Removed markdown2pdf and documentation.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 27 additions and 487 deletions
@ -24,16 +24,6 @@ main = do
meta manBlocks
makeManPage verbose ("man" </> "man5" </> "pandoc_markdown.5")
meta syntaxBlocks
let markdown2pdfpage = "man" </> "man1" </> "markdown2pdf.1"
modDeps <- modifiedDependencies markdown2pdfpage [markdown2pdfpage <.> "md"]
unless (null modDeps) $ do
mpdfContents <- liftM toString $ B.readFile $ markdown2pdfpage <.> "md"
templ <- liftM toString $ B.readFile $ "templates" </> ""
let doc = readMarkdown defaultParserState{ stateStandalone = True }
writeManPage markdown2pdfpage templ doc
when verbose $
putStrLn $ "Created " ++ markdown2pdfpage
makeManPage :: Bool -> FilePath -> Meta -> [Block] -> IO ()
makeManPage verbose page meta blocks = do
@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ and [LaTeX]; and it can write plain text, [markdown], [reStructuredText],
[XHTML], [HTML 5], [LaTeX], [LaTeX beamer], [ConTeXt], [RTF], [DocBook XML],
[OpenDocument XML], [ODT], [Word docx], [GNU Texinfo], [MediaWiki markup], [EPUB],
[Textile], [groff man] pages, [Emacs Org-Mode], [AsciiDoc], and [Slidy],
[DZSlides], or [S5] HTML slide shows.
[DZSlides], or [S5] HTML slide shows. It can also produce [PDF] output
on systems where LaTeX is installed.
Pandoc's enhanced version of markdown includes syntax for footnotes,
tables, flexible ordered lists, definition lists, delimited code blocks,
@ -34,14 +35,15 @@ representation of the document, and a set of writers, which convert
this native representation into a target format. Thus, adding an input
or output format requires only adding a reader or writer.
Using Pandoc
Using `pandoc`
If no *input-file* is specified, input is read from *stdin*.
Otherwise, the *input-files* are concatenated (with a blank
line between each) and used as input. Output goes to *stdout* by
default (though output to *stdout* is disabled for the `odt`, `docx`,
and `epub` output formats). For output to a file, use the `-o` option:
`pdf`, and `epub` output formats). For output to a file, use the
`-o` option:
pandoc -o output.html input.txt
@ -89,36 +91,15 @@ should pipe input and output through `iconv`:
iconv -t utf-8 input.txt | pandoc | iconv -f utf-8
The standard Pandoc installation includes `markdown2pdf`, a wrapper
around `pandoc` and `pdflatex` that produces PDFs directly from markdown
sources. The default behavior of `markdown2pdf` is to create a file with
the same base name as the first argument and the extension `pdf`; thus,
for example,
markdown2pdf sample.txt endnotes.txt
will produce `sample.pdf`. An output file
name can be specified explicitly using the `-o` option:
markdown2pdf -o book.pdf chap1 chap2
If no input file is specified, input will be taken from *stdin*.
All of `pandoc`'s options will work with `markdown2pdf` as well.
`markdown2pdf` assumes that `pdflatex` is in the path. It also
assumes that the following LaTeX packages are available:
`unicode`, `fancyhdr` (if you have verbatim text in footnotes),
`graphicx` (if you use images), `array` (if you use tables),
and `ulem` (if you use strikeout text). If they are not already
included in your LaTeX distribution, you can get them from
[CTAN]. A full [TeX Live] or [MacTeX] distribution will have all of
these packages.
Earlier versions of pandoc came with a program, `markdown2pdf`,
that used pandoc and pdflatex to produce a PDF. This is no
longer needed, since `pandoc` now has a `pdf` output format.
Note that whereas `markdown2pdf` would create an ouput file
based on the input file name, `pandoc` requires that you specify
the output filename explicitly.
