Removed tests relating to citation processing.

This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2013-08-25 07:41:37 -07:00
parent af898dd44f
commit 152d2919ab
8 changed files with 0 additions and 1367 deletions

View file

@ -123,10 +123,6 @@ Extra-Source-Files:
@ -134,9 +130,6 @@ Extra-Source-Files:

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
author="John Doe",
title="First Book",
publisher="Cambridge University Press"
author="John Doe",
journal="Journal of Generic Studies",
author="John Doe and Jenny Roe",
title="Why Water Is Wet",
booktitle="Third Book",
editor="Sam Smith",
publisher="Oxford University Press",

View file

@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style xmlns="" class="in-text" version="1.0" demote-non-dropping-particle="never">
<title>Chicago Manual of Style (author-date)</title>
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<link href="" rel="documentation"/>
<name>Julian Onions</name>
<name>Sebastian Karcher</name>
<name>Richard Karnesky</name>
<category citation-format="author-date"/>
<category field="generic-base"/>
<summary>The author-date variant of the Chicago style</summary>
<rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
<term name="editor" form="verb-short">ed.</term>
<term name="container-author" form="verb">by</term>
<term name="translator" form="verb-short">trans.</term>
<term name="translator" form="short">trans.</term>
<macro name="secondary-contributors">
<if type="chapter paper-conference" match="none">
<group delimiter=". ">
<names variable="editor translator">
<label form="verb" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" " plural="never"/>
<name and="text" delimiter=", "/>
<macro name="container-contributors">
<if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<group prefix=", " delimiter=", ">
<names variable="container-author editor" delimiter=", ">
<label form="verb" suffix=" " plural="never"/>
<name and="text" delimiter=", "/>
<macro name="editor">
<names variable="editor">
<name name-as-sort-order="first" and="text" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>
<label form="short" prefix=", "/>
<macro name="translator">
<names variable="translator">
<name name-as-sort-order="first" and="text" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>
<label form="short" prefix=", " plural="never"/>
<macro name="recipient">
<if type="personal_communication">
<if variable="genre">
<text variable="genre" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<text term="letter" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<names variable="recipient" delimiter=", ">
<label form="verb" prefix=" " text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
<name and="text" delimiter=", "/>
<macro name="contributors">
<names variable="author">
<name and="text" name-as-sort-order="first" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>
<label form="short" plural="never" prefix=", "/>
<names variable="editor"/>
<names variable="translator"/>
<text macro="title"/>
<text macro="recipient"/>
<macro name="contributors-short">
<names variable="author">
<name form="short" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize-with=". "/>
<names variable="editor"/>
<names variable="translator"/>
<text macro="title"/>
<macro name="interviewer">
<names variable="interviewer" delimiter=", ">
<label form="verb" prefix=" " text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" "/>
<name and="text" delimiter=", "/>
<macro name="archive">
<group delimiter=". ">
<text variable="archive_location" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<text variable="archive"/>
<text variable="archive-place"/>
<macro name="access">
<group delimiter=". ">
<if type="graphic report" match="any">
<text macro="archive"/>
<else-if type="article-magazine article-newspaper bill book chapter graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture paper-conference report song thesis" match="none">
<text macro="archive"/>
<text variable="DOI" prefix="doi:"/>
<if variable="DOI issued" match="none">
<if variable="URL accessed" match="all">
<group delimiter=" ">
<text term="accessed" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<date variable="accessed" delimiter=" ">
<date-part name="month"/>
<date-part name="day"/>
<else-if type="webpage">
<date variable="issued" delimiter=" ">
<date-part name="month"/>
<date-part name="day"/>
<if type="legal_case" match="none">
<text variable="URL"/>
<macro name="title">
<if variable="title" match="none">
<if type="personal_communication" match="none">
<text variable="genre" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture song" match="any">
<text variable="title" text-case="title" font-style="italic"/>
<text variable="title" text-case="title" quotes="true"/>
<macro name="edition">
<if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
<if is-numeric="edition">
<group delimiter=" " prefix=". ">
<number variable="edition" form="ordinal"/>
<text term="edition" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
<text variable="edition" prefix=". "/>
<else-if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<if is-numeric="edition">
<group delimiter=" " prefix=", ">
<number variable="edition" form="ordinal"/>
<text term="edition" form="short"/>
<text variable="edition" prefix=", "/>
<macro name="locators">
<if type="article-journal">
<text variable="volume" prefix=" "/>
<text variable="issue" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
<else-if type="legal_case">
<text variable="volume" prefix=", "/>
<text variable="container-title" prefix=" "/>
<text variable="page" prefix=" "/>
<else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
<group prefix=". " delimiter=". ">
<text term="volume" form="short" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" "/>
<number variable="volume" form="numeric"/>
<number variable="number-of-volumes" form="numeric"/>
<text term="volume" form="short" prefix=" " plural="true"/>
<else-if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<if variable="page" match="none">
<group prefix=". ">
<text term="volume" form="short" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" "/>
<number variable="volume" form="numeric"/>
<macro name="locators-chapter">
<if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<if variable="page">
<group prefix=", ">
<text variable="volume" suffix=":"/>
<text variable="page"/>
<macro name="locators-article">
<if type="article-newspaper">
<group prefix=", " delimiter=", ">
<text variable="edition" suffix=" "/>
<text term="edition" prefix=" "/>
<text term="section" form="short" suffix=" "/>
<text variable="section"/>
<else-if type="article-journal">
<text variable="page" prefix=": "/>
<macro name="point-locators">
<if variable="locator">
<if locator="page" match="none">
<if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
<if variable="volume">
<text term="volume" form="short" suffix=" "/>
<number variable="volume" form="numeric"/>
<label variable="locator" form="short" prefix=", " suffix=" "/>
<label variable="locator" form="short" suffix=" "/>
<label variable="locator" form="short" suffix=" "/>
<else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
<number variable="volume" form="numeric" suffix=":"/>
<text variable="locator"/>
<macro name="container-prefix">
<text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<macro name="container-title">
<if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<text macro="container-prefix" suffix=" "/>
<if type="legal_case" match="none">
<text variable="container-title" text-case="title" font-style="italic"/>
<macro name="publisher">
<group delimiter=": ">
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<text variable="publisher"/>
<macro name="date">
<if variable="issued">
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="year"/>
<else-if variable="accessed">
<date variable="accessed">
<date-part name="year"/>
<macro name="day-month">
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="month"/>
<date-part name="day" prefix=" "/>
<macro name="collection-title">
<text variable="collection-title" text-case="title"/>
<text variable="collection-number" prefix=" "/>
<macro name="event">
<text term="presented at" suffix=" "/>
<text variable="event"/>
<macro name="description">
<if type="interview">
<group delimiter=". ">
<text macro="interviewer"/>
<text variable="medium" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<text variable="medium" text-case="capitalize-first" prefix=". "/>
<if variable="title" match="none"/>
<else-if type="thesis"/>
<group delimiter=" " prefix=". ">
<text variable="genre" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<if type="report">
<text variable="number"/>
<!--This is for computer programs only. Localization new to 1.0.1, so may be missing in many locales-->
<group delimiter=" " prefix=" (" suffix=")">
<text term="version"/>
<text variable="version"/>
<macro name="issue">
<if type="article-journal">
<text macro="day-month" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
<else-if type="legal_case">
<text variable="authority" prefix=". "/>
<else-if type="speech">
<group prefix=" " delimiter=", ">
<text macro="event"/>
<text macro="day-month"/>
<text variable="event-place"/>
<else-if type="article-newspaper article-magazine" match="any">
<text macro="day-month" prefix=", "/>
<group prefix=". " delimiter=", ">
<if type="thesis">
<text variable="genre" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<text macro="publisher"/>
<citation et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1" disambiguate-add-year-suffix="true" disambiguate-add-names="true" disambiguate-add-givenname="true" givenname-disambiguation-rule="primary-name">
<layout prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter="; ">
<group delimiter=", ">
<group delimiter=" ">
<text macro="contributors-short"/>
<text macro="date"/>
<text macro="point-locators"/>
<bibliography hanging-indent="true" et-al-min="11" et-al-use-first="7" subsequent-author-substitute="&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;" entry-spacing="0">
<key macro="contributors"/>
<key variable="issued"/>
<layout suffix=".">
<group delimiter=". ">
<text macro="contributors"/>
<text macro="date"/>
<text macro="title"/>
<text macro="description"/>
<text macro="secondary-contributors" prefix=". "/>
<text macro="container-title" prefix=". "/>
<text macro="container-contributors"/>
<text macro="edition"/>
<text macro="locators-chapter"/>
<text macro="locators"/>
<text macro="collection-title" prefix=". "/>
<text macro="issue"/>
<text macro="locators-article"/>
<text macro="access" prefix=". "/>

