Ms writer: added syntax highlighting.

Closes #3547.

Macro definitions are inserted in the template when there is highlighted

Limitations: background colors and underline currently not
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2017-04-01 17:07:39 +02:00
parent 1c7f4e97e2
commit 1c84a03509
3 changed files with 90 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
.ce .ce
\l'20' \l'20'
.. ..
.\" * Syntax highlighting macros
.\" **** Settings ************************************************* .\" **** Settings *************************************************
.\" text width .\" text width
.nr LL 5.5i .nr LL 5.5i

View file

@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Options import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
import Text.Printf ( printf ) import Text.Printf ( printf )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes, fromMaybe )
import Data.List ( intersperse, intercalate, sort ) import Data.List ( intersperse, intercalate, sort )
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad, report) import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad, report)
@ -53,11 +55,14 @@ import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char ( isLower, isUpper, toUpper ) import Data.Char ( isLower, isUpper, toUpper )
import Text.TeXMath (writeEqn) import Text.TeXMath (writeEqn)
import System.FilePath (takeExtension) import System.FilePath (takeExtension)
import Skylighting
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting
data WriterState = WriterState { stHasInlineMath :: Bool data WriterState = WriterState { stHasInlineMath :: Bool
, stFirstPara :: Bool , stFirstPara :: Bool
, stNotes :: [Note] , stNotes :: [Note]
, stSmallCaps :: Bool , stSmallCaps :: Bool
, stHighlighting :: Bool
, stFontFeatures :: Map.Map Char Bool , stFontFeatures :: Map.Map Char Bool
} }
@ -66,6 +71,7 @@ defaultWriterState = WriterState{ stHasInlineMath = False
, stFirstPara = True , stFirstPara = True
, stNotes = [] , stNotes = []
, stSmallCaps = False , stSmallCaps = False
, stHighlighting = False
, stFontFeatures = Map.fromList [ , stFontFeatures = Map.fromList [
('I',False) ('I',False)
, ('B',False) , ('B',False)
@ -98,6 +104,13 @@ pandocToMs opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
hasInlineMath <- gets stHasInlineMath hasInlineMath <- gets stHasInlineMath
let titleMeta = (escapeString . stringify) $ docTitle meta let titleMeta = (escapeString . stringify) $ docTitle meta
let authorsMeta = map (escapeString . stringify) $ docAuthors meta let authorsMeta = map (escapeString . stringify) $ docAuthors meta
hasHighlighting <- gets stHighlighting
let highlightingMacros = if hasHighlighting
then case writerHighlightStyle opts of
Nothing -> ""
Just sty -> render' $ styleToMs sty
else ""
let context = defField "body" main let context = defField "body" main
$ defField "has-inline-math" hasInlineMath $ defField "has-inline-math" hasInlineMath
$ defField "hyphenate" True $ defField "hyphenate" True
@ -105,6 +118,7 @@ pandocToMs opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
$ defField "toc" (writerTableOfContents opts) $ defField "toc" (writerTableOfContents opts)
$ defField "title-meta" titleMeta $ defField "title-meta" titleMeta
$ defField "author-meta" (intercalate "; " authorsMeta) $ defField "author-meta" (intercalate "; " authorsMeta)
$ defField "highlighting-macros" highlightingMacros
$ metadata $ metadata
case writerTemplate opts of case writerTemplate opts of
Nothing -> return main Nothing -> return main
@ -117,7 +131,7 @@ msEscapes = Map.fromList $
, ('\'', "\\[aq]") , ('\'', "\\[aq]")
, ('`', "\\`") , ('`', "\\`")
, ('\8217', "'") , ('\8217', "'")
, ('"', "\\\"") , ('"', "\\[dq]")
, ('\x2014', "\\[em]") , ('\x2014', "\\[em]")
, ('\x2013', "\\[en]") , ('\x2013', "\\[en]")
, ('\x2026', "\\&...") , ('\x2026', "\\&...")
@ -276,13 +290,14 @@ blockToMs opts (Header level (ident,classes,_) inlines) = do
bookmark $$ bookmark $$
anchor $$ anchor $$
tocEntry tocEntry
blockToMs _ (CodeBlock _ str) = do blockToMs opts (CodeBlock attr str) = do
