From 190c0f6a091459e4dafc997583f25c4173d314ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John MacFarlane <>
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2019 14:58:40 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Update changelog provisionally, update AUTHORS.

--- |   7 ++
 changelog  | 315 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 322 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ b/
index bad3fdff5..50b22d471 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 - Craig S. Bosma
 - Damien Clochard
 - Daniel Bergey
+- Daniel Maslowski
 - Daniel T. Staal
 - Daniele D'Orazio
 - David A Roberts
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@
 - Emily Eisenberg
 - Eric Kow
 - Eric Seidel
+- Eric Schrijver
 - Étienne Bersac
 - Felix Yan
 - Florian Eitel
@@ -129,6 +131,7 @@
 - Mathias Schenner
 - Mathias Walter
 - Mathieu Duponchelle
+- Matthew Doty
 - Matthew Eddey
 - Matthew Pickering
 - Matthias C. M. Troffaes
@@ -177,6 +180,7 @@
 - Sergey Astanin
 - Shahbaz Youssefi
 - Shaun Attfield
+- Shim Myeongseob
 - Sidarth Kapur
 - Sidharth Kapur
 - Simon Hengel
@@ -201,14 +205,17 @@
 - Wandmalfarbe
 - Waldir Pimenta
 - Wikiwide
+- Winnie Hellmann
 - Xavier Olive
 - Yan Pashkovsky
 - Yoan Blanc
 - Yuchen Pei
 - bucklereed
 - bumper314
+- chinapedia
 - csforste
 - d-dorazio
+- ebiim
 - iandol
 - infinity0x
 - kaizshang91
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index eeb85d624..f71a7eda1 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,318 @@
+pandoc (2.7.3)
+  * Roll back automatic figure/table numbering in ODT/OpenDocument
+    (#5474).  This was added in pandoc 2.7.2, but it makes it impossible
+    to use pandoc-crossref. So this has been rolled back for now,
+    until we find a good solution to make this behavior optional
+    (or a creative way to let pandoc-crossref and this feature
+    to coexist).
+  * LaTeX reader: pass through unknown listings language as class (#5540).
+    Previously if the language was not in the list of languages supported
+    by listings, it would not be added as a class, so highlighting
+    would not be triggered.
+  * PDF via ms/pdfroff: make TOC appear at beginning and in PDF bookmarks
+    (#5553).  Previously the TOC appeared at the end of the document, and
+    was not bookmarked.  To keep it at the end, add
+    `--pdf-engine-opt=--no-toc-relocation` to your command line.
+  * LaTeX writer: Include inline code attributes with `--listings` (#5420).
+  * Add jira writer (#2497, Albert Krewinkel).  This adds support for Atlassian's
+    jira markup.
+  * Fix typo in lua documentation (#5552).
+  * Include trailing `{}`s in raw latex commands (#5439).
+    Change is in `rawLaTeXInline` in LaTeX reader, but it affects the markdown
+    reader and other readers that allow raw LaTeX.  Previously, trailing `{}`
+    would be included for unknown commands, but not for known commands.
+    However, they are sometimes used to avoid a trailing space after the
+    command.  The chances that a `{}` after a LaTeX command is not part of
+    the command are very small.
+  * Docx reader: Add support for `w:rtl` (#5545).  Elements with this
+    property are put into Span inlines with `dir="rtl"`.
+  * Fix document section assignments in EPUB writer (#5546).
+    For example, introduction should go in bodymatter, not frontmatter, and
+    epigraph, conclusion, and afterward should go in bodymatter, not
+    backmatter.  For the full list of assignments, see the manual.
+  * Update pandoc-citeproc and skylighting versions.
+  * Markdown reader: don't create implicit reference for empty header (#5549).
+  * Markdown writer: Add backslashes to avoid unwanted interpretation of
+    definition list terms as other kinds of block (#554).
+  * Textile writer: fix closing tag for math output (Albert Krewinkel).
+    Opening and closing tag for math output match now.
+  * Add unicode code point in "Missing character" warning (#5538).
+    If the character isn't in the console font, the message is pretty useless,
+    so we show the code point for anything non-ASCII.
+  * pandoc.mediabag lua module (Albert Krewinkel):
+    + Add function `delete` for deleting a single item.
+    + Add function `empty` for removing all entries.
+    + Add function `items` for iterating over mediabag.
+  * HTML reader: epub related fixes.
+    + With epub extensions, check for `epub:type` in addition to `type`.
+    + Fix problem with noteref parsing which caused block-level
+      content to be eaten with the noteref.
+    + Rename `pAnyTag` to `pAny`.
+    + Refactor note resolution.
+  * Lua: add Version type to simplify comparisons (Albert Krewinkel).
+    Version specifiers like `PANDOC_VERSION` and `PANDOC_API_VERSION` are
+    turned into `Version` objects. The objects simplify version-appropriate
+    comparisons while maintaining backward-compatibility.
+    A function `pandoc.types.Version` is added as part of the newly
+    introduced module `pandoc.types`, allowing users to create version
+    objects in scripts.
