From 0814ee0e774e11b51a6feef25f13401e098e524b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: fiddlosopher <fiddlosopher@788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b>
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 03:11:32 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] New version of ASCIIMathML.js.

git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
 templates/ASCIIMathML.js | 2850 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 2634 insertions(+), 216 deletions(-)

diff --git a/templates/ASCIIMathML.js b/templates/ASCIIMathML.js
index 282cc15fb..ddb2604e2 100644
--- a/templates/ASCIIMathML.js
+++ b/templates/ASCIIMathML.js
@@ -2,93 +2,183 @@
 This file contains JavaScript functions to convert ASCII math notation
-to Presentation MathML. The conversion is done while the (X)HTML page 
-loads, and should work with Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape 7+ and Internet 
-Explorer 6+MathPlayer (
-Just add the next line to your (X)HTML page with this file in the same folder:
-<script type="text/javascript" src="ASCIIMathML.js"></script>
-This is a convenient and inexpensive solution for authoring MathML.
+and LaTeX to Presentation MathML. Simple graphics commands are also
+translated to SVG images. The conversion is done while the (X)HTML 
+page loads, and should work with Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape 7+ and Internet 
+Explorer 6/7 + MathPlayer ( +
+Adobe SVGview 3.03 (
-Version 1.4.7 Dec 15, 2005, (c) Peter Jipsen
+Just add the next line to your (X)HTML page with this file in the same folder:
+<script type="text/javascript" src="ASCIIMathML.js"></script>
+(using the graphics in IE also requires the file "d.svg" in the same folder).
+This is a convenient and inexpensive solution for authoring MathML and SVG.
+Version 2.0.9 Nov 3, 2007, (c) Peter Jipsen
+This version extends ASCIIMathML.js with LaTeXMathML.js and ASCIIsvg.js.
 Latest version at
-For changes see
 If you use it on a webpage, please send the URL to
-Modified July 2006 by John MacFarlane (added CODE to list of contexts
-in which replacement does not occur, modified AMisMathMLAvailable
-to better identify Safari browser, changed mathcolor to "").
+The LaTeXMathML modifications were made by Douglas Woodall, June 2006.
+(for details see header on the LaTeXMathML part in middle of file)
+Extensive clean-up and improvements by Paulo Soares, Oct 2007.
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
 your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-General Public License (at 
-for more details.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License 
+(at for more details.
-var checkForMathML = true;   // check if browser can display MathML
-var notifyIfNoMathML = true; // display note if no MathML capability
-var alertIfNoMathML = false;  // show alert box if no MathML capability
-var mathcolor = "";       // change it to "" (to inherit) or any other color
-var mathfontfamily = "serif"; // change to "" to inherit (works in IE) 
-                              // or another family (e.g. "arial")
+var mathcolor = "";            // change it to "" (to inherit) or another color
+var mathfontsize = "1em";      // change to e.g. 1.2em for larger math
+var mathfontfamily = "serif";  // change to "" to inherit (works in IE) 
+                               // or another family (e.g. "arial")
+var automathrecognize = false; // writing "amath" on page makes this true
+var checkForMathML = true;     // check if browser can display MathML
+var notifyIfNoMathML = true;   // display note at top if no MathML capability
+var alertIfNoMathML = false;   // show alert box if no MathML capability
+var translateOnLoad = true;    // set to false to do call translators from js 
+var translateLaTeX = true;     // false to preserve $..$, $$..$$
+var translateLaTeXformatting = true; // false to preserve \emph,\begin{},\end{}
+var translateASCIIMath = true; // false to preserve `..`
+var translateASCIIsvg = true;  // false to preserve agraph.., \begin{graph}..
+var avoidinnerHTML = false;   // set true if assigning to innerHTML gives error
 var displaystyle = true;      // puts limits above and below large operators
 var showasciiformulaonhover = true; // helps students learn ASCIIMath
 var decimalsign = ".";        // change to "," if you like, beware of `(1,2)`!
 var AMdelimiter1 = "`", AMescape1 = "\\\\`"; // can use other characters
-var AMdelimiter2 = "$", AMescape2 = "\\\\\\$", AMdelimiter2regexp = "\\$";
-var doubleblankmathdelimiter = false; // if true,  x+1  is equal to `x+1`
-                                      // for IE this works only in <!--   -->
-//var separatetokens;// has been removed (email me if this is a problem)
+var AMdocumentId = "wikitext" // PmWiki element containing math (default=body)
+var checkforprocessasciimathinmoodle = false; // true for systems like Moodle
+var dsvglocation = ""; // path to d.svg (blank if same as ASCIIMathML.js loc)
 var isIE = document.createElementNS==null;
+var noMathML = false, translated = false;
-if (document.getElementById==null) 
-  alert("This webpage requires a recent browser such as\
-\nMozilla/Netscape 7+ or Internet Explorer 6+MathPlayer")
+if (isIE) { // avoid adding MathPlayer info explicitly to each webpage
+  document.write("<object id=\"mathplayer\"\
+  classid=\"clsid:32F66A20-7614-11D4-BD11-00104BD3F987\"></object>");
+  document.write("<?import namespace=\"m\" implementation=\"#mathplayer\"?>");
-// all further global variables start with "AM"
+// Add a stylesheet, replacing any previous custom stylesheet (adapted from TW)
+function setStylesheet(s) {
+	var id = "AMMLcustomStyleSheet";
+	var n = document.getElementById(id);
+	if(document.createStyleSheet) {
+		// Test for IE's non-standard createStyleSheet method
+		if(n)
+			n.parentNode.removeChild(n);
+		// This failed without the &nbsp;
+		document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd","&nbsp;<style id='" + id + "'>" + s + "</style>");
+	} else {
+		if(n) {
+			n.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(s),n.firstChild);
+		} else {
+			n = document.createElement("style");
+			n.type = "text/css";
+ = id;
+			n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s));
+			document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(n);
+		}
+	}
-function AMcreateElementXHTML(t) {
+setStylesheet("#AMMLcloseDiv \{font-size:0.8em; padding-top:1em; color:#014\}\n#AMMLwarningBox \{position:absolute; width:100%; top:0; left:0; z-index:200; text-align:center; font-size:1em; font-weight:bold; padding:0.5em 0 0.5em 0; color:#ffc; background:#c30\}");
+function init(){
+	var msg, warnings = new Array();
+	if (document.getElementById==null){
+		alert("This webpage requires a recent browser such as Mozilla Firefox/Netscape 7+ or Internet Explorer 6+ with MathPlayer and Adobe SVGviewer");
+		return null;
+	}
+	if (checkForMathML && (msg = checkMathML())) warnings.push(msg);
+	if (checkIfSVGavailable && (msg = checkSVG())) warnings.push(msg);
+	if (warnings.length>0) displayWarnings(warnings);
+	if (!noMathML) initSymbols();
+	return true;
+function checkMathML(){
+  if (navigator.appName.slice(0,8)=="Netscape") 
+    if (navigator.appVersion.slice(0,1)>="5") noMathML = null;
+    else noMathML = true;
+  else if (navigator.appName.slice(0,9)=="Microsoft")
+    try {
+        var ActiveX = new ActiveXObject("MathPlayer.Factory.1");
+        noMathML = null;
+    } catch (e) {
+        noMathML = true;
+    }
+  else noMathML = true;
+//noMathML = true; //uncomment to check
+  if (noMathML && notifyIfNoMathML) {
+    var msg = "To view the ASCIIMathML notation use Internet Explorer + MathPlayer or Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or later.";
+    if (alertIfNoMathML)
+       alert(msg);
+    else return msg;
+  }
+function hideWarning(){
+	var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+	body.removeChild(document.getElementById('AMMLwarningBox'));
+	body.onclick = null;
+function displayWarnings(warnings) {
+  var i, frag, nd = createElementXHTML("div");
+  var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+  body.onclick=hideWarning;
+ = 'AMMLwarningBox';
+  for (i=0; i<warnings.length; i++) {
+	frag = createElementXHTML("div");
+	frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(warnings[i]));
+ = "1.0em";
+	nd.appendChild(frag);
+  }
+  nd.appendChild(createElementXHTML("p"));
+  nd.appendChild(document.createTextNode("For instructions see the "));
+  var an = createElementXHTML("a");
+  an.appendChild(document.createTextNode("ASCIIMathML"));
+  an.setAttribute("href","");
+  nd.appendChild(an);
+  nd.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" homepage"));
+  an = createElementXHTML("div");
+ = 'AMMLcloseDiv';
+  an.appendChild(document.createTextNode('(click anywhere to close this warning)'));
+  nd.appendChild(an);
+  var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+  body.insertBefore(nd,body.childNodes[0]);
+function translate(spanclassAM) {
+  if (!translated) { // run this only once
+    translated = true;
+    var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+    var processN = document.getElementById(AMdocumentId);
+    if (translateLaTeX) LMprocessNode((processN!=null?processN:body));
+    if (translateASCIIMath) AMprocessNode((processN!=null?processN:body), false, spanclassAM);
+  }
+function createElementXHTML(t) {
   if (isIE) return document.createElement(t);
   else return document.createElementNS("",t);
-function AMnoMathMLNote() {
-  var nd = AMcreateElementXHTML("h3");
-  nd.setAttribute("align","center")
-  nd.appendChild(AMcreateElementXHTML("p"));
-  nd.appendChild(document.createTextNode("To view the "));
-  var an = AMcreateElementXHTML("a");
-  an.appendChild(document.createTextNode("ASCIIMathML"));
-  an.setAttribute("href","");
-  nd.appendChild(an);
-  nd.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" notation use Internet Explorer 6+"));  
-  an = AMcreateElementXHTML("a");
-  an.appendChild(document.createTextNode("MathPlayer"));
-  an.setAttribute("href","");
-  nd.appendChild(an);
-  nd.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" or Netscape/Mozilla/Firefox"));
-  nd.appendChild(AMcreateElementXHTML("p"));
-  return nd;
-function AMisMathMLavailable() {
-  var regex = /KHTML/;   /* This line and the next two modified by JM for better Safari detection */
-  if (navigator.appName.slice(0,8)=="Netscape")
-    if (navigator.appVersion.slice(0,1)>="5" && !regex.test(navigator.userAgent)) return null;
-    else return AMnoMathMLNote();
-  else if (navigator.appName.slice(0,9)=="Microsoft")
-    try {
-        var ActiveX = new ActiveXObject("MathPlayer.Factory.1");
-        return null;
-    } catch (e) {
-        return AMnoMathMLNote();
-    }
-  else return AMnoMathMLNote();
+function createMmlNode(t,frag) {
+  if (isIE) var node = document.createElement("m:"+t);
+  else var node = document.createElementNS("",t);
+  if (frag) node.appendChild(frag);
+  return node;
 // character lists for Mozilla/Netscape fonts
@@ -96,20 +186,12 @@ var AMcal = [0xEF35,0x212C,0xEF36,0xEF37,0x2130,0x2131,0xEF38,0x210B,0x2110,0xEF
 var AMfrk = [0xEF5D,0xEF5E,0x212D,0xEF5F,0xEF60,0xEF61,0xEF62,0x210C,0x2111,0xEF63,0xEF64,0xEF65,0xEF66,0xEF67,0xEF68,0xEF69,0xEF6A,0x211C,0xEF6B,0xEF6C,0xEF6D,0xEF6E,0xEF6F,0xEF70,0xEF71,0x2128];
 var AMbbb = [0xEF8C,0xEF8D,0x2102,0xEF8E,0xEF8F,0xEF90,0xEF91,0x210D,0xEF92,0xEF93,0xEF94,0xEF95,0xEF96,0x2115,0xEF97,0x2119,0x211A,0x211D,0xEF98,0xEF99,0xEF9A,0xEF9B,0xEF9C,0xEF9D,0xEF9E,0x2124];
-var CONST = 0, UNARY = 1, BINARY = 2, INFIX = 3, LEFTBRACKET = 4, 
+var CONST = 0, UNARY = 1, BINARY = 2, INFIX = 3, LEFTBRACKET = 4,
-    LEFTRIGHT = 9, TEXT = 10; // token types
+    LEFTRIGHT = 9, TEXT = 10, BIG = 11, LONG = 12, STRETCHY = 13,
+    MATRIX = 14;; // token types
-var AMsqrt = {input:"sqrt", tag:"msqrt", output:"sqrt", tex:null, ttype:UNARY},
-  AMroot  = {input:"root", tag:"mroot", output:"root", tex:null, ttype:BINARY},
-  AMfrac  = {input:"frac", tag:"mfrac", output:"/",    tex:null, ttype:BINARY},
-  AMdiv   = {input:"/",    tag:"mfrac", output:"/",    tex:null, ttype:INFIX},
-  AMover  = {input:"stackrel", tag:"mover", output:"stackrel", tex:null, ttype:BINARY},
-  AMsub   = {input:"_",    tag:"msub",  output:"_",    tex:null, ttype:INFIX},
-  AMsup   = {input:"^",    tag:"msup",  output:"^",    tex:null, ttype:INFIX},
-  AMtext  = {input:"text", tag:"mtext", output:"text", tex:null, ttype:TEXT},
-  AMmbox  = {input:"mbox", tag:"mtext", output:"mbox", tex:null, ttype:TEXT},
-  AMquote = {input:"\"",   tag:"mtext", output:"mbox", tex:null, ttype:TEXT};
+var AMquote = {input:"\"",   tag:"mtext", output:"mbox", tex:null, ttype:TEXT};
 var AMsymbols = [
 //some greek symbols
@@ -151,6 +233,7 @@ var AMsymbols = [
 {input:"zeta",   tag:"mi", output:"\u03B6", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
 //binary operation symbols
+//{input:"-",  tag:"mo", output:"\u0096", tex:null, ttype:CONST},
 {input:"*",  tag:"mo", output:"\u22C5", tex:"cdot", ttype:CONST},
 {input:"**", tag:"mo", output:"\u22C6", tex:"star", ttype:CONST},
 {input:"//", tag:"mo", output:"/",      tex:null, ttype:CONST},
@@ -292,22 +375,32 @@ var AMsymbols = [
 {input:"darr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2193", tex:"downarrow", ttype:CONST},
 {input:"rarr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2192", tex:"rightarrow", ttype:CONST},
 {input:"->",   tag:"mo", output:"\u2192", tex:"to", ttype:CONST},
+{input:">->",   tag:"mo", output:"\u21A3", tex:"rightarrowtail", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"->>",   tag:"mo", output:"\u21A0", tex:"twoheadrightarrow", ttype:CONST},
+{input:">->>",   tag:"mo", output:"\u2916", tex:"twoheadrightarrowtail", ttype:CONST},
 {input:"|->",  tag:"mo", output:"\u21A6", tex:"mapsto", ttype:CONST},
 {input:"larr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2190", tex:"leftarrow", ttype:CONST},
 {input:"harr", tag:"mo", output:"\u2194", tex:"leftrightarrow", ttype:CONST},
 {input:"rArr", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D2", tex:"Rightarrow", ttype:CONST},
 {input:"lArr", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D0", tex:"Leftarrow", ttype:CONST},
 {input:"hArr", tag:"mo", output:"\u21D4", tex:"Leftrightarrow", ttype:CONST},
 //commands with argument
-AMsqrt, AMroot, AMfrac, AMdiv, AMover, AMsub, AMsup,
+{input:"sqrt", tag:"msqrt", output:"sqrt", tex:null, ttype:UNARY},
+{input:"root", tag:"mroot", output:"root", tex:null, ttype:BINARY},
+{input:"frac", tag:"mfrac", output:"/",    tex:null, ttype:BINARY},
+{input:"/",    tag:"mfrac", output:"/",    tex:null, ttype:INFIX},
+{input:"stackrel", tag:"mover", output:"stackrel", tex:null, ttype:BINARY},
+{input:"_",    tag:"msub",  output:"_",    tex:null, ttype:INFIX},
+{input:"^",    tag:"msup",  output:"^",    tex:null, ttype:INFIX},
 {input:"hat", tag:"mover", output:"\u005E", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
 {input:"bar", tag:"mover", output:"\u00AF", tex:"overline", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
 {input:"vec", tag:"mover", output:"\u2192", tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
 {input:"dot", tag:"mover", output:".",      tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
 {input:"ddot", tag:"mover", output:"..",    tex:null, ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
 {input:"ul", tag:"munder", output:"\u0332", tex:"underline", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
-AMtext, AMmbox, AMquote,
+{input:"text", tag:"mtext", output:"text", tex:null, ttype:TEXT},
+{input:"mbox", tag:"mtext", output:"mbox", tex:null, ttype:TEXT},
 {input:"bb", tag:"mstyle", atname:"fontweight", atval:"bold", output:"bb", tex:null, ttype:UNARY},
 {input:"mathbf", tag:"mstyle", atname:"fontweight", atval:"bold", output:"mathbf", tex:null, ttype:UNARY},
 {input:"sf", tag:"mstyle", atname:"fontfamily", atval:"sans-serif", output:"sf", tex:null, ttype:UNARY},
@@ -329,35 +422,32 @@ function compareNames(s1,s2) {
 var AMnames = []; //list of input symbols
-function AMinitSymbols() {
+function initSymbols() {
   var texsymbols = [], i;
   for (i=0; i<AMsymbols.length; i++)
     if (AMsymbols[i].tex) 
       texsymbols[texsymbols.length] = {input:AMsymbols[i].tex, 
         tag:AMsymbols[i].tag, output:AMsymbols[i].output, ttype:AMsymbols[i].ttype};
   AMsymbols = AMsymbols.concat(texsymbols);
+  refreshSymbols();
+function refreshSymbols(){
+  var i;
   for (i=0; i<AMsymbols.length; i++) AMnames[i] = AMsymbols[i].input;
+  LMsymbols.sort(compareNames);
+  for (i=0; i<LMsymbols.length; i++) LMnames[i] = LMsymbols[i].input;
-var AMmathml = "";
-function AMcreateElementMathML(t) {
-  if (isIE) return document.createElement("m:"+t);
-  else return document.createElementNS(AMmathml,t);
-function AMcreateMmlNode(t,frag) {
-//  var node = AMcreateElementMathML(name);
-  if (isIE) var node = document.createElement("m:"+t);
-  else var node = document.createElementNS(AMmathml,t);
-  node.appendChild(frag);
-  return node;
-function newcommand(oldstr,newstr) {
-  AMsymbols = AMsymbols.concat([{input:oldstr, tag:"mo", output:newstr, 
+function define(oldstr,newstr) {
+  if(oldstr.substr(0,1)=="\\")
+    LMsymbols = LMsymbols.concat([{input:oldstr, tag:"mo", output:newstr,
+                                 ttype:DEFINITION}]);
+  else
+    AMsymbols = AMsymbols.concat([{input:oldstr, tag:"mo", output:newstr, 
                                  tex:null, ttype:DEFINITION}]);
+  refreshSymbols(); // this may be a problem if many symbols are defined!
