diff --git a/doc/custom-readers.md b/doc/custom-readers.md
index 37b6d6a3e..6d8333d14 100644
--- a/doc/custom-readers.md
+++ b/doc/custom-readers.md
@@ -682,3 +682,87 @@ function Reader (input, opts)
   return pandoc.Pandoc(input:map(to_code_block))
+# Example: "readable HTML" reader
+This reader uses the command-line program `readable`
+(install via `npm install -g readability-cli`)
+to clean out parts of HTML input that have to do with
+navigation, leaving only the content.
+``` lua
+-- Custom reader for "readable HTML."  This pipes HTML content
+-- through the 'readable' program (npm install -g readability-cli)
+-- and then calls the HTML reader.  In addition, Divs that seem
+-- to have only a layout function are removed to avoid clutter.
+function make_readable(source)
+  local result
+  if not pcall(function ()
+      local name = source.name
+      if not name:match("http") then
+        name = "file:///" .. name
+      end
+      result = pandoc.pipe("readable",
+                 {"--keep-classes","--base",name},
+                 source.text)
+    end) then
+      io.stderr:write("Error running 'readable': do you have it installed?\n")
+      io.stderr:write("npm install -g readability-cli\n")
+      os.exit(1)
+  end
+  return result
+local boring_classes =
+        { row = true,
+          page = true,
+          container = true
+        }
+local boring_attributes = { "role" }
+local function is_boring_class(cl)
+  return boring_classes[cl] or cl:match("col%-") or cl:match("pull%-")
+local function handle_div(el)
+  for i,class in ipairs(el.classes) do
+    if is_boring_class(class) then
+      el.classes[i] = nil
+    end
+  end
+  for i,k in ipairs(boring_attributes) do
+    el.attributes[k] = nil
+  end
+  if el.identifier:match("readability-") then
+    el.identifier = ""
+  end
+  if #el.classes == 0 and #el.attributes == 0 and #el.identifier == 0 then
+    return el.content
+  else
+    return el
+  end
+function Reader(sources)
+  local readable = ''
+  for _,source in ipairs(sources) do
+    readable = readable .. make_readable(source)
+  end
+  local doc = pandoc.read(readable, "html", PANDOC_READER_OPTIONS)
+  -- Now remove Divs used only for layout
+  return doc:walk{ Div = handle_div }
+Example of use:
+pandoc -f readable.lua -t markdown https://pandoc.org
+and compare the output to
+pandoc -f html -t markdown https://pandoc.org