Improve footnote generation of in-text citations w/ note styles.
Patch from Andrea Rossato.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 118 additions and 24 deletions
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
module Text.Pandoc.Biblio ( processBiblio ) where
import Control.Monad ( when )
import Data.Char ( toUpper, isPunctuation )
import Data.List
import Data.Unique
import Text.CSL hiding ( Cite(..), Citation(..) )
@ -44,17 +45,18 @@ processBiblio cf r p
else do
when (null cf) $ error "Missing the needed citation style file"
csl <- readCSLFile cf
p' <- if styleClass csl == "note"
then processNote p
else processWithM setHash p
let groups = if styleClass csl /= "note"
then queryWith getCitation p'
else getNoteCitations p'
result = citeproc' csl r (setNearNote csl $ map (map toCslCite) groups)
cits_map = zip groups (citations result)
p' <- processWithM setHash p
let (nts,grps) = if styleClass csl /= "note"
then (,) [] $ queryWith getCitation p'
else let cits = queryWith getCite p'
ncits = map (queryWith getCite) $ queryWith getNote p'
needNt = cits \\ concat ncits
in (,) needNt $ getNoteCitations needNt p'
result = citeproc' csl r (setNearNote csl $ map (map toCslCite) grps)
cits_map = zip grps (citations result)
biblioList = map (read . renderPandoc' csl) (bibliography result)
Pandoc m b = processWith (processCite csl cits_map) p'
return $ Pandoc m $ b ++ biblioList
return . generateNotes nts . Pandoc m $ b ++ biblioList
-- | Substitute 'Cite' elements with formatted citations.
processCite :: Style -> [([Citation],[FormattedOutput])] -> Inline -> Inline
@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ processCite s cs il
-- 'queryWith'.
getCitation :: Inline -> [[Citation]]
getCitation i | Cite t _ <- i = [t]
| otherwise = []
| otherwise = []
getNote :: Inline -> [Inline]
getNote i | Note _ <- i = [i]
@ -80,26 +82,118 @@ getCite :: Inline -> [Inline]
getCite i | Cite _ _ <- i = [i]
| otherwise = []
getNoteCitations :: Pandoc -> [[Citation]]
= let cits = concat . flip (zipWith $ setCiteNoteNum) [1..] .
map (queryWith getCite) . queryWith getNote
in queryWith getCitation . cits
getNoteCitations :: [Inline] -> Pandoc -> [[Citation]]
getNoteCitations needNote
= let mvCite i = if i `elem` needNote then Note [Para [i]] else i
setNote = processWith mvCite
getCits = concat . flip (zipWith $ setCiteNoteNum) [1..] .
map (queryWith getCite) . queryWith getNote . setNote
in queryWith getCitation . getCits
setHash :: Citation -> IO Citation
setHash (Citation i p l nn ao na _)
= hashUnique `fmap` newUnique >>= return . Citation i p l nn ao na
processNote :: Pandoc -> IO Pandoc
processNote p = do
p' <- processWithM setHash p
let cits = queryWith getCite p'
ncits = map (queryWith getCite) $ queryWith getNote p'
needNote = cits \\ concat ncits
return $ processWith (mvCiteInNote needNote) p'
generateNotes :: [Inline] -> Pandoc -> Pandoc
generateNotes needNote = processWith (mvCiteInNote needNote)
mvCiteInNote :: [Inline] -> Inline -> Inline
mvCiteInNote is i = if i `elem` is then Note [Para [i]] else i
procInlines :: ([Inline] -> [Inline]) -> Block -> Block
procInlines f b
| Plain inls <- b = Plain $ f inls
| Para inls <- b = Para $ f inls
| Header i inls <- b = Header i $ f inls
| otherwise = b
mvCiteInNote :: [Inline] -> Block -> Block
mvCiteInNote is = procInlines mvCite
elem_ x xs = case x of Cite cs _ -> (Cite cs []) `elem` xs; _ -> False
mvCite :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
mvCite inls
| x:i:xs <- inls
, x == Space, i `elem_` is = mvInNote i : mvCite xs
| i:xs <- inls, i `elem_` is = mvInNote i : mvCite xs
| i:xs <- inls, Note _ <- i = checkNt i : mvCite xs
| i:xs <- inls = i : mvCite xs
| otherwise = []
mvInNote i
| Cite t o <- i = Note [Para [Cite t $ toCapital o]]
| otherwise = Note [Para [i ]]
checkPt i
| Cite c o : xs <- i
, headInline xs == lastInline o
, isPunct o = Cite c (initInline o) : checkPt xs
| x:xs <- i = x : checkPt xs
| otherwise = []
isPunct = and . map isPunctuation . lastInline
checkNt = processWith $ procInlines checkPt
headInline :: [Inline] -> String
headInline [] = []
headInline (i:_)
| Str s <- i = head' s
| Space <- i = " "
| otherwise = headInline $ getInline i
head' s = if s /= [] then [head s] else []
lastInline :: [Inline] -> String
lastInline [] = []
lastInline (i:[])
| Str s <- i = last' s
| Space <- i = " "
| otherwise = lastInline $ getInline i
last' s = if s /= [] then [last s] else []
lastInline (_:xs) = lastInline xs
initInline :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
initInline [] = []
initInline (i:[])
| Str s <- i = return $ Str (init' s)
| Emph is <- i = return $ Emph (initInline is)
| Strong is <- i = return $ Strong (initInline is)
| Strikeout is <- i = return $ Strikeout (initInline is)
| Superscript is <- i = return $ Superscript (initInline is)
| Subscript is <- i = return $ Subscript (initInline is)
| Quoted q is <- i = return $ Quoted q (initInline is)
| SmallCaps is <- i = return $ SmallCaps (initInline is)
| Link is t <- i = return $ Link (initInline is) t
| otherwise = []
init' s = if s /= [] then init s else []
initInline (i:xs) = i : initInline xs
toCapital :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
toCapital = mapHeadInline toCap
toCap s = if s /= [] then toUpper (head s) : tail s else []
mapHeadInline :: (String -> String) -> [Inline] -> [Inline]
mapHeadInline _ [] = []
mapHeadInline f (i:xs)
| Str s <- i = Str (f s) : xs
| Emph is <- i = Emph (mapHeadInline f is) : xs
| Strong is <- i = Strong (mapHeadInline f is) : xs
| Strikeout is <- i = Strikeout (mapHeadInline f is) : xs
| Superscript is <- i = Superscript (mapHeadInline f is) : xs
| Subscript is <- i = Subscript (mapHeadInline f is) : xs
| Quoted q is <- i = Quoted q (mapHeadInline f is) : xs
| SmallCaps is <- i = SmallCaps (mapHeadInline f is) : xs
| Link is t <- i = Link (mapHeadInline f is) t : xs
| otherwise = []
getInline :: Inline -> [Inline]
getInline i
| Emph is <- i = is
| Strong is <- i = is
| Strikeout is <- i = is
| Superscript is <- i = is
| Subscript is <- i = is
| Quoted _ is <- i = is
| SmallCaps is <- i = is
| Link is _ <- i = is
| otherwise = []
setCiteNoteNum :: [Inline] -> Int -> [Inline]
setCiteNoteNum ((Cite cs o):xs) n = Cite (setCitationNoteNum n cs) o : setCiteNoteNum xs n
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