Markdown writer: Don't include variables in metadata.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 41 additions and 35 deletions
@ -46,10 +46,8 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath (readTeXMath)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup (renderTags, parseTags, isTagText, Tag(..))
import Network.URI (isAbsoluteURI)
import Data.Default
import Data.Yaml (Value(Object,String,Array,Bool,Number))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
type Notes = [[Block]]
type Refs = [([Inline], Target)]
@ -113,21 +111,34 @@ plainTitleBlock tit auths dat =
(hcat (intersperse (text "; ") auths)) <> cr <>
dat <> cr
yamlTitleBlock :: Value -> Doc
yamlTitleBlock v = "---" $$ (jsonToYaml v) $$ "..."
yamlTitleBlock :: WriterOptions -> Meta -> State WriterState Doc
yamlTitleBlock opts (Meta metamap) = do
m <- jsonToYaml opts (MetaMap metamap)
return $ "---" $$ m $$ "..."
jsonToYaml :: Value -> Doc
jsonToYaml (Object hashmap) =
vcat (map (\(k,v) ->
text (T.unpack k) <> ":" <> space <> jsonToYaml v) $ H.toList hashmap)
jsonToYaml (Array vec) =
cr <> vcat (map (\v -> hang 2 "- " (jsonToYaml v)) $ V.toList vec)
jsonToYaml (String s)
| "\n" `T.isInfixOf` s = hang 2 ("|" <> cr) $ text $ T.unpack s
| otherwise = text $ "'" ++ substitute "'" "''" (T.unpack s) ++ "'"
jsonToYaml (Bool b) = text $ show b
jsonToYaml (Number n) = text $ show n
jsonToYaml _ = empty
jsonToYaml :: WriterOptions -> MetaValue -> State WriterState Doc
jsonToYaml opts (MetaMap metamap) = vcat
<$> mapM (\(k,v) -> ((text k <> ":") <>) <$>
case v of
(MetaList _) -> (cr <>) <$> jsonToYaml opts v
(MetaMap _) -> ((cr <>) . nest 2) <$> jsonToYaml opts v
_ -> (space <> ) <$> jsonToYaml opts v)
(M.toList metamap)
jsonToYaml opts (MetaList xs) = vcat
<$> mapM (\v -> hang 2 "- " <$> (jsonToYaml opts v)) xs
jsonToYaml _ (MetaString s)
| '\n' `elem` s = return $ hang 2 ("|" <> cr) $ text s
| otherwise = return $ text $ "'" ++ substitute "'" "''" s ++ "'"
jsonToYaml opts (MetaInlines ils) =
inlineListToMarkdown opts ils >>= jsonToYaml opts . MetaString . render' opts
jsonToYaml opts (MetaBlocks bs) =
blockListToMarkdown opts bs >>= jsonToYaml opts . MetaString . render' opts
render' :: WriterOptions -> Doc -> String
render' opts = render colwidth
where colwidth = if writerWrapText opts
then Just $ writerColumns opts
else Nothing
-- | Return markdown representation of document.
pandocToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> State WriterState String
@ -135,25 +146,22 @@ pandocToMarkdown opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
title' <- inlineListToMarkdown opts $ docTitle meta
authors' <- mapM (inlineListToMarkdown opts) $ docAuthors meta
date' <- inlineListToMarkdown opts $ docDate meta
let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts
then Just $ writerColumns opts
else Nothing
metadata <- metaToJSON
(fmap (render colwidth) . blockListToMarkdown opts)
(fmap (render colwidth) . inlineListToMarkdown opts)
(fmap (render' opts) . blockListToMarkdown opts)
(fmap (render' opts) . inlineListToMarkdown opts)
(writerVariables opts)
isPlain <- gets stPlain
let titleblock = case True of
titleblock <- case True of
_ | isPlain ->
plainTitleBlock title' authors' date'
return $ plainTitleBlock title' authors' date'
| isEnabled Ext_yaml_title_block opts ->
yamlTitleBlock metadata
yamlTitleBlock opts meta
| isEnabled Ext_pandoc_title_block opts ->
pandocTitleBlock title' authors' date'
return $ pandocTitleBlock title' authors' date'
| isEnabled Ext_mmd_title_block opts ->
mmdTitleBlock title' authors' date'
| otherwise -> empty
return $ mmdTitleBlock title' authors' date'
| otherwise -> return empty
let headerBlocks = filter isHeaderBlock blocks
let toc = if writerTableOfContents opts
then tableOfContents opts headerBlocks
@ -163,16 +171,14 @@ pandocToMarkdown opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
notes' <- notesToMarkdown opts (reverse $ stNotes st)
st' <- get -- note that the notes may contain refs
refs' <- refsToMarkdown opts (reverse $ stRefs st')
let render' :: Doc -> String
render' = render colwidth
let main = render' $ body <>
let main = render' opts $ body <>
(if isEmpty notes' then empty else blankline <> notes') <>
(if isEmpty refs' then empty else blankline <> refs')
let context = defField "toc" (render' toc)
let context = defField "toc" (render' opts toc)
$ defField "body" main
$ (if not (null (docTitle meta) && null (docAuthors meta)
&& null (docDate meta))
then defField "titleblock" (render' titleblock)
then defField "titleblock" (render' opts titleblock)
else id)
$ metadata
if writerStandalone opts
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
title: 'Pandoc Test Suite'
- 'John MacFarlane'
- 'Anonymous'
date: 'July 17, 2006'
title: 'Pandoc Test Suite'
This is a set of tests for pandoc. Most of them are adapted from John Gruber’s
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