 function AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,n) {
@@ -370,7 +460,7 @@ function AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,n) {
   return st.slice(i);
-function AMposition(arr, str, n) { 
+function position(arr, str, n) { 
 // return position >=n where str appears or would be inserted
 // assumes arr is sorted
   if (n==0) {
@@ -400,7 +490,7 @@ function AMgetSymbol(str) {
   for (var i=1; i<=str.length && more; i++) {
     st = str.slice(0,i); //initial substring of length i
     j = k;
-    k = AMposition(AMnames, st, j);
+    k = position(AMnames, st, j);
     if (k<AMnames.length && str.slice(0,AMnames[k].length)==AMnames[k]){
       match = AMnames[k];
       mk = k;
@@ -485,11 +575,10 @@ function AMparseSexpr(str) { //parses str and returns [node,tailstr]
     str = symbol.output+AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); 
     symbol = AMgetSymbol(str);
-  switch (symbol.ttype) {
-  case UNDEROVER:
+  switch (symbol.ttype) {  case UNDEROVER:
   case CONST:
     str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); 
-    return [AMcreateMmlNode(symbol.tag,        //its a constant
+    return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,        //its a constant
   case LEFTBRACKET:   //read (expr+)
@@ -497,10 +586,10 @@ function AMparseSexpr(str) { //parses str and returns [node,tailstr]
     result = AMparseExpr(str,true);
     if (typeof symbol.invisible == "boolean" && symbol.invisible) 
-      node = AMcreateMmlNode("mrow",result[0]);
+      node = createMmlNode("mrow",result[0]);
     else {
-      node = AMcreateMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
-      node = AMcreateMmlNode("mrow",node);
+      node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
+      node = createMmlNode("mrow",node);
     return [node,result[1]];
@@ -514,42 +603,42 @@ function AMparseSexpr(str) { //parses str and returns [node,tailstr]
       if (i==-1) i = str.length;
       st = str.slice(1,i);
       if (st.charAt(0) == " ") {
-        node = AMcreateElementMathML("mspace");
+        node = createMmlNode("mspace");
-        AMcreateMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(st)));
+        createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(st)));
       if (st.charAt(st.length-1) == " ") {
-        node = AMcreateElementMathML("mspace");
+        node = createMmlNode("mspace");
       str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,i+1);
-      return [AMcreateMmlNode("mrow",newFrag),str];
+      return [createMmlNode("mrow",newFrag),str];
   case UNARY:
       str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); 
       result = AMparseSexpr(str);
-      if (result[0]==null) return [AMcreateMmlNode(symbol.tag,
+      if (result[0]==null) return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,
       if (typeof symbol.func == "boolean" && symbol.func) { // functions hack
         st = str.charAt(0);
         if (st=="^" || st=="_" || st=="/" || st=="|" || st==",") {
-          return [AMcreateMmlNode(symbol.tag,
+          return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,
         } else {
-          node = AMcreateMmlNode("mrow",
-           AMcreateMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(symbol.output)));
+          node = createMmlNode("mrow",
+           createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(symbol.output)));
           return [node,result[1]];
       if (symbol.input == "sqrt") {           // sqrt
-        return [AMcreateMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]),result[1]];
+        return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]),result[1]];
       } else if (typeof symbol.acc == "boolean" && symbol.acc) {   // accent
-        node = AMcreateMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]);
-        node.appendChild(AMcreateMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output)));
+        node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]);
+        node.appendChild(createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output)));
         return [node,result[1]];
       } else {                        // font change command
         if (!isIE && typeof != "undefined") {
@@ -563,45 +652,46 @@ function AMparseSexpr(str) { //parses str and returns [node,tailstr]
                 else newst = newst + st.charAt(j);
               if (result[0].nodeName=="mi")
-                result[0]=AMcreateElementMathML("mo").
+                result[0]=createMmlNode("mo").
-              else result[0].replaceChild(AMcreateElementMathML("mo").
-          appendChild(document.createTextNode(newst)),result[0].childNodes[i]);
+              else result[0].replaceChild(createMmlNode("mo").
+                               appendChild(document.createTextNode(newst)),
+                                           result[0].childNodes[i]);
-        node = AMcreateMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]);
+        node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]);
         return [node,result[1]];
   case BINARY:
     str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); 
     result = AMparseSexpr(str);
-    if (result[0]==null) return [AMcreateMmlNode("mo",
+    if (result[0]==null) return [createMmlNode("mo",
     var result2 = AMparseSexpr(result[1]);
-    if (result2[0]==null) return [AMcreateMmlNode("mo",
+    if (result2[0]==null) return [createMmlNode("mo",
     if (symbol.input=="root" || symbol.input=="stackrel") 
     if (symbol.input=="frac") newFrag.appendChild(result2[0]);
-    return [AMcreateMmlNode(symbol.tag,newFrag),result2[1]];
+    return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,newFrag),result2[1]];
   case INFIX:
     str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); 
-    return [AMcreateMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output)),str];
+    return [createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output)),str];
   case SPACE:
     str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); 
-    node = AMcreateElementMathML("mspace");
+    node = createMmlNode("mspace");
-      AMcreateMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(symbol.output)));
-    node = AMcreateElementMathML("mspace");
+      createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(symbol.output)));
+    node = createMmlNode("mspace");
-    return [AMcreateMmlNode("mrow",newFrag),str];
+    return [createMmlNode("mrow",newFrag),str];
   case LEFTRIGHT:
 //    if (rightvert) return [null,str]; else rightvert = true;
@@ -612,19 +702,19 @@ function AMparseSexpr(str) { //parses str and returns [node,tailstr]
     if (result[0].lastChild!=null)
       st = result[0].lastChild.firstChild.nodeValue;
     if (st == "|") { // its an absolute value subterm
-      node = AMcreateMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
-      node = AMcreateMmlNode("mrow",node);
+      node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
+      node = createMmlNode("mrow",node);
       return [node,result[1]];
-    } else { // the "|" is a \mid
-      node = AMcreateMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
-      node = AMcreateMmlNode("mrow",node);
+    } else { // the "|" is a \mid so use unicode 2223 (divides) for spacing
+      node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode("\u2223"));
+      node = createMmlNode("mrow",node);
       return [node,str];
     str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); 
-    return [AMcreateMmlNode(symbol.tag,        //its a constant
+    return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,        //its a constant
@@ -642,7 +732,7 @@ function AMparseIexpr(str) {
 //    if (symbol.input == "/") result = AMparseIexpr(str); else ...
     result = AMparseSexpr(str);
     if (result[0] == null) // show box in place of missing argument
-      result[0] = AMcreateMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode("\u25A1"));
+      result[0] = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode("\u25A1"));
     else AMremoveBrackets(result[0]);
     str = result[1];
 //    if (symbol.input == "/") AMremoveBrackets(node);
@@ -654,16 +744,16 @@ function AMparseIexpr(str) {
         var res2 = AMparseSexpr(str);
         str = res2[1];
-        node = AMcreateMmlNode((underover?"munderover":"msubsup"),node);
+        node = createMmlNode((underover?"munderover":"msubsup"),node);
-        node = AMcreateMmlNode("mrow",node); // so sum does not stretch
+        node = createMmlNode("mrow",node); // so sum does not stretch
       } else {
-        node = AMcreateMmlNode((underover?"munder":"msub"),node);
+        node = createMmlNode((underover?"munder":"msub"),node);
     } else {
-      node = AMcreateMmlNode(symbol.tag,node);
+      node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,node);
@@ -683,11 +773,11 @@ function AMparseExpr(str,rightbracket) {
       str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
       result = AMparseIexpr(str);
       if (result[0] == null) // show box in place of missing argument
-        result[0] = AMcreateMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode("\u25A1"));
+        result[0] = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode("\u25A1"));
       else AMremoveBrackets(result[0]);
       str = result[1];
-      node = AMcreateMmlNode(symbol.tag,node);
+      node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,node);
       symbol = AMgetSymbol(str);
@@ -736,18 +826,18 @@ function AMparseExpr(str,rightbracket) {
             for (j=1; j<n-1; j++) {
               if (typeof pos[i][k] != "undefined" && j==pos[i][k]){
                 node.removeChild(node.firstChild); //remove ,
-                row.appendChild(AMcreateMmlNode("mtd",frag));
+                row.appendChild(createMmlNode("mtd",frag));
               } else frag.appendChild(node.firstChild);
-            row.appendChild(AMcreateMmlNode("mtd",frag));
+            row.appendChild(createMmlNode("mtd",frag));
             if (newFrag.childNodes.length>2) {
               newFrag.removeChild(newFrag.firstChild); //remove <mrow>)</mrow>
               newFrag.removeChild(newFrag.firstChild); //remove <mo>,</mo>
-            table.appendChild(AMcreateMmlNode("mtr",row));
+            table.appendChild(createMmlNode("mtr",row));
-          node = AMcreateMmlNode("mtable",table);
+          node = createMmlNode("mtable",table);
           if (typeof symbol.invisible == "boolean" && symbol.invisible) node.setAttribute("columnalign","left");
@@ -756,44 +846,40 @@ function AMparseExpr(str,rightbracket) {
     str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
     if (typeof symbol.invisible != "boolean" || !symbol.invisible) {
-      node = AMcreateMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
+      node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
   return [newFrag,str];
-function AMparseMath(str) {
-  var result, node = AMcreateElementMathML("mstyle");
-  if (mathcolor != "") node.setAttribute("mathcolor",mathcolor);
-  if (displaystyle) node.setAttribute("displaystyle","true");
-  if (mathfontfamily != "") node.setAttribute("fontfamily",mathfontfamily);
+function parseMath(str,latex) {
+  var frag, node;
   AMnestingDepth = 0;
-  node.appendChild(AMparseExpr(str.replace(/^\s+/g,""),false)[0]);
-  node = AMcreateMmlNode("math",node);
+  frag = latex ? LMparseExpr(str.replace(/^\s+/g,""),false,false)[0] : AMparseExpr(str.replace(/^\s+/g,""),false)[0];
+  node = createMmlNode("mstyle",frag);
+  node.setAttribute("mathcolor",mathcolor);
+  node.setAttribute("fontfamily",mathfontfamily);
+  node.setAttribute("mathsize",mathfontsize);
+  if (displaystyle) node.setAttribute("displaystyle","true");
+  node = createMmlNode("math",node);
   if (showasciiformulaonhover)                      //fixed by djhsu so newline
     node.setAttribute("title",str.replace(/\s+/g," "));//does not show in Gecko
-  if (mathfontfamily != "" && (isIE || mathfontfamily != "serif")) {
-    var fnode = AMcreateElementXHTML("font");
-    fnode.setAttribute("face",mathfontfamily);
-    fnode.appendChild(node);
-    return fnode;
-  }
   return node;
-function AMstrarr2docFrag(arr, linebreaks) {
+function strarr2docFrag(arr, linebreaks, latex) {
   var newFrag=document.createDocumentFragment();
   var expr = false;
   for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
-    if (expr) newFrag.appendChild(AMparseMath(arr[i]));
+    if (expr) newFrag.appendChild(parseMath(arr[i],latex));
     else {
       var arri = (linebreaks ? arr[i].split("\n\n") : [arr[i]]);
-      newFrag.appendChild(AMcreateElementXHTML("span").
+      newFrag.appendChild(createElementXHTML("span").
       for (var j=1; j<arri.length; j++) {
-        newFrag.appendChild(AMcreateElementXHTML("p"));
-        newFrag.appendChild(AMcreateElementXHTML("span").
+        newFrag.appendChild(createElementXHTML("p"));
+        newFrag.appendChild(createElementXHTML("span").
@@ -802,47 +888,77 @@ function AMstrarr2docFrag(arr, linebreaks) {
   return newFrag;
-function AMprocessNodeR(n, linebreaks) {
+function AMautomathrec(str) {
+//formula is a space (or start of str) followed by a maximal sequence of *two* or more tokens, possibly separated by runs of digits and/or space.
+//tokens are single letters (except a, A, I) and ASCIIMathML tokens
+  var texcommand = "\\\\[a-zA-Z]+|\\\\\\s|";
+  var ambigAMtoken = "\\b(?:oo|lim|ln|int|oint|del|grad|aleph|prod|prop|sinh|cosh|tanh|cos|sec|pi|tt|fr|sf|sube|supe|sub|sup|det|mod|gcd|lcm|min|max|vec|ddot|ul|chi|eta|nu|mu)(?![a-z])|";
+  var englishAMtoken = "\\b(?:sum|ox|log|sin|tan|dim|hat|bar|dot)(?![a-z])|";
+  var secondenglishAMtoken = "|\\bI\\b|\\bin\\b|\\btext\\b"; // took if and or not out
+  var simpleAMtoken = "NN|ZZ|QQ|RR|CC|TT|AA|EE|sqrt|dx|dy|dz|dt|xx|vv|uu|nn|bb|cc|csc|cot|alpha|beta|delta|Delta|epsilon|gamma|Gamma|kappa|lambda|Lambda|omega|phi|Phi|Pi|psi|Psi|rho|sigma|Sigma|tau|theta|Theta|xi|Xi|zeta"; // uuu nnn?
+  var letter = "[a-zA-HJ-Z](?=(?:[^a-zA-Z]|$|"+ambigAMtoken+englishAMtoken+simpleAMtoken+"))|";
+  var token = letter+texcommand+"\\d+|[-()[\\]{}+=*&^_%\\\@/<>,\\|!:;'~]|\\.(?!(?:\x20|$))|"+ambigAMtoken+englishAMtoken+simpleAMtoken;
+  var re = new RegExp("(^|\\s)((("+token+")\\s?)(("+token+secondenglishAMtoken+")\\s?)+)([,.?]?(?=\\s|$))","g");
+  str = str.replace(re," `$2`$7");
+  var arr = str.split(AMdelimiter1);
+  var re1 = new RegExp("(^|\\s)([b-zB-HJ-Z+*<>]|"+texcommand+ambigAMtoken+simpleAMtoken+")(\\s|\\n|$)","g");
+  var re2 = new RegExp("(^|\\s)([a-z]|"+texcommand+ambigAMtoken+simpleAMtoken+")([,.])","g"); // removed |\d+ for now
+  for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++)   //single nonenglish tokens
+    if (i%2==0) {
+      arr[i] = arr[i].replace(re1," `$2`$3");
+      arr[i] = arr[i].replace(re2," `$2`$3");
+      arr[i] = arr[i].replace(/([{}[\]])/,"`$1`");
+    }
+  str = arr.join(AMdelimiter1);
+  str = str.replace(/((^|\s)\([a-zA-Z]{2,}.*?)\)`/g,"$1`)");  //fix parentheses
+  str = str.replace(/`(\((a\s|in\s))(.*?[a-zA-Z]{2,}\))/g,"$1`$3");  //fix parentheses
+  str = str.replace(/\sin`/g,"` in");
+  str = str.replace(/`(\(\w\)[,.]?(\s|\n|$))/g,"$1`");
+  str = str.replace(/`([0-9.]+|e.g|i.e)`(\.?)/gi,"$1$2");
+  str = str.replace(/`([0-9.]+:)`/g,"$1");
+  return str;
+function processNodeR(n, linebreaks,latex) {
   var mtch, str, arr, frg, i;
   if (n.childNodes.length == 0) {
    if ((n.nodeType!=8 || linebreaks) &&
     n.parentNode.nodeName!="form" && n.parentNode.nodeName!="FORM" &&
-    n.parentNode.nodeName!="textarea" && n.parentNode.nodeName!="TEXTAREA" &&
-    n.parentNode.nodeName!="code" && n.parentNode.nodeName!="CODE" &&  /* added by JM */
-    n.parentNode.nodeName!="pre" && n.parentNode.nodeName!="PRE") {
+    n.parentNode.nodeName!="textarea" && n.parentNode.nodeName!="TEXTAREA" /*&&
+    n.parentNode.nodeName!="pre" && n.parentNode.nodeName!="PRE"*/) {
     str = n.nodeValue;
     if (!(str == null)) {
       str = str.replace(/\r\n\r\n/g,"\n\n");
-      if (doubleblankmathdelimiter) {
-        str = str.replace(/\x20\x20\./g," "+AMdelimiter1+".");
-        str = str.replace(/\x20\x20,/g," "+AMdelimiter1+",");
-        str = str.replace(/\x20\x20/g," "+AMdelimiter1+" ");
-      }
       str = str.replace(/\x20+/g," ");
       str = str.replace(/\s*\r\n/g," ");
+      if(latex) {
+        mtch = (str.indexOf("\$")==-1 ? false : true);
+        str = str.replace(/([^\\])\$/g,"$1 \$");
+        str = str.replace(/^\$/," \$");	// in case \$ at start of string
+        arr = str.split(" \$");
+        for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
+	  arr[i]=arr[i].replace(/\\\$/g,"\$");
+      } else {
       mtch = false;
-      str = str.replace(new RegExp(AMescape2, "g"),
-              function(st){mtch=true;return "AMescape2"});
       str = str.replace(new RegExp(AMescape1, "g"),
-              function(st){mtch=true;return "AMescape1"});
-      str = str.replace(new RegExp(AMdelimiter2regexp, "g"),AMdelimiter1);
+              function(){mtch = true; return "AMescape1"});
+      str = str.replace(/\\?end{?a?math}?/i,
+              function(){automathrecognize = false; mtch = true; return ""});
+      str = str.replace(/amath\b|\\begin{a?math}/i,
+              function(){automathrecognize = true; mtch = true; return ""});
       arr = str.split(AMdelimiter1);
-      for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
-        arr[i]=arr[i].replace(/AMescape2/g,AMdelimiter2).