View file

@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style xmlns="" class="in-text" version="1.0" demote-non-dropping-particle="sort-only">
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<name>Michael Berkowitz</name>
<name>Julian Onions</name>
<name>Rintze Zelle</name>
<name>Stephen Frank</name>
<name>Sebastian Karcher</name>
<category field="engineering"/>
<category field="generic-base"/>
<category citation-format="numeric"/>
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License:
<link href="" rel="documentation"/>
<link href="" rel="documentation"/>
<!-- Macros -->
<macro name="edition">
<if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<if is-numeric="edition">
<group delimiter=" ">
<number variable="edition" form="ordinal"/>
<text term="edition" form="short" suffix="." strip-periods="true"/>
<text variable="edition" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix="."/>
<macro name="issued">
<if type="article-journal report" match="any">
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="month" form="short" suffix=" "/>
<date-part name="year" form="long"/>
<else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture song thesis chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="year" form="long"/>
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="day" form="numeric-leading-zeros" suffix="-"/>
<date-part name="month" form="short" suffix="-" strip-periods="true"/>
<date-part name="year" form="long"/>
<macro name="author">
<names variable="author">
<name initialize-with=". " delimiter=", " and="text"/>
<label form="short" prefix=", " text-case="capitalize-first" suffix="." strip-periods="true"/>
<names variable="editor"/>
<names variable="translator"/>
<macro name="editor">
<names variable="editor">
<name initialize-with=". " delimiter=", " and="text"/>
<label form="short" prefix=", " text-case="capitalize-first" suffix="." strip-periods="true"/>
<macro name="locators">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="edition"/>
<group delimiter=" ">
<text term="volume" form="short" suffix="." strip-periods="true"/>
<number variable="volume" form="numeric"/>
<group delimiter=" ">
<number variable="number-of-volumes" form="numeric"/>
<text term="volume" form="short" suffix="." plural="true" strip-periods="true"/>
<group delimiter=" ">
<text term="issue" form="short" suffix="." strip-periods="true"/>
<number variable="issue" form="numeric"/>
<macro name="title">
<if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture song" match="any">
<text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
<text variable="title" quotes="true"/>
<macro name="publisher">
<if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture song chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<text variable="publisher-place" suffix=": "/>
<text variable="publisher"/>
<group delimiter=", ">
<text variable="publisher"/>
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<macro name="event">
<if type="paper-conference">
<!-- Published Conference Paper -->
<if variable="container-title">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text variable="container-title" prefix="in " font-style="italic"/>
<text variable="event-place"/>
<!-- Unpublished Conference Paper -->
<group delimiter=", ">
<text variable="event" prefix="presented at the "/>
<text variable="event-place"/>
<macro name="access">
<if type="webpage">
<if variable="URL">
<group delimiter=". ">
<text value="[Online]"/>
<text variable="URL" prefix="Available: "/>
<group prefix="[" suffix="]">
<date variable="accessed" prefix="Accessed: ">
<date-part name="day" form="numeric-leading-zeros" suffix="-"/>
<date-part name="month" form="short" suffix="-" strip-periods="true"/>
<date-part name="year" form="long"/>
<macro name="page">
<label variable="page" form="short" suffix=". " strip-periods="true"/>
<text variable="page"/>
<!-- Citation -->
<citation collapse="citation-number">
<key variable="citation-number"/>
<layout prefix="[" suffix="]" delimiter="], [">
<text variable="citation-number"/>
<!-- Bibliography -->
<bibliography entry-spacing="0" second-field-align="flush">
<layout suffix=".">
<!-- Citation Number -->
<text variable="citation-number" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
<!-- Author(s) -->
<text macro="author" prefix=" " suffix=", "/>
<!-- Rest of Citation -->
<!-- Specific Formats -->
<if type="article-journal">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="title"/>
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" form="short"/>
<text macro="locators"/>
<text macro="page"/>
<text macro="issued"/>
<else-if type="paper-conference">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="title"/>
<text macro="event"/>
<text macro="issued"/>
<text macro="locators"/>
<text macro="page"/>
<else-if type="report">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="title"/>
<text macro="publisher"/>
<group delimiter=" ">
<text variable="genre"/>
<text variable="number"/>
<text macro="issued"/>
<else-if type="thesis">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="title"/>
<text variable="genre"/>
<text macro="publisher"/>
<text macro="issued"/>
<else-if type="webpage">
<group delimiter=", " suffix=". ">
<text macro="title"/>
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
<text macro="issued"/>
<text macro="access"/>
<else-if type="patent">
<text macro="title" suffix=", "/>
<text variable="number" prefix="U.S. Patent "/>
<text macro="issued"/>
<!-- Generic/Fallback Formats -->
<else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song" match="any">
<group delimiter=", " suffix=". ">
<text macro="title"/>
<text macro="locators"/>
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="publisher"/>
<text macro="issued"/>
<text macro="page"/>
<else-if type="article-magazine article-newspaper broadcast interview manuscript map patent personal_communication song speech thesis webpage" match="any">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="title"/>
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
<text macro="locators"/>
<text macro="publisher"/>
<text macro="page"/>
<text macro="issued"/>
<else-if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<group delimiter=", " suffix=", ">
<text macro="title"/>
<text variable="container-title" prefix="in " font-style="italic"/>
<text macro="locators"/>
<text macro="editor" suffix=" "/>
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="publisher"/>
<text macro="issued"/>
<text macro="page"/>
<group delimiter=", " suffix=". ">
<text macro="title"/>
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
<text macro="locators"/>
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="publisher"/>
<text macro="page"/>
<text macro="issued"/>

