" body context
docToCustom :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> Lua String
docToCustom opts (Pandoc (Meta metamap) blocks) = do

View file

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options (WrapOption (..), WriterOptions (writerTableOfContent
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (camelCaseToHyphenated, escapeURI, isURI, linesToPara,
removeFormatting, substitute, trimr)
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
import Text.DocLayout (render, literal)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (defField, metaToContext)
data WriterState = WriterState {
@ -71,17 +72,17 @@ pandocToDokuWiki :: PandocMonad m
=> WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> DokuWiki m Text
pandocToDokuWiki opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
metadata <- metaToContext opts
(fmap trimr . blockListToDokuWiki opts)
(fmap trimr . inlineListToDokuWiki opts)
(fmap (literal . pack . trimr) . blockListToDokuWiki opts)
(fmap (literal . pack . trimr) . inlineListToDokuWiki opts)
body <- blockListToDokuWiki opts blocks
let main = body
let main = pack body
let context = defField "body" main
$ defField "toc" (writerTableOfContents opts) metadata
return $ pack $
return $
case writerTemplate opts of
Nothing -> main
Just tpl -> renderTemplate tpl context
Just tpl -> render Nothing $ renderTemplate tpl context
-- | Escape special characters for DokuWiki.
escapeString :: String -> String

View file

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Network.HTTP (urlEncode)
import Network.URI (URI (..), parseURIReference)
import Numeric (showHex)
import Text.DocLayout (render, literal)
import Prelude
import Text.Blaze.Internal (MarkupM (Empty), customLeaf, customParent)
import Text.DocTemplates (FromContext (lookupContext))
@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ writeHtmlString' st opts d = do
lookupContext "sourcefile" (writerVariables opts)
report $ NoTitleElement fallback
return $ resetField "pagetitle" (T.pack fallback) context
return $ renderTemplate tpl
return $ render Nothing $ renderTemplate tpl
(defField "body" (renderHtml' body) context')
writeHtml' :: PandocMonad m => WriterState -> WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m Html
@ -249,8 +250,8 @@ pandocToHtml opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
let slideLevel = fromMaybe (getSlideLevel blocks) $ writerSlideLevel opts
modify $ \st -> st{ stSlideLevel = slideLevel }
metadata <- metaToContext opts
(fmap renderHtml' . blockListToHtml opts)
(fmap renderHtml' . inlineListToHtml opts)
(fmap (literal . renderHtml') . blockListToHtml opts)
(fmap (literal . renderHtml') . inlineListToHtml opts)
let stringifyHTML = escapeStringForXML . stringify
let authsMeta = map stringifyHTML $ docAuthors meta

View file

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty (Config(..), defConfig,
encodePretty', keyOrder, Indent(Spaces))
import Text.DocLayout (literal)
writeIpynb :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m Text
writeIpynb opts d = do
@ -57,9 +58,9 @@ writeIpynb opts d = do
pandocToNotebook :: PandocMonad m
=> WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m (Notebook NbV4)
pandocToNotebook opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
let blockWriter bs = writeMarkdown
let blockWriter bs = literal <$> writeMarkdown
opts{ writerTemplate = Nothing } (Pandoc nullMeta bs)
let inlineWriter ils = T.stripEnd <$> writeMarkdown
let inlineWriter ils = literal . T.stripEnd <$> writeMarkdown
opts{ writerTemplate = Nothing } (Pandoc nullMeta [Plain ils])
let jupyterMeta =
case lookupMeta "jupyter" meta of

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.DocLayout
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
import Text.DocTemplates (Context(..), Val(..), TemplateTarget(..))
import Text.DocTemplates (Context(..), Val(..))
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.XML
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ docToJATS opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
case getField "date" metadata of
Nothing -> NullVal
Just (SimpleVal (x :: Doc Text)) ->
case parseDate (T.unpack $ toText x) of
case parseDate (T.unpack $ render Nothing x) of
Nothing -> NullVal
Just day ->
let (y,m,d) = toGregorian day