@ -158,12 +139,12 @@ Options
(DocBook XML), `opendocument` (OpenDocument XML), `odt` (OpenOffice text
document), `docx` (Word docx), `epub` (EPUB book), `asciidoc` (AsciiDoc),
`slidy` (Slidy HTML and javascript slide show), `dzslides` (HTML5 +
javascript slide show), `s5` (S5 HTML and javascript slide show), or
`rtf` (rich text format). Note that `odt` and `epub` output will not be
directed to *stdout*; an output filename must be specified using the
`-o/--output` option. If `+lhs` is appended to `markdown`, `rst`, `latex`,
`html`, or `html5`, the output will be rendered as literate Haskell source:
see [Literate Haskell support](#literate-haskell-support), below.
javascript slide show), `s5` (S5 HTML and javascript slide show),
`rtf` (rich text format), or `pdf` (PDF). Note that `odt` and `epub` output
will not be directed to *stdout*; an output filename must be specified
using the `-o/--output` option. If `+lhs` is appended to `markdown`, `rst`,
`latex`, `html`, or `html5`, the output will be rendered as literate Haskell
source: see [Literate Haskell support](#literate-haskell-support), below.
`-s`, `--standalone`
: Produce output with an appropriate header and footer (e.g. a
@ -172,7 +153,7 @@ Options
`-o` *FILE*, `--output=`*FILE*
: Write output to *FILE* instead of *stdout*. If *FILE* is
`-`, output will go to *stdout*. (Exception: if the output
format is `odt`, `docx`, or `epub`, output to stdout is disabled.)
format is `odt`, `docx`, `pdf`, or `epub`, output to stdout is disabled.)
`-p`, `--preserve-tabs`
: Preserve tabs instead of converting them to spaces (the default).
@ -1937,8 +1918,8 @@ Producing slide shows with Pandoc
You can use Pandoc to produce an HTML + javascript slide presentation
that can be viewed via a web browser. There are three ways to do this,
using [S5], [DZSlides], or [Slidy]. You can also produce a PDF slide
show using [LaTeX beamer]: just pass the `--beamer` option to
show using [LaTeX beamer]: just use the `--beamer` option with `pdf`
Here's the markdown source for a simple slide show, `eating.txt`:
@ -2094,3 +2075,4 @@ Christopher Sawicki, Kelsey Hightower.
[ISO 8601 format]:
[Word docx]:
@ -25,14 +25,11 @@ main = do
defaultMainWithHooks $ simpleUserHooks {
runTests = runTestSuite
, postBuild = makeManPages
, postCopy = \ _ flags pkg lbi -> do
, postCopy = \ _ flags pkg lbi ->
installManpages pkg lbi (fromFlag $ copyVerbosity flags)
(fromFlag $ copyDest flags)
installScripts pkg lbi (fromFlag $ copyVerbosity flags)
(fromFlag $ copyDest flags)
, postInst = \ _ flags pkg lbi -> do
, postInst = \ _ flags pkg lbi ->
installManpages pkg lbi (fromFlag $ installVerbosity flags) NoCopyDest
installScripts pkg lbi (fromFlag $ installVerbosity flags) NoCopyDest
exitWith ExitSuccess
@ -53,9 +50,7 @@ makeManPages :: Args -> BuildFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO
makeManPages _ flags _ lbi = do
ds1 <- modifiedDependencies (manDir </> "man1" </> "pandoc.1")
["README", manDir </> "man1" </> "pandoc.1.template"]
ds2 <- modifiedDependencies (manDir </> "man1" </> "markdown2pdf.1")
[manDir </> "man1" </> ""]
ds3 <- modifiedDependencies (manDir </> "man5" </> "pandoc_markdown.5")
ds2 <- modifiedDependencies (manDir </> "man5" </> "pandoc_markdown.5")
["README", manDir </> "man5" </> "pandoc_markdown.5.template"]
let distPref = fromFlag (buildDistPref flags)
@ -71,7 +66,7 @@ makeManPages _ flags _ lbi = do
then args
else args ++ ["--verbose"]
-- Don't run MakeManPage.hs unless we have to
unless (null ds1 && null ds2 && null ds3) $ do
unless (null ds1 && null ds2) $ do
rawSystem "runghc" args' >>= exitWith
-- format arguments to runghc that we wish to pass to ghc