View file

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Pandoc with citeproc-hs
- ([CSL BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA ERROR: reference "nonexistent" not found.])
- ([CSL BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA ERROR: reference "nonexistent" not found.])
- Doe (2005) says blah.
- Doe (2005, 30) says blah.
- Doe (2005, 30, with suffix) says blah.
- Doe (2005; 2006, 30; see also Doe and Roe 2007) says blah.
- In a note.[^1]
- A citation group (see Doe 2005, chap. 3; also Doe and Roe 2007, 3435).
- Another one (see Doe 2005, 3435).
- And another one in a note.[^2]
- Citation with a suffix and locator (Doe 2005, 33, 3537, and nowhere else).
- Citation with suffix only (Doe 2005 and nowhere else).
- Now some modifiers.[^3]
- With some markup (*see* Doe 2005, 32).
<div class="references">
“Nonexistent Not Found!”
Doe, John. 2005. *First Book*. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
———. 2006. “Article.” *Journal of Generic Studies* 6: 3334.
Doe, John, and Jenny Roe. 2007. “Why Water Is Wet.” In *Third Book*, edited by Sam Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[^1]: Doe and Roe (2007, 12) and a citation without locators (Doe and Roe 2007).
[^2]: Some citations (see Doe 2005, chap. 3; Doe and Roe 2007; Doe 2006).
[^3]: Like a citation without author: (2005), and now Doe with a locator (2006, 44).

View file

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Pandoc with citeproc-hs
- []
- Reference 2 says blah.
- Reference 2 says blah.
- Reference 2 says blah.
- Reference 2 [4] says blah.
- In a note.[^1]
- A citation group [2], [4].
- Another one [2].
- And another one in a note.[^2]
- Citation with a suffix and locator [2].
- Citation with suffix only [2].
- Now some modifiers.[^3]
- With some markup [2].
<div class="references">
[1]“nonexistent not found!” .
[2] J. Doe, *First Book*. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
[3] J. Doe, “Article,” *Journal of Generic Studies*, vol. 6, pp. 3334, 2006.
[4] J. Doe and J. Roe, “Why Water Is Wet,” in *Third Book*, S. Smith, Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
[^1]: Reference 4 and a citation without locators [4].
[^2]: Some citations [24].
[^3]: Like a citation without author: [2], and now Doe with a locator [3].