+  * HTML writer: output video and audio elements depending on file
+    extension of the image path (Mauro Bieg).
+  * Text.Pandoc.MIME: add `mediaCategory` [API change] (Mauro Bieg).
+  * HTML writer: emit empty alt tag in figures (#5518, Mauro Bieg).
+    The same text is already in the <figcaption> and
+    screen-readers would read it twice, see #4737.
+  * MANUAL: add note about `title-meta`, `author-meta`, `date-meta`
+    (#5486).
+  * Fix handling of `file:` URL scheme in `downloadOrRead` (#5517, Mauro Bieg).
+    Previously `file:/` URLs were handled wrongly and pandoc attempted
+    to make HTTP requests, which failed.
+  * EPUB writer: don't include 'landmarks' if there aren't any.
+    Previously we could get an empty ol element, which caused
+    validation errors with epubcheck.
+  * Consolidate simple-table detection (#5524, Mauro Bieg).
+    Add `onlySimpleTableCells` to `Text.Pandoc.Shared` [API change].
+    This fixes an inconsistency in the HTML reader, which did not treat
+    tables with `<p>` inside cells as simple.
+  * Muse reader: allow images inside link descriptions (Alexander Krotov).
+  * HTML reader: trim definition list terms (Alexander Krotov).
+  * Muse writer: do not escape empty line after `<br>` (Alexander Krotov).
+  * Disable missing-home-modules warning in `stack.yaml`.
+    Otherwise `stack ghci` fails.
+  * Markdown writer: Ensure the code fence is long enough (#5519).
+    Previously too few backticks were used when the code block
+    contained an indented line of backticks.  (Ditto tildes.)
+  * Makefile: remove `--resolver=` from targets.
+    This causes unnecessary recompilation.
+  * Markdown writer: Handle labels with integer names (Jesse Rosenthal,
+    #5495).  Previously if labels had integer names, it could produce a
+    conflict with auto-labeled reference links. Now we test for a conflict
+    and find the next available integer.  This involves adding a new state
+    variable `stPrevRefs` to keep track of refs used in other document
+    parts when using `--reference-location=block|section`
+  * Improve output of Lua tests (#5499, Albert Krewinkel).
+    This makes use of tasty-lua, a package to write tests in Lua
+    and integrate the results into Tasty output. Test output becomes
+    more informative: individual tests and test groups become visible
+    in test output. Failures are reported with helpful error messages.
+  * Add `tex_math_dollars` to `multimarkdownExtensions` (#5512).
+    This form is now supported in multimarkdown,
+    in addition to `tex_math_double_backslash`.
+  * JATS writer: properly handle footnotes (#5511).
+    "Best Practice: When footnotes are grouped at the end of an article,
+    wrap them in a `<fn-group>` and use an `<xref>` element in the text, as
+    usual, to tie each footnote in the list to a particular location in the
+    text."
+  * FB2 writer: do not wrap note references into `<sup>` and brackets
+    (Alexander Krotov).  Existing FB2 readers, such as FBReader, already
+    display links with type="note" as a superscript.
+  * Fix using Beamer with geometry (#5505, Daniel Maslowski).
+    Beamer already loads geometry, so we need to use the `\geometry`
+    command to set geometry options.
+  * Org reader: fix planning elements in headers level 3 and higher
+    (#5494, Albert Krewinkel).  Planning info is now always placed before
+    the subtree contents.  Previously, the planning info was placed after
+    the content if the header's subtree was converted to a list, which
+    happens with headers of level 3 and higher per default.
+  * Org reader: omit, but warn about unknown export options (Albert
+    Krewinkel).  Unknown export options are properly ignored and omitted
+    from the output.
+  * add test/tables.xwiki to git and pandoc.cabal (#5498, Mauro Bieg).
+  * Org writer: always indent src blocks content by 2 spaces (#5440, Albert
+    Krewinkel).  Emacs always uses two spaces when indenting the content of
+    src blocks, e.g., when exiting a `C-c '` edit-buffer. Pandoc used to
+    indent contents by the space-equivalent of one tab, but now always uses
+    two spaces, too.
+  * FB2 reader: parse notes (#5493, Alexander Krotov).
+  * FB2 reader: use XML.Light.Input.parseXMLDoc to parse the root element
+    (Alexander Krotov).
+  * Reduce the amount of state in FB2 reader (Alexander Krotov).
+  * FB2 reader: use Text.XML.Light.unqual where possible (Alexander Krotov).
+  * MANUAL.txt: removes double 'inside' (#5489, Christian Krause).
+  * Asciidoc writer: use `` `+...+` `` form for inline code.
+    The old `` `a__b__c` `` yields emphasis inside code in asciidoc.
+    To get a pure literal code span, use `` `+a__b__c+` ``.
+  * Asciidoc writer:  use proper smart quotes with asciidoctor (#5487).
+    Asciidoctor has a different format for smart quotes.
+  * LaTeX writer: don't produce columns environment unless beamer (#5485).
+    The environment is beamer-only and as far as I'm aware there's no latex
+    package that provides it for non-beamer use.