-                      replace(/AMescape1/g,AMdelimiter1);
+      if (automathrecognize)
+        for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
+          if (i%2==0) arr[i] = AMautomathrec(arr[i]);
+      str = arr.join(AMdelimiter1);
+      arr = str.split(AMdelimiter1);
+      for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++) // this is a problem ************
+        arr[i]=arr[i].replace(/AMescape1/g,AMdelimiter1);
+      }
       if (arr.length>1 || mtch) {
-        if (checkForMathML) {
-          checkForMathML = false;
-          var nd = AMisMathMLavailable();
-          AMnoMathML = nd != null;
-          if (AMnoMathML && notifyIfNoMathML) 
-            if (alertIfNoMathML)
-              alert("To view the ASCIIMathML notation use Internet Explorer 6 +\nMathPlayer (free from\n\
-                or Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape");
-            else AMbody.insertBefore(nd,AMbody.childNodes[0]);
-        }
-        if (!AMnoMathML) {
-          frg = AMstrarr2docFrag(arr,n.nodeType==8);
+        if (!noMathML) {
+          frg = strarr2docFrag(arr,n.nodeType==8,latex);
           var len = frg.childNodes.length;
           return len-1;
@@ -852,7 +968,7 @@ function AMprocessNodeR(n, linebreaks) {
    } else return 0;
   } else if (n.nodeName!="math") {
     for (i=0; i<n.childNodes.length; i++)
-      i += AMprocessNodeR(n.childNodes[i], linebreaks);
+      i += processNodeR(n.childNodes[i], linebreaks,latex);
   return 0;
@@ -862,46 +978,2348 @@ function AMprocessNode(n, linebreaks, spanclassAM) {
   if (spanclassAM!=null) {
     frag = document.getElementsByTagName("span")
     for (var i=0;i<frag.length;i++)
-      if (frag[i].className == "AM")
-        AMprocessNodeR(frag[i],linebreaks);
+      if (frag[i].className == "AM") 
+        processNodeR(frag[i],linebreaks,false);
   } else {
     try {
-      st = n.innerHTML;
+      st = n.innerHTML; // look for AMdelimiter on page
     } catch(err) {}
-    if (st==null || 
-        st.indexOf(AMdelimiter1)!=-1 || st.indexOf(AMdelimiter2)!=-1) 
-      AMprocessNodeR(n,linebreaks);
+    if (st==null || /amath\b|\\begin{a?math}/i.test(st) ||
+      st.indexOf(AMdelimiter1+" ")!=-1 || st.slice(-1)==AMdelimiter1 ||
+      st.indexOf(AMdelimiter1+"<")!=-1 || st.indexOf(AMdelimiter1+"\n")!=-1) {
+      processNodeR(n,linebreaks,false);
+    }
-  if (isIE) { //needed to match size and font of formula to surrounding text
+/*  if (isIE) { //needed to match size and font of formula to surrounding text
     frag = document.getElementsByTagName('math');
-    for (var i=0;i<frag.length;i++) frag[i].update()
+    for (var i=0;i<frag.length;i++) frag[i].update() //What is this?
+  }*/
+Version 1.1, July 20, 2007 (c) modifications by Peter Jipsen
+(changes: renamed global variables from AM... to LM... so that
+LaTeXMathML and ASCIIMathML can be used simultaneously)
+Previous header notice:
+This file (Version 1.0), is due to Douglas Woodall, June 2006.
+It contains JavaScript functions to convert (most simple) LaTeX
+math notation to Presentation MathML.  It was obtained by
+downloading the file ASCIIMathML.js from
+and modifying it so that it carries out ONLY those conversions
+that would be carried out in LaTeX.  A description of the original
+file, with examples, can be found at
+	ASCIIMathML: Math on the web for everyone
+Here is the header notice from the original file:
+This file contains JavaScript functions to convert ASCII math notation
+to Presentation MathML. The conversion is done while the (X)HTML page
+loads, and should work with Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape 7+ and Internet
+Explorer 6+MathPlayer (
+Just add the next line to your (X)HTML page with this file in the same folder:
+<script type="text/javascript" src="ASCIIMathML.js"></script>
+This is a convenient and inexpensive solution for authoring MathML.
+Version 1.4.7 Dec 15, 2005, (c) Peter Jipsen
+Latest version at
+For changes see
+If you use it on a webpage, please send the URL to
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License (at
+for more details.
+LaTeXMathML.js (ctd)
+Content between $...$ and $$...$$ is converted by this part of the file
+// all further global variables start with "LM"
+// Commented out by DRW to prevent 1/2 turning into a 2-line fraction
+// LMdiv   = {input:"/",	 tag:"mfrac", output:"/",    ttype:INFIX},
+// Commented out by DRW so that " prints literally in equations
+// LMquote = {input:"\"",	 tag:"mtext", output:"mbox", ttype:TEXT};
+var LMsymbols = [
+//Greek letters
+{input:"\\alpha",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03B1", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\beta",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03B2", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\gamma",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03B3", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\delta",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03B4", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\epsilon",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03B5", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\varepsilon",  tag:"mi", output:"\u025B", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\zeta",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03B6", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\eta",		tag:"mi", output:"\u03B7", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\theta",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03B8", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\vartheta",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03D1", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\iota",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03B9", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\kappa",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03BA", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\lambda",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03BB", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\mu",		tag:"mi", output:"\u03BC", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\nu",		tag:"mi", output:"\u03BD", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\xi",		tag:"mi", output:"\u03BE", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\pi",		tag:"mi", output:"\u03C0", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\varpi",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03D6", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\rho",		tag:"mi", output:"\u03C1", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\varrho",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03F1", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\varsigma",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03C2", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\sigma",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03C3", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\tau",		tag:"mi", output:"\u03C4", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\upsilon",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03C5", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\phi",		tag:"mi", output:"\u03C6", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\varphi",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03D5", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\chi",		tag:"mi", output:"\u03C7", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\psi",		tag:"mi", output:"\u03C8", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\omega",	tag:"mi", output:"\u03C9", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Gamma",	tag:"mo", output:"\u0393", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Delta",	tag:"mo", output:"\u0394", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Theta",	tag:"mo", output:"\u0398", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Lambda",	tag:"mo", output:"\u039B", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Xi",		tag:"mo", output:"\u039E", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Pi",		tag:"mo", output:"\u03A0", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Sigma",	tag:"mo", output:"\u03A3", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Upsilon",	tag:"mo", output:"\u03A5", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Phi",		tag:"mo", output:"\u03A6", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Psi",		tag:"mo", output:"\u03A8", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Omega",	tag:"mo", output:"\u03A9", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frac12",	tag:"mo", output:"\u00BD", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frac14",	tag:"mo", output:"\u00BC", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frac34",	tag:"mo", output:"\u00BE", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frac13",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2153", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frac23",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2154", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frac15",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2155", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frac25",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2156", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frac35",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2157", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frac45",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2158", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frac16",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2159", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frac56",	tag:"mo", output:"\u215A", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frac18",	tag:"mo", output:"\u215B", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frac38",	tag:"mo", output:"\u215C", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frac58",	tag:"mo", output:"\u215D", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frac78",	tag:"mo", output:"\u215E", ttype:CONST},
+//binary operation symbols
+{input:"\\pm",		tag:"mo", output:"\u00B1", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\mp",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2213", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\triangleleft",tag:"mo", output:"\u22B2", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\triangleright",tag:"mo",output:"\u22B3", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\cdot",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22C5", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\star",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22C6", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\ast",		tag:"mo", output:"\u002A", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\times",	tag:"mo", output:"\u00D7", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\div",		tag:"mo", output:"\u00F7", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\circ",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2218", ttype:CONST},
+//{input:"\\bullet",	  tag:"mo", output:"\u2219", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\bullet",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2022", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\oplus",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2295", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\ominus",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2296", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\otimes",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2297", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\bigcirc",	tag:"mo", output:"\u25CB", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\oslash",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2298", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\odot",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2299", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\land",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2227", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\wedge",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2227", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\lor",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2228", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\vee",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2228", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\cap",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2229", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\cup",		tag:"mo", output:"\u222A", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\sqcap",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2293", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\sqcup",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2294", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\uplus",	tag:"mo", output:"\u228E", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\amalg",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2210", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\bigtriangleup",tag:"mo",output:"\u25B3", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\bigtriangledown",tag:"mo",output:"\u25BD", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\dag",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2020", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\dagger",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2020", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\ddag",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2021", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\ddagger",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2021", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\lhd",		tag:"mo", output:"\u22B2", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\rhd",		tag:"mo", output:"\u22B3", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\unlhd",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22B4", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\unrhd",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22B5", ttype:CONST},
+//BIG Operators
+{input:"\\sum",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2211", ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\prod",	tag:"mo", output:"\u220F", ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\bigcap",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22C2", ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\bigcup",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22C3", ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\bigwedge",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22C0", ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\bigvee",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22C1", ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\bigsqcap",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2A05", ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\bigsqcup",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2A06", ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\coprod",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2210", ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\bigoplus",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2A01", ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\bigotimes",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2A02", ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\bigodot",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2A00", ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\biguplus",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2A04", ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\int",		tag:"mo", output:"\u222B", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\oint",	tag:"mo", output:"\u222E", ttype:CONST},
+//binary relation symbols
+{input:":=",		tag:"mo", output:":=",	   ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\lt",		tag:"mo", output:"<",	   ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\gt",		tag:"mo", output:">",	   ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\ne",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2260", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\neq",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2260", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\le",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2264", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\leq",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2264", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\leqslant",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2264", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\ge",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2265", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\geq",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2265", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\geqslant",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2265", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\equiv",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2261", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\ll",		tag:"mo", output:"\u226A", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\gg",		tag:"mo", output:"\u226B", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\doteq",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2250", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\prec",	tag:"mo", output:"\u227A", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\succ",	tag:"mo", output:"\u227B", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\preceq",	tag:"mo", output:"\u227C", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\succeq",	tag:"mo", output:"\u227D", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\subset",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2282", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\supset",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2283", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\subseteq",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2286", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\supseteq",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2287", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\sqsubset",	tag:"mo", output:"\u228F", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\sqsupset",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2290", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\sqsubseteq",  tag:"mo", output:"\u2291", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\sqsupseteq",  tag:"mo", output:"\u2292", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\sim",		tag:"mo", output:"\u223C", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\simeq",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2243", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\approx",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2248", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\cong",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2245", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Join",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22C8", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\bowtie",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22C8", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\in",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2208", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\ni",		tag:"mo", output:"\u220B", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\owns",	tag:"mo", output:"\u220B", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\propto",	tag:"mo", output:"\u221D", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\vdash",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22A2", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\dashv",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22A3", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\models",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22A8", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\perp",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22A5", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\smile",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2323", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\frown",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2322", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\asymp",	tag:"mo", output:"\u224D", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\notin",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2209", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\begin{eqnarray}",	output:"X",	ttype:MATRIX, invisible:true},
+{input:"\\begin{array}",	output:"X",	ttype:MATRIX, invisible:true},
+{input:"\\\\",			output:"}&{",	ttype:DEFINITION},
+{input:"\\end{eqnarray}",	output:"}}",	ttype:DEFINITION},
+{input:"\\end{array}",		output:"}}",	ttype:DEFINITION},
+//grouping and literal brackets -- ieval is for IE
+{input:"\\big",	   tag:"mo", output:"X", atval:"1.2", ieval:"2.2", ttype:BIG},
+{input:"\\Big",	   tag:"mo", output:"X", atval:"1.6", ieval:"2.6", ttype:BIG},
+{input:"\\bigg",   tag:"mo", output:"X", atval:"2.2", ieval:"3.2", ttype:BIG},
+{input:"\\Bigg",   tag:"mo", output:"X", atval:"2.9", ieval:"3.9", ttype:BIG},
+{input:"\\left",   tag:"mo", output:"X", ttype:LEFTBRACKET},
+{input:"\\right",  tag:"mo", output:"X", ttype:RIGHTBRACKET},
+{input:"{",	   output:"{", ttype:LEFTBRACKET,  invisible:true},
+{input:"}",	   output:"}", ttype:RIGHTBRACKET, invisible:true},
+{input:"(",	   tag:"mo", output:"(",      atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"[",	   tag:"mo", output:"[",      atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\lbrack", tag:"mo", output:"[",      atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\{",	   tag:"mo", output:"{",      atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\lbrace", tag:"mo", output:"{",      atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\langle", tag:"mo", output:"\u2329", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\lfloor", tag:"mo", output:"\u230A", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\lceil",  tag:"mo", output:"\u2308", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
+// rtag:"mi" causes space to be inserted before a following sin, cos, etc.
+// (see function LMparseExpr() )
+{input:")",	  tag:"mo",output:")",	    rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"]",	  tag:"mo",output:"]",	    rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\rbrack",tag:"mo",output:"]",	    rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\}",	  tag:"mo",output:"}",	    rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\rbrace",tag:"mo",output:"}",	    rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\rangle",tag:"mo",output:"\u232A", rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\rfloor",tag:"mo",output:"\u230B", rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\rceil", tag:"mo",output:"\u2309", rtag:"mi",atval:"1",ttype:STRETCHY},
+// "|", "\\|", "\\vert" and "\\Vert" modified later: lspace = rspace = 0em
+{input:"|",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2223", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\|",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2225", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\vert",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2223", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\Vert",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2225", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\mid",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2223", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\parallel",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2225", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"/",		tag:"mo", output:"/",	atval:"1.01", ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\backslash",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2216", atval:"1", ttype:STRETCHY},
+{input:"\\setminus",	tag:"mo", output:"\\",	   ttype:CONST},
+//miscellaneous symbols
+{input:"\\!",	  tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"-0.167em", ttype:SPACE},
+{input:"\\,",	  tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"0.167em", ttype:SPACE},
+{input:"\\>",	  tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"0.222em", ttype:SPACE},
+{input:"\\:",	  tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"0.222em", ttype:SPACE},
+{input:"\\;",	  tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"0.278em", ttype:SPACE},
+{input:"~",	  tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"0.333em", ttype:SPACE},
+{input:"\\quad",  tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"1em", ttype:SPACE},
+{input:"\\qquad", tag:"mspace", atname:"width", atval:"2em", ttype:SPACE},
+//{input:"{}",		  tag:"mo", output:"\u200B", ttype:CONST}, // zero-width
+{input:"\\prime",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2032", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"'",		tag:"mo", output:"\u02B9", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"''",		tag:"mo", output:"\u02BA", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"'''",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2034", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"''''",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2057", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\ldots",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2026", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\cdots",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22EF", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\vdots",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22EE", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\ddots",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22F1", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\forall",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2200", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\exists",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2203", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Re",		tag:"mo", output:"\u211C", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Im",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2111", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\aleph",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2135", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\hbar",	tag:"mo", output:"\u210F", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\ell",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2113", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\wp",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2118", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\emptyset",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2205", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\infty",	tag:"mo", output:"\u221E", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\surd",	tag:"mo", output:"\\sqrt{}", ttype:DEFINITION},
+{input:"\\partial",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2202", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\nabla",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2207", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\triangle",	tag:"mo", output:"\u25B3", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\therefore",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2234", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\angle",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2220", ttype:CONST},
+//{input:"\\\\ ",	  tag:"mo", output:"\u00A0", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\diamond",	tag:"mo", output:"\u22C4", ttype:CONST},
+//{input:"\\Diamond",	  tag:"mo", output:"\u25CA", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Diamond",	tag:"mo", output:"\u25C7", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\neg",		tag:"mo", output:"\u00AC", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\lnot",	tag:"mo", output:"\u00AC", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\bot",		tag:"mo", output:"\u22A5", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\top",		tag:"mo", output:"\u22A4", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\square",	tag:"mo", output:"\u25AB", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Box",		tag:"mo", output:"\u25A1", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\wr",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2240", ttype:CONST},
+//standard functions
+//Note UNDEROVER *must* have tag:"mo" to work properly
+{input:"\\arccos", tag:"mi", output:"arccos", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\arcsin", tag:"mi", output:"arcsin", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\arctan", tag:"mi", output:"arctan", ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\arg",	   tag:"mi", output:"arg",    ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\cos",	   tag:"mi", output:"cos",    ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\cosh",   tag:"mi", output:"cosh",   ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\cot",	   tag:"mi", output:"cot",    ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\coth",   tag:"mi", output:"coth",   ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\csc",	   tag:"mi", output:"csc",    ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\deg",	   tag:"mi", output:"deg",    ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\det",	   tag:"mi", output:"det",    ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\dim",	   tag:"mi", output:"dim",    ttype:UNARY, func:true}, //CONST?
+{input:"\\exp",	   tag:"mi", output:"exp",    ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\gcd",	   tag:"mi", output:"gcd",    ttype:UNARY, func:true}, //CONST?
+{input:"\\hom",	   tag:"mi", output:"hom",    ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\inf",	      tag:"mo", output:"inf",	 ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\ker",	   tag:"mi", output:"ker",    ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\lg",	   tag:"mi", output:"lg",     ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\lim",	      tag:"mo", output:"lim",	 ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\liminf",    tag:"mo", output:"liminf", ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\limsup",    tag:"mo", output:"limsup", ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\ln",	   tag:"mi", output:"ln",     ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\log",	   tag:"mi", output:"log",    ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\max",	      tag:"mo", output:"max",	 ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\min",	      tag:"mo", output:"min",	 ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\Pr",	   tag:"mi", output:"Pr",     ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\sec",	   tag:"mi", output:"sec",    ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\sin",	   tag:"mi", output:"sin",    ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\sinh",   tag:"mi", output:"sinh",   ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\sup",	      tag:"mo", output:"sup",	 ttype:UNDEROVER},
+{input:"\\tan",	   tag:"mi", output:"tan",    ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\tanh",   tag:"mi", output:"tanh",   ttype:UNARY, func:true},
+{input:"\\gets",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2190", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\leftarrow",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2190", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\to",			tag:"mo", output:"\u2192", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\rightarrow",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2192", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\leftrightarrow",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2194", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\uparrow",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2191", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\downarrow",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2193", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\updownarrow",		tag:"mo", output:"\u2195", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Leftarrow",		tag:"mo", output:"\u21D0", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Rightarrow",		tag:"mo", output:"\u21D2", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Leftrightarrow",	tag:"mo", output:"\u21D4", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\iff", tag:"mo", output:"~\\Longleftrightarrow~", ttype:DEFINITION},
+{input:"\\Uparrow",		tag:"mo", output:"\u21D1", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Downarrow",		tag:"mo", output:"\u21D3", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\Updownarrow",		tag:"mo", output:"\u21D5", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\mapsto",		tag:"mo", output:"\u21A6", ttype:CONST},
+{input:"\\longleftarrow",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2190", ttype:LONG},
+{input:"\\longrightarrow",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2192", ttype:LONG},
+{input:"\\longleftrightarrow",	tag:"mo", output:"\u2194", ttype:LONG},
+{input:"\\Longleftarrow",	tag:"mo", output:"\u21D0", ttype:LONG},
+{input:"\\Longrightarrow",	tag:"mo", output:"\u21D2", ttype:LONG},
+{input:"\\implies",		tag:"mo", output:"\u21D2", ttype:LONG},
+{input:"\\Longleftrightarrow",  tag:"mo", output:"\u21D4", ttype:LONG},
+{input:"\\longmapsto",		tag:"mo", output:"\u21A6", ttype:CONST},
+							// disaster if LONG
+//commands with argument
+{input:"\\sqrt",	tag:"msqrt", output:"sqrt",	ttype:UNARY},
+{input:"\\root",	tag:"mroot", output:"root",	ttype:BINARY},
+{input:"\\frac",	tag:"mfrac", output:"/",	ttype:BINARY},
+{input:"\\stackrel",    tag:"mover", output:"stackrel", ttype:BINARY},
+{input:"\\atop",	tag:"mfrac", output:"",		ttype:INFIX},
+{input:"\\choose",      tag:"mfrac", output:"",		ttype:INFIX},
+{input:"_",		tag:"msub",  output:"_",	ttype:INFIX},
+{input:"^",		tag:"msup",  output:"^",	ttype:INFIX},
+{input:"\\mathrm",	tag:"mtext", output:"text",	ttype:TEXT},
+{input:"\\mbox",	tag:"mtext", output:"mbox",	ttype:TEXT},
+//diacritical marks
+{input:"\\acute",	tag:"mover",  output:"\u00B4", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+//{input:"\\acute",	  tag:"mover",  output:"\u0317", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+//{input:"\\acute",	  tag:"mover",  output:"\u0301", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+//{input:"\\grave",	  tag:"mover",  output:"\u0300", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+//{input:"\\grave",	  tag:"mover",  output:"\u0316", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\grave",	tag:"mover",  output:"\u0060", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\breve",	tag:"mover",  output:"\u02D8", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\check",	tag:"mover",  output:"\u02C7", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\dot",		tag:"mover",  output:".",      ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\ddot",	tag:"mover",  output:"..",     ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+//{input:"\\ddot",	  tag:"mover",  output:"\u00A8", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\mathring",	tag:"mover",  output:"\u00B0", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\vec",		tag:"mover",  output:"\u20D7", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\overrightarrow",tag:"mover",output:"\u20D7", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\overleftarrow",tag:"mover", output:"\u20D6", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\hat",		tag:"mover",  output:"\u005E", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\widehat",	tag:"mover",  output:"\u0302", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\tilde",	tag:"mover",  output:"~",      ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+//{input:"\\tilde",	  tag:"mover",  output:"\u0303", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\widetilde",	tag:"mover",  output:"\u02DC", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\bar",		tag:"mover",  output:"\u203E", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\overbrace",	tag:"mover",  output:"\u23B4", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\overline",	tag:"mover",  output:"\u00AF", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\underbrace",  tag:"munder", output:"\u23B5", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+{input:"\\underline",	tag:"munder", output:"\u00AF", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+//{input:"underline",	tag:"munder", output:"\u0332", ttype:UNARY, acc:true},
+//typestyles and fonts
+{input:"\\displaystyle",tag:"mstyle",atname:"displaystyle",atval:"true", ttype:UNARY},
+{input:"\\textstyle",tag:"mstyle",atname:"displaystyle",atval:"false", ttype:UNARY},
+{input:"\\scriptstyle",tag:"mstyle",atname:"scriptlevel",atval:"1", ttype:UNARY},
+{input:"\\scriptscriptstyle",tag:"mstyle",atname:"scriptlevel",atval:"2", ttype:UNARY},
+{input:"\\textrm", tag:"mstyle", output:"\\mathrm", ttype: DEFINITION},
+{input:"\\mathbf", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"bold", ttype:UNARY},
+{input:"\\textbf", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"bold", ttype:UNARY},
+{input:"\\mathit", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"italic", ttype:UNARY},
+{input:"\\textit", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"italic", ttype:UNARY},
+{input:"\\mathtt", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"monospace", ttype:UNARY},
+{input:"\\texttt", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"monospace", ttype:UNARY},
+{input:"\\mathsf", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"sans-serif", ttype:UNARY},
+{input:"\\mathbb", tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"double-struck", ttype:UNARY, codes:AMbbb},
+{input:"\\mathcal",tag:"mstyle", atname:"mathvariant", atval:"script", ttype:UNARY, codes:AMcal},
+{input:"\\mathfrak",tag:"mstyle",atname:"mathvariant", atval:"fraktur",ttype:UNARY, codes:AMfrk}
+var LMnames = []; //list of input symbols
+function LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,n) {
+//remove n characters and any following blanks
+  var st;
+  st = str.slice(n);
+  for (var i=0; i<st.length && st.charCodeAt(i)<=32; i=i+1);
+  return st.slice(i);
+function LMgetSymbol(str) {
+//return maximal initial substring of str that appears in names
+//return null if there is none
+  var k = 0; //new pos
+  var j = 0; //old pos
+  var mk; //match pos
+  var st;
+  var tagst;
+  var match = "";
+  var more = true;
+  for (var i=1; i<=str.length && more; i++) {
+    st = str.slice(0,i); //initial substring of length i
+    j = k;
+    k = position(LMnames, st, j);
+    if (k<LMnames.length && str.slice(0,LMnames[k].length)==LMnames[k]){
+      match = LMnames[k];
+      mk = k;
+      i = match.length;
+    }
+    more = k<LMnames.length && str.slice(0,LMnames[k].length)>=LMnames[k];
+  }
+  LMpreviousSymbol=LMcurrentSymbol;
+  if (match!=""){
+    LMcurrentSymbol=LMsymbols[mk].ttype;
+    return LMsymbols[mk];
+  }
+  LMcurrentSymbol=CONST;
+  k = 1;
+  st = str.slice(0,1); //take 1 character
+  if ("0"<=st && st<="9") tagst = "mn";
+  else tagst = (("A">st || st>"Z") && ("a">st || st>"z")?"mo":"mi");
+// Commented out by DRW (not fully understood, but probably to do with
+// use of "/" as an INFIX version of "\\frac", which we don't want):
+//if (st=="-" && LMpreviousSymbol==INFIX) {
+//  LMcurrentSymbol = INFIX;  //trick "/" into recognizing "-" on second parse
+//  return {input:st, tag:tagst, output:st, ttype:UNARY, func:true};
+  return {input:st, tag:tagst, output:st, ttype:CONST};
+/*Parsing ASCII math expressions with the following grammar
+v ::= [A-Za-z] | greek letters | numbers | other constant symbols
+u ::= sqrt | text | bb | other unary symbols for font commands
+b ::= frac | root | stackrel	binary symbols
+l ::= { | \left			left brackets
+r ::= } | \right		right brackets
+S ::= v | lEr | uS | bSS	Simple expression
+I ::= S_S | S^S | S_S^S | S	Intermediate expression
+E ::= IE | I/I			Expression
+Each terminal symbol is translated into a corresponding mathml node.*/
+var LMpreviousSymbol,LMcurrentSymbol;
+function LMparseSexpr(str) { //parses str and returns [node,tailstr,(node)tag]
+  var symbol, node, result, result2, i, st,// rightvert = false,
+    newFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
+  str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0);
+  symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);             //either a token or a bracket or empty
+  if (symbol == null || symbol.ttype == RIGHTBRACKET)
+    return [null,str,null];
+  if (symbol.ttype == DEFINITION) {
+    str = symbol.output+LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
+    symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
+    if (symbol == null || symbol.ttype == RIGHTBRACKET)
+      return [null,str,null];
+  }
+  str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
+  switch (symbol.ttype) {
+  case SPACE:
+    node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag);
+    node.setAttribute(symbol.atname,symbol.atval);
+    return [node,str,symbol.tag];
+  case UNDEROVER:
+    if (isIE) {
+      if (symbol.input.substr(0,4) == "\\big") {   // botch for missing symbols
+	str = "\\"+symbol.input.substr(4)+str;	   // make \bigcup = \cup etc.
+	symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
+	symbol.ttype = UNDEROVER;
+	str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
+      }
+    }
+    return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,
+			document.createTextNode(symbol.output)),str,symbol.tag];
+  case CONST:
+    var output = symbol.output;
+    if (isIE) {
+      if (symbol.input == "'")
+	output = "\u2032";
+      else if (symbol.input == "''")
+	output = "\u2033";
+      else if (symbol.input == "'''")
+	output = "\u2033\u2032";
+      else if (symbol.input == "''''")
+	output = "\u2033\u2033";
+      else if (symbol.input == "\\square")
+	output = "\u25A1";	// same as \Box
+      else if (symbol.input.substr(0,5) == "\\frac") {
+						// botch for missing fractions
+	var denom = symbol.input.substr(6,1);
+	if (denom == "5" || denom == "6") {
+	  str = symbol.input.replace(/\\frac/,"\\frac ")+str;
+	  return [node,str,symbol.tag];
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(output));
+    return [node,str,symbol.tag];
+  case LONG:  // added by DRW
+    node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
+    node.setAttribute("minsize","1.5");
+    node.setAttribute("maxsize","1.5");
+    node = createMmlNode("mover",node);
+    node.appendChild(createMmlNode("mspace"));
+    return [node,str,symbol.tag];
+  case STRETCHY:  // added by DRW
+    if (isIE && symbol.input == "\\backslash")
+	symbol.output = "\\";	// doesn't expand, but then nor does "\u2216"
+    node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
+    if (symbol.input == "|" || symbol.input == "\\vert" ||
+	symbol.input == "\\|" || symbol.input == "\\Vert") {
+	  node.setAttribute("lspace","0em");
+	  node.setAttribute("rspace","0em");
+    }
+    node.setAttribute("maxsize",symbol.atval);  // don't allow to stretch here
+    if (symbol.rtag != null)
+      return [node,str,symbol.rtag];
+    else
+      return [node,str,symbol.tag];
+  case BIG:  // added by DRW
+    var atval = symbol.atval;
+    if (isIE)
+      atval = symbol.ieval;
+    symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
+    if (symbol == null)
+	return [null,str,null];
+    str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
+    node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
+    if (isIE) {		// to get brackets to expand
+      var space = createMmlNode("mspace");
+      space.setAttribute("height",atval+"ex");
+      node = createMmlNode("mrow",node);
+      node.appendChild(space);
+    } else {		// ignored in IE
+      node.setAttribute("minsize",atval);
+      node.setAttribute("maxsize",atval);
+    }
+    return [node,str,symbol.tag];
+  case LEFTBRACKET:   //read (expr+)
+    if (symbol.input == "\\left") { // left what?
+      symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
+      if (symbol != null) {
+	if (symbol.input == ".")
+	  symbol.invisible = true;
+	str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
+      }
+    }
+    result = LMparseExpr(str,true,false);
+    if (symbol==null ||
+	(typeof symbol.invisible == "boolean" && symbol.invisible))
+      node = createMmlNode("mrow",result[0]);
+    else {
+      node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
+      node = createMmlNode("mrow",node);
+      node.appendChild(result[0]);
+    }
+    return [node,result[1],result[2]];
+  case MATRIX:	 //read (expr+)
+    if (symbol.input == "\\begin{array}") {
+      var mask = "";
+      symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
+      str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0);
+      if (symbol == null)
+	mask = "l";
+      else {
+	str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
+	if (symbol.input != "{")
+	  mask = "l";
+	else do {
+	  symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
+	  if (symbol != null) {
+	    str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
+	    if (symbol.input != "}")
+	      mask = mask+symbol.input;
+	  }
+	} while (symbol != null && symbol.input != "" && symbol.input != "}");
+      }
+      result = LMparseExpr("{"+str,true,true);
+//    if (result[0]==null) return [createMmlNode("mo",
+//			   document.createTextNode(symbol.input)),str];
+      node = createMmlNode("mtable",result[0]);
+      mask = mask.replace(/l/g,"left ");
+      mask = mask.replace(/r/g,"right ");
+      mask = mask.replace(/c/g,"center ");
+      node.setAttribute("columnalign",mask);
+      node.setAttribute("displaystyle","false");
+      if (isIE)
+	return [node,result[1],null];
+// trying to get a *little* bit of space around the array
+// (IE already includes it)
+      var lspace = createMmlNode("mspace");
+      lspace.setAttribute("width","0.167em");
+      var rspace = createMmlNode("mspace");
+      rspace.setAttribute("width","0.167em");
+      var node1 = createMmlNode("mrow",lspace);
+      node1.appendChild(node);
+      node1.appendChild(rspace);
+      return [node1,result[1],null];
+    } else {	// eqnarray
+      result = LMparseExpr("{"+str,true,true);
+      node = createMmlNode("mtable",result[0]);
+      if (isIE)
+	node.setAttribute("columnspacing","0.25em"); // best in practice?
+      else
+	node.setAttribute("columnspacing","0.167em"); // correct (but ignored?)
+      node.setAttribute("columnalign","right center left");
+      node.setAttribute("displaystyle","true");
+      node = createMmlNode("mrow",node);
+      return [node,result[1],null];
+    }
+  case TEXT:
+      if (str.charAt(0)=="{") i=str.indexOf("}");
+      else i = 0;
+      if (i==-1)
+		 i = str.length;
+      st = str.slice(1,i);
+      if (st.charAt(0) == " ") {
+	node = createMmlNode("mspace");
+	node.setAttribute("width","0.33em");	// was 1ex
+	newFrag.appendChild(node);
+      }
+      newFrag.appendChild(
+        createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(st)));
+      if (st.charAt(st.length-1) == " ") {
+	node = createMmlNode("mspace");
+	node.setAttribute("width","0.33em");	// was 1ex
+	newFrag.appendChild(node);
+      }
+      str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,i+1);
+      return [createMmlNode("mrow",newFrag),str,null];
+  case UNARY:
+      result = LMparseSexpr(str);
+      if (result[0]==null) return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,
+                             document.createTextNode(symbol.output)),str];
+      if (typeof symbol.func == "boolean" && symbol.func) { // functions hack
+	st = str.charAt(0);
+//	if (st=="^" || st=="_" || st=="/" || st=="|" || st==",") {
+	if (st=="^" || st=="_" || st==",") {
+	  return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,
+		    document.createTextNode(symbol.output)),str,symbol.tag];
+        } else {
+	  node = createMmlNode("mrow",
+	   createMmlNode(symbol.tag,document.createTextNode(symbol.output)));
+	  if (isIE) {
+	    var space = createMmlNode("mspace");
+	    space.setAttribute("width","0.167em");
+	    node.appendChild(space);
+	  }
+	  node.appendChild(result[0]);
+	  return [node,result[1],symbol.tag];
+        }
+      }
+      if (symbol.input == "\\sqrt") {		// sqrt
+	if (isIE) {	// set minsize, for \surd
+	  var space = createMmlNode("mspace");
+	  space.setAttribute("height","1.2ex");
+	  space.setAttribute("width","0em");	// probably no effect
+	  node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0])
+//	  node.setAttribute("minsize","1");	// ignored
+//	  node = createMmlNode("mrow",node);  // hopefully unnecessary
+	  node.appendChild(space);
+	  return [node,result[1],symbol.tag];
+	} else
+	  return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]),result[1],symbol.tag];
+      } else if (typeof symbol.acc == "boolean" && symbol.acc) {   // accent
+        node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]);
+	var output = symbol.output;
+	if (isIE) {
+		if (symbol.input == "\\hat")
+			output = "\u0302";
+		else if (symbol.input == "\\widehat")
+			output = "\u005E";
+		else if (symbol.input == "\\bar")
+			output = "\u00AF";
+		else if (symbol.input == "\\grave")
+			output = "\u0300";
+		else if (symbol.input == "\\tilde")
+			output = "\u0303";
+	}
+	var node1 = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(output));
+	if (symbol.input == "\\vec" || symbol.input == "\\check")
+						// don't allow to stretch
+	    node1.setAttribute("maxsize","1.2");
+		 // why doesn't "1" work?  \vec nearly disappears in firefox
+	if (isIE && symbol.input == "\\bar")
+	    node1.setAttribute("maxsize","0.5");
+	if (symbol.input == "\\underbrace" || symbol.input == "\\underline")
+	  node1.setAttribute("accentunder","true");
+	else
+	  node1.setAttribute("accent","true");
+	node.appendChild(node1);
+	if (symbol.input == "\\overbrace" || symbol.input == "\\underbrace")
+	  node.ttype = UNDEROVER;
+	return [node,result[1],symbol.tag];
+      } else {			      // font change or displaystyle command
+        if (!isIE && typeof != "undefined") {
+          for (i=0; i<result[0].childNodes.length; i++)
+            if (result[0].childNodes[i].nodeName=="mi" || result[0].nodeName=="mi") {
+              st = (result[0].nodeName=="mi"?result[0].firstChild.nodeValue:
+                              result[0].childNodes[i].firstChild.nodeValue);
+              var newst = [];
+              for (var j=0; j<st.length; j++)
+                if (st.charCodeAt(j)>64 && st.charCodeAt(j)<91) newst = newst +
+                  String.fromCharCode([st.charCodeAt(j)-65]);
+                else newst = newst + st.charAt(j);
+              if (result[0].nodeName=="mi")
+                result[0]=createMmlNode("mo").
+                          appendChild(document.createTextNode(newst));
+              else result[0].replaceChild(createMmlNode("mo").
+          appendChild(document.createTextNode(newst)),result[0].childNodes[i]);
+            }
+        }
+        node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,result[0]);
+        node.setAttribute(symbol.atname,symbol.atval);
+	if (symbol.input == "\\scriptstyle" ||
+	    symbol.input == "\\scriptscriptstyle")
+		node.setAttribute("displaystyle","false");
+	return [node,result[1],symbol.tag];
+      }
+  case BINARY:
+    result = LMparseSexpr(str);
+    if (result[0]==null) return [createMmlNode("mo",
+			   document.createTextNode(symbol.input)),str,null];
+    result2 = LMparseSexpr(result[1]);
+    if (result2[0]==null) return [createMmlNode("mo",
+			   document.createTextNode(symbol.input)),str,null];
+    if (symbol.input=="\\root" || symbol.input=="\\stackrel")
+      newFrag.appendChild(result2[0]);
+    newFrag.appendChild(result[0]);
+    if (symbol.input=="\\frac") newFrag.appendChild(result2[0]);
+    return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,newFrag),result2[1],symbol.tag];
+  case INFIX:
+    str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
+    return [createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output)),
+	str,symbol.tag];
+  default:
+    return [createMmlNode(symbol.tag,        //its a constant
+	document.createTextNode(symbol.output)),str,symbol.tag];
-var AMbody;
-var AMnoMathML = false, AMtranslated = false;
+function LMparseIexpr(str) {
+  var symbol, sym1, sym2, node, result, tag, underover;
+  str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0);
+  sym1 = LMgetSymbol(str);
+  result = LMparseSexpr(str);
+  node = result[0];
+  str = result[1];
+  tag = result[2];
+  symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
+  if (symbol.ttype == INFIX) {
+    str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
+    result = LMparseSexpr(str);
+    if (result[0] == null) // show box in place of missing argument
+      result[0] = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode("\u25A1"));
+    str = result[1];
+    tag = result[2];
+    if (symbol.input == "_" || symbol.input == "^") {
+      sym2 = LMgetSymbol(str);
+      tag = null;	// no space between x^2 and a following sin, cos, etc.
+// This is for \underbrace and \overbrace
+      underover = ((sym1.ttype == UNDEROVER) || (node.ttype == UNDEROVER));
+//    underover = (sym1.ttype == UNDEROVER);
+      if (symbol.input == "_" && sym2.input == "^") {
+        str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,sym2.input.length);
+        var res2 = LMparseSexpr(str);
+	str = res2[1];
+	tag = res2[2];  // leave space between x_1^2 and a following sin etc.
+        node = createMmlNode((underover?"munderover":"msubsup"),node);
+        node.appendChild(result[0]);
+        node.appendChild(res2[0]);
+      } else if (symbol.input == "_") {
+	node = createMmlNode((underover?"munder":"msub"),node);
+        node.appendChild(result[0]);
+      } else {
+	node = createMmlNode((underover?"mover":"msup"),node);
+        node.appendChild(result[0]);
+      }
+      node = createMmlNode("mrow",node); // so sum does not stretch
+    } else {
+      node = createMmlNode(symbol.tag,node);
+      if (symbol.input == "\\atop" || symbol.input == "\\choose")
+	node.setAttribute("linethickness","0ex");
+      node.appendChild(result[0]);
+      if (symbol.input == "\\choose")
+	node = createMmlNode("mfenced",node);
+    }
+  }
+  return [node,str,tag];
-function translate(spanclassAM) {
-  if (!AMtranslated) { // run this only once
-    AMtranslated = true;
-    AMinitSymbols();
-    AMbody = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
-    AMprocessNode(AMbody, false, spanclassAM);
+function LMparseExpr(str,rightbracket,matrix) {
+  var symbol, node, result, i, tag,
+  newFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
+  do {
+    str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,0);
+    result = LMparseIexpr(str);
+    node = result[0];
+    str = result[1];
+    tag = result[2];
+    symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
+    if (node!=undefined) {
+      if ((tag == "mn" || tag == "mi") && symbol!=null &&
+	typeof symbol.func == "boolean" && symbol.func) {
+			// Add space before \sin in 2\sin x or x\sin x
+	  var space = createMmlNode("mspace");
+	  space.setAttribute("width","0.167em");
+	  node = createMmlNode("mrow",node);
+	  node.appendChild(space);
+      }
+      newFrag.appendChild(node);
+    }
+  } while ((symbol.ttype != RIGHTBRACKET)
+        && symbol!=null && symbol.output!="");
+  tag = null;
+  if (symbol.ttype == RIGHTBRACKET) {
+    if (symbol.input == "\\right") { // right what?
+      str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length);
+      symbol = LMgetSymbol(str);
+      if (symbol != null && symbol.input == ".")
+	symbol.invisible = true;
+      if (symbol != null)
+	tag = symbol.rtag;
+    }
+    if (symbol!=null)
+      str = LMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str,symbol.input.length); // ready to return
+    var len = newFrag.childNodes.length;
+    if (matrix &&
+      len>0 && newFrag.childNodes[len-1].nodeName == "mrow" && len>1 &&
+      newFrag.childNodes[len-2].nodeName == "mo" &&
+      newFrag.childNodes[len-2].firstChild.nodeValue == "&") { //matrix
+	var pos = []; // positions of ampersands
+        var m = newFrag.childNodes.length;
+        for (i=0; matrix && i<m; i=i+2) {
+          pos[i] = [];
+          node = newFrag.childNodes[i];
+	  for (var j=0; j<node.childNodes.length; j++)
+	    if (node.childNodes[j].firstChild.nodeValue=="&")
+	      pos[i][pos[i].length]=j;
+        }
+	var row, frag, n, k, table = document.createDocumentFragment();
+	for (i=0; i<m; i=i+2) {
+	  row = document.createDocumentFragment();
+	  frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
+	  node = newFrag.firstChild; // <mrow> -&-&...&-&- </mrow>
+	  n = node.childNodes.length;
+	  k = 0;
+	  for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
+	    if (typeof pos[i][k] != "undefined" && j==pos[i][k]){
+	      node.removeChild(node.firstChild); //remove &
+	      row.appendChild(createMmlNode("mtd",frag));
+	      k++;
+	    } else frag.appendChild(node.firstChild);
+	  }
+	  row.appendChild(createMmlNode("mtd",frag));
+	  if (newFrag.childNodes.length>2) {
+	    newFrag.removeChild(newFrag.firstChild); //remove <mrow> </mrow>
+	    newFrag.removeChild(newFrag.firstChild); //remove <mo>&</mo>
+	  }
+	  table.appendChild(createMmlNode("mtr",row));
+	}
+	return [table,str];
+    }
+    if (typeof symbol.invisible != "boolean" || !symbol.invisible) {
+      node = createMmlNode("mo",document.createTextNode(symbol.output));
+      newFrag.appendChild(node);
+    }
+  }
+  return [newFrag,str,tag];
+var tcnt = 0, dcnt = 0; //theorem and definition counters
+function simpleLaTeXformatting(st) {
+  st = st.replace(/\$\$((.|\n)*?)\$\$/g,"<p align=\"center\">$\\displaystyle{$1}$</p>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\begin{(theorem|lemma|proposition|corollary)}((.|\n)*?)\\end{\1}/g,function(r,s,t){tcnt++; return "<b>"+s.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+s.slice(1)+" "+tcnt+".</b> <i>"+t.replace(/^\s*<\/?\w+\/?>|\s*<\/?\w+\/?>$/g,"")+"</i>"});
+  st = st.replace(/\\begin{(definition|example|remark|problem|exercise|conjecture|solution)}((.|\n)*?)\\end{\1}/g,function(r,s,t){dcnt++; return "<b>"+s.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+s.slice(1)+" "+dcnt+".</b> "+t.replace(/^\s*<\/?\w+\/?>|\s*<\/?\w+\/?>$/g,"")});
+  st = st.replace(/\\begin{proof}((.|\n)*?)\\end{proof}/g,function(s,t){return "<i>Proof:</i> "+t.replace(/^\s*<\/?\w+\/?>|\s*<\/?\w+\/?>$/g,"")+" &#x25A1;"});
+  st = st.replace(/\\emph{(.*?)}/g,"<em>$1</em>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\textbf{(.*?)}/g,"<b>$1</b>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\cite{(.*?)}/g,"[$1]");
+  st = st.replace(/\\chapter{(.*?)}/g,"<h2>$1</h2>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\section{(.*?)}(\s*<\/?(br|p)\s?\/?>)?/g,"<h3>$1</h3>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\subsection{((.|\n)*?)}/g,"<h4>$1</h4>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\begin{itemize}(\s*<\/?(br|p)\s?\/?>)?/g,"<ul>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\item\s((.|\n)*?)(?=(\\item|\\end))/g,"<li>$1</li>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\end{itemize}(\s*<\/?(br|p)\s?\/?>)?/g,"</ul>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\begin{enumerate}(\s*<\/?(br|p)\s?\/?>)?/g,"<ol>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\end{enumerate}(\s*<\/?(br|p)\s?\/?>)?/g,"</ol>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\item\[(.*?)]{(.*?)}/g,"<dt>$1</dt><dd>$2</dd>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\begin{description}/g,"<dl>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\end{description}/g,"</dl>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\newline\b/g,"<br/>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\newpage\b/g,"<br style=\"page-break-after:always;\">");
+  st = st.replace(/\\par\b/g,"<p>&nbsp;</p>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\bigskip/g,"<p style=\"margin-bottom:0.5in\">&nbsp;</p>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\medskip/g,"<p style=\"margin-bottom:0.3in\">&nbsp;</p>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\smallskip/g,"<p style=\"margin-bottom:0.15in\">&nbsp;</p>");
+  st = st.replace(/\\begin{center}((.|\n)*?)\\end{center}/g,"<center>$1</center>");
+  return st
+function ASCIIandgraphformatting(st) {
+  st = st.replace(/<sup>(.*?)<\/sup>(\s|(\S))/gi,"^{$1} $3");
+//st = st.replace(/<\/?font.*?>/gi,""); // do this only in amath...endamath
+  st = st.replace(/(Proof:)/g,"<i>$1</i>");
+  st = st.replace(/QED/g,"&nbsp; &nbsp; &#x25A1;");
+  st = st.replace(/(\\?end{?a?math}?)/ig,"<span></span>$1");
+  st = st.replace(/(\bamath\b|\\begin{a?math})/ig,"<span></span>$1");
+  st = st.replace(/([>\n])(Theorem|Lemma|Proposition|Corollary|Definition|Example|Remark|Problem|Exercise|Conjecture|Solution)(:|\W\W?(\w|\s|-|\.)*?\W?:)/g,"$1<b>$2$3</b>");
+  st = st.replace(/<embed\s+class\s?=\s?"?ASCIIsvg"?/gi,"<embed class=\"ASCIIsvg\" src=\""+dsvglocation+"d.svg\" wmode=\"transparent\"");
+  st = st.replace(/(?:\\begin{a?graph}|\bagraph|\(:graph\s)((.|\n)*?)(?:\\end{a?graph}|enda?graph|:\))/g,function(s,t){return "<table><tr><td><div class=\"ASCIIsvg\"><embed class=\"ASCIIsvg\" src=\""+dsvglocation+"d.svg\" wmode=\"transparent\" script=\'"+t.replace(/<\/?(br|p|pre)\s?\/?>/gi,"\n")+"\'/></div></td></tr></table>"});
+  st = st.replace(/insertASCIIMathCalculator/g,"<div class=\"ASCIIMathCalculator\"></div>");
+  return st
+function LMprocessNode(n) {
+  var frag,st;
+  try {
+    st = n.innerHTML;
+  } catch(err) {}
+  var am = /amath\b|graph/i.test(st);
+  if ((st==null || st.indexOf("\$ ")!=-1 || st.indexOf("\$<")!=-1 || 
+       st.indexOf("\\begin")!=-1 || am || st.slice(-1)=="$" ||
+       st.indexOf("\$\n")!=-1)&& !/edit-content|HTMLArea|wikiedit|wpTextbox1/.test(st)){
+    if (!avoidinnerHTML && translateLaTeXformatting) 
+      st = simpleLaTeXformatting(st);
+    if (st!=null && am && !avoidinnerHTML) {
+      st = ASCIIandgraphformatting(st);
+    }
+    st = st.replace(/%7E/g,"~"); // else PmWiki has url issues
+    if (!avoidinnerHTML) n.innerHTML = st;
+    processNodeR(n,false,true);
+  }
+/*  if (isIE) { //needed to match size and font of formula to surrounding text
+    frag = document.getElementsByTagName('math');
+    for (var i=0;i<frag.length;i++) frag[i].update() //is this really needed?
+  }*/
+/* ASCIIsvg.js
+JavaScript routines to dynamically generate Scalable Vector Graphics
+using a mathematical xy-coordinate system (y increases upwards) and
+very intuitive JavaScript commands (no programming experience required).
+ASCIIsvg.js is good for learning math and illustrating online math texts.
+Works with Internet Explorer+Adobe SVGviewer and SVG enabled Mozilla/Firefox.
+Ver 1.2.9 July 31, 2007 (c) Peter Jipsen
+Latest version at
+If you use it on a webpage, please send the URL to
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License (at 
+for more details.*/
+// you can change these
+var checkIfSVGavailable = true;
+var notifyIfNoSVG = true;
+var alertIfNoSVG = false;
+var noSVG = false;
+// global defaults used if not specified by graph (you can change these)
+var defaultwidth = 300; defaultheight = 200;   // in pixels
+var defaultxmin = -5.5; defaultxmax = 5.5;     // in usercoords
+var defaultborder = 0; border = defaultborder; // in pixel
+var defaultstrokewidth = "1"; // default line width in pixel
+var defaultstroke = "blue";   // default line color
+var defaultstrokeopacity = 1; // transparent = 0, solid =1
+var defaultstrokedasharray = null; // "10,10" gives 10px long dashes
+var defaultfill = "none";        // default fill color
+var defaultfillopacity = 1;      // transparent = 0, solid =1
+var defaultfontstyle = "normal"; // default text shape normal|italic|inherit
+var defaultfontfamily = "times"; // default font times|ariel|helvetica|...
+var defaultfontsize = "16";      // default size (scaled automatically)
+var defaultfontweight = "normal";// normal|bold|bolder|lighter|100|...|900
+var defaultfontstroke = "none";  // default font outline color
+var defaultfontfill = "none";    // default font color
+var defaultmarker = "none";      // "dot" | "arrow" | "+" | "-" | "|"
+var defaultendpoints = "";       // "c-d" where c is <|o|* and d is >|o|*
+// global values used for all pictures (you can change these)
+var showcoordinates = true;
+var markerstrokewidth = "1";
+var markerstroke = "black";
+var markerfill = "yellow";
+var markersize = 4;
+var arrowfill = stroke;
+var dotradius = 4;
+var ticklength = 4;
+var axesstroke = "black";
+var gridstroke = "grey";
+var backgroundstyle = "fill-opacity:0; fill:white";
+var singlelettersitalic = true;
+// internal variables (probably no need to change these)
+var picturepos = null; // position of picture relative to top of HTML page
+var xunitlength;       // in pixels, used to convert to user coordinates
+var yunitlength;       // in pixels
+var origin = [0,0];    // in pixels (default is bottom left corner)
+var above = "above";   // shorthands (to avoid typing quotes)
+var below = "below";
+var left = "left";
+var right = "right";
+var aboveleft = "aboveleft";
+var aboveright = "aboveright";
+var belowleft = "belowleft";
+var belowright = "belowright";
+var xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xscl, yscl, 
+    xgrid, ygrid, xtick, ytick, initialized;
+var strokewidth, strokedasharray, stroke, fill, strokeopacity, fillopacity;
+var fontstyle, fontfamily, fontsize, fontweight, fontstroke, fontfill;
+var marker, endpoints, dynamic = {};
+var picture, svgpicture, doc, width, height;
+var isIE = document.createElementNS==null;
+//this is not used! var cpi = "\u03C0", ctheta = "\u03B8";      // character for pi, theta
+var log = function(x) { return ln(x)/ln(10) };
+var pi = Math.PI, e = Math.E, ln = Math.log, sqrt = Math.sqrt;
+var floor = Math.floor, ceil = Math.ceil, abs = Math.abs;
+var sin = Math.sin, cos = Math.cos, tan = Math.tan;
+var arcsin = Math.asin, arccos = Math.acos, arctan = Math.atan;
+var sec = function(x) { return 1/Math.cos(x) };
+var csc = function(x) { return 1/Math.sin(x) };
+var cot = function(x) { return 1/Math.tan(x) };
+var arcsec = function(x) { return arccos(1/x) };
+var arccsc = function(x) { return arcsin(1/x) };
+var arccot = function(x) { return arctan(1/x) };
+var sinh = function(x) { return (Math.exp(x)-Math.exp(-x))/2 };
+var cosh = function(x) { return (Math.exp(x)+Math.exp(-x))/2 };
+var tanh = 
+  function(x) { return (Math.exp(x)-Math.exp(-x))/(Math.exp(x)+Math.exp(-x)) };
+var sech = function(x) { return 1/cosh(x) };
+var csch = function(x) { return 1/sinh(x) };
+var coth = function(x) { return 1/tanh(x) };
+var arcsinh = function(x) { return ln(x+Math.sqrt(x*x+1)) };
+var arccosh = function(x) { return ln(x+Math.sqrt(x*x-1)) };
+var arctanh = function(x) { return ln((1+x)/(1-x))/2 };
+var sech = function(x) { return 1/cosh(x) };
+var csch = function(x) { return 1/sinh(x) };
+var coth = function(x) { return 1/tanh(x) };
+var arcsech = function(x) { return arccosh(1/x) };
+var arccsch = function(x) { return arcsinh(1/x) };
+var arccoth = function(x) { return arctanh(1/x) };
+var sign = function(x) { return (x==0?0:(x<0?-1:1)) };
+function factorial(x,n) { // Factorial function
+  if (n==null) n=1;
+  if (Math.abs(x-Math.round(x*1000000)/1000000)<1e-15)
+    x = Math.round(x*1000000)/1000000;
+  if (x-Math.floor(x)!=0) return NaN;
+  for (var i=x-n; i>0; i-=n) x*=i;
+  return (x<0?NaN:(x==0?1:x));
+function C(x,k) {  // Binomial coefficient function
+  var res=1;
+  for (var i=0; i<k; i++) res*=(x-i)/(k-i);
+  return res;
+function chop(x,n) { // Truncate decimal number to n places after decimal point
+  if (n==null) n=0;
+  return Math.floor(x*Math.pow(10,n))/Math.pow(10,n);
+function ran(a,b,n) { // Generate random number in [a,b] with n digits after .
+  if (n==null) n=0;
+  return chop((b+Math.pow(10,-n)-a)*Math.random()+a,n);
+function myCreateElementSVG(t) {
+  if (isIE) return doc.createElement(t);
+  else return doc.createElementNS("",t);
+function getElementsByClass(container, tagName, clsName){
+  var list = new Array(0);
+  var collection = container.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
+  for(var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++)
+    if(collection[i].className.slice(0,clsName.length)==clsName)
+      list[list.length] = collection[i];
+  return list;
+function showobj(obj) {
+  var st="", i;
+  for (i in obj) 
+    st += (obj.getAttribute(i)==null?"":" "+i+":"+obj.getAttribute(i));
+  return st;
+function findPos(obj) { // top-left corner of obj on HTML page in pixel
+  var curleft = curtop = 0;
+  if (obj.offsetParent) {
+    curleft = obj.offsetLeft
+    curtop = obj.offsetTop
+    while (obj = obj.offsetParent) {
+      curleft += obj.offsetLeft
+      curtop += obj.offsetTop
+    }
+  }
+  return [curleft,curtop];
+function checkSVG(){
+  if (navigator.appName.slice(0,8)=="Netscape") 
+    if (window['SVGElement']) noSVG = null;
+    else noSVG = true;
+  else if (navigator.appName.slice(0,9)=="Microsoft")
+    try {
+      var oSVG=eval("new ActiveXObject('Adobe.SVGCtl.3');");
+        noSVG = null;
+    } catch (e) {
+        noSVG = true;
+    }
+  else if (navigator.appName.slice(0,5)=="Opera") // works only for 9.50b1
+    noSVG = null;
+  else noSVG = true;
+//noSVG = true; //uncomment to check
+  if (noSVG && notifyIfNoSVG) {
+    var msg = "To view the ASCIIsvg images use Internet Explorer + Adobe SVGviewer or Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or later."
+    if (alertIfNoSVG)
+      alert(msg);
+    else return msg;
-if (isIE) { // avoid adding MathPlayer info explicitly to each webpage
-  document.write("<object id=\"mathplayer\"\
-  classid=\"clsid:32F66A20-7614-11D4-BD11-00104BD3F987\"></object>");
-  document.write("<?import namespace=\"m\" implementation=\"#mathplayer\"?>");
+function setText(st,id) { // add text to an existing node with given id
+  var node = document.getElementById(id);
+  if (node!=null)
+    if (node.childNodes.length!=0) node.childNodes[0].nodeValue = st;
+    else node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(st));
-// GO1.1 Generic onload by Brothercake 
+function getX(evt) { // return mouse x-coord in user coordinate system
+  var svgroot =;
+    pos = findPos(svgroot.parentNode);
+  return (evt.clientX+(isIE?0:window.pageXOffset)-pos[0]-svgroot.getAttribute("ox"))/parseFloat(svgroot.getAttribute("xunitlength"));
+function getY(evt) { // return mouse y-coord in user coordinate system
+  var svgroot =;
+    pos = findPos(svgroot.parentNode);
+  return (svgroot.getAttribute("height")-svgroot.getAttribute("oy")-(evt.clientY+(isIE?0:window.pageYOffset)-pos[1]))/parseFloat(svgroot.getAttribute("yunitlength"));
+function translateandeval(src) { //modify user input to JavaScript syntax
+  var errstr;
+  // replace plot(f(x),...) with plot("f(x)",...)  
+  src = src.replace(/plot\(\x20*([^\"f\[][^\n\r;]+?)\,/g,"plot\(\"$1\",");
+  src = src.replace(/plot\(\x20*([^\"f\[][^\n\r;]+)\)/g,"plot(\"$1\")");
+  // replace (expr,expr) by [expr,expr] where expr has no (,) in it
+  src = src.replace(/([=[(,]\x20*)\(([-a-z0-9./+*]+?),([-a-z0-9./+*]+?)\)/g,"$1[$2,$3]");
+  // insert * between digit and letter e.g. 2x --> 2*x
+  src = src.replace(/([0-9])([a-df-zA-Z]|e^)/g,"$1*$2");
+  src = src.replace(/\)([\(0-9a-zA-Z])/g,"\)*$1");
+  try {
+    with (Math) eval(src);          // here the svgpicture object is created
+  } catch(err) {
+    if (err!="wait") {
+      if (typeof err=="object") 
+        errstr =" "+err.message+" "+err.number+" "+err.description;
+      else errstr = err;
+      alert(errstr+"\n"+src)
+    }
+  }
+var lastSlot = 0;
+function drawPictures() { // main routine; called after webpage has loaded
+  var src, id, dsvg, nd, node, ht, index, cols, arr, i, node2;
+  var ASbody = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+  pictures = getElementsByClass(ASbody,"embed","ASCIIsvg");
+  var len = pictures.length;
+  if(len==0) return;
+  for (index = lastSlot; index < len+lastSlot; index++) {
+   width = null; height = null; 
+   xmin = null; xmax = null; ymin = null; ymax = null;
+   xscl = null; xgrid = null; yscl = null; ygrid = null;
+   initialized = false;
+   picture = pictures[index-lastSlot];  // current picture object
+   src = picture.getAttribute("script"); // get the ASCIIsvg code
+   if (src==null) src = "";
+   // insert "axes()" if not present  ******** experimental
+   if (!/axes\b|initPicture/.test(src)) {
+     var i = 0;
+     while (/((yscl|ymax|ymin|xscl|xmax|xmin|\bwidth|\bheight)\s*=\s*-?\d*(\d\.|\.\d|\d)\d*\s*;?)/.test(src.slice(i))) i++;
+     src = (i==0?"axes(); "+src: src.slice(0,i)+src.slice(i).replace(/((scl|max|min|idth|eight)\s*=\s*-?\d*(\d\.|\.\d|\d)\d*\s*;?)/,"$1\naxes();"));
+   }
+   ht = picture.getAttribute("height");
+   if (isIE) {
+     picture.setAttribute("wmode","transparent");
+//adding d.svg dynamically greates problems in IE...
+//     if (picture.getAttribute("src")=="") picture.setAttribute("src",dsvglocation+"d.svg");
+   }
+   if (document.getElementById("picture"+(index+1)+"mml")==null) {
+ = "relative";
+     node = createElementXHTML("div");
+ = "absolute";
+ = "0px";
+ = "0px";
+     node.setAttribute("id","picture"+(index+1)+"mml");
+     picture.parentNode.insertBefore(node,picture.nextSibling);
+   }
+   if (ht==null) ht ="";
+//   if (ht!="") defaultborder = 25;
+   if (ht=="" || src=="") 
+    if (document.getElementById("picture"+(index+1)+"input")==null) {
+      node = createElementXHTML("textarea");
+      arr = src.split("\n");
+      cols = 0;
+      for (i=0;i<arr.length;i++) cols = Math.max(cols,arr[i].length);
+      node.setAttribute("rows",Math.min(10,arr.length)+1);
+      node.setAttribute("cols",Math.max(Math.min(60,cols),20)+5);
+//      node.setAttribute("style","display:block");
+      if (isIE) src = src.replace(/([^\r])\n/g,"$1\r");
+      node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(src));
+      if (src.indexOf("showcode()")==-1) = "none";
+      node.setAttribute("id","picture"+(index+1)+"input");
+      picture.parentNode.insertBefore(node,picture.nextSibling);
+      picture.parentNode.insertBefore(createElementXHTML("br"),node);
+      node2 = createElementXHTML("button");
+      node2.setAttribute("id","picture"+(index+1)+"button");
+      if (isIE) node2.onclick = function() {updatePicture(this)};
+      else node2.setAttribute("onclick","updatePicture(this)");
+      node2.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Update"));
+      if (src.indexOf("showcode()")==-1) = "none";
+      picture.parentNode.insertBefore(node2,node);
+//      picture.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode("ASCII"),node);
+      picture.parentNode.insertBefore(createElementXHTML("br"),node);
+    } else src = document.getElementById("picture"+(index+1)+"input").value;
+    id = picture.getAttribute("id");
+    dsvg = picture.getAttribute("src");
+    if (id == null || id == "") {
+      id = "picture"+(index+1);
+      picture.setAttribute("id",id);
+    }
+    translateandeval(src);
+  }
+  lastSlot+=len;
+function setdefaults() { //called before each graph is evaluated
+  strokewidth = defaultstrokewidth;
+  stroke = defaultstroke;
+  strokeopacity = defaultstrokeopacity;
+  strokedasharray = defaultstrokedasharray;
+  fill = defaultfill;
+  fillopacity = defaultfillopacity;
+  fontstyle = defaultfontstyle;
+  fontfamily = defaultfontfamily;
+  fontsize = defaultfontsize;
+  fontweight = defaultfontweight;
+  fontstroke = defaultfontstroke;
+  fontfill = defaultfontfill;
+  marker = defaultmarker;
+  endpoints = defaultendpoints;
+function switchTo(id) { // used by dynamic code to select appropriate graph
+  if (id==undefined) return;
+  var name = id;
+  if (typeof name!="string") name ="name");
+  picture = document.getElementById(name);
+  width = picture.getAttribute("width")-0;
+  height = picture.getAttribute("height")-0;
+  setdefaults();
+  if ((picture.nodeName == "EMBED" || picture.nodeName == "embed") && isIE) {
+    svgpicture = picture.getSVGDocument().getElementById("root");
+    doc = picture.getSVGDocument();
+  } else {
+    svgpicture = picture;
+    doc = document;
+  }
+  xunitlength = parseFloat(svgpicture.getAttribute("xunitlength"));
+  yunitlength = parseFloat(svgpicture.getAttribute("yunitlength"));
+  xmin = parseFloat(svgpicture.getAttribute("xmin"));
+  xmax = parseFloat(svgpicture.getAttribute("xmax"));
+  ymin = parseFloat(svgpicture.getAttribute("ymin"));
+  ymax = parseFloat(svgpicture.getAttribute("ymax"));
+  origin = [svgpicture.getAttribute("ox")-0,svgpicture.getAttribute("oy")-0];
+function updatePicture(obj) {
+  var node, src, id, top, left;
+  if (typeof obj=="object") id =,-6);
+  else id = (typeof obj=="string"?obj:"picture"+(obj+1));
+  src = document.getElementById(id+"input").value;
+  xmin = null; xmax = null; ymin = null; ymax = null;
+  xscl = null; xgrid = null; yscl = null; ygrid = null;
+  initialized = false;
+  picture = document.getElementById(id);
+  translateandeval(src)
+function changepicturesize(evt,factor) {
+  var obj =;
+  var name = obj.parentNode.getAttribute("name");
+  var pic = document.getElementById(name);
+  var src = document.getElementById(name+"input").value;
+  if (!/height/.test(src)) src = "height=0; "+src;
+  if (!/width/.test(src)) src = "width=0; "+src;
+  src = src.replace(/width\s*=\s*\d+/,"width="+(factor*(pic.getAttribute("width")-0)));
+  src = src.replace(/height\s*=\s*\d+/,"height="+(factor*(pic.getAttribute("height")-0)));
+  document.getElementById(name+"input").value = src;
+  updatePicture(name);
+function zoom(evt,factor) {
+  switchTo(evt);
+  var obj =;
+  var name = obj.parentNode.getAttribute("name");
+  var pic = document.getElementById(name);
+  var src = document.getElementById(name+"input").value;
+  var xlen = (xmax-xmin)/2;
+  var ylen = (ymax-ymin)/2;
+  var xcen = getX(evt), ycen = getY(evt);
+  if (!/ymax/.test(src)) src = "ymax=0; "+src;
+  if (!/ymin/.test(src)) src = "ymin=0; "+src;
+  if (!/xmax/.test(src)) src = "xmax=0; "+src;
+  if (!/xmin/.test(src)) src = "xmin=0; "+src;
+  src = src.replace(/xmin\s*=\s*[-\d.e]+/,"xmin="+(xcen-factor*xlen));
+  src = src.replace(/xmax\s*=\s*[-\d.e]+/,"xmax="+(xcen+factor*xlen));
+  src = src.replace(/ymin\s*=\s*[-\d.e]+/,"ymin="+(ycen-factor*ylen));
+  src = src.replace(/ymax\s*=\s*[-\d.e]+/,"ymax="+(ycen+factor*ylen));
+  document.getElementById(name+"input").value = src;
+  updatePicture(name);
+var sinceFirstClick = 0; // ondblclick simulation from 
+var dblClkTimer;         // Thanks!
+function timer() {
+  if(sinceFirstClick<60) {
+    sinceFirstClick++;
+    setTimeout("timer()",10);
+  } else {
+    clearTimeout(dblClkTimer);
+    dblClkTimer = "";
+  }
+function mClick(evt) {
+  if(sinceFirstClick!=0) {
+    if(sinceFirstClick <= 40) {
+      if (evt.shiftKey) {
+        if (evt.altKey) changepicturesize(evt,2);
+        else zoom(evt,.5);
+      } else if (evt.altKey) zoom(evt,2);//changepicturesize(evt,.5);
+      else showHideCode(evt);             // do this on dblclick
+      clearTimeout(dblClkTimer);
+      dblClkTimer = "";
+    } else {
+      clearTimeout(dblClkTimer);
+      sinceFirstClick = 0;
+      dblClkTimer = setTimeout("timer()",10);
+    }	      
+  } else {
+    sinceFirstClick = 0;
+    dblClkTimer = setTimeout("timer()",10);
+  }
+function showHideCode(evt) { // called by onclick event
+//  if (evt.getDetail()==2) {//getDetail unfortunately not in Firefox
+  var;
+  var name = obj.parentNode.getAttribute("name");
+  var node = document.getElementById(name+"input");
+ = ( == "none"?"":"none");
+  var node = document.getElementById(name+"button");
+ = ( == "none"?"":"none");
+//  }
+function showcode() {} // do nothing
+function setBorder(x) { border = x } //deprecate
+function initPicture(x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max) { // set up the graph
+// usually called by axes() or noaxes(), but can be used directly
+ if (!initialized) {
+  setdefaults();
+  initialized = true;
+  if (x_min!=null) xmin = x_min;
+  if (x_max!=null) xmax = x_max;
+  if (y_min!=null) ymin = y_min;
+  if (y_max!=null) ymax = y_max;
+  if (xmin==null) xmin = defaultxmin;
+  if (xmax==null) xmax = defaultxmax;
+ if (typeof xmin != "number" || typeof xmax != "number" || xmin >= xmax) 
+   alert("Picture requires at least two numbers: xmin < xmax");
+ else if (y_max != null && (typeof y_min != "number" || 
+          typeof y_max != "number" || y_min >= y_max))
+   alert("initPicture(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) requires numbers ymin < ymax");
+ else {
+  if (width==null) {
+    width = picture.getAttribute("width");
+    if (width==null || width=="") width=defaultwidth;
+  }
+  picture.setAttribute("width",width);
+  if (height==null) { 
+    height = picture.getAttribute("height");
+    if (height==null || height=="") height=defaultheight;
+  }
+  picture.setAttribute("height",height);
+  xunitlength = (width-2*border)/(xmax-xmin);
+  yunitlength = xunitlength;
+//alert(xmin+" "+xmax+" "+ymin+" "+ymax)
+  if (ymin==null) {
+    origin = [-xmin*xunitlength+border,height/2];
+    ymin = -(height-2*border)/(2*yunitlength);
+    ymax = -ymin;
+  } else {
+    if (ymax!=null) yunitlength = (height-2*border)/(ymax-ymin);
+    else ymax = (height-2*border)/yunitlength + ymin;
+    origin = [-xmin*xunitlength+border,-ymin*yunitlength+border];
+  }
+  if (isIE) {
+    if (picture.FULLSCREEN==undefined) {
+      setTimeout('drawPictures()',50);
+      throw "wait";
+    }
+    svgpicture = picture.getSVGDocument().getElementById("root");
+    if (svgpicture==null) {
+      setTimeout('drawPictures()',50);
+      throw "wait";
+    }
+    svgpicture = picture.getSVGDocument().getElementById("root");
+    while (svgpicture.childNodes.length>0) 
+      svgpicture.removeChild(svgpicture.lastChild); 
+    svgpicture.setAttribute("width",width);
+    svgpicture.setAttribute("height",height);
+    svgpicture.setAttribute("name",picture.getAttribute("id"));
+    doc = picture.getSVGDocument();
+  } else {
+    var qnode = document.createElementNS("","svg");
+    qnode.setAttribute("id",picture.getAttribute("id"));
+    qnode.setAttribute("name",picture.getAttribute("id"));
+//    qnode.setAttribute("style","display:inline");
+    qnode.setAttribute("width",picture.getAttribute("width"));
+    qnode.setAttribute("height",picture.getAttribute("height"));
+    picturepos = findPos(picture);
+//  qnode.setAttribute("xmlns:xlink","");
+    if (picture.parentNode!=null) {
+      picture.parentNode.replaceChild(qnode,picture);
+    } else {
+      svgpicture.parentNode.replaceChild(qnode,svgpicture);
+    }
+    svgpicture = qnode;
+    doc = document;
+  }
+  var nd = document.getElementById(picture.getAttribute("id")+"mml");
+  if (nd!=null) // clear out MathML layer
+    while (nd.childNodes.length>0) nd.removeChild(nd.lastChild); 
+  svgpicture.setAttribute("xunitlength",xunitlength);
+  svgpicture.setAttribute("yunitlength",yunitlength);
+  svgpicture.setAttribute("xmin",xmin);
+  svgpicture.setAttribute("xmax",xmax);
+  svgpicture.setAttribute("ymin",ymin);
+  svgpicture.setAttribute("ymax",ymax);
+  svgpicture.setAttribute("ox",origin[0]);
+  svgpicture.setAttribute("oy",origin[1]);
+  var node = myCreateElementSVG("rect");
+  node.setAttribute("x","0");
+  node.setAttribute("y","0");
+  node.setAttribute("width",width);
+  node.setAttribute("height",height);
+  node.setAttribute("style",backgroundstyle);
+  svgpicture.appendChild(node);
+  svgpicture.setAttribute("onmousemove","displayCoord(evt)");
+  svgpicture.setAttribute("onmouseout","removeCoord(evt)");
+  svgpicture.setAttribute("onclick","mClick(evt)");
+  node = myCreateElementSVG("text"); // used for displayCoord
+  node.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(" "));
+  node.setAttribute("id","coords");
+  svgpicture.appendChild(node);
+  node = myCreateElementSVG("text"); // used for text display
+  node.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(" "));
+  node.setAttribute("id","coords");
+  svgpicture.appendChild(node);
+  border = defaultborder;
+ }
+ }
+//////////////////////////user graphics commands start/////////////////////////
+function line(p,q,id,endpts) { // segment connecting points p,q (coordinates in units)
+  var node;
+  if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
+  if (node==null) {
+    node = myCreateElementSVG("path");
+    node.setAttribute("id", id);
+    svgpicture.appendChild(node);
+  }
+  node.setAttribute("d","M"+(p[0]*xunitlength+origin[0])+","+
+    (height-p[1]*yunitlength-origin[1])+" "+
+    (q[0]*xunitlength+origin[0])+","+(height-q[1]*yunitlength-origin[1]));
+  node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
+  if (strokedasharray!=null) 
+    node.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", strokedasharray);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
+  node.setAttribute("fill", fill);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
+  node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
+  if (marker=="dot" || marker=="arrowdot") {
+    ASdot(p,markersize,markerstroke,markerfill);
+    if (marker=="arrowdot") arrowhead(p,q);
+    ASdot(q,markersize,markerstroke,markerfill);
+  } else if (marker=="arrow") arrowhead(p,q);
+  if (endpts==null && endpoints!="") endpts = endpoints;
+  if (endpts!=null) {
+    if (endpts.indexOf("<-") != -1) arrowhead(q,p);
+    if (endpts.indexOf("o-") != -1) dot(p, "open");
+    if (endpts.indexOf("*-") != -1) dot(p, "closed");
+    if (endpts.indexOf("->") != -1) arrowhead(p,q);
+    if (endpts.indexOf("-o") != -1) dot(q, "open");
+    if (endpts.indexOf("-*") != -1) dot(q, "closed");
+  }
+function path(plist,id,c,endpts) {
+  if (c==null) c="";
+  var node, st, i;
+  if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
+  if (node==null) {
+    node = myCreateElementSVG("path");
+    node.setAttribute("id", id);
+    svgpicture.appendChild(node);
+  }
+  if (typeof plist == "string") st = plist;
+  else {
+    st = "M";
+    st += (plist[0][0]*xunitlength+origin[0])+","+
+          (height-plist[0][1]*yunitlength-origin[1])+" "+c;
+    for (i=1; i<plist.length; i++)
+      st += (plist[i][0]*xunitlength+origin[0])+","+
+            (height-plist[i][1]*yunitlength-origin[1])+" ";
+  }
+  node.setAttribute("d", st);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
+  if (strokedasharray!=null) 
+    node.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", strokedasharray);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
+  node.setAttribute("fill", fill);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
+  node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
+  if (marker=="dot" || marker=="arrowdot")
+    for (i=0; i<plist.length; i++)
+      if (c!="C" && c!="T" || i!=1 && i!=2)
+        ASdot(plist[i],markersize,markerstroke,markerfill);
+  if (endpts==null && endpoints!="") endpts = endpoints;
+  if (endpts!=null) {
+    if (endpts.indexOf("<-") != -1) arrowhead(plist[1],plist[0]);
+    if (endpts.indexOf("o-") != -1) dot(plist[0], "open");
+    if (endpts.indexOf("*-") != -1) dot(plist[0], "closed");
+    if (endpts.indexOf("->") != -1) arrowhead(plist[plist.length-2],plist[plist.length-1]);
+    if (endpts.indexOf("-o") != -1) dot(plist[plist.length-1], "open");
+    if (endpts.indexOf("-*") != -1) dot(plist[plist.length-1], "closed");
+  }
+function curve(plist,id,endpts) {
+  path(plist,id,"T",endpts);
+function vector(p,q,id) {
+  line(p,q,id,"","->");
+function circle(center,radius,id) { // coordinates in units
+  var node;
+  if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
+  if (node==null) {
+    node = myCreateElementSVG("circle");
+    node.setAttribute("id", id);
+    svgpicture.appendChild(node);
+  }
+  node.setAttribute("cx",center[0]*xunitlength+origin[0]);
+  node.setAttribute("cy",height-center[1]*yunitlength-origin[1]);
+  node.setAttribute("r",radius*xunitlength);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
+  node.setAttribute("fill", fill);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
+  node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
+function loop(p,d,id) { 
+// d is a direction vector e.g. [1,0] means loop starts in that direction
+  if (d==null) d=[1,0];
+  path([p,[p[0]+d[0],p[1]+d[1]],[p[0]-d[1],p[1]+d[0]],p],id,"C");
+  if (marker=="arrow" || marker=="arrowdot") 
+    arrowhead([p[0]+Math.cos(1.4)*d[0]-Math.sin(1.4)*d[1],
+               p[1]+Math.sin(1.4)*d[0]+Math.cos(1.4)*d[1]],p);
+function arc(start,end,radius,id,largearc) { // coordinates in units
+  var node, v;
+//alert([fill, stroke, origin, xunitlength, yunitlength, height])
+  if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
+  if (largearc==null) largearc=0;
+  if (radius==null) {
+    v=[end[0]-start[0],end[1]-start[1]];
+    radius = Math.sqrt(v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]);
+  }
+  if (node==null) {
+    node = myCreateElementSVG("path");
+    node.setAttribute("id", id);
+    svgpicture.appendChild(node);
+  }
+  node.setAttribute("d","M"+(start[0]*xunitlength+origin[0])+","+
+    (height-start[1]*yunitlength-origin[1])+" A"+radius*xunitlength+","+
+     radius*yunitlength+" 0 "+largearc+",0 "+(end[0]*xunitlength+origin[0])+","+
+    (height-end[1]*yunitlength-origin[1]));
+  node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
+  node.setAttribute("fill", fill);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
+  node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
+  if (marker=="arrow" || marker=="arrowdot") {
+    u = [(end[1]-start[1])/4,(start[0]-end[0])/4];
+    v = [(end[0]-start[0])/2,(end[1]-start[1])/2];
+    v = [start[0]+v[0]+u[0],start[1]+v[1]+u[1]];
+  } else v=[start[0],start[1]];
+  if (marker=="dot" || marker=="arrowdot") {
+    ASdot(start,markersize,markerstroke,markerfill);
+    if (marker=="arrowdot") arrowhead(v,end);
+    ASdot(end,markersize,markerstroke,markerfill);
+  } else if (marker=="arrow") arrowhead(v,end);
+function sector(center,start,end,id) { // center,start,end should be isoceles
+  var rx = start[0]-center[0], ry = start[1]-center[1];
+  arc(start,end,Math.sqrt(rx*rx+ry*ry),id+"arc");
+  path([end,center,start],id+"path");
+function ellipse(center,rx,ry,id) { // coordinates in units
+  var node;
+  if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
+  if (node==null) {
+    node = myCreateElementSVG("ellipse");
+    node.setAttribute("id", id);
+    svgpicture.appendChild(node);
+  }
+  node.setAttribute("cx",center[0]*xunitlength+origin[0]);
+  node.setAttribute("cy",height-center[1]*yunitlength-origin[1]);
+  node.setAttribute("rx",rx*xunitlength);
+  node.setAttribute("ry",ry*yunitlength);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
+  node.setAttribute("fill", fill);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
+  node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
+function triangle(p,q,r,id) {
+  path([p,q,r,p],id)
+function rect(p,q,id,rx,ry) { // opposite corners in units, rounded by radii
+  var node;
+  if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
+  if (node==null) {
+    node = myCreateElementSVG("rect");
+    node.setAttribute("id", id);
+    svgpicture.appendChild(node);
+  }
+  node.setAttribute("x",p[0]*xunitlength+origin[0]);
+  node.setAttribute("y",height-q[1]*yunitlength-origin[1]);
+  node.setAttribute("width",(q[0]-p[0])*xunitlength);
+  node.setAttribute("height",(q[1]-p[1])*yunitlength);
+  if (rx!=null) node.setAttribute("rx",rx*xunitlength);
+  if (ry!=null) node.setAttribute("ry",ry*yunitlength);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
+  node.setAttribute("fill", fill);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
+  node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
+function text(p,st,pos,id,fontsty) {
+  var dnode, node, dx = 0, dy = fontsize/3, str = st.toString();
+  if (/(`|\$)/.test(str)) {  // layer for ASCIIMathML and LaTeXMathML
+    dnode = document.getElementById(svgpicture.getAttribute("name")+"mml");
+    if (dnode!=null) {
+      if (id!=null) node = document.getElementById(id);
+      if (node==null) {
+        node = createElementXHTML("div");
+        node.setAttribute("id", id);
+ = "absolute";
+        dnode.appendChild(node);
+      }
+      while (node.childNodes.length>0) node.removeChild(node.lastChild); 
+      node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str));
+      if (/`/.test(str)) AMprocessNode(node); else LMprocessNode(node);
+      dx = -node.offsetWidth/2;
+      dy = -node.offsetHeight/2;
+      if (pos!=null) {
+        if (/above/.test(pos)) dy = -node.offsetHeight;
+        if (/below/.test(pos)) dy = 0;
+        if (/right/.test(pos)) dx = 0;
+        if ( /left/.test(pos)) dx = -node.offsetWidth;
+      }
+ = ""+(p[0]*xunitlength+origin[0]+dx)+"px";
+ = ""+(height-p[1]*yunitlength-origin[1]+dy)+"px";
+    }
+    return p;
+  }
+  var textanchor = "middle";  // regular text goes into SVG
+  if (pos!=null) {
+    if (/above/.test(pos)) dy = -fontsize/2;
+    if (/below/.test(pos)) dy = fontsize-0;
+    if (/right/.test(pos)) {textanchor = "start"; dx = fontsize/4;}
+    if ( /left/.test(pos)) {textanchor = "end";  dx = -fontsize/4;}
+  }
+  if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
+  if (node==null) {
+    node = myCreateElementSVG("text");
+    node.setAttribute("id", id);
+    svgpicture.appendChild(node);
+    node.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(str));
+  }
+  while (node.childNodes.length>1) node.removeChild(node.lastChild); 
+  node.lastChild.nodeValue = "\xA0"+str+"\xA0";
+  node.setAttribute("x",p[0]*xunitlength+origin[0]+dx);
+  node.setAttribute("y",height-p[1]*yunitlength-origin[1]+dy);
+  node.setAttribute("font-style",(fontsty!=null?fontsty:
+    (^[a-zA-Z]$/)!=-1?"italic":fontstyle)));
+  node.setAttribute("font-family",fontfamily);
+  node.setAttribute("font-size",fontsize);
+  node.setAttribute("font-weight",fontweight);
+  node.setAttribute("text-anchor",textanchor);
+  if (fontstroke!="none") node.setAttribute("stroke",fontstroke);
+  if (fontfill!="none") node.setAttribute("fill",fontfill);
+  return p;
+function mtext(p,st,pos,fontsty,fontsz) { // method for updating text on an svg
+// "this" is the text object or the svgpicture object
+  var textanchor = "middle";
+  var dx = 0; var dy = fontsize/3;
+  if (pos!=null) {
+    if (pos.slice(0,5)=="above") dy = -fontsize/2;
+    if (pos.slice(0,5)=="below") dy = fontsize-0;
+    if (pos.slice(0,5)=="right" || pos.slice(5,10)=="right") {
+      textanchor = "start";
+      dx = fontsize/2;
+    }
+    if (pos.slice(0,4)=="left" || pos.slice(5,9)=="left") {
+      textanchor = "end";
+      dx = -fontsize/2;
+    }
+  }
+  var node = this;
+  if (this.nodeName=="svg") {
+    node = myCreateElementSVG("text");
+    this.appendChild(node);
+    node.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(st));
+  }
+  node.lastChild.nodeValue = st;
+  node.setAttribute("x",p[0]+dx);
+  node.setAttribute("y",p[1]+dy);
+  node.setAttribute("font-style",(fontsty!=null?fontsty:fontstyle));
+  node.setAttribute("font-family",fontfamily);
+  node.setAttribute("font-size",(fontsz!=null?fontsz:fontsize));
+  node.setAttribute("font-weight",fontweight);
+  node.setAttribute("text-anchor",textanchor);
+  if (fontstroke!="none") node.setAttribute("stroke",fontstroke);
+  if (fontfill!="none") node.setAttribute("fill",fontfill);
+function image(imgurl,p,w,h,id) { // not working yet
+  var node;
+  if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
+  if (node==null) {
+    node = myCreateElementSVG("image");
+    node.setAttribute("id", id);
+    svgpicture.appendChild(node);
+  }
+  node.setAttribute("x",p[0]*xunitlength+origin[0]);
+  node.setAttribute("y",height-p[1]*yunitlength-origin[1]);
+  node.setAttribute("width",w);
+  node.setAttribute("height",h);
+  node.setAttribute("xlink:href", imgurl);
+function ASdot(center,radius,s,f) { // coordinates in units, radius in pixel
+  if (s==null) s = stroke; if (f==null) f = fill;
+  var node = myCreateElementSVG("circle");
+  node.setAttribute("cx",center[0]*xunitlength+origin[0]);
+  node.setAttribute("cy",height-center[1]*yunitlength-origin[1]);
+  node.setAttribute("r",radius);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
+  node.setAttribute("stroke", s);
+  node.setAttribute("fill", f);
+  svgpicture.appendChild(node);
+function dot(center, typ, label, pos, id) {
+  var node;
+  var cx = center[0]*xunitlength+origin[0];
+  var cy = height-center[1]*yunitlength-origin[1];
+  if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id);
+  if (typ=="+" || typ=="-" || typ=="|") {
+    if (node==null) {
+      node = myCreateElementSVG("path");
+      node.setAttribute("id", id);
+      svgpicture.appendChild(node);
+    }
+    if (typ=="+") {
+      node.setAttribute("d",
+        " M "+(cx-ticklength)+" "+cy+" L "+(cx+ticklength)+" "+cy+
+        " M "+cx+" "+(cy-ticklength)+" L "+cx+" "+(cy+ticklength));
+      node.setAttribute("stroke-width", .5);
+      node.setAttribute("stroke", axesstroke);
+    } else {
+      if (typ=="-") node.setAttribute("d",
+        " M "+(cx-ticklength)+" "+cy+" L "+(cx+ticklength)+" "+cy);
+      else node.setAttribute("d",
+        " M "+cx+" "+(cy-ticklength)+" L "+cx+" "+(cy+ticklength));
+      node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
+      node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (node==null) {
+      node = myCreateElementSVG("circle");
+      node.setAttribute("id", id);
+      svgpicture.appendChild(node);
+    }
+    node.setAttribute("cx",cx);
+    node.setAttribute("cy",cy);
+    node.setAttribute("r",dotradius);
+    node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth);
+    node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
+    node.setAttribute("fill", (typ=="open"?"white":
+                              (typ=="closed"?stroke:markerfill)));
+  }
+  if (label!=null) 
+    text(center,label,(pos==null?"below":pos),(id==null?id:id+"label"))
+point = dot; //alternative name
+function arrowhead(p,q) { // draw arrowhead at q (in units) add size param
+  var up;
+  var v = [p[0]*xunitlength+origin[0],height-p[1]*yunitlength-origin[1]];
+  var w = [q[0]*xunitlength+origin[0],height-q[1]*yunitlength-origin[1]];
+  var u = [w[0]-v[0],w[1]-v[1]];
+  var d = Math.sqrt(u[0]*u[0]+u[1]*u[1]);
+  if (d > 0.00000001) {
+    u = [u[0]/d, u[1]/d];
+    up = [-u[1],u[0]];
+    var node = myCreateElementSVG("path");
+    node.setAttribute("d","M "+(w[0]-15*u[0]-4*up[0])+" "+
+      (w[1]-15*u[1]-4*up[1])+" L "+(w[0]-3*u[0])+" "+(w[1]-3*u[1])+" L "+
+      (w[0]-15*u[0]+4*up[0])+" "+(w[1]-15*u[1]+4*up[1])+" z");
+    node.setAttribute("stroke-width", markerstrokewidth);
+    node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke); /*was markerstroke*/
+    node.setAttribute("fill", stroke); /*was arrowfill*/
+    node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
+    node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
+    svgpicture.appendChild(node);    
+  }
+function chopZ(st) {
+  var k = st.indexOf(".");
+  if (k==-1) return st;
+  for (var i=st.length-1; i>k && st.charAt(i)=="0"; i--);
+  if (i==k) i--;
+  return st.slice(0,i+1);
+function grid(dx,dy) { // for backward compatibility
+  axes(dx,dy,null,dx,dy)
+function noaxes() {
+  if (!initialized) initPicture();
+function axes(dx,dy,labels,gdx,gdy) {
+//xscl=x is equivalent to xtick=x; xgrid=x; labels=true;
+  var x, y, ldx, ldy, lx, ly, lxp, lyp, pnode, st;
+  if (!initialized) initPicture();
+  if (typeof dx=="string") { labels = dx; dx = null; }
+  if (typeof dy=="string") { gdx = dy; dy = null; }
+  if (xscl!=null) {dx = xscl; gdx = xscl; labels = dx}
+  if (yscl!=null) {dy = yscl; gdy = yscl}
+  if (xtick!=null) {dx = xtick}
+  if (ytick!=null) {dy = ytick}
+  dx = (dx==null?xunitlength:dx*xunitlength);
+  dy = (dy==null?dx:dy*yunitlength);
+  fontsize = Math.min(dx/2,dy/2,16); //alert(fontsize)
+  ticklength = fontsize/4;
+  if (xgrid!=null) gdx = xgrid;
+  if (ygrid!=null) gdy = ygrid;
+  if (gdx!=null) {
+    gdx = (typeof gdx=="string"?dx:gdx*xunitlength);
+    gdy = (gdy==null?dy:gdy*yunitlength);
+    pnode = myCreateElementSVG("path");
+    st="";
+    for (x = origin[0]; x<width; x = x+gdx)
+      st += " M"+x+",0"+" "+x+","+height;
+    for (x = origin[0]-gdx; x>0; x = x-gdx)
+      st += " M"+x+",0"+" "+x+","+height;
+    for (y = height-origin[1]; y<height; y = y+gdy)
+      st += " M0,"+y+" "+width+","+y;
+    for (y = height-origin[1]-gdy; y>0; y = y-gdy)
+      st += " M0,"+y+" "+width+","+y;
+    pnode.setAttribute("d",st);
+    pnode.setAttribute("stroke-width", .5);
+    pnode.setAttribute("stroke", gridstroke);
+    pnode.setAttribute("fill", fill);
+    svgpicture.appendChild(pnode);
+  }
+  pnode = myCreateElementSVG("path");
+  st="M0,"+(height-origin[1])+" "+width+","+
+    (height-origin[1])+" M"+origin[0]+",0 "+origin[0]+","+height;
+  for (x = origin[0]+dx; x<width; x = x+dx)
+    st += " M"+x+","+(height-origin[1]+ticklength)+" "+x+","+
+           (height-origin[1]-ticklength);
+  for (x = origin[0]-dx; x>0; x = x-dx)
+    st += " M"+x+","+(height-origin[1]+ticklength)+" "+x+","+
+           (height-origin[1]-ticklength);
+  for (y = height-origin[1]+dy; y<height; y = y+dy)
+    st += " M"+(origin[0]+ticklength)+","+y+" "+(origin[0]-ticklength)+","+y;
+  for (y = height-origin[1]-dy; y>0; y = y-dy)
+    st += " M"+(origin[0]+ticklength)+","+y+" "+(origin[0]-ticklength)+","+y;
+  if (labels!=null) with (Math) {
+    ldx = dx/xunitlength;
+    ldy = dy/yunitlength;
+    lx = (xmin>0 || xmax<0?xmin:0);
+    ly = (ymin>0 || ymax<0?ymin:0);
+    lxp = (ly==0?"below":"above");
+    lyp = (lx==0?"left":"right");
+    var ddx = floor(1.1-log(ldx)/log(10))+1;
+    var ddy = floor(1.1-log(ldy)/log(10))+1;
+    for (x = ldx; x<=xmax; x = x+ldx)
+      text([x,ly],chopZ(x.toFixed(ddx)),lxp);
+    for (x = -ldx; xmin<=x; x = x-ldx)
+      text([x,ly],chopZ(x.toFixed(ddx)),lxp);
+    for (y = ldy; y<=ymax; y = y+ldy)
+      text([lx,y],chopZ(y.toFixed(ddy)),lyp);
+    for (y = -ldy; ymin<=y; y = y-ldy)
+      text([lx,y],chopZ(y.toFixed(ddy)),lyp);
+  }
+  fontsize = defaultfontsize;
+  pnode.setAttribute("d",st);
+  pnode.setAttribute("stroke-width", .5);
+  pnode.setAttribute("stroke", axesstroke);
+  pnode.setAttribute("fill", fill);
+  pnode.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", strokeopacity);
+  pnode.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillopacity);
+  svgpicture.appendChild(pnode);
+function mathjs(st) {
+  //translate a math formula to js function notation
+  // a^b --> pow(a,b)
+  // na --> n*a
+  // (...)d --> (...)*d
+  // n! --> factorial(n)
+  // sin^-1 --> arcsin etc.
+  //while ^ in string, find term on left and right
+  //slice and concat new formula string
+  st = st.replace(/\s/g,"");
+  if (st.indexOf("^-1")!=-1) {
+    st = st.replace(/sin\^-1/g,"arcsin");
+    st = st.replace(/cos\^-1/g,"arccos");
+    st = st.replace(/tan\^-1/g,"arctan");
+    st = st.replace(/sec\^-1/g,"arcsec");
+    st = st.replace(/csc\^-1/g,"arccsc");
+    st = st.replace(/cot\^-1/g,"arccot");
+    st = st.replace(/sinh\^-1/g,"arcsinh");
+    st = st.replace(/cosh\^-1/g,"arccosh");
+    st = st.replace(/tanh\^-1/g,"arctanh");
+    st = st.replace(/sech\^-1/g,"arcsech");
+    st = st.replace(/csch\^-1/g,"arccsch");
+    st = st.replace(/coth\^-1/g,"arccoth");
+  }
+  st = st.replace(/^e$/g,"(Math.E)");
+  st = st.replace(/^e([^a-zA-Z])/g,"(Math.E)$1");
+  st = st.replace(/([^a-zA-Z])e/g,"$1(Math.E)");
+//  st = st.replace(/([^a-zA-Z])e([^a-zA-Z])/g,"$1(Math.E)$2");
+  st = st.replace(/([0-9])([\(a-zA-Z])/g,"$1*$2");
+  st = st.replace(/\)([\(0-9a-zA-Z])/g,"\)*$1");
+  var i,j,k, ch, nested;
+  while ((i=st.indexOf("^"))!=-1) {
+    //find left argument
+    if (i==0) return "Error: missing argument";
+    j = i-1;
+    ch = st.charAt(j);
+    if (ch>="0" && ch<="9") {// look for (decimal) number
+      j--;
+      while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="0" && ch<="9") j--;
+      if (ch==".") {
+        j--;
+        while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="0" && ch<="9") j--;
+      }
+    } else if (ch==")") {// look for matching opening bracket and function name
+      nested = 1;
+      j--;
+      while (j>=0 && nested>0) {
+        ch = st.charAt(j);
+        if (ch=="(") nested--;
+        else if (ch==")") nested++;
+        j--;
+      }
+      while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z")
+        j--;
+    } else if (ch>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z") {// look for variable
+      j--;
+      while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z")
+        j--;
+    } else { 
+      return "Error: incorrect syntax in "+st+" at position "+j;
+    }
+    //find right argument
+    if (i==st.length-1) return "Error: missing argument";
+    k = i+1;
+    ch = st.charAt(k);
+    if (ch>="0" && ch<="9" || ch=="-") {// look for signed (decimal) number
+      k++;
+      while (k<st.length && (ch=st.charAt(k))>="0" && ch<="9") k++;
+      if (ch==".") {
+        k++;
+        while (k<st.length && (ch=st.charAt(k))>="0" && ch<="9") k++;
+      }
+    } else if (ch=="(") {// look for matching closing bracket and function name
+      nested = 1;
+      k++;
+      while (k<st.length && nested>0) {
+        ch = st.charAt(k);
+        if (ch=="(") nested++;
+        else if (ch==")") nested--;
+        k++;
+      }
+    } else if (ch>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z") {// look for variable
+      k++;
+      while (k<st.length && (ch=st.charAt(k))>="a" && ch<="z" ||
+               ch>="A" && ch<="Z") k++;
+    } else { 
+      return "Error: incorrect syntax in "+st+" at position "+k;
+    }
+    st = st.slice(0,j+1)+"Math.pow("+st.slice(j+1,i)+","+st.slice(i+1,k)+")"+
+           st.slice(k);
+  }
+  while ((i=st.indexOf("!"))!=-1) {
+    //find left argument
+    if (i==0) return "Error: missing argument";
+    j = i-1;
+    ch = st.charAt(j);
+    if (ch>="0" && ch<="9") {// look for (decimal) number
+      j--;
+      while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="0" && ch<="9") j--;
+      if (ch==".") {
+        j--;
+        while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="0" && ch<="9") j--;
+      }
+    } else if (ch==")") {// look for matching opening bracket and function name
+      nested = 1;
+      j--;
+      while (j>=0 && nested>0) {
+        ch = st.charAt(j);
+        if (ch=="(") nested--;
+        else if (ch==")") nested++;
+        j--;
+      }
+      while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z")
+        j--;
+    } else if (ch>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z") {// look for variable
+      j--;
+      while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z")
+        j--;
+    } else { 
+      return "Error: incorrect syntax in "+st+" at position "+j;
+    }
+    st = st.slice(0,j+1)+"factorial("+st.slice(j+1,i)+")"+st.slice(i+1);
+  }
+  return st;
+function plot(fun,x_min,x_max,points,id,endpts) {
+  var pth = [];
+  var f = function(x) { return x }, g = fun;
+  var name = null;
+  if (typeof fun=="string") 
+    eval("g = function(x){ with(Math) return "+mathjs(fun)+" }");
+  else if (typeof fun=="object") {
+    eval("f = function(t){ with(Math) return "+mathjs(fun[0])+" }");
+    eval("g = function(t){ with(Math) return "+mathjs(fun[1])+" }");
+  }
+  if (typeof x_min=="string") { name = x_min; x_min = xmin }
+  else name = id;
+  var min = (x_min==null?xmin:x_min);
+  var max = (x_max==null?xmax:x_max);
+  var inc = max-min-0.000001*(max-min);
+  inc = (points==null?inc/200:inc/points);
+  var gt;
+//alert(typeof g(min))
+  for (var t = min; t <= max; t += inc) {
+    gt = g(t);
+    if (!(isNaN(gt)||Math.abs(gt)=="Infinity")) pth[pth.length] = [f(t), gt];
+  }
+  path(pth,name,null,endpts);
+  return pth;
+// make polar plot
+// make Riemann sums
+function slopefield(fun,dx,dy) {
+  var g = fun;
+  if (typeof fun=="string") 
+    eval("g = function(x,y){ with(Math) return "+mathjs(fun)+" }");
+  var gxy,x,y,u,v,dz;
+  if (dx==null) dx=1;
+  if (dy==null) dy=1;
+  dz = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)/6;
+  var x_min = Math.ceil(xmin/dx);
+  var y_min = Math.ceil(ymin/dy);
+  for (x = x_min; x <= xmax; x += dx)
+    for (y = y_min; y <= ymax; y += dy) {
+      gxy = g(x,y);
+      if (!isNaN(gxy)) {
+        if (Math.abs(gxy)=="Infinity") {u = 0; v = dz;}
+        else {u = dz/Math.sqrt(1+gxy*gxy); v = gxy*u;}
+        line([x-u,y-v],[x+u,y+v]);
+      }
+    }
+///////////////////////user graphics commands end here/////////////////////////
+function show_props(obj) {
+  var result = "";
+  for (var i=0; i< obj.childNodes.length; i++)
+    result += obj.childNodes.item(i) + "\n";
+  return result;
+function displayCoord(evt) {
+  if (showcoordinates) {
+    var svgroot =;
+    var nl = svgroot.childNodes;
+    for (var i=0; i<nl.length && nl.item(i).nodeName!="text"; i++);
+    var cnode = nl.item(i);
+    cnode.mtext = mtext;
+    cnode.mtext([svgroot.getAttribute("width")-(-7),svgroot.getAttribute("height")-7],"("+getX(evt).toFixed(2)+", "+getY(evt).toFixed(2)+")", "left", "", "11");
+/*    var dnode = nl.item(i+1);
+    dnode.mtext = mtext;
+    dnode.mtext([0,svgroot.getAttribute("height")-6],"Try (shift/alt)-dblclick", "right", "", "8");
+*/  }
+function removeCoord(evt) {
+    var svgroot =;
+    var nl = svgroot.childNodes;
+    for (var i=0; i<nl.length && nl.item(i).nodeName!="text"; i++);
+    var cnode = nl.item(i);
+    cnode.mtext = mtext;
+    cnode.mtext([svgroot.getAttribute("width")-0,svgroot.getAttribute("height")-0],"", "aboveleft", "");
+/*    var dnode = nl.item(i+1);
+    dnode.mtext = mtext;
+    dnode.mtext([0,svgroot.getAttribute("height")-0],"", "aboveright", "");
+function initASCIIMathCalculators(li) {
+  var i;
+  for (i=0; i<li.length; i++) {
+    li[i].innerHTML = calcstr;
+    AMprocessNode(li[i]);
+  }
+  li = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
+  var st;
+  for (i=0; i<li.length; i++) {
+    st = li[i].getAttribute("onkeyup");
+    if (st!=null) eval(String(st).replace(/function anonymous\(\)/,""));
+  }
+function calculate(inputId,outputId) {
+  var str = document.getElementById(inputId).value;
+  var err = "";
+  var ind = str.lastIndexOf("\n");
+  if (ind==str.length-1) str = str.slice(0,ind);
+  str = str.slice(str.lastIndexOf("\n")+1);
+  try {
+    var res = eval(mathjs(str));
+  } catch(e) {
+    err = "syntax incomplete";
+  }
+  if (!isNaN(res) && res!="Infinity") 
+    str = "`"+str+" =` "+(Math.abs(res-Math.round(res*1000000)/1000000)<1e-15?Math.round(res*1000000)/1000000:res)+err; 
+  else if (str!="") str = "`"+str+"` = undefined"; //debug:+mathjs(str);
+  var outnode = document.getElementById(outputId);
+  var n = outnode.childNodes.length;
+  for (var i=0; i<n; i++)
+    outnode.removeChild(outnode.firstChild);
+  outnode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str));
+  AMprocessNode(outnode);
+function append(st){
+  document.getElementById('in').value+=st;
+  calculate('in','out');
+  document.getElementById('in').scrollTop = 1000;
+  document.getElementById('in').focus();
+function clearTextArea(){
+  document.getElementById('in').value="";
+  calculate('in','out');
+  document.getElementById('in').focus();
+var calcstr = "<table align=\"center\">\n<tr><th>\nASCIIMath Scientific Calculator\n</th></tr>\n<tr><td>\nClick in the box to use your keyboard or use the buttons\n</td></tr>\n<tr><td>\n<textarea id=\"in\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"40\" onkeyup=\"calculate('in','out')\"></textarea></td></tr>\n<tr><td height=\"50\">Result: &nbsp; &nbsp; <span id=\"out\"></span></td></tr>\n</table>\n<table align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n<tbody align=\"center\">\n<tr>\n<td colspan=\"4\">\n<button onclick=\"append('sin^-1(')\"><font size=2>`sin^-1`</font></button><button onclick=\"append('cos^-1(')\"><font size=2>`cos^-1`</font></button><button onclick=\"append('tan^-1(')\"><font size=2>`tan^-1`</font></button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"clearTextArea()\">&nbsp;`C`&nbsp;</button></td>\n\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('pi')\">&nbsp;`pi` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('sin(')\">&nbsp;`sin`</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('cos(')\">&nbsp;`cos`</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('tan(')\">&nbsp;`tan`</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('^')\">`x^y`</button></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('!')\">&nbsp; `!` &nbsp;</button></td>\n\n<td><button onclick=\"append('(')\"><font size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;`(`&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append(')')\"><font size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;`)`&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('sqrt(')\"><font size=2>`sqrt({::}^\ )`</font></button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('/')\">&nbsp;`-:\ `</button></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('log(')\">`log`</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('7')\">&nbsp; `7` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('8')\">&nbsp; `8` &nbsp;</button></td>\n\n<td><button onclick=\"append('9')\">&nbsp; `9` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('*')\">&nbsp;`times`&nbsp;</button></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('ln(')\">&nbsp;`ln`&nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('4')\">&nbsp; `4` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('5')\">&nbsp; `5` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('6')\">&nbsp; `6` &nbsp;</button></td>\n\n<td><button onclick=\"append('-')\">&nbsp;`-{::}`&nbsp;</button></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('e')\">&nbsp; `e` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('1')\">&nbsp;&nbsp;`1` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('2')\">&nbsp; `2` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('3')\">&nbsp; `3` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('+')\">&nbsp;`+{::}`&nbsp;</button></td>\n\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td> <!--button onclick=\"append('pi')\">&nbsp;`pi` &nbsp;</button--></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('0')\">&nbsp; `0` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('.')\">&nbsp; `.` &nbsp;</button></td>\n<td><button onclick=\"append('\\n')\">&nbsp;`\"ent\"`</button></td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>";
+// GO1.1 Generic onload by Brothercake
 //onload function (replaces the onload="translate()" in the <body> tag)
 function generic()
-  translate();
+  if(!init()) return;
+  if (translateOnLoad) {
+    var nd = document.getElementById("processasciimathinmoodle");
+    if (nd!=null) dsvglocation = nd.className;
+    if (nd!=null || !checkforprocessasciimathinmoodle) {
+      translate();
+      if (!noSVG && translateASCIIsvg) drawPictures();
+    }
+    var li = getElementsByClass(document,"div","ASCIIMathCalculator");
+    if (!noMathML && li.length>0) initASCIIMathCalculators(li);
+  }
 //setup onload function
 if(typeof window.addEventListener != 'undefined')