View file

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math (texMathToInlines)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (metaToContext, defField)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.DocLayout (literal, render)
data WriterState = WriterState
{ stNotes :: [Text] -- Footnotes
@ -53,16 +54,19 @@ writeJira opts document =
pandocToJira :: PandocMonad m
=> WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> JiraWriter m Text
pandocToJira opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
metadata <- metaToContext opts (blockListToJira opts)
(inlineListToJira opts) meta
metadata <- metaToContext opts
(fmap literal . blockListToJira opts)
(fmap literal . inlineListToJira opts) meta
body <- blockListToJira opts blocks
notes <- gets $ T.intercalate "\n" . reverse . stNotes
let main = body <> if T.null notes then "" else "\n\n" <> notes
let main = body <> if T.null notes
then mempty
else T.pack "\n\n" <> notes
let context = defField "body" main metadata
return $
case writerTemplate opts of
Nothing -> main
Just tpl -> renderTemplate tpl context
Just tpl -> render Nothing $ renderTemplate tpl context
-- | Escape one character as needed for Jira.
escapeCharForJira :: Char -> Text

View file

@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ pandocToLaTeX options (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
let toPolyObj :: Lang -> Val (Doc Text)
let toPolyObj :: Lang -> Val Text
toPolyObj lang = MapVal $ Context $
M.fromList [ ("name" , SimpleVal $ text name)
, ("options" , SimpleVal $ text opts) ]
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ pandocToLaTeX options (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
$ maybe id (defField "polyglossia-lang" . toPolyObj) mblang
$ defField "polyglossia-otherlangs"
(ListVal (map toPolyObj docLangs :: [Val (Doc Text)]))
(ListVal (map toPolyObj docLangs :: [Val Text]))
defField "latex-dir-rtl"
((render Nothing <$> getField "dir" context) ==

View file

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ pandocTitleBlock tit auths dat =
hang 2 (text "% ") (vcat $ map nowrap auths) <> cr <>
hang 2 (text "% ") dat <> cr
mmdTitleBlock :: Context (Doc Text) -> Doc Text
mmdTitleBlock :: Context Text -> Doc Text
mmdTitleBlock (Context hashmap) =
vcat $ map go $ sortBy (comparing fst) $ M.toList hashmap
where go (k,v) =
@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ plainTitleBlock tit auths dat =
(hcat (intersperse (text "; ") auths)) <> cr <>
dat <> cr
yamlMetadataBlock :: Context (Doc Text) -> Doc Text
yamlMetadataBlock :: Context Text -> Doc Text
yamlMetadataBlock v = "---" $$ (contextToYaml v) $$ "---"
contextToYaml :: Context (Doc Text) -> Doc Text
contextToYaml :: Context Text -> Doc Text
contextToYaml (Context o) =
vcat $ map keyvalToYaml $ sortBy (comparing fst) $ M.toList o
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ contextToYaml (Context o) =
(_, NullVal) -> empty
(k', _) -> k' <> ":" <+> hang 2 "" (valToYaml v)
valToYaml :: Val (Doc Text) -> Doc Text
valToYaml :: Val Text -> Doc Text
valToYaml (ListVal xs) =
vcat $ map (\v -> hang 2 "- " (valToYaml v)) xs
valToYaml (MapVal c) = contextToYaml c

View file

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.DocLayout (render)
import Text.DocLayout (render, literal)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
@ -55,21 +55,21 @@ pandocToMediaWiki :: PandocMonad m => Pandoc -> MediaWikiWriter m Text
pandocToMediaWiki (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
opts <- asks options
metadata <- metaToContext opts
(fmap trimr . blockListToMediaWiki)
(fmap trimr . inlineListToMediaWiki)
(fmap (literal . pack . trimr) . blockListToMediaWiki)
(fmap (literal . pack . trimr) . inlineListToMediaWiki)
body <- blockListToMediaWiki blocks
notesExist <- gets stNotes
let notes = if notesExist
then "\n<references />"
else ""
let main = body ++ notes
let main = pack $ body ++ notes
let context = defField "body" main
$ defField "toc" (writerTableOfContents opts) metadata
return $ pack $
return $
case writerTemplate opts of
Nothing -> main
Just tpl -> renderTemplate tpl context
Just tpl -> render Nothing $ renderTemplate tpl context
-- | Escape special characters for MediaWiki.
escapeString :: String -> String