hlCode <- highlightCode opts attr str
setFirstPara setFirstPara
return $ return $
text ".IP" $$ text ".IP" $$
text ".nf" $$ text ".nf" $$
text "\\f[C]" $$ text "\\f[C]" $$
text (escapeCode str) $$ hlCode $$
text "\\f[]" $$ text "\\f[]" $$
text ".fi" text ".fi"
blockToMs opts (LineBlock ls) = do blockToMs opts (LineBlock ls) = do
@ -450,8 +465,9 @@ inlineToMs opts (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = do
return $ text "\\[lq]" <> contents <> text "\\[rq]" return $ text "\\[lq]" <> contents <> text "\\[rq]"
inlineToMs opts (Cite _ lst) = inlineToMs opts (Cite _ lst) =
inlineListToMs opts lst inlineListToMs opts lst
inlineToMs _ (Code _ str) = inlineToMs opts (Code attr str) = do
withFontFeature 'C' (return $ text $ escapeCode str) hlCode <- highlightCode opts attr str
withFontFeature 'C' (return hlCode)
inlineToMs _ (Str str) = do inlineToMs _ (Str str) = do
let shim = case str of let shim = case str of
'.':_ -> afterBreak "\\&" '.':_ -> afterBreak "\\&"
@ -549,3 +565,66 @@ breakToSpace :: Inline -> Inline
breakToSpace SoftBreak = Space breakToSpace SoftBreak = Space
breakToSpace LineBreak = Space breakToSpace LineBreak = Space
breakToSpace x = x breakToSpace x = x
-- Highlighting
styleToMs :: Style -> Doc
styleToMs sty = vcat $ colordefs ++ map (toMacro sty) alltoktypes
where alltoktypes = enumFromTo KeywordTok NormalTok
colordefs = map toColorDef allcolors
toColorDef c = text (".defcolor " ++
hexColor c ++ " rgb #" ++ hexColor c)
allcolors = catMaybes $ ordNub $
[defaultColor sty, backgroundColor sty,
lineNumberColor sty, lineNumberBackgroundColor sty] ++
concatMap colorsForToken (map snd (tokenStyles sty))
colorsForToken ts = [tokenColor ts, tokenBackground ts]
hexColor :: Color -> String
hexColor (RGB r g b) = printf "%02x%02x%02x" r g b
toMacro :: Style -> TokenType -> Doc
toMacro sty toktype =
nowrap (text ".ds " <> text (show toktype) <> text " " <>
setbg <> setcolor <> setfont <>
text "\\\\$1" <>
resetfont <> resetcolor <> resetbg)
where setcolor = maybe empty fgcol tokCol
resetcolor = maybe empty (const $ text "\\\\m[]") tokCol
setbg = empty -- maybe empty bgcol tokBg
resetbg = empty -- maybe empty (const $ text "\\\\M[]") tokBg
fgcol c = text $ "\\\\m[" ++ hexColor c ++ "]"
-- bgcol c = text $ "\\\\M[" ++ hexColor c ++ "]"
setfont = if tokBold || tokItalic
then text $ "\\\\f[C" ++ ['B' | tokBold] ++
['I' | tokItalic] ++ "]"
else empty
resetfont = if tokBold || tokItalic
then text "\\\\f[C]"
else empty
tokSty = lookup toktype (tokenStyles sty)
tokCol = (tokSty >>= tokenColor) `mplus` defaultColor sty
-- tokBg = (tokSty >>= tokenBackground) `mplus` backgroundColor sty
tokBold = fromMaybe False (tokenBold <$> tokSty)
tokItalic = fromMaybe False (tokenItalic <$> tokSty)
-- tokUnderline = fromMaybe False (tokSty >>= tokUnderline)
-- lnColor = lineNumberColor sty
-- lnBkgColor = lineNumberBackgroundColor sty
msFormatter :: FormatOptions -> [SourceLine] -> Doc
msFormatter _fmtopts =
vcat . map fmtLine
where fmtLine = hcat . map fmtToken
fmtToken (toktype, tok) = text "\\*" <>
brackets (text (show toktype) <> text " \""
<> text (escapeCode (T.unpack tok)) <> text "\"")
highlightCode :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Attr -> String -> MS m Doc
highlightCode opts attr str =
case highlight (writerSyntaxMap opts) msFormatter attr str of
Left msg -> do
unless (null msg) $ report $ CouldNotHighlight msg
return $ text (escapeCode str)
Right h -> do
modify (\st -> st{ stHighlighting = True })
return h

View file

@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ Code in a block quote:
.nf .nf
\f[C] \f[C]
sub\ status\ { sub\ status\ {
\ \ \ \ print\ \"working\"; \ \ \ \ print\ \[dq]working\[dq];
} }
\f[] \f[]
.fi .fi
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ Code:
\-\-\-\-\ (should\ be\ four\ hyphens) \-\-\-\-\ (should\ be\ four\ hyphens)
sub\ status\ { sub\ status\ {
\ \ \ \ print\ \"working\"; \ \ \ \ print\ \[dq]working\[dq];
} }
this\ code\ block\ is\ indented\ by\ one\ tab this\ code\ block\ is\ indented\ by\ one\ tab