Org reader: parse as headlines, convert to blocks

Emacs org-mode is based on outline-mode, which treats documents as trees
with headlines are nodes.  The reader is refactored to parse into a
similar tree structure.  This simplifies transformations acting on
document (sub-)trees.
This commit is contained in:
Albert Krewinkel 2016-07-01 21:14:04 +02:00
parent 2f8d6755f4
commit 17484ed01a
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 388DC0B21F631124

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Albert Krewinkel <>
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Compat.Monoid ((<>))
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Shared ( compactify', compactify'DL )
import Control.Monad ( foldM, guard, mzero )
import Control.Monad ( foldM, guard, mzero, void )
import Data.Char ( isSpace, toLower, toUpper)
import Data.List ( foldl', intersperse, isPrefixOf )
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -82,6 +83,82 @@ toPropertyValue = PropertyValue
-- | Key/value pairs from a PROPERTIES drawer
type Properties = [(PropertyKey, PropertyValue)]
-- | Org mode headline (i.e. a document subtree).
data Headline = Headline
{ headlineLevel :: Int
, headlineText :: Inlines
, headlineTags :: [Tag]
, headlineProperties :: Properties
, headlineContents :: Blocks
, headlineChildren :: [Headline]
-- Parsing headlines and subtrees
-- | Read an Org mode headline and its contents (i.e. a document subtree).
-- @lvl@ gives the minimum acceptable level of the tree.
headline :: Int -> OrgParser (F Headline)
headline lvl = try $ do
level <- headerStart
guard (lvl <= level)
title <- trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> manyTill inline endOfTitle
tags <- option [] headerTags
properties <- option mempty propertiesDrawer
contents <- blocks
children <- many (headline (lvl + 1))
return $ do
title' <- title
contents' <- contents
children' <- sequence children
return $ Headline
{ headlineLevel = level
, headlineText = title'
, headlineTags = tags
, headlineProperties = properties
, headlineContents = contents'
, headlineChildren = children'
endOfTitle :: OrgParser ()
endOfTitle = void . lookAhead $ optional headerTags *> newline
headerTags :: OrgParser [Tag]
headerTags = try $
let tag = many1 (alphaNum <|> oneOf "@%#_") <* char ':'
in map toTag <$> (skipSpaces *> char ':' *> many1 tag <* skipSpaces)
-- | Convert an Org mode headline (i.e. a document tree) into pandoc's Blocks
headlineToBlocks :: Headline -> OrgParser Blocks
headlineToBlocks (Headline {..}) = do
let text = tagTitle headlineText headlineTags
let propAttr = propertiesToAttr headlineProperties
attr <- registerHeader propAttr headlineText
let header = B.headerWith attr headlineLevel text
childrenBlocks <- mconcat <$> sequence (map headlineToBlocks headlineChildren)
return $ header <> headlineContents <> childrenBlocks
propertiesToAttr :: Properties -> Attr
propertiesToAttr properties =
toStringPair prop = (fromKey (fst prop), fromValue (snd prop))
customIdKey = toPropertyKey "custom_id"
classKey = toPropertyKey "class"
id' = fromMaybe mempty . fmap fromValue . lookup customIdKey $ properties
cls = fromMaybe mempty . fmap fromValue . lookup classKey $ properties
kvs' = map toStringPair . filter ((`notElem` [customIdKey, classKey]) . fst)
$ properties
(id', words cls, kvs')
tagTitle :: Inlines -> [Tag] -> Inlines
tagTitle title tags = title <> (mconcat $ map tagToInline tags)
tagToInline :: Tag -> Inlines
tagToInline t = B.spanWith ("", ["tag"], [("data-tag-name", fromTag t)]) mempty
-- parsing blocks
@ -90,9 +167,11 @@ type Properties = [(PropertyKey, PropertyValue)]
-- | Get a list of blocks.
blockList :: OrgParser [Block]
blockList = do
blocks' <- blocks
st <- getState
return . B.toList $ runF blocks' st
initialBlocks <- blocks
headlines <- sequence <$> manyTill (headline 1) eof
st <- getState
headlineBlocks <- fmap mconcat . sequence . map headlineToBlocks $ runF headlines st
return . B.toList $ (runF initialBlocks st) <> headlineBlocks
-- | Get the meta information safed in the state.
meta :: OrgParser Meta
@ -101,7 +180,7 @@ meta = do
return $ runF (orgStateMeta st) st
blocks :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
blocks = mconcat <$> manyTill block eof
blocks = mconcat <$> manyTill block (void (lookAhead headerStart) <|> eof)
block :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
block = choice [ mempty <$ blanklines
@ -111,7 +190,6 @@ block = choice [ mempty <$ blanklines
, example
, genericDrawer
, specialLine
, header
, horizontalRule
, list
, latexFragment
@ -633,47 +711,6 @@ parseFormat = try $ do
rest = manyTill anyChar (eof <|> () <$ oneOf "\n\r")
tillSpecifier c = manyTill (noneOf "\n\r") (try $ string ('%':c:""))
-- Headers
-- | Headers
header :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
header = try $ do
level <- headerStart
title <- manyTill inline (lookAhead $ optional headerTags <* newline)
tags <- option [] headerTags
let text = tagTitle title tags
propAttr <- option nullAttr (propertiesToAttr <$> propertiesDrawer)
attr <- registerHeader propAttr (runF text def)
return (B.headerWith attr level <$> text)
tagTitle :: [F Inlines] -> [Tag] -> F Inlines
tagTitle title tags = trimInlinesF . mconcat $ title <> map tagToInlineF tags
tagToInlineF :: Tag -> F Inlines
tagToInlineF t =
return $ B.spanWith ("", ["tag"], [("data-tag-name", fromTag t)]) mempty
headerTags :: OrgParser [Tag]
headerTags = try $
let tag = many1 (alphaNum <|> oneOf "@%#_") <* char ':'
in map toTag <$> (skipSpaces *> char ':' *> many1 tag <* skipSpaces)
propertiesToAttr :: Properties -> Attr
propertiesToAttr properties =
toStringPair prop = (fromKey (fst prop), fromValue (snd prop))
customIdKey = toPropertyKey "custom_id"
classKey = toPropertyKey "class"
id' = fromMaybe mempty . fmap fromValue . lookup customIdKey $ properties
cls = fromMaybe mempty . fmap fromValue . lookup classKey $ properties
kvs' = map toStringPair . filter ((`notElem` [customIdKey, classKey]) . fst)
$ properties
(id', words cls, kvs')
-- Tables
@ -838,6 +875,8 @@ noteBlock = try $ do
-- Paragraphs or Plain text
paraOrPlain :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
paraOrPlain = try $ do
-- Make sure we are not looking at a headline
notFollowedBy' (char '*' *> (oneOf " *"))
ils <- inlines
nl <- option False (newline *> return True)
-- Read block as paragraph, except if we are in a list context and the block