View file

@ -36,17 +36,19 @@ writeOPML opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
else Nothing
meta' = B.setMeta "date" (B.str $ convertDate $ docDate meta) meta
metadata <- metaToContext opts
(writeMarkdown def . Pandoc nullMeta)
(\ils -> T.stripEnd <$> writeMarkdown def (Pandoc nullMeta [Plain ils]))
(fmap literal . writeMarkdown def . Pandoc nullMeta)
(\ils -> literal . T.stripEnd <$>
writeMarkdown def (Pandoc nullMeta [Plain ils]))
let blocks' = makeSections False (Just 1) blocks
main <- (render colwidth . vcat) <$> mapM (blockToOPML opts) blocks'
main <- (render colwidth . vcat) <$>
mapM (blockToOPML opts) blocks'
let context = defField "body" main metadata
return $
(if writerPreferAscii opts then toEntities else id) $
case writerTemplate opts of
Nothing -> main
Just tpl -> renderTemplate tpl context
Just tpl -> render colwidth $ renderTemplate tpl context
writeHtmlInlines :: PandocMonad m => [Inline] -> m Text

View file

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
import Text.DocLayout (render, literal)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
@ -97,11 +98,12 @@ writeRTF options doc = do
. M.adjust toPlain "date"
$ metamap
metadata <- metaToContext options
(fmap concat . mapM (blockToRTF 0 AlignDefault))
(fmap (literal . T.pack . concat) .
mapM (blockToRTF 0 AlignDefault))
(fmap (literal . T.pack) . inlinesToRTF)
body <- blocksToRTF 0 AlignDefault blocks
toc <- blocksToRTF 0 AlignDefault
body <- T.pack <$> blocksToRTF 0 AlignDefault blocks
toc <- T.pack <$> blocksToRTF 0 AlignDefault
[toTableOfContents options $ filter isHeaderBlock blocks]
let context = defField "body" body
$ defField "spacer" spacer
@ -112,12 +114,12 @@ writeRTF options doc = do
-- of the toc rather than a boolean:
. defField "toc" toc
else id) metadata
return $ T.pack $
return $
case writerTemplate options of
Just tpl -> renderTemplate tpl context
Nothing -> case reverse body of
('\n':_) -> body
_ -> body ++ "\n"
Just tpl -> render Nothing $ renderTemplate tpl context
Nothing -> case T.unsnoc body of
Just (_,'\n') -> body
_ -> body <> T.singleton '\n'
-- | Convert unicode characters (> 127) into rich text format representation.
handleUnicode :: String -> String

View file

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ escapeString escapeMode (x:xs) =
characterCodeMap :: Map.Map Char String
characterCodeMap = Map.fromList characterCodes
fontChange :: (IsString a, PandocMonad m) => MS m (Doc a)
fontChange :: (HasChars a, IsString a, PandocMonad m) => MS m (Doc a)
fontChange = do
features <- gets stFontFeatures
inHeader <- gets stInHeader
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ fontChange = do
then text "\\f[R]"
else text $ "\\f[" ++ filling ++ "]"
withFontFeature :: (IsString a, PandocMonad m)
withFontFeature :: (HasChars a, IsString a, PandocMonad m)
=> Char -> MS m (Doc a) -> MS m (Doc a)
withFontFeature c action = do
modify $ \st -> st{ stFontFeatures = Map.adjust not c $ stFontFeatures st }

