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{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
module Tests.Writers.Powerpoint (tests) where
-- import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Text.Pandoc
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Codec.Archive.Zip
import Text.XML.Light
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, sort, (\\), intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isNothing)
import Tests.Helpers
import Data.Algorithm.Diff
import Control.Monad (when)
getPptxBytes :: WriterOptions
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> IO (BL.ByteString, BL.ByteString)
getPptxBytes opts nativeFp pptxFp = do
ntvTxt <- T.readFile nativeFp
ntv <- runIOorExplode $ readNative def ntvTxt
myPptxBs <- runIOorExplode $ writePowerpoint opts ntv
goodPptxBs <- BL.readFile pptxFp
return (myPptxBs, goodPptxBs)
assertSameFileList :: Archive -> Archive -> FilePath -> Assertion
assertSameFileList myArch goodArch pptxFp = do
let filesMy = filesInArchive myArch
filesGood = filesInArchive goodArch
diffMyGood = filesMy \\ filesGood
diffGoodMy = filesGood \\ filesMy
if | null diffMyGood && null diffGoodMy -> return ()
| null diffMyGood ->
assertFailure $
"Files in " ++ pptxFp ++ " but not in generated archive:\n" ++
intercalate ", " diffGoodMy
| null diffGoodMy ->
assertFailure $
"Files in generated archive but not in " ++ pptxFp ++ ":\n" ++
intercalate ", " diffMyGood
| otherwise ->
assertFailure $
"Files in " ++ pptxFp ++ " but not in generated archive:\n" ++
intercalate ", " diffGoodMy ++
"\n" ++
"Files in generated archive but not in " ++ pptxFp ++ ":\n" ++
intercalate ", " diffMyGood
compareXMLBool :: Content -> Content -> Bool
-- We make a special exception for times at the moment, and just pass
-- them because we can't control the utctime when running IO. Besides,
-- so long as we have two times, we're okay.
compareXMLBool (Elem myElem) (Elem goodElem)
| (QName "created" _ (Just "dcterms")) <- elName myElem
, (QName "created" _ (Just "dcterms")) <- elName goodElem =
compareXMLBool (Elem myElem) (Elem goodElem)
| (QName "modified" _ (Just "dcterms")) <- elName myElem
, (QName "modified" _ (Just "dcterms")) <- elName goodElem =
compareXMLBool (Elem myElem) (Elem goodElem) =
and [ elName myElem == elName goodElem
, elAttribs myElem == elAttribs goodElem
, and $
map (uncurry compareXMLBool) $
zip (elContent myElem) (elContent goodElem)
compareXMLBool (Text myCData) (Text goodCData) =
and [ cdVerbatim myCData == cdVerbatim goodCData
, cdData myCData == cdData goodCData
, cdLine myCData == cdLine goodCData
compareXMLBool (CRef myStr) (CRef goodStr) =
myStr == goodStr
compareXMLBool _ _ = False
displayDiff :: Content -> Content -> String
displayDiff elemA elemB =
showDiff (1,1) $ getDiff (lines $ ppContent elemA) (lines $ ppContent elemB)
compareXMLFile :: FilePath -> Archive -> Archive -> Assertion
compareXMLFile fp myArch goodArch = do
let mbMyEntry = findEntryByPath fp myArch
when (isNothing mbMyEntry)
(assertFailure $
"Can't extract " ++ fp ++ " from generated archive")
let mbMyXMLDoc = parseXMLDoc $ fromEntry $ fromJust mbMyEntry
when (isNothing mbMyXMLDoc)
(assertFailure $
"Can't parse xml in " ++ fp ++ " from generated archive")
let myContent = Elem $ fromJust mbMyXMLDoc
let mbGoodEntry = findEntryByPath fp goodArch
when (isNothing mbGoodEntry)
(assertFailure $
"Can't extract " ++ fp ++ " from archive in stored pptx file")
let mbGoodXMLDoc = parseXMLDoc $ fromEntry $ fromJust mbGoodEntry
when (isNothing mbGoodXMLDoc)
(assertFailure $
"Can't parse xml in " ++ fp ++ " from archive in stored pptx file")
let goodContent = Elem $ fromJust mbGoodXMLDoc
("Non-matching xml in " ++ fp ++ ":\n" ++ displayDiff myContent goodContent)
(compareXMLBool myContent goodContent)
compareBinaryFile :: FilePath -> Archive -> Archive -> Assertion
compareBinaryFile fp myArch goodArch = do
let mbMyEntry = findEntryByPath fp myArch
when (isNothing mbMyEntry)
(assertFailure $
"Can't extract " ++ fp ++ " from generated archive")
let myBytes = fromEntry $ fromJust mbMyEntry
let mbGoodEntry = findEntryByPath fp goodArch
when (isNothing mbGoodEntry)
(assertFailure $
"Can't extract " ++ fp ++ " from archive in stored pptx file")
let goodBytes = fromEntry $ fromJust mbGoodEntry
assertBool (fp ++ " doesn't match") (myBytes == goodBytes)
testSameFileList :: WriterOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
testSameFileList opts myFp goodFp =
testCase ("Identical file list in archives") $ do
(myBS, goodBS) <- getPptxBytes opts myFp goodFp
let myArch = toArchive myBS
goodArch = toArchive goodBS
(assertSameFileList myArch goodArch goodFp)
testSameXML :: WriterOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
testSameXML opts myFp goodFp = testCaseSteps "Comparing extracted xml files" $
\step -> do
(myBS, goodBS) <- getPptxBytes opts myFp goodFp
let myArch = toArchive myBS
goodArch = toArchive goodBS
let xmlFileList = sort $
filter (\fp -> ".xml" `isSuffixOf` fp || ".rels" `isSuffixOf` fp)
(filesInArchive myArch)
(\fp -> step ("- " ++ fp) >> compareXMLFile fp myArch goodArch)
testSameMedia :: WriterOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
testSameMedia opts myFp goodFp = testCaseSteps "Comparing media files" $
\step -> do
(myBS, goodBS) <- getPptxBytes opts myFp goodFp
let myArch = toArchive myBS
goodArch = toArchive goodBS
let mediaFileList = sort $
filter (\fp -> "ppt/media/" `isPrefixOf` fp)
(filesInArchive myArch)
(\fp -> step ("- " ++ fp) >> compareBinaryFile fp myArch goodArch)
testCompareWithOpts :: String -> WriterOptions ->FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
testCompareWithOpts testName opts nativeFp pptxFp =
testGroup testName [ testSameFileList opts nativeFp pptxFp
, testSameXML opts nativeFp pptxFp
, testSameMedia opts nativeFