HTML reader: improve support for table headers, footer, attributes
- `<tfoot>` elements are no longer added to the table body but used as table footer. - Separate `<tbody>` elements are no longer combined into one. - Attributes on `<thead>`, `<tbody>`, `<th>`/`<td>`, and `<tfoot>` elements are preserved.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 266 additions and 138 deletions
@ -11,41 +11,46 @@ Portability : portable
Tools for working with CSS.
module Text.Pandoc.CSS ( pickStyleAttrProps
, pickStylesToKVs
module Text.Pandoc.CSS
( cssAttributes
, pickStyleAttrProps
, pickStylesToKVs
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (trim)
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Text
ruleParser :: Parser (T.Text, T.Text)
ruleParser :: Parser (Text, Text)
ruleParser = do
p <- many1 (noneOf ":") <* char ':'
v <- many1 (noneOf ":;") <* optional (char ';') <* spaces
return (trim $ T.pack p, trim $ T.pack v)
return (trim $ pack p, trim $ pack v)
styleAttrParser :: Parser [(T.Text, T.Text)]
styleAttrParser :: Parser [(Text, Text)]
styleAttrParser = many1 ruleParser
eitherToMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe b
eitherToMaybe (Right x) = Just x
eitherToMaybe _ = Nothing
-- | Parses a style string, returning the CSS attributes.
-- Returns an empty list on failure.
cssAttributes :: Text -> [(Text, Text)]
cssAttributes styleString =
-- Use Data.Either.fromRight once GHC 8.0 is no longer supported
case parse styleAttrParser "" styleString of
Left _ -> []
Right x -> x
-- | takes a list of keys/properties and a CSS string and
-- returns the corresponding key-value-pairs.
pickStylesToKVs :: [T.Text] -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, T.Text)]
pickStylesToKVs :: [Text] -> Text -> [(Text, Text)]
pickStylesToKVs props styleAttr =
case parse styleAttrParser "" styleAttr of
Left _ -> []
Right styles -> filter (\s -> fst s `elem` props) styles
filter (\s -> fst s `elem` props) $ cssAttributes styleAttr
-- | takes a list of key/property synonyms and a CSS string and maybe
-- returns the value of the first match (in order of the supplied list)
pickStyleAttrProps :: [T.Text] -> T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
pickStyleAttrProps :: [Text] -> Text -> Maybe Text
pickStyleAttrProps lookupProps styleAttr = do
styles <- eitherToMaybe $ parse styleAttrParser "" styleAttr
styles <- either (const Nothing) Just $ parse styleAttrParser "" styleAttr
listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (`lookup` styles) lookupProps
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML ( readHtml
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad (guard, mplus, msum, mzero, unless, void)
import Control.Monad (guard, msum, mzero, unless, void)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask, asks, lift, local, runReaderT)
import Data.ByteString.Base64 (encode)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.CSS (pickStyleAttrProps)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.Parsing
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.Table (pTable')
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.Table (pTable)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.TagCategories
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.Types
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX (rawLaTeXInline)
@ -63,8 +63,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options (
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding ((<|>))
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (addMetaField, blocksToInlines', crFilter, escapeURI,
extractSpaces, htmlSpanLikeElements, elemText, splitTextBy,
safeRead, tshow)
extractSpaces, htmlSpanLikeElements, safeRead, tshow)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Parsec.Error
import Text.TeXMath (readMathML, writeTeX)
@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ block = do
, pCodeBlock
, pList
, pHrule
, pTable
, pTable block
, pHtml
, pHead
, pBody
@ -464,31 +463,6 @@ pHrule = do
pSelfClosing (=="hr") (const True)
return B.horizontalRule
pTable :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m Blocks
pTable = pTable' block pCell
pCell :: PandocMonad m => Text -> TagParser m [Cell]
pCell celltype = try $ do
skipMany pBlank
tag <- lookAhead $ pSatisfy (\t -> t ~== TagOpen celltype [])
let extractAlign' [] = ""
extractAlign' ("text-align":x:_) = x
extractAlign' (_:xs) = extractAlign' xs
let extractAlign = extractAlign' . splitTextBy (`elemText` " \t;:")
let align = case maybeFromAttrib "align" tag `mplus`
(extractAlign <$> maybeFromAttrib "style" tag) of
Just "left" -> AlignLeft
Just "right" -> AlignRight
Just "center" -> AlignCenter
_ -> AlignDefault
let rowspan = RowSpan . fromMaybe 1 $
safeRead =<< maybeFromAttrib "rowspan" tag
let colspan = ColSpan . fromMaybe 1 $
safeRead =<< maybeFromAttrib "colspan" tag
res <- pInTags celltype block
skipMany pBlank
return [B.cell align rowspan colspan res]
pBlockQuote :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m Blocks
pBlockQuote = do
contents <- pInTags "blockquote" block
@ -653,12 +627,6 @@ pLineBreak = do
pSelfClosing (=="br") (const True)
return B.linebreak
-- Unlike fromAttrib from tagsoup, this distinguishes
-- between a missing attribute and an attribute with empty content.