@ -83,21 +78,11 @@ makeGhcArgs = map ("--ghc-arg="++)
manpages :: [FilePath]
manpages = ["man1" </> "pandoc.1"
,"man1" </> "markdown2pdf.1"
,"man5" </> "pandoc_markdown.5"]
manDir :: FilePath
manDir = "man"
installScripts :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo
-> Verbosity -> CopyDest -> IO ()
installScripts pkg lbi verbosity copy =
copyFiles verbosity (bindir (absoluteInstallDirs pkg lbi copy))
(zip (repeat ".") (wrappers \\ exes))
where exes = map exeName $ filter isBuildable $ executables pkg
isBuildable = buildable . buildInfo
wrappers = ["markdown2pdf"]
installManpages :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo
-> Verbosity -> CopyDest -> IO ()
installManpages pkg lbi verbosity copy =
@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
% MARKDOWN2PDF(1) Pandoc User Manuals
% John MacFarlane, Paulo Tanimoto, and Recai Oktas
% January 29, 2011
markdown2pdf - converts markdown-formatted text to PDF, using pdflatex
markdown2pdf [*options*] [*input-file*]...
`markdown2pdf` converts *input-file* (or text from standard
input) from markdown-formatted plain text to PDF, using `pandoc`
and `pdflatex`. If no output filename is specified (using the `-o`
option), the name of the output file is derived from the input file;
thus, for example, if the input file is *hello.txt*, the output file
will be *hello.pdf*. If the input is read from STDIN and no output
filename is specified, the output file will be named *stdin.pdf*. If
multiple input files are specified, they will be concatenated before
conversion, and the name of the output file will be derived from the
first input file.
Input is assumed to be in the UTF-8 character encoding. If your
local character encoding is not UTF-8, you should pipe input
through `iconv`:
iconv -t utf-8 input.txt | markdown2pdf
`markdown2pdf` assumes that the `unicode`, `array`, `fancyvrb`,
`graphicx`, and `ulem` packages are in latex's search path. If these
packages are not included in your latex setup, they can be obtained from
-o *FILE*, \--output=*FILE*
: Write output to *FILE*.
: Use strict markdown syntax, with no extensions or variants.
-N, \--number-sections
: Number section headings in LaTeX output. (Default is not to number them.)
: Use listings package for LaTeX code blocks
: Use *FILE* as a custom template for the generated document. Implies
`-s`. See the section TEMPLATES in `pandoc`(1) for information about
template syntax. Use `pandoc -D latex` to print the default LaTeX
-V KEY=VAL, \--variable=*KEY:VAL*
: Set the template variable KEY to the value VAL when rendering the
document in standalone mode. Use this to set the font size when
using the default LaTeX template: `-V fontsize=12pt`.
-H *FILE*, \--include-in-header=*FILE*
: Include (LaTeX) contents of *FILE* at the end of the header. Implies
-B *FILE*, \--include-before-body=*FILE*
: Include (LaTeX) contents of *FILE* at the beginning of the document body.
-A *FILE*, \--include-after-body=*FILE*
: Include (LaTeX) contents of *FILE* at the end of the document body.
: Specify bibliography database to be used in resolving
citations. The database type will be determined from the
extension of *FILE*, which may be `.xml` (MODS format),
`.bib` (BibTeX format), or `.json` (citeproc JSON).
: Specify [CSL] style to be used in formatting citations and
the bibliography. If *FILE* is not found, pandoc will look
for it in
in unix and
C:\Documents And Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\csl
in Windows. If the `--csl` option is not specified, pandoc
will use a default style: either `default.csl` in the
user data directory (see `--data-dir`), or, if that is
not present, the Chicago author-date style.
