diff --git a/pandoc.cabal b/pandoc.cabal
index 744f3f095..14d2da0ae 100644
--- a/pandoc.cabal
+++ b/pandoc.cabal
@@ -657,6 +657,8 @@ library
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docx.Table,
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docx.Types,
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
index 749ad9a21..7064ded09 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.Except (catchError, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
-import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Char (isSpace, isLetter)
import Data.List (intercalate, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf)
@@ -47,123 +46,24 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (highlight)
import Text.Pandoc.Error
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
-import Text.Pandoc.MIME (MimeType, extensionFromMimeType, getMimeType,
- getMimeTypeDef)
+import Text.Pandoc.MIME (extensionFromMimeType, getMimeType, getMimeTypeDef)
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docx.StyleMap
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docx.Table
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docx.Types
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
-import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.TeXMath
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.OOXML
import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light as XML
import Data.Generics (mkT, everywhere)
-data ListMarker = NoMarker
- | BulletMarker
- | NumberMarker ListNumberStyle ListNumberDelim Int
- deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
-listMarkerToId :: ListMarker -> Text
-listMarkerToId NoMarker = "990"
-listMarkerToId BulletMarker = "991"
-listMarkerToId (NumberMarker sty delim n) = T.pack $
- '9' : '9' : styNum : delimNum : show n
- where styNum = case sty of
- DefaultStyle -> '2'
- Example -> '3'
- Decimal -> '4'
- LowerRoman -> '5'
- UpperRoman -> '6'
- LowerAlpha -> '7'
- UpperAlpha -> '8'
- delimNum = case delim of
- DefaultDelim -> '0'
- Period -> '1'
- OneParen -> '2'
- TwoParens -> '3'
-data EnvProps = EnvProps{ styleElement :: Maybe Element
- , otherElements :: [Element]
- }
-instance Semigroup EnvProps where
- EnvProps s es <> EnvProps s' es' = EnvProps (s <|> s') (es ++ es')
-instance Monoid EnvProps where
- mempty = EnvProps Nothing []
- mappend = (<>)
squashProps :: EnvProps -> [Element]
squashProps (EnvProps Nothing es) = es
squashProps (EnvProps (Just e) es) = e : es
-data WriterEnv = WriterEnv{ envTextProperties :: EnvProps
- , envParaProperties :: EnvProps
- , envRTL :: Bool
- , envListLevel :: Int
- , envListNumId :: Int
- , envInDel :: Bool
- , envChangesAuthor :: Text
- , envChangesDate :: Text
- , envPrintWidth :: Integer
- }
-defaultWriterEnv :: WriterEnv
-defaultWriterEnv = WriterEnv{ envTextProperties = mempty
- , envParaProperties = mempty
- , envRTL = False
- , envListLevel = -1
- , envListNumId = 1
- , envInDel = False
- , envChangesAuthor = "unknown"
- , envChangesDate = "1969-12-31T19:00:00Z"
- , envPrintWidth = 1
- }
-data WriterState = WriterState{
- stFootnotes :: [Element]
- , stComments :: [([(Text, Text)], [Inline])]
- , stSectionIds :: Set.Set Text
- , stExternalLinks :: M.Map Text Text
- , stImages :: M.Map FilePath (String, String, Maybe MimeType, B.ByteString)
- , stLists :: [ListMarker]
- , stInsId :: Int
- , stDelId :: Int
- , stStyleMaps :: StyleMaps
- , stFirstPara :: Bool
- , stInTable :: Bool
- , stInList :: Bool
- , stTocTitle :: [Inline]
- , stDynamicParaProps :: Set.Set ParaStyleName
- , stDynamicTextProps :: Set.Set CharStyleName
- , stCurId :: Int
- }
-defaultWriterState :: WriterState
-defaultWriterState = WriterState{
- stFootnotes = defaultFootnotes
- , stComments = []
- , stSectionIds = Set.empty
- , stExternalLinks = M.empty
- , stImages = M.empty
- , stLists = [NoMarker]
- , stInsId = 1
- , stDelId = 1
- , stStyleMaps = StyleMaps M.empty M.empty
- , stFirstPara = False
- , stInTable = False
- , stInList = False
- , stTocTitle = [Str "Table of Contents"]
- , stDynamicParaProps = Set.empty
- , stDynamicTextProps = Set.empty
- , stCurId = 20
- }
-type WS m = ReaderT WriterEnv (StateT WriterState m)
renumIdMap :: Int -> [Element] -> M.Map Text Text