maybeFromAttrib :: Text -> Tag Text -> Maybe Text
maybeFromAttrib name (TagOpen _ attrs) = lookup name attrs
maybeFromAttrib _ _ = Nothing
pLink :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m Inlines
pLink = try $ do
tag <- pSatisfy $ tagOpenLit "a" (const True)
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.Parsing
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.Parsing
, pInTags
, pInTags'
, pInTag
, pInTagWithAttribs
, pAny
, pCloses
, pSatisfy
@ -22,6 +24,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.Parsing
, matchTagClose
, matchTagOpen
, isSpace
, maybeFromAttrib
, toAttr
, toStringAttr
@ -31,11 +34,11 @@ import Control.Monad (guard, void, mzero)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
( Tag (..), (~==), isTagText, isTagPosition, isTagOpen, isTagClose )
( Attribute, Tag (..), isTagText, isTagPosition, isTagOpen, isTagClose, (~==) )
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Attr)
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing
( (<|>), eof, getPosition, lookAhead, manyTill, newPos, optional
( (<|>), eof, getPosition, lookAhead, manyTill, newPos, option, optional
, skipMany, setPosition, token, try)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.TagCategories
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.Types
@ -60,25 +63,41 @@ pInTags' :: (PandocMonad m, Monoid a)
-> TagParser m a
-> TagParser m a
pInTags' tagtype tagtest parser = try $ do
pSatisfy (\t -> t ~== TagOpen tagtype [] && tagtest t)
pSatisfy $ \t -> matchTagOpen tagtype [] t && tagtest t
mconcat <$> manyTill parser (pCloses tagtype <|> eof)
-- parses p, preceded by an opening tag (optional if tagsOptional)
-- and followed by a closing tag (optional if tagsOptional)
pInTag :: PandocMonad m => TagOmission -> Text -> TagParser m a -> TagParser m a
pInTag tagOmission tagtype p = try $ do
skipMany pBlank
pInTag :: PandocMonad m
=> TagOmission -- ^ Whether some tags can be omitted
-> Text -- ^ @tagtype@ Tag name
-> TagParser m a -- ^ @p@ Content parser
-> TagParser m a
pInTag tagOmission tagtype = fmap snd . pInTagWithAttribs tagOmission tagtype
-- | Returns the contents of a tag together with its attributes; parses
-- @p@, preceded by an opening tag (optional if TagsOmittable) and
-- followed by a closing tag (optional unless TagsRequired).
pInTagWithAttribs :: PandocMonad m
=> TagOmission -- ^ Whether some tags can be omitted
-> Text -- ^ @tagtype@ Tag name
-> TagParser m a -- ^ @p@ Content parser
-> TagParser m ([Attribute Text], a)
pInTagWithAttribs tagOmission tagtype p = try $ do
let openingOptional = tagOmission == TagsOmittable
let closingOptional = tagOmission /= TagsRequired
(if openingOptional then optional else void) $
pSatisfy (matchTagOpen tagtype [])
skipMany pBlank
attribs <- (if openingOptional then option [] else id)
(getAttribs <$> pSatisfy (matchTagOpen tagtype []))
skipMany pBlank
x <- p
skipMany pBlank
(if closingOptional then optional else void) $
pSatisfy (matchTagClose tagtype)
skipMany pBlank
return x
return (attribs, x)
getAttribs = \case
TagOpen _ attribs -> attribs
_ -> []
pCloses :: PandocMonad m => Text -> TagParser m ()
pCloses tagtype = try $ do
@ -183,6 +202,12 @@ toStringAttr = map go
-> (x',y)
_ -> (x,y)
-- Unlike fromAttrib from tagsoup, this distinguishes
-- between a missing attribute and an attribute with empty content.