View file

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
Pandoc with citeproc-hs
- [^1]
- [^2]
- John Doe[^3] says blah.
- Doe[^4] says blah.
- Doe[^5] says blah.
- Doe[^6] says blah.
- In a note.[^7]
- A citation group.[^8]
- Another one.[^9]
- And another one in a note.[^10]
- Citation with a suffix and locator.[^11]
- Citation with suffix only.[^12]
- Now some modifiers.[^13]
- With some markup.[^14]
<div class="references">
Doe, John, Article, *Journal of Generic Studies*, 6 (2006), 3334.
---, *First Book* (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
Doe, John, and Jenny Roe, Why Water Is Wet, in *Third Book*, ed. by Sam Smith (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007).
Nonexistent Not Found!.
[^1]: [CSL BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA ERROR: reference "nonexistent" not found.].
[^2]: [CSL STYLE ERROR: reference with no printed form.].
[^3]: *First Book* (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
[^4]: *First Book*, p. 30.
[^5]: *First Book*, p. 30, with suffix.
[^6]: *First Book*; Article, *Journal of Generic Studies*, 6 (2006), 3334 (p. 30); see also John Doe and Jenny Roe, Why Water Is Wet, in *Third Book*, ed. by Sam Smith (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007).
[^7]: Doe and Roe, p. 12 and a citation without locators Doe and Roe.
[^8]: See Doe, *First Book*, chap. 3; also Doe and Roe, pp. 3435.
[^9]: See Doe, *First Book*, pp. 3435.
[^10]: Some citations see Doe, *First Book*, chap. 3; Doe and Roe; Doe, Article, 3334.
[^11]: Doe, *First Book*, pp. 33, 3537, and nowhere else.
[^12]: Doe, *First Book* and nowhere else.
[^13]: Like a citation without author: *First Book*, and now Doe with a locator Article, 3334 (p. 44).
[^14]: *See* Doe, *First Book*, p. 32.