View file

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import Control.Monad (zipWithM)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..), encode)
import Data.Char (chr, ord, isSpace)
import Data.List (groupBy, intersperse, transpose, foldl')
import Data.Text.Conversions (FromText(..))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as Builder
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Shared (stringify, makeSections, deNote, deLink)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import Text.Pandoc.XML (escapeStringForXML)
import Text.DocTemplates (Context(..), Val(..), TemplateTarget(..),
import Text.DocTemplates (Context(..), Val(..), TemplateTarget,
ToContext(..), FromContext(..))
-- | Create template Context from a 'Meta' and an association list
@ -65,8 +66,8 @@ import Text.DocTemplates (Context(..), Val(..), TemplateTarget(..),
-- assigned. Does nothing if 'writerTemplate' is Nothing.
metaToContext :: (Monad m, TemplateTarget a)
=> WriterOptions
-> ([Block] -> m a)
-> ([Inline] -> m a)
-> ([Block] -> m (Doc a))
-> ([Inline] -> m (Doc a))
-> Meta
-> m (Context a)
metaToContext opts blockWriter inlineWriter meta =
@ -78,8 +79,8 @@ metaToContext opts blockWriter inlineWriter meta =
-- | Like 'metaToContext, but does not include variables and is
-- not sensitive to 'writerTemplate'.
metaToContext' :: (Monad m, TemplateTarget a)
=> ([Block] -> m a)
-> ([Inline] -> m a)
=> ([Block] -> m (Doc a))
-> ([Inline] -> m (Doc a))
-> Meta
-> m (Context a)
metaToContext' blockWriter inlineWriter (Meta metamap) = do
@ -97,13 +98,14 @@ addVariablesToContext opts (Context m1) =
m2 = case traverse go (writerVariables opts) of
Just (Context x) -> x
Nothing -> mempty
m3 = M.insert "meta-json" (SimpleVal $ fromText jsonrep) mempty
m3 = M.insert "meta-json" (SimpleVal $ literal $ fromText jsonrep)
go = Just . fromText
jsonrep = UTF8.toText $ BL.toStrict $ encode $ toJSON m1
metaValueToVal :: (Monad m, TemplateTarget a)
=> ([Block] -> m a)
-> ([Inline] -> m a)
=> ([Block] -> m (Doc a))
-> ([Inline] -> m (Doc a))
-> MetaValue
-> m (Val a)
metaValueToVal blockWriter inlineWriter (MetaMap metamap) =
@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ metaValueToVal blockWriter inlineWriter (MetaMap metamap) =
mapM (metaValueToVal blockWriter inlineWriter) metamap
metaValueToVal blockWriter inlineWriter (MetaList xs) = ListVal <$>
mapM (metaValueToVal blockWriter inlineWriter) xs
metaValueToVal _ _ (MetaBool True) = return $ SimpleVal $ fromText "true"
metaValueToVal _ _ (MetaBool True) = return $ SimpleVal "true"
metaValueToVal _ _ (MetaBool False) = return NullVal
metaValueToVal _ inlineWriter (MetaString s) =
SimpleVal <$> inlineWriter (Builder.toList (Builder.text s))

View file

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.DocLayout (render)
import Text.DocLayout (render, literal)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
@ -51,16 +51,17 @@ writeTextile opts document =
pandocToTextile :: PandocMonad m
=> WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> TW m Text
pandocToTextile opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
metadata <- metaToContext opts (blockListToTextile opts)
(inlineListToTextile opts) meta
metadata <- metaToContext opts
(fmap (literal . pack) . blockListToTextile opts)
(fmap (literal . pack) . inlineListToTextile opts) meta
body <- blockListToTextile opts blocks
notes <- gets $ unlines . reverse . stNotes
let main = body ++ if null notes then "" else "\n\n" ++ notes
let main = pack $ body ++ if null notes then "" else "\n\n" ++ notes
let context = defField "body" main metadata
return $ pack $
return $
case writerTemplate opts of
Nothing -> main
Just tpl -> renderTemplate tpl context
Just tpl -> render Nothing $ renderTemplate tpl context
withUseTags :: PandocMonad m => TW m a -> TW m a
withUseTags action = do

