Reverted deferred media bag code.
This was not actually being used. Since it adds considerable complexity, it's best not to include it unless we are actually going to use it. The original thought was that we could do all loading in the readers, always deferred and thus costless. This was supposed to eliminate the need to traverse trees loading resources in the docx, epub, odt writers and in PDF and SelfContained. (It would also have the side effect that --extract-media could be used with all input formats. This wasn't an intended side effect, and it could be debated whether it's desirable, since --extract-media was originally designed to extract the media contained in a docx or odt or epub container.) However, we never actually took the step of moving all of this work to the readers, for a couple of reasons. The main reason is that we'd still need to fetch resources in the docx, epub, odt, pdf and self-contained writers, since the Pandoc AST might have been built programatically and hence not generated by a reader. So it's not clear that doing lazy loading in the readers would have any real advantage. I'm still not completely sure about this --- if we change our minds it would be easy to undo this commit. @jkr comments welcome.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 6 additions and 51 deletions
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Class ( PandocMonad(..)
, getMediaBag
, getMediaBag
, setMediaBag
, setMediaBag
, insertMedia
, insertMedia
, insertDeferredMedia
, fetchItem
, fetchItem
, getInputFiles
, getInputFiles
, getOutputFile
, getOutputFile
@ -106,8 +105,6 @@ import System.IO.Error
import System.IO (stderr)
import System.IO (stderr)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.Pandoc.Error
import Text.Pandoc.Error
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Printf (printf)
class (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m, MonadError PandocError m)
class (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m, MonadError PandocError m)
@ -163,34 +160,16 @@ report level msg = do
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stLog = (level, msg) : stLog st }
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{ stLog = (level, msg) : stLog st }
setMediaBag :: PandocMonad m => MediaBag -> m ()
setMediaBag :: PandocMonad m => MediaBag -> m ()
setMediaBag mb = modifyCommonState $
setMediaBag mb = modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{stMediaBag = mb}
\st -> st{stDeferredMediaBag = DeferredMediaBag mb mempty}
getMediaBag :: PandocMonad m => m MediaBag
getMediaBag :: PandocMonad m => m MediaBag
getMediaBag = do
getMediaBag = getsCommonState stMediaBag
DeferredMediaBag mb' _ <- getsCommonState stDeferredMediaBag
return mb'
fetchDeferredMedia :: PandocMonad m => m ()
fetchDeferredMedia = do
(DeferredMediaBag mb defMedia) <- getsCommonState stDeferredMediaBag
fetchedMedia <- catMaybes <$> mapM fetchMediaItem defMedia
setMediaBag $ foldr
(\(fp, bs, mbMime) mb' -> MB.insertMedia fp mbMime (BL.fromStrict bs) mb')
mb fetchedMedia
insertMedia :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> Maybe MimeType -> BL.ByteString -> m ()
insertMedia :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> Maybe MimeType -> BL.ByteString -> m ()
insertMedia fp mime bs = do
insertMedia fp mime bs = do
(DeferredMediaBag mb dm) <- getsCommonState stDeferredMediaBag
mb <- getsCommonState stMediaBag
let mb' = MB.insertMedia fp mime bs mb
let mb' = MB.insertMedia fp mime bs mb
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{stDeferredMediaBag =DeferredMediaBag mb' dm }
modifyCommonState $ \st -> st{stMediaBag = mb' }
insertDeferredMedia :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> m ()
insertDeferredMedia fp = do
(DeferredMediaBag mb dm) <- getsCommonState stDeferredMediaBag
modifyCommonState $
\st -> st{stDeferredMediaBag = DeferredMediaBag mb ((DeferredMediaPath fp) : dm)}
getInputFiles :: PandocMonad m => m (Maybe [FilePath])
getInputFiles :: PandocMonad m => m (Maybe [FilePath])
getInputFiles = getsCommonState stInputFiles
getInputFiles = getsCommonState stInputFiles
@ -218,32 +197,8 @@ readFileFromDirs (d:ds) f = catchError
newtype DeferredMediaPath = DeferredMediaPath {unDefer :: String}
deriving (Show, Eq)
data DeferredMediaBag = DeferredMediaBag MediaBag [DeferredMediaPath]
deriving (Show)
instance Monoid DeferredMediaBag where
mempty = DeferredMediaBag mempty mempty
mappend (DeferredMediaBag mb lst) (DeferredMediaBag mb' lst') =
DeferredMediaBag (mb <> mb') (lst <> lst')
-- the internal function for downloading individual items. We want to
-- catch errors and return a Nothing with a warning, so we can
-- continue without erroring out.
fetchMediaItem :: PandocMonad m
=> DeferredMediaPath
-> m (Maybe (FilePath, B.ByteString, Maybe MimeType))
fetchMediaItem dfp =
(do (bs, mbmime) <- downloadOrRead Nothing (unDefer dfp)
return $ Just $ (unDefer dfp, bs, mbmime))
(const $ do warning ("Couldn't access media at " ++ unDefer dfp)
return Nothing)
data CommonState = CommonState { stLog :: [(Verbosity, String)]
data CommonState = CommonState { stLog :: [(Verbosity, String)]
, stDeferredMediaBag :: DeferredMediaBag
, stMediaBag :: MediaBag
, stInputFiles :: Maybe [FilePath]
, stInputFiles :: Maybe [FilePath]
, stOutputFile :: Maybe FilePath
, stOutputFile :: Maybe FilePath
, stVerbosity :: Verbosity
, stVerbosity :: Verbosity
@ -251,7 +206,7 @@ data CommonState = CommonState { stLog :: [(Verbosity, String)]
instance Default CommonState where
instance Default CommonState where
def = CommonState { stLog = []
def = CommonState { stLog = []
, stDeferredMediaBag = mempty
, stMediaBag = mempty
, stInputFiles = Nothing
, stInputFiles = Nothing
, stOutputFile = Nothing
, stOutputFile = Nothing
, stVerbosity = WARNING
, stVerbosity = WARNING
Add table
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