Markdown writer: improve handling of raw blocks/inline.
We now emit raw content using `raw_attribute` when no more direct method is available.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 55 additions and 34 deletions
@ -444,30 +444,35 @@ blockToMarkdown' opts (LineBlock lns) =
mdLines <- mapM (inlineListToMarkdown opts) lns
return $ (vcat $ map (hang 2 (text "| ")) mdLines) <> blankline
else blockToMarkdown opts $ linesToPara lns
blockToMarkdown' opts b@(RawBlock f str)
blockToMarkdown' opts b@(RawBlock f str) = do
plain <- asks envPlain
let Format fmt = f
let rawAttribBlock = return $
(text "```{=" <> text fmt <> "}") $$
text str $$
(text "```" <> text "\n")
let renderEmpty = mempty <$ report (BlockNotRendered b)
case () of
_ | plain -> renderEmpty
| f `elem` ["markdown", "markdown_github", "markdown_phpextra",
"markdown_mmd", "markdown_strict"]
= return $ text str <> text "\n"
| f `elem` ["html", "html5", "html4"] && isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts = do
plain <- asks envPlain
return $ if plain
then empty
else if isEnabled Ext_markdown_attribute opts
then text (addMarkdownAttribute str) <> text "\n"
else text str <> text "\n"
| f `elem` ["latex", "tex"] && isEnabled Ext_raw_tex opts = do
plain <- asks envPlain
return $ if plain
then empty
else text str <> text "\n"
| f == "plain" = do
plain <- asks envPlain
return $ if plain
then text str <> text "\n"
else empty
| otherwise = do
report $ BlockNotRendered b
return empty
"markdown_mmd", "markdown_strict"] ->
return $ text str <> text "\n"
| f `elem` ["html", "html5", "html4"] ->
case () of
_ | isEnabled Ext_markdown_attribute opts -> return $
text (addMarkdownAttribute str) <> text "\n"
| isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts -> return $
text str <> text "\n"
| isEnabled Ext_raw_attribute opts -> rawAttribBlock
| otherwise -> renderEmpty
| f `elem` ["latex", "tex"] ->
case () of
_ | isEnabled Ext_raw_tex opts -> return $
text str <> text "\n"
| isEnabled Ext_raw_attribute opts -> rawAttribBlock
| otherwise -> renderEmpty
| isEnabled Ext_raw_attribute opts -> rawAttribBlock
| otherwise -> renderEmpty
blockToMarkdown' opts HorizontalRule = do
return $ blankline <> text (replicate (writerColumns opts) '-') <> blankline
blockToMarkdown' opts (Header level attr inlines) = do
@ -1115,17 +1120,33 @@ inlineToMarkdown opts (Math DisplayMath str) =
| otherwise -> (\x -> cr <> x <> cr) `fmap`
(texMathToInlines DisplayMath str >>= inlineListToMarkdown opts)
inlineToMarkdown opts il@(RawInline f str) = do
let tickGroups = filter (\s -> '`' `elem` s) $ group str
let numticks = if null tickGroups
then 1
else 1 + maximum (map length tickGroups)
plain <- asks envPlain
if (plain && f == "plain") || (not plain &&
( f `elem` ["markdown", "markdown_github", "markdown_phpextra",
"markdown_mmd", "markdown_strict"] ||
(isEnabled Ext_raw_tex opts && (f == "latex" || f == "tex")) ||
(isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts && f `elem` ["html", "html4", "html5"])
then return $ text str
else do
report $ InlineNotRendered il
return empty
let Format fmt = f
let rawAttribInline = return $
text (replicate numticks '`') <> text str <>
text (replicate numticks '`') <> text "{=" <> text fmt <> text "}"
let renderEmpty = mempty <$ report (InlineNotRendered il)
case () of
_ | plain -> renderEmpty
| f `elem` ["markdown", "markdown_github", "markdown_phpextra",
"markdown_mmd", "markdown_strict"] ->
return $ text str
| f `elem` ["html", "html5", "html4"] ->
case () of
_ | isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts -> return $ text str
| isEnabled Ext_raw_attribute opts -> rawAttribInline
| otherwise -> renderEmpty
| f `elem` ["latex", "tex"] ->
case () of
_ | isEnabled Ext_raw_tex opts -> return $ text str
| isEnabled Ext_raw_attribute opts -> rawAttribInline
| otherwise -> renderEmpty
| isEnabled Ext_raw_attribute opts -> rawAttribInline
| otherwise -> renderEmpty
inlineToMarkdown opts (LineBreak) = do
plain <- asks envPlain
if plain || isEnabled Ext_hard_line_breaks opts
Add table
Reference in a new issue