: Specify the user data directory to search for pandoc data files.
If this option is not specified, the default user data directory
will be used:
in unix and
C:\Documents And Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\pandoc
in Windows. A `reference.odt`, `epub.css`, `templates` directory,
or `s5` directory placed in this directory will override pandoc's
normal defaults.
: Use xelatex instead of pdflatex to create the PDF.
: Use lualatex instead of pdflatex to create the PDF.
`pandoc`(1), `pdflatex`(1)
@ -84,14 +84,11 @@ Data-Files:
-- documentation
-- sources for man pages
-- code to create pandoc.1 man page
-- generated man pages (produced post-build)
-- benchmarks
@ -174,31 +171,21 @@ Extra-Source-Files:
Extra-Tmp-Files: man/man1/pandoc.1,
Source-repository head
type: git
location: git://
Flag threaded
Description: Compile markdown2pdf with -threaded option.
Default: True
Flag executable
Description: Build the pandoc executable.
Default: True
Flag library
Description: Build the pandoc library.
Default: True
Flag wrappers
Description: Build the wrappers (markdown2pdf).
Default: True
Flag tests
Description: Build test-pandoc.
Default: False
Flag benchmarks
Description: Build benchmark-pandoc.
Default: False
-- Note: the following material must be in both Library and Executable stanzas.
@ -334,21 +321,7 @@ Executable pandoc
Main-Is: pandoc.hs
if flag(executable) || flag(wrappers)
Buildable: True
Buildable: False
Executable markdown2pdf
Hs-Source-Dirs: src
Main-Is: markdown2pdf.hs
if flag(threaded)
Ghc-Options: -Wall -threaded
Ghc-Options: -Wall
Ghc-Prof-Options: -auto-all -rtsopts
Extensions: CPP
if flag(wrappers)
if flag(executable)
Buildable: True
Buildable: False
@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
module Main where
import Data.List (isInfixOf, intercalate, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String (decodeString, encodeString)
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (toString)
import Control.Monad (unless, guard, liftM, when)
import Control.Concurrent (putMVar, takeMVar, newEmptyMVar, forkIO)
import Control.Exception (tryJust, bracket, evaluate)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import System.IO.Error (isAlreadyExistsError)
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
import System.Environment ( getArgs, getProgName )
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..), exitWith)
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import System.Process
-- A variant of 'readProcessWithExitCode' that does not
-- cause an error if the output is not UTF-8. (Copied
-- with slight variants from 'System.Process'.)
:: FilePath -- ^ command to run
-> [String] -- ^ any arguments
-> String -- ^ standard input
-> IO (ExitCode,String,String) -- ^ exitcode, stdout, stderr
readProcessWithExitCode' cmd args input = do
(Just inh, Just outh, Just errh, pid) <-
createProcess (proc cmd args){ std_in = CreatePipe,
std_out = CreatePipe,
std_err = CreatePipe }
outMVar <- newEmptyMVar
-- fork off a thread to start consuming stdout
out <- liftM toString $ BS.hGetContents outh
_ <- forkIO $ evaluate (length out) >> putMVar outMVar ()
-- fork off a thread to start consuming stderr
err <- liftM toString $ BS.hGetContents errh
_ <- forkIO $ evaluate (length err) >> putMVar outMVar ()
-- now write and flush any input
when (not (null input)) $ do hPutStr inh input; hFlush inh
hClose inh -- done with stdin
-- wait on the output
takeMVar outMVar
takeMVar outMVar
hClose outh
-- wait on the process
ex <- waitForProcess pid
return (ex, out, err)
run :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO (Either String String)
run file opts = do
(code, out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode' (encodeString file)
(map encodeString opts) ""
let msg = out ++ err
case code of
ExitFailure _ -> return $ Left $! msg
ExitSuccess -> return $ Right $! msg
parsePandocArgs :: [String] -> IO (Maybe ([String], String))
parsePandocArgs args = do
result <- run "pandoc" $ ["--dump-args"] ++ args
return $ either error (parse . map trim . lines) result
where parse [] = Nothing
parse ("-":[]) = Just ([], "stdin") -- no output or input
parse ("-":x:xs) = Just (x:xs, dropExtension x) -- no output
parse ( x :xs) = Just (xs, dropExtension x) -- at least output
--trim = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace
trim = takeWhile (/='\r') . dropWhile (=='\r')
runPandoc :: String -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO (Either String FilePath)
runPandoc outputFormat inputsAndArgs output = do
let texFile = addExtension output "tex"
result <- run "pandoc" $
["-s", "--no-wrap", "-r", "markdown", "-w", outputFormat]
++ inputsAndArgs ++ ["-o", texFile]
return $ either Left (const $ Right texFile) result
runLatexRaw :: String -> FilePath -> IO (Either (Either String String) FilePath)
runLatexRaw latexProgram file = do
-- we ignore the ExitCode because pdflatex always fails the first time
run latexProgram ["-halt-on-error", "-interaction", "nonstopmode",
"-output-directory", takeDirectory file, dropExtension file] >> return ()
let pdfFile = replaceExtension file "pdf"
let logFile = replaceExtension file "log"
txt <- tryJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError)
(liftM toString $ BS.readFile logFile)
let checks = checkLatex $ either (const "") id txt
case checks of
-- err , bib , ref , msg
(True , _ , _ , msg) -> return $ Left $ Left msg -- failure
(False, True , _ , msg) -> runBibtex file >>
(return $ Left $ Right msg) -- citations
(False, _ , True, msg) -> return $ Left $ Right msg -- references
(False, False, False, _ ) -> return $ Right pdfFile -- success
runLatex :: String -> FilePath -> IO (Either String FilePath)
runLatex latexProgram file = step 3
step n = do
result <- runLatexRaw latexProgram file
case result of
Left (Left err) -> return $ Left err
Left (Right _) | n > 1 -> step (n-1 :: Int)
Right _ | n > 2 -> step (n-1 :: Int)
Left (Right msg) -> return $ Left msg
Right pdfFile -> return $ Right pdfFile
checkLatex :: String -> (Bool, Bool, Bool, String)
checkLatex "" = (True, False, False, "Could not read log file")
checkLatex txt = (err , bib, ref, unlines $! msgs ++ tips)
xs `oneOf` x = any (flip isInfixOf x) xs
msgs = dropWhile (not . errorline) $ lines txt
errorline ('!':_) = True
errorline _ = False
tips = checkPackages msgs
err = any (oneOf ["!", "LaTeX Error:", "Latex Error:"]) msgs
bib = any (oneOf ["Warning: Citation"
,"Warning: There were undefined citations"]) msgs
ref = any (oneOf ["Warning: Reference"
,"Warning: Label"
,"Warning: There were undefined references"
]) msgs
checkPackages :: [String] -> [String]
checkPackages = concatMap chks
where -- for each message, search 'pks' for matches and give a hint
chks x = concatMap (chk x) pks
chk x (k,v) = if sub k `isInfixOf` x then tip k v else []
sub k = "`" ++ k ++ ".sty' not found"
tip k v = ["Please install the '" ++ k ++
"' package from CTAN:", " " ++ v]
pks = [("ucs"
runBibtex :: FilePath -> IO (Either String FilePath)
runBibtex file = do
let auxFile = replaceExtension file "aux"
result <- run "bibtex" [auxFile]
return $ either Left (const $ Right auxFile) result
exit :: String -> IO a
exit x = do
progName <- getProgName
UTF8.hPutStrLn stderr $ progName ++ ": " ++ x
exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
saveStdin :: FilePath -> IO (Either String FilePath)
saveStdin file = do
text <- liftM toString $ BS.getContents
UTF8.writeFile file text
fileExist <- doesFileExist (encodeString file)
case fileExist of
False -> return $ Left $! "Could not create " ++ file
True -> return $ Right file
saveOutput :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
saveOutput input output = do
copyFile (encodeString input) (encodeString output)
UTF8.hPutStrLn stderr $! "Created " ++ output
-- | Perform a function in a temporary directory and clean up.
withTempDir :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
withTempDir baseName = bracket (createTempDir 0 baseName) removeDirectoryRecursive
-- | Create a temporary directory with a unique name.
createTempDir :: Integer -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
createTempDir num baseName = do
sysTempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
let dirName = sysTempDir </> baseName <.> show num
liftIO $ catch (createDirectory dirName >> return dirName) $
\e -> if isAlreadyExistsError e
then createTempDir (num + 1) baseName
else ioError e
main :: IO ()
main = withTempDir "pandoc"
-- run computation
$ \tmp -> do
args <- liftM (map decodeString) getArgs
-- check for invalid arguments and print help message if needed
let goodopts = ["-f","-r","-N", "-p","-R","-H","-B","-A", "-C","-o","-V"]
let goodoptslong = ["--from","--read","--strict",
"--toc","--table-of-contents", "--xetex", "--luatex",
"--template", "--variable",
"--no-highlight", "--highlight-style",
"--citation-abbreviations", "--old-dashes",
"--csl", "--bibliography", "--data-dir", "--listings",
let isOpt ('-':_) = True
isOpt _ = False
let opts = filter isOpt args
-- note that a long option can come in this form: --opt=val
let isGoodopt x = x `elem` (goodopts ++ goodoptslong) ||
any (\o -> (o ++ "=") `isPrefixOf` x) goodoptslong
let markdown2pdfOpts = ["--xetex","--luatex", "--beamer"]
unless (all isGoodopt opts) $ do
(code, out, _err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "pandoc" ["--help"] ""
UTF8.putStrLn "markdown2pdf [OPTIONS] [FILES]\nOptions:"
UTF8.putStr $ unlines $
filter (\l -> any (`isInfixOf` l) goodoptslong) (lines out)
++ map (replicate 24 ' ' ++) markdown2pdfOpts
exitWith code
let args' = filter (`notElem` markdown2pdfOpts) args
-- check for executable files
let latexProgram = if "--xetex" `elem` opts
then "xelatex"
else if "--luatex" `elem` opts
then "lualatex"
else "pdflatex"
let outputFormat = if "--beamer" `elem` opts
then "beamer"
else "latex"
let execs = ["pandoc", latexProgram, "bibtex"]
paths <- mapM findExecutable execs
let miss = map snd $ filter (isNothing . fst) $ zip paths execs
unless (null miss) $ exit $! "Could not find " ++ intercalate ", " miss
-- parse arguments
-- if no input given, use 'stdin'
pandocArgs <- parsePandocArgs args'
(input, output) <- case pandocArgs of
Nothing -> exit "Could not parse arguments"
Just ([],out) -> do
stdinFile <- saveStdin (replaceDirectory (takeBaseName out) tmp)
case stdinFile of
Left err -> exit err
Right f -> return ([f], out)
-- no need because we'll pass all arguments to pandoc
Just (_ ,out) -> return ([], out)
-- run pandoc
pandocRes <- runPandoc outputFormat (input ++ args') $ replaceDirectory output tmp
case pandocRes of
Left err -> exit err
Right texFile -> do
-- run pdflatex
latexRes <- runLatex latexProgram texFile
case latexRes of
Left err -> exit err
Right pdfFile -> do
-- save the output
saveOutput pdfFile $
replaceDirectory pdfFile (takeDirectory output)
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ cabal-dev install --flags="executable wrappers -library highlighting" --datasubd
rem note: we use -f-library in building pandoc, because
rem if the library is built, the data file paths will not be relocatable!
strip cabal-dev\bin\pandoc.exe
strip cabal-dev\bin\markdown2pdf.exe
cabal-dev\bin\pandoc.exe -s --template templates\html.template -S README -o README.html
Add table
Reference in a new issue