Lua: allow access to pandoc state (#5015)
* Lua: allow access to pandoc state Lua filters and custom writers now have read-only access to most fields of pandoc's internal state via the global variable `PANDOC_STATE`. * Lua: allow iterating through fields of PANDOC_STATE * Lua filters doc: describe CommonState * Lua filters doc: mention global variable PANDOC_STATE * Lua: add access to logs Log messages can currently only be printed, but not decomposed.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 168 additions and 6 deletions
@ -172,6 +172,12 @@ variables.
to find files relative to the script file. This variable is
also set in custom writers.
: The state shared by all readers and writers. It is used by
pandoc to collect and pass information. The value of this
variable is of type [CommonState](#type-ref-CommonState) and
is read-only.
# Pandoc Module
The `pandoc` lua module is loaded into the filter's lua
@ -1280,6 +1286,46 @@ Pandoc reader options
: track changes setting for docx; one of `AcceptChanges`,
`RejectChanges`, and `AllChanges` (string)
## CommonState {#type-ref-CommonState}
The state used by pandoc to collect information and make it
available to readers and writers.
: List of input files from command line ([List] of strings)
: Output file from command line (string or nil)
: A list of log messages in reverse order ([List] of [LogMessage]s)
: Headers to add for HTTP requests; table with header names as
keys and header contents as value (table)
: Path to search for resources like included images ([List] of
: Absolute URL or directory of first source file (string or
: Directory to search for data files (string or nil)
: Whether tracing messages are issued (boolean)
: Verbosity level; one of `INFO`, `WARNING`, `ERROR` (string)
## LogMessage {#type-ref-LogMessage}
A pandoc log message. Object have no fields, but can be converted
to a string via `tostring`.
[Block]: #type-ref-Block
[List]: #module-pandoc.list
[MetaValue]: #type-ref-MetaValue
@ -1287,6 +1333,7 @@ Pandoc reader options
[Attr]: #type-ref-Attr
[Attributes]: #type-ref-Attributes
[citations]: #type-ref-Citation
[LogMessage]: #type-ref-LogMessage
# Module text
@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ extra-source-files:
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ import Data.Version (Version (versionBranch))
import Foreign.Lua (Lua)
import GHC.IO.Encoding (getForeignEncoding, setForeignEncoding, utf8)
import Paths_pandoc (version)
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocIO, getCommonState, getUserDataDir, getMediaBag,
import Text.Pandoc.Class (CommonState, PandocIO, getCommonState,
getUserDataDir, getMediaBag, setMediaBag)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition (pandocTypesVersion)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Packages (LuaPackageParams (..),
@ -61,9 +61,12 @@ newtype LuaException = LuaException String deriving (Show)
-- initialization.
runPandocLua :: Lua a -> PandocIO (Either LuaException a)
runPandocLua luaOp = do
commonState <- getCommonState
luaPkgParams <- luaPackageParams
enc <- liftIO $ getForeignEncoding <* setForeignEncoding utf8
res <- liftIO $ Lua.runEither (initLuaState luaPkgParams *> luaOp)
res <- liftIO . Lua.runEither $ do
initLuaState commonState luaPkgParams
liftIO $ setForeignEncoding enc
newMediaBag <- liftIO (readIORef (luaPkgMediaBag luaPkgParams))
setMediaBag newMediaBag
@ -84,14 +87,16 @@ luaPackageParams = do
-- Initialize the lua state with all required values
initLuaState :: LuaPackageParams -> Lua ()
initLuaState luaPkgParams = do
initLuaState :: CommonState -> LuaPackageParams -> Lua ()
initLuaState commonState luaPkgParams = do
Lua.preloadTextModule "text"
Lua.push (versionBranch version)
Lua.setglobal "PANDOC_VERSION"
Lua.push (versionBranch pandocTypesVersion)
Lua.setglobal "PANDOC_API_VERSION"
Lua.push commonState
Lua.setglobal "PANDOC_STATE"
installPandocPackageSearcher luaPkgParams
loadScriptFromDataDir (luaPkgDataDir luaPkgParams) "init.lua"
@ -38,14 +38,18 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Data (showConstr, toConstr)
import Foreign.Lua (Lua, Peekable, Pushable, StackIndex)
import Foreign.Lua.Types.Peekable (reportValueOnFailure)
import Foreign.Lua.Userdata ( ensureUserdataMetatable, pushAnyWithMetatable
, metatableName)
, toAnyWithName, metatableName)
import Text.Pandoc.Class (CommonState (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Extensions (Extensions)
import Text.Pandoc.Logging (LogMessage, showLogMessage)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util (defineHowTo, pushViaConstructor)
import Text.Pandoc.Options (ReaderOptions (..), TrackChanges)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (Element (Blk, Sec))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Foreign.Lua as Lua
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util as LuaUtil
@ -386,5 +390,85 @@ instance Pushable ReaderOptions where
-- | Dummy type to allow values of arbitrary Lua type.
newtype AnyValue = AnyValue StackIndex
-- TODO: Much of the following should be abstracted, factored out
-- and go into HsLua.
instance Peekable AnyValue where
peek = return . AnyValue
-- | Name used by Lua for the @CommonState@ type.
commonStateTypeName :: String
commonStateTypeName = "Pandoc CommonState"
instance Peekable CommonState where
peek idx = reportValueOnFailure commonStateTypeName
(`toAnyWithName` commonStateTypeName) idx
instance Pushable CommonState where
push st = pushAnyWithMetatable pushCommonStateMetatable st
pushCommonStateMetatable = ensureUserdataMetatable commonStateTypeName $ do
LuaUtil.addFunction "__index" indexCommonState
LuaUtil.addFunction "__pairs" pairsCommonState
indexCommonState :: CommonState -> AnyValue -> Lua Lua.NumResults
indexCommonState st (AnyValue idx) = Lua.ltype idx >>= \case
Lua.TypeString -> 1 <$ (Lua.peek idx >>= pushField)
_ -> 1 <$ Lua.pushnil
pushField :: String -> Lua ()
pushField name = case lookup name commonStateFields of
Just pushValue -> pushValue st
Nothing -> Lua.pushnil
pairsCommonState :: CommonState -> Lua Lua.NumResults
pairsCommonState st = do
Lua.pushHaskellFunction nextFn
return 3
nextFn :: AnyValue -> AnyValue -> Lua Lua.NumResults
nextFn _ (AnyValue idx) =
Lua.ltype idx >>= \case
Lua.TypeNil -> case commonStateFields of
[] -> 2 <$ (Lua.pushnil *> Lua.pushnil)
(key, pushValue):_ -> 2 <$ (Lua.push key *> pushValue st)
Lua.TypeString -> do
key <- Lua.peek idx
case tail $ dropWhile ((/= key) . fst) commonStateFields of
[] -> 2 <$ (Lua.pushnil *> Lua.pushnil)
(nextKey, pushValue):_ -> 2 <$ (Lua.push nextKey *> pushValue st)
_ -> 2 <$ (Lua.pushnil *> Lua.pushnil)
commonStateFields :: [(String, CommonState -> Lua ())]
commonStateFields =
[ ("input_files", Lua.push . stInputFiles)
, ("output_file", Lua.push . Lua.Optional . stOutputFile)
, ("log", Lua.push . stLog)
, ("request_headers", Lua.push . Map.fromList . stRequestHeaders)
, ("resource_path", Lua.push . stResourcePath)
, ("source_url", Lua.push . Lua.Optional . stSourceURL)
, ("user_data_dir", Lua.push . Lua.Optional . stUserDataDir)
, ("trace", Lua.push . stTrace)
, ("verbosity", Lua.push . show . stVerbosity)
-- | Name used by Lua for the @CommonState@ type.
logMessageTypeName :: String
logMessageTypeName = "Pandoc LogMessage"
instance Peekable LogMessage where
peek idx = reportValueOnFailure logMessageTypeName
(`toAnyWithName` logMessageTypeName) idx
instance Pushable LogMessage where
push msg = pushAnyWithMetatable pushLogMessageMetatable msg
pushLogMessageMetatable = ensureUserdataMetatable logMessageTypeName $
LuaUtil.addFunction "__tostring" tostringLogMessage
tostringLogMessage :: LogMessage -> Lua String
tostringLogMessage = return . showLogMessage
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
function report (what, value)
print(string.format('%16s: %s', what, value))
report('# input files', #PANDOC_STATE.input_files)
report('output file', PANDOC_STATE.output_file)
report('# request header', #PANDOC_STATE.request_headers)
report('resource path', table.concat(PANDOC_STATE.resource_path, ', '))
report('source URL', PANDOC_STATE.source_url)
report('user data dir', PANDOC_STATE.user_data_dir and 'defined' or 'unset')
report('trace', PANDOC_STATE.trace)
report('verbosity', PANDOC_STATE.verbosity)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
% pandoc --lua-filter=command/lua-pandoc-state.lua
# input files: 0
output file: nil
# request header: 0
resource path: .
source URL: nil
user data dir: defined
trace: false
verbosity: WARNING
Add table
Reference in a new issue