+  * Org reader: prefer plain symbols over math symbols (#5483, Albert
+    Krewinkel).  Symbols like `\alpha` are output plain and unemphasized,
+    not as math.
+  * Org reader: recognize emphasis after TODO/DONE keyword (#5484,
+    Albert Krewinkel).
+  * HTML writer: don't add variation selector if it's already there.
+    This fixes round-trip failures.
+  * Add template variable `curdir` with working directory
+    from which pandoc is run (#5464).
+  * FB2 writer: use genre metadata field (#5478).
+  * JATS writer: fix citations with PMID so they validate (#5481).
+    This includes an update to data/jats.csl.
+  * metaToJSON: treat digits starting with 0 as a string, not a number
+    (#5479).
+  * EPUB2/3 templates: Move inline styles to default epub.css (#5466).
+    Those who use a custom CSS stylesheet with EPUB should
+    add these lines:
+    ```css
+    code{ white-space: pre-wrap; }
+    span.smallcaps{ font-variant: small-caps; }
+    span.underline{ text-decoration: underline; }
+    q { quotes: "“" "”" "‘" "’"; }
+    div.column{ display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: 50%; }
+    ```
+  * Epub3 stylesheet link compatible with kindlegen (#5466,
+    Eric Schrijver).  Pandoc omitted `type="text/css"` from both `<style>`
+    and `<rel="stylesheet">` elements in all templates, which is
+    valid according to the spec. However, Amazon’s kindlegen software
+    relies on this attribute on `<link>` elements when detecting
+    stylesheets to include.
+  * Lua: add `pandoc.system` module (#5468, Albert Krewinkel).
+    The `system` Lua module provides utility functions to interact with the
+    operating- and file system. E.g.
+    `print(pandoc.system.get_current_directory())`
+    or
+    ```lua
+        pandoc.system.with_temporary_directory('tikz', function (dir)
+          -- write and compile a TikZ file with pdflatex
+        end)
+    ```
+  * LaTeX reader: Allow newlines in `\mintinline`.
+  * MediaWiki reader: handle multiple attributes in table row (#5471,
+    chinapedia).
+  * Fix broken links in documents (#5473, Shim Myeongseob).
+    Fix broken links in doc/, doc/,
+    doc/, doc/
+    Also, use absolute links to when possible, so that
+    the links can be followed by people viewing these documents
+    on GitHub.
+  * LaTeX writer: Fix footnote in image caption.  Regression:
+    the fix for #4683 broke this case.
+  * reveal.js template: remove reference to head.min.js (#5448,
+    Winnie Hellmann).
+    This file has been removed in 3.8.0.
+    NOTE: users will need to update reveal.js to at least 3.8.0
+    for their presentations generated with this version of pandoc
+    to work correctly.
+  * HTML writer: prevent gratuitious emojification on iOS (#5469).
+    iOS chooses to render a number of Unicode entities,
+    including '↩', as big colorful emoji.  This can be defeated by appending
+    Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-15'/'VARIATION SELECTOR-16'.  So we now append
+    this character when escaping strings, for both '↩' and '↔'.  If other
+    characters prove problematic, they can simply be added to
+    `needsVariationSelector`.
+  * Fix `--self-contained` so it works when output format has extensions.
+    Previously if you used `--self-contained` with `html-smart` or
+    `html+smart`, it wouldn't work.
+  * Allow use of `-output-directory` in `--pdf-engine-opt` (#5462).
+    This is currently possible with `mklatex` and `-outdir`, but
+    was not yet possible with xelatex and `-output-directory`.
+  * EPUB writer: Ensure unique ids for styleesheets in content.opf (#5463).
+  * HTML writer: Add `class="heading"` to level 7+ Headers
+    rendered as `<p>` elements (#5457).
+  * Text.Pandoc.PDF: replace `</>` with literal `/` (#5451).
+    We use forward-slash for a directory separator in tmpDir,
+    even on Windows (because that's what tex likes).  So we
+    should not put a backslash between the tmpDir and the
+    filename on Windows.  This is harmless enough in normal
+    Windows setups, but it breaks on Cygwin.
+    Thanks to @cc2x for noticing and diagnosing the problem.
+  * Improved sample lua tikz filter in lua-filters docs (#5445,
+    Matthew Doty).  There are three changes:
+    + It only processes elements which begin with `\begin{tikzpicture}`
+    + It uses pdf2svg instead of imagemagick to preserve fidelity
+    + The images produced have transparent backgrounds
+  * RST writer: treat Span with no attributes as transparent (#5446).
+    Previously an Emph inside a Span was being treated as
+    nested markup and ignored.  With this patch, the Span
+    is just ignored.
+  * LaTeX template: Add pdflang to hypersetup if lang is set (#5443).
+  * LaTeX reader: add braces when resolving `\DeclareMathOperator`
+    (#5441).  These seem to be needed for xelatex but not pdflatex.
+  * reveal.js template: updates for revealjs 3.8.0 (#5435, ebiim).
+  * Asciify.hs: add Turkish undotted-i (#5433, Mauro Bieg).
 pandoc (2.7.2)
   * Add XWiki writer (#1800, Derek Chen-Becker).