renumIdMap _ [] = M.empty
renumIdMap n (e:es)
@@ -858,12 +758,6 @@ separateTables (x@Table{}:xs@(Table{}:_)) =
x : RawBlock (Format "openxml") "" : separateTables xs
separateTables (x:xs) = x : separateTables xs
-pStyleM :: (PandocMonad m) => ParaStyleName -> WS m XML.Element
-pStyleM styleName = do
- pStyleMap <- gets (smParaStyle . stStyleMaps)
- let sty' = getStyleIdFromName styleName pStyleMap
- return $ mknode "w:pStyle" [("w:val", fromStyleId sty')] ()
rStyleM :: (PandocMonad m) => CharStyleName -> WS m XML.Element
rStyleM styleName = do
cStyleMap <- gets (smCharStyle . stStyleMaps)
@@ -995,78 +889,8 @@ blockToOpenXML' _ HorizontalRule = do
$ mknode "v:rect" [("style","width:0;height:1.5pt"),
("o:hrstd","t"),("o:hr","t")] () ]
-blockToOpenXML' opts (Table _ blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot) = do
- let (caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
- setFirstPara
- modify $ \s -> s { stInTable = True }
- let captionStr = stringify caption
- caption' <- if null caption
- then return []
- else withParaPropM (pStyleM "Table Caption")
- $ blockToOpenXML opts (Para caption)
- let alignmentFor al = mknode "w:jc" [("w:val",alignmentToString al)] ()
- -- Table cells require a element, even an empty one!
- -- Not in the spec but in Word 2007, 2010. See #4953. And
- -- apparently the last element must be a , see #6983.
- let cellToOpenXML (al, cell) = do
- es <- withParaProp (alignmentFor al) $ blocksToOpenXML opts cell
- return $
- case reverse (onlyElems es) of
- b:e:_ | qName (elName b) == "bookmarkEnd"
- , qName (elName e) == "p" -> es
- e:_ | qName (elName e) == "p" -> es
- _ -> es ++ [Elem $ mknode "w:p" [] ()]
- headers' <- mapM cellToOpenXML $ zip aligns headers
- rows' <- mapM (mapM cellToOpenXML . zip aligns) rows
- compactStyle <- pStyleM "Compact"
- let emptyCell' = [Elem $ mknode "w:p" [] [mknode "w:pPr" [] [compactStyle]]]
- let mkcell contents = mknode "w:tc" []
- $ if null contents
- then emptyCell'
- else contents
- let mkrow cells =
- mknode "w:tr" [] $
- map mkcell cells
- let textwidth = 7920 -- 5.5 in in twips, 1/20 pt
- let fullrow = 5000 -- 100% specified in pct
- let (rowwidth :: Int) = round $ fullrow * sum widths
- let mkgridcol w = mknode "w:gridCol"
- [("w:w", tshow (floor (textwidth * w) :: Integer))] ()
- let hasHeader = not $ all null headers
- modify $ \s -> s { stInTable = False }
- -- for compatibility with Word <= 2007, we include a val with a bitmask
- -- 0×0020 Apply first row conditional formatting
- -- 0×0040 Apply last row conditional formatting
- -- 0×0080 Apply first column conditional formatting
- -- 0×0100 Apply last column conditional formatting
- -- 0×0200 Do not apply row banding conditional formatting
- -- 0×0400 Do not apply column banding conditional formattin
- let tblLookVal :: Int
- tblLookVal = if hasHeader then 0x20 else 0
- return $
- caption' ++
- [Elem $
- mknode "w:tbl" []
- ( mknode "w:tblPr" []
- ( mknode "w:tblStyle" [("w:val","Table")] () :
- mknode "w:tblW" [("w:type", "pct"), ("w:w", tshow rowwidth)] () :
- mknode "w:tblLook" [("w:firstRow",if hasHeader then "1" else "0")
- ,("w:lastRow","0")
- ,("w:firstColumn","0")
- ,("w:lastColumn","0")
- ,("w:noHBand","0")
- ,("w:noVBand","0")
- ,("w:val", T.pack $ printf "%04x" tblLookVal)
- ] () :
- [ mknode "w:tblCaption" [("w:val", captionStr)] ()
- | not (null caption) ] )
- : mknode "w:tblGrid" []
- (if all (==0) widths
- then []
- else map mkgridcol widths)
- : [ mkrow headers' | hasHeader ] ++
- map mkrow rows'
- )]
+blockToOpenXML' opts (Table _ blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot) =
+ tableToOpenXML (blocksToOpenXML opts) blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
blockToOpenXML' opts el
| BulletList lst <- el = addOpenXMLList BulletMarker lst
| OrderedList (start, numstyle, numdelim) lst <- el
@@ -1121,13 +945,6 @@ listItemToOpenXML opts numid (first:rest) = do
modify $ \st -> st{ stInList = oldInList }
return $ first'' ++ rest''
-alignmentToString :: Alignment -> Text
-alignmentToString alignment = case alignment of
- AlignLeft -> "left"
- AlignRight -> "right"
- AlignCenter -> "center"
- AlignDefault -> "left"
-- | Convert a list of inline elements to OpenXML.