View file

@ -20,13 +20,16 @@ import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT, evalStateT, gets, modify)
import Data.Default (Default (..))
import Data.List (intercalate, isInfixOf, isPrefixOf, transpose)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.DocLayout (render, literal)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text, breakOnAll, pack)
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad, report)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.Options (WrapOption (..), WriterOptions (writerTableOfContents, writerTemplate, writerWrapText))
import Text.Pandoc.Options (WrapOption (..),
WriterOptions (writerTableOfContents, writerTemplate,
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (escapeURI, isURI, linesToPara, removeFormatting,
substitute, trimr)
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
@ -51,16 +54,16 @@ writeZimWiki opts document = evalStateT (pandocToZimWiki opts document) def
pandocToZimWiki :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> ZW m Text
pandocToZimWiki opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
metadata <- metaToContext opts
(fmap trimr . blockListToZimWiki opts)
(fmap trimr . inlineListToZimWiki opts)
(fmap (literal . pack . trimr) . blockListToZimWiki opts)
(fmap (literal . pack . trimr) . inlineListToZimWiki opts)
main <- blockListToZimWiki opts blocks
main <- pack <$> blockListToZimWiki opts blocks
--let header = "Content-Type: text/x-zim-wiki\nWiki-Format: zim 0.4\n"
let context = defField "body" main
$ defField "toc" (writerTableOfContents opts) metadata
return $ pack $
return $
case writerTemplate opts of
Just tpl -> renderTemplate tpl context
Just tpl -> render Nothing $ renderTemplate tpl context
Nothing -> main
-- | Escape special characters for ZimWiki.

View file

@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ escapeNls (x:xs)
escapeNls [] = []
-- | Return a text object with a string of formatted XML attributes.
attributeList :: IsString a => [(String, String)] -> Doc a
attributeList :: (HasChars a, IsString a) => [(String, String)] -> Doc a
attributeList = hcat . map
(\(a, b) -> text (' ' : escapeStringForXML a ++ "=\"" ++
escapeNls (escapeStringForXML b) ++ "\""))
-- | Put the supplied contents between start and end tags of tagType,
-- with specified attributes and (if specified) indentation.
inTags:: IsString a
inTags:: (HasChars a, IsString a)
=> Bool -> String -> [(String, String)] -> Doc a -> Doc a
inTags isIndented tagType attribs contents =
let openTag = char '<' <> text tagType <> attributeList attribs <>
@ -74,16 +74,19 @@ inTags isIndented tagType attribs contents =
else openTag <> contents <> closeTag
-- | Return a self-closing tag of tagType with specified attributes
selfClosingTag :: IsString a => String -> [(String, String)] -> Doc a
selfClosingTag :: (HasChars a, IsString a)
=> String -> [(String, String)] -> Doc a
selfClosingTag tagType attribs =
char '<' <> text tagType <> attributeList attribs <> text " />"
-- | Put the supplied contents between start and end tags of tagType.
inTagsSimple :: IsString a => String -> Doc a -> Doc a
inTagsSimple :: (HasChars a, IsString a)
=> String -> Doc a -> Doc a
inTagsSimple tagType = inTags False tagType []
-- | Put the supplied contents in indented block btw start and end tags.
inTagsIndented :: IsString a => String -> Doc a -> Doc a
inTagsIndented :: (HasChars a, IsString a)
=> String -> Doc a -> Doc a
inTagsIndented tagType = inTags True tagType []
-- | Escape all non-ascii characters using numerical entities.

View file

@ -19,12 +19,10 @@ extra-deps:
- skylighting-
- skylighting-core-
- regex-pcre-builtin-
- doclayout-0.1
- doclayout-0.2
- HsYAML-aeson-
# - doctemplates-0.6.1
- git:
commit: 0333142110e77408b8ee048064941884317aa757
- doctemplates-0.7
"$locals": -fhide-source-paths -Wno-missing-home-modules
resolver: lts-14.6

View file

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ testTemplate t = case runIdentity (compileTemplate [] (T.pack t)) of
Left e -> error $ "Could not compile RST template: " ++ e
Right templ -> test (purely (writeRST def{ writerTemplate = Just templ }) . toPandoc)
bodyTemplate :: Template
bodyTemplate :: Template T.Text
bodyTemplate = case runIdentity (compileTemplate [] "$body$\n") of
Left e -> error $
"Could not compile RST bodyTemplate" ++ e

View file

@ -717,4 +717,3 @@ fn4. In quote.
fn5. In list.