View file

@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style xmlns="" class="note" version="1.0" demote-non-dropping-particle="sort-only">
<title>Modern Humanities Research Association (Note with Bibliography)</title>
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<link href="" rel="documentation"/>
<name>Rintze Zelle</name>
<name>Sebastian Karcher</name>
<summary>MHRA format with full notes and bibliography</summary>
<category field="generic-base"/>
<category citation-format="note"/>
<rights>This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License:</rights>
<locale xml:lang="en">
<term name="et-al">and others</term>
<term name="editor" form="verb-short">ed. by</term>
<term name="edition" form="short">edn</term>
<term name="translator" form="verb-short">trans. by</term>
<macro name="author">
<names variable="author">
<name name-as-sort-order="first" and="text" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>
<label form="short" prefix=", " suffix="."/>
<names variable="editor"/>
<names variable="translator"/>
<text macro="title-note"/>
<macro name="contributors-note">
<names variable="author">
<name and="text" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never"/>
<text macro="recipient-note"/>
<macro name="title-note">
<if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song" match="any">
<text variable="title" font-style="italic" text-case="title"/>
<text variable="title" prefix="" suffix="" text-case="title"/>
<macro name="title-short">
<if disambiguate="true">
<if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song" match="any">
<text variable="title" font-style="italic" text-case="title" form="short"/>
<text variable="title" prefix="" suffix="" text-case="title" form="short"/>
<macro name="editor-translator">
<group delimiter=", ">
<names variable="editor" delimiter=", ">
<label form="verb-short" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
<name and="text" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never"/>
<if variable="author editor" match="any">
<names variable="translator" delimiter=", ">
<label form="verb-short" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
<name and="text" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never"/>
<macro name="collection-title">
<text variable="collection-title" text-case="title"/>
<text variable="collection-number" prefix=", "/>
<macro name="locators-note">
<if type="article-journal">
<text variable="volume"/>
<else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="edition-note"/>
<number variable="number-of-volumes" form="numeric"/>
<text term="volume" form="short" prefix=" " plural="true"/>
<macro name="volume">
<if type="article-journal">
<text variable="volume"/>
<else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="edition-note"/>
<number variable="number-of-volumes" form="numeric"/>
<text term="volume" form="short" prefix=" " plural="true"/>
<macro name="issue-note">
<if type="article-journal">
<if variable="volume">
<text macro="issued" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
<text macro="issued" prefix=", "/>
<else-if variable="publisher-place publisher" match="any">
<group prefix=" (" suffix=")" delimiter=", ">
<group delimiter=" ">
<if variable="title" match="none"/>
<else-if type="thesis speech" match="any">
<text variable="genre" prefix="unpublished "/>
<text macro="event"/>
<text macro="publisher"/>
<text macro="issued"/>
<text macro="issued" prefix=", "/>
<macro name="locators-specific-note">
<if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<if is-numeric="volume">
<number variable="volume" form="roman" font-variant="small-caps"/>
<macro name="container-title-note">
<if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<text term="in" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" text-case="title"/>
<macro name="edition-note">
<if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<if is-numeric="edition">
<group delimiter=" ">
<number variable="edition" form="ordinal"/>
<text term="edition" form="short"/>
<text variable="edition"/>
<macro name="editor-note">
<names variable="editor">
<name and="text" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", "/>
<label form="short" prefix=", " suffix="."/>
<macro name="translator-note">
<names variable="translator">
<name and="text" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", "/>
<label form="verb-short" prefix=", " suffix="."/>
<macro name="recipient-note">
<names variable="recipient" delimiter=", ">
<label form="verb" prefix=" " text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
<name and="text" delimiter=", "/>
<macro name="recipient-short">
<names variable="recipient">
<label form="verb" prefix=" " text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
<name form="short" and="text" delimiter=", "/>
<macro name="contributors-short">
<names variable="author">
<name form="short" and="text" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never"/>
<names variable="editor"/>
<names variable="translator"/>
<text macro="recipient-short"/>
<macro name="interviewer-note">
<names variable="interviewer" delimiter=", ">
<label form="verb" prefix=" " text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
<name and="text" delimiter=", "/>
<macro name="locators-newspaper">
<if type="article-newspaper">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text variable="edition" suffix=" "/>
<text term="edition" prefix=" "/>
<text term="section" suffix=" "/>
<text variable="section"/>
<macro name="event">
<text term="presented at" suffix=" "/>
<text variable="event"/>
<macro name="publisher">
<group delimiter=": ">
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<text variable="publisher"/>
<macro name="issued">
<if type="graphic report article-newspaper" match="any">
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="day" suffix=" "/>
<date-part name="month" suffix=" "/>
<date-part name="year"/>
<else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song thesis chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="year"/>
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="year"/>
<macro name="pages">
<if type="article-journal">
<text variable="page" prefix=", "/>
<if variable="volume">
<text variable="page" prefix=", "/>
<label variable="page" form="short" prefix=", " suffix=" "/>
<text variable="page"/>
<macro name="point-locators">
<text macro="pages"/>
<if variable="page">
<group prefix=" (" suffix=")">
<label variable="locator" form="short" suffix=" "/>
<text variable="locator"/>
<label variable="locator" form="short" prefix=", " suffix=" "/>
<text variable="locator"/>
<macro name="archive-note">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text variable="archive_location"/>
<text variable="archive"/>
<text variable="archive-place"/>
<macro name="access-note">
<group delimiter=", ">
<if type="graphic report" match="any">
<text macro="archive-note" prefix=", "/>
<else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper thesis chapter paper-conference" match="none">
<text macro="archive-note" prefix=", "/>
<if variable="DOI">
<text variable="DOI" prefix=" &lt;doi:" suffix="&gt;"/>
<if variable="URL">
<text variable="URL" prefix=" &lt;" suffix="&gt;"/>
<group prefix=" [" suffix="]">
<text term="accessed" text-case="lowercase"/>
<date variable="accessed">
<date-part name="day" prefix=" "/>
<date-part name="month" prefix=" "/>
<date-part name="year" prefix=" "/>
<citation et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1" et-al-subsequent-min="4" et-al-subsequent-use-first="1" disambiguate-add-names="true" disambiguate-add-givenname="true">
<layout prefix="" suffix="." delimiter="; ">
<if position="subsequent">
<text macro="contributors-short"/>
<text macro="title-short" prefix=", "/>
<text macro="locators-specific-note" prefix=", "/>
<text macro="point-locators"/>
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="contributors-note"/>
<text macro="title-note"/>
<text macro="container-title-note"/>
<text macro="editor-translator"/>
<text macro="collection-title"/>
<text macro="locators-note"/>
<text macro="issue-note"/>
<text macro="locators-specific-note" prefix=", "/>
<text macro="locators-newspaper" prefix=", "/>
<text macro="point-locators"/>
<text macro="access-note"/>
<bibliography hanging-indent="true" et-al-min="6" et-al-use-first="6" subsequent-author-substitute="---">
<key macro="author"/>
<key variable="title"/>
<layout suffix=".">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="author"/>
<text macro="title-note"/>
<text macro="container-title-note"/>
<text macro="editor-translator"/>
<text macro="collection-title"/>
<text macro="volume"/>
<text macro="issue-note"/>
<text macro="locators-specific-note" prefix=", "/>
<text macro="locators-newspaper" prefix=", "/>
<text macro="pages"/>
<text macro="access-note"/>