inlinesToOpenXML :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> WS m [Content]
inlinesToOpenXML opts lst = concat `fmap` mapM (inlineToOpenXML opts) lst
@@ -1138,10 +955,6 @@ withNumId numid = local $ \env -> env{ envListNumId = numid }
asList :: (PandocMonad m) => WS m a -> WS m a
asList = local $ \env -> env{ envListLevel = envListLevel env + 1 }
-isStyle :: Element -> Bool
-isStyle e = isElem [] "w" "rStyle" e ||
- isElem [] "w" "pStyle" e
getTextProps :: (PandocMonad m) => WS m [Element]
getTextProps = do
props <- asks envTextProperties
@@ -1170,16 +983,6 @@ getParaProps displayMathPara = do
[] -> []
ps -> [mknode "w:pPr" [] ps]
-withParaProp :: PandocMonad m => Element -> WS m a -> WS m a
-withParaProp d p =
- local (\env -> env {envParaProperties = ep <> envParaProperties env}) p
- where ep = if isStyle d then EnvProps (Just d) [] else EnvProps Nothing [d]
-withParaPropM :: PandocMonad m => WS m Element -> WS m a -> WS m a
-withParaPropM md p = do
- d <- md
- withParaProp d p
formattedString :: PandocMonad m => Text -> WS m [Element]
formattedString str =
-- properly handle soft hyphens
@@ -1200,9 +1003,6 @@ formattedRun els = do
props <- getTextProps
return [ mknode "w:r" [] $ props ++ els ]
-setFirstPara :: PandocMonad m => WS m ()
-setFirstPara = modify $ \s -> s { stFirstPara = True }
-- | Convert an inline element to OpenXML.
inlineToOpenXML :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Inline -> WS m [Content]
inlineToOpenXML opts il = withDirection $ inlineToOpenXML' opts il
@@ -1494,22 +1294,6 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Image attr@(imgident, _, _) alt (src, title)) = do
br :: Element
br = mknode "w:r" [] [mknode "w:br" [] ()]
--- Word will insert these footnotes into the settings.xml file
--- (whether or not they're visible in the document). If they're in the
--- file, but not in the footnotes.xml file, it will produce
--- problems. So we want to make sure we insert them into our document.
-defaultFootnotes :: [Element]
-defaultFootnotes = [ mknode "w:footnote"
- [("w:type", "separator"), ("w:id", "-1")]
- [ mknode "w:p" []
- [mknode "w:r" []
- [ mknode "w:separator" [] ()]]]
- , mknode "w:footnote"
- [("w:type", "continuationSeparator"), ("w:id", "0")]
- [ mknode "w:p" []
- [ mknode "w:r" []
- [ mknode "w:continuationSeparator" [] ()]]]]
withDirection :: PandocMonad m => WS m a -> WS m a
withDirection x = do
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx/Table.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx/Table.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6b137fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx/Table.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{- |
+Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docx
+Copyright : Copyright (C) 2012-2021 John MacFarlane
+License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
+Maintainer : John MacFarlane
+Conversion of table blocks to docx.
+module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docx.Table
+ ( tableToOpenXML
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad)
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docx.Types
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.OOXML
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light as XML
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+tableToOpenXML :: PandocMonad m
+ => ([Block] -> WS m [Content])
+ -> Caption
+ -> [ColSpec]
+ -> TableHead
+ -> [TableBody]
+ -> TableFoot
+ -> WS m [Content]
+tableToOpenXML blocksToOpenXML blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot = do
+ let (caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) =
+ toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
+ setFirstPara
+ modify $ \s -> s { stInTable = True }
+ let captionStr = stringify caption
+ caption' <- if null caption
+ then return []
+ else withParaPropM (pStyleM "Table Caption")
+ $ blocksToOpenXML [Para caption]
+ let alignmentFor al = mknode "w:jc" [("w:val",alignmentToString al)] ()
+ -- Table cells require a element, even an empty one!
+ -- Not in the spec but in Word 2007, 2010. See #4953. And
+ -- apparently the last element must be a , see #6983.
+ let cellToOpenXML (al, cell) = do
+ es <- withParaProp (alignmentFor al) $ blocksToOpenXML cell
+ return $
+ case reverse (onlyElems es) of
+ b:e:_ | qName (elName b) == "bookmarkEnd"
+ , qName (elName e) == "p" -> es
+ e:_ | qName (elName e) == "p" -> es
+ _ -> es ++ [Elem $ mknode "w:p" [] ()]
+ headers' <- mapM cellToOpenXML $ zip aligns headers
+ rows' <- mapM (mapM cellToOpenXML . zip aligns) rows
+ compactStyle <- pStyleM "Compact"
+ let emptyCell' = [Elem $ mknode "w:p" [] [mknode "w:pPr" [] [compactStyle]]]
+ let mkcell contents = mknode "w:tc" []
+ $ if null contents
+ then emptyCell'
+ else contents
+ let mkrow cells =
+ mknode "w:tr" [] $
+ map mkcell cells
+ let textwidth = 7920 -- 5.5 in in twips, 1/20 pt
+ let fullrow = 5000 -- 100% specified in pct
+ let (rowwidth :: Int) = round $ fullrow * sum widths
+ let mkgridcol w = mknode "w:gridCol"
+ [("w:w", tshow (floor (textwidth * w) :: Integer))] ()
+ let hasHeader = not $ all null headers
+ modify $ \s -> s { stInTable = False }
+ -- for compatibility with Word <= 2007, we include a val with a bitmask
+ -- 0×0020 Apply first row conditional formatting
+ -- 0×0040 Apply last row conditional formatting
+ -- 0×0080 Apply first column conditional formatting
+ -- 0×0100 Apply last column conditional formatting
+ -- 0×0200 Do not apply row banding conditional formatting
+ -- 0×0400 Do not apply column banding conditional formattin
+ let tblLookVal :: Int
+ tblLookVal = if hasHeader then 0x20 else 0
+ return $
+ caption' ++
+ [Elem $
+ mknode "w:tbl" []
+ ( mknode "w:tblPr" []
+ ( mknode "w:tblStyle" [("w:val","Table")] () :
+ mknode "w:tblW" [("w:type", "pct"), ("w:w", tshow rowwidth)] () :
+ mknode "w:tblLook" [("w:firstRow",if hasHeader then "1" else "0")
+ ,("w:lastRow","0")
+ ,("w:firstColumn","0")
+ ,("w:lastColumn","0")
+ ,("w:noHBand","0")
+ ,("w:noVBand","0")
+ ,("w:val", T.pack $ printf "%04x" tblLookVal)
+ ] () :
+ [ mknode "w:tblCaption" [("w:val", captionStr)] ()
+ | not (null caption) ] )
+ : mknode "w:tblGrid" []
+ (if all (==0) widths
+ then []
+ else map mkgridcol widths)
+ : [ mkrow headers' | hasHeader ] ++
+ map mkrow rows'
+ )]
+alignmentToString :: Alignment -> Text
+alignmentToString alignment = case alignment of
+ AlignLeft -> "left"
+ AlignRight -> "right"
+ AlignCenter -> "center"
+ AlignDefault -> "left"