maybeFromAttrib :: Text -> Tag Text -> Maybe Text
maybeFromAttrib name (TagOpen _ attrs) = lookup name attrs
maybeFromAttrib _ _ = Nothing
mkAttr :: [(Text, Text)] -> Attr
mkAttr attr = (attribsId, attribsClasses, attribsKV)
where attribsId = fromMaybe "" $ lookup "id" attr
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{- |
@ -12,17 +13,19 @@
HTML table parser.
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.Table (pTable') where
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.Table (pTable) where
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
import Text.Pandoc.Builder (Blocks)
import Text.Pandoc.CSS (cssAttributes)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing
( (<|>), eof, many, many1, manyTill, option, optional, skipMany, try)
( eof, lookAhead, many, many1, manyTill, option, optional
, optionMaybe, skipMany, try)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.Parsing
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.Types (TagParser)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (onlySimpleTableCells, safeRead)
@ -57,58 +60,183 @@ pColgroup = try $ do
skipMany pBlank
manyTill pCol (pCloses "colgroup" <|> eof) <* skipMany pBlank
-- | Parses a simple HTML table
pTable' :: PandocMonad m
=> TagParser m Blocks -- ^ Caption parser
-> (Text -> TagParser m [Cell]) -- ^ Table cell parser
-> TagParser m Blocks
pTable' block pCell = try $ do
TagOpen _ attribs' <- pSatisfy (matchTagOpen "table" [])
let attribs = toAttr attribs'
pCell :: PandocMonad m
=> TagParser m Blocks
-> Text
-> TagParser m [Cell]
pCell block celltype = try $ do
skipMany pBlank
caption <- option mempty $ pInTags "caption" block <* skipMany pBlank
widths' <- (mconcat <$> many1 pColgroup) <|> many pCol
let pTh = option [] $ pInTags "tr" (pCell "th")
pTr = try $ skipMany pBlank
*> pInTags "tr" (pCell "td" <|> pCell "th")
pTBody = pInTag TagsOmittable "tbody" $ many1 pTr
head'' <- pInTag ClosingTagOptional "thead" (option [] pTr)
<|> pInTag TagsOmittable "thead" pTh
head' <- pInTag TagsOmittable "tbody"
(if null head'' then pTh else return head'')
topfoot <- option [] $ pInTag TagsRequired "tfoot" $ many pTr
rowsLs <- many pTBody
bottomfoot <- option [] $ pInTag ClosingTagOptional "tfoot" $ many pTr
TagOpen _ attribs <- lookAhead $ pSatisfy (matchTagOpen celltype [])
let cssAttribs = maybe [] cssAttributes $ lookup "style" attribs
let align = case lookup "align" attribs <|>
lookup "text-align" cssAttribs of
Just "left" -> AlignLeft
Just "right" -> AlignRight
Just "center" -> AlignCenter
_ -> AlignDefault
let rowspan = RowSpan . fromMaybe 1 $
safeRead =<< lookup "rowspan" attribs
let colspan = ColSpan . fromMaybe 1 $
safeRead =<< lookup "colspan" attribs
res <- pInTags celltype block
skipMany pBlank
let handledAttribs = ["align", "colspan", "rowspan", "text-align"]
attribs' = foldr go [] attribs
go kv@(k, _) acc = case k of
"style" -> case filter ((/= "text-align") . fst) cssAttribs of
[] -> acc
cs -> ("style", toStyleString cs) : acc
-- drop attrib if it's already handled
_ | k `elem` handledAttribs -> acc
_ -> kv : acc
return [B.cellWith (toAttr attribs') align rowspan colspan res]
-- | Create a style attribute string from a list of CSS attributes
toStyleString :: [(Text, Text)] -> Text
toStyleString = T.intercalate "; " . map (\(k, v) -> k <> ": " <> v)
data RowType
= HeaderCells
| AllCells
-- | Parses a table row
pRow :: PandocMonad m
=> TagParser m Blocks
-> RowType
-> TagParser m [B.Row]
pRow block rowType = try $ do
skipMany pBlank
case rowType of
HeaderCells -> do
maybeCells <- optionMaybe (pInTags "tr" (pCell block "th"))
return $ case maybeCells of
Nothing -> []
Just cells -> [Row nullAttr cells]
AllCells -> do
cells <- pInTags "tr" (pCell block "td" <|> pCell block "th")
return [Row nullAttr cells]
-- | Parses a table head
pTableHead :: PandocMonad m
=> TagParser m Blocks
-> TagParser m TableHead
pTableHead block = try $ do
skipMany pBlank
(attribs, rows) <- pInTagWithAttribs ClosingTagOptional "thead"
(option [] $ pRow block AllCells)
<|> pInTagWithAttribs TagsOmittable "thead"
(pRow block HeaderCells)
let cells = concatMap (\(Row _ cs) -> cs) rows
if null cells
then TableHead nullAttr <$>
pInTag TagsOmittable "tbody" (pRow block HeaderCells)
else return $ TableHead (toAttr attribs) [Row nullAttr cells]
-- | Parses a table foot
pTableFoot :: PandocMonad m
=> TagParser m Blocks
-> TagParser m TableFoot
pTableFoot block = try $ do
skipMany pBlank
TagOpen _ attribs <- pSatisfy (matchTagOpen "tfoot" []) <* skipMany pBlank
rows <- mconcat <$> many (pRow block AllCells <* skipMany pBlank)
optional $ pSatisfy (matchTagClose "tfoot")
return $ TableFoot (toAttr attribs) rows
-- | Parses a table body
pTableBody :: PandocMonad m
=> TagParser m Blocks
-> TagParser m TableBody
pTableBody block = do
skipMany pBlank
(attribs, rows) <- pInTagWithAttribs TagsOmittable "tbody"
(mconcat <$> many1 (pRow block AllCells))
return $ TableBody (toAttr attribs) 0 [] rows
-- | Parses a simple HTML table
pTable :: PandocMonad m
=> TagParser m Blocks -- ^ Caption and cell contents parser
-> TagParser m Blocks
pTable block = try $ do
TagOpen _ attribs <- pSatisfy (matchTagOpen "table" []) <* skipMany pBlank
caption <- option mempty $ pInTags "caption" block <* skipMany pBlank
widths <- ((mconcat <$> many1 pColgroup) <|> many pCol) <* skipMany pBlank
thead <- pTableHead block <* skipMany pBlank
topfoot <- optionMaybe (pTableFoot block) <* skipMany pBlank
tbodies <- many (pTableBody block) <* skipMany pBlank
botfoot <- optionMaybe (pTableFoot block) <* skipMany pBlank
TagClose _ <- pSatisfy (matchTagClose "table")
let rows = concat rowsLs <> topfoot <> bottomfoot
rows''' = map (map cellContents) rows
let tfoot = fromMaybe (TableFoot nullAttr []) $ topfoot <|> botfoot
case normalize widths thead tbodies tfoot of
Left err -> fail err
Right (colspecs, thead', tbodies', tfoot') -> return $
B.tableWith (toAttr attribs)
(B.simpleCaption caption)
data TableType
= SimpleTable
| NormalTable
tableType :: [[Cell]] -> TableType
tableType cells =
if onlySimpleTableCells $ map (map cellContents) cells
then SimpleTable
else NormalTable
cellContents :: Cell -> [Block]
cellContents (Cell _ _ _ _ bs) = bs
normalize :: [ColWidth] -> TableHead -> [TableBody] -> TableFoot
-> Either String ([ColSpec], TableHead, [TableBody], TableFoot)
normalize widths head' bodies foot = do
let rows = headRows head' <> concatMap bodyRows bodies <> footRows foot
let rowLength = length . rowCells
let ncols = maximum (map rowLength rows)
let tblType = tableType (map rowCells rows)
-- fail on empty table
guard $ not $ null head' && null rows'''
let isSimple = onlySimpleTableCells $
map cellContents head' : rows'''
let cols = if null head'
then maximum (map length rows''')
else length head'
let aligns = case rows of
(cs:_) -> take cols $
concatMap cellAligns cs ++ repeat AlignDefault
_ -> replicate cols AlignDefault
let widths = if null widths'
then if isSimple
then replicate cols ColWidthDefault
else replicate cols (ColWidth (1.0 / fromIntegral cols))
else widths'
let toRow = Row nullAttr
toHeaderRow l = [toRow l | not (null l)]
return $ B.tableWith attribs
(B.simpleCaption caption)
(zip aligns widths)
(TableHead nullAttr $ toHeaderRow head')
[TableBody nullAttr 0 [] $ map toRow rows]
(TableFoot nullAttr [])
if null rows
then Left "empty table"
else Right
( zip (calculateAlignments ncols bodies)
(normalizeColWidths ncols tblType widths)
, head'
, bodies
, foot
cellContents :: Cell -> [Block]
cellContents (Cell _ _ _ _ bs) = bs
normalizeColWidths :: Int -> TableType -> [ColWidth] -> [ColWidth]
normalizeColWidths ncols tblType = \case
[] -> case tblType of
SimpleTable -> replicate ncols ColWidthDefault
NormalTable -> replicate ncols (ColWidth $ 1 / fromIntegral ncols)
widths -> widths
cellAligns :: Cell -> [Alignment]
cellAligns (Cell _ align _ (ColSpan cs) _) = replicate cs align
calculateAlignments :: Int -> [TableBody] -> [Alignment]
calculateAlignments cols tbodies =
case cells of
cs:_ -> take cols $ concatMap cellAligns cs ++ repeat AlignDefault
_ -> replicate cols AlignDefault
cells :: [[Cell]]
cells = concatMap bodyRowCells tbodies
cellAligns :: Cell -> [Alignment]
cellAligns (Cell _ align _ (ColSpan cs) _) = replicate cs align
bodyRowCells :: TableBody -> [[Cell]]
bodyRowCells = map rowCells . bodyRows
headRows :: TableHead -> [B.Row]
headRows (TableHead _ rows) = rows
bodyRows :: TableBody -> [B.Row]
bodyRows (TableBody _ _ headerRows bodyRows') = headerRows <> bodyRows'
footRows :: TableFoot -> [B.Row]
footRows (TableFoot _ rows) = rows
rowCells :: B.Row -> [Cell]
rowCells (Row _ cells) = cells
@ -448,16 +448,15 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("generator",MetaInlines [Str "pandoc"]),("titl
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "2"]]
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "3"]]]
,Row ("",[],[])
[Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "4"]]
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "5"]]
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "6"]]]])]
[Plain [Str "3"]]]])]
(TableFoot ("",[],[])
[Row ("",[],[])
[Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "4"]]
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "5"]]
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "6"]]]])
,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
@ -576,8 +575,10 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("generator",MetaInlines [Str "pandoc"]),("titl
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "2"]]
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "3"]]]
,Row ("",[],[])
[Plain [Str "3"]]]])
,(TableBody ("",[],[]) (RowHeadColumns 0)
[Row ("",[],[])
[Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "4"]]
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
@ -608,8 +609,10 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("generator",MetaInlines [Str "pandoc"]),("titl
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Para [Str "2"]]
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "3"]]]
,Row ("",[],[])
[Plain [Str "3"]]]])
,(TableBody ("",[],[]) (RowHeadColumns 0)
[Row ("",[],[])
[Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "4"]]
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
@ -712,15 +715,14 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("generator",MetaInlines [Str "pandoc"]),("titl
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "2"]]
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "3"]]]
,Row ("",[],[])
[Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "4"]]
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "5"]]
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "6"]]]])]
[Plain [Str "3"]]]])]
(TableFoot ("",[],[])
[Row ("",[],[])
[Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "4"]]
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "5"]]
,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
[Plain [Str "6"]]]])
,Header 2 ("empty-tables",[],[]) [Str "Empty",Space,Str "Tables"]
,Para [Str "This",Space,Str "section",Space,Str "should",Space,Str "be",Space,Str "empty."]]
Add table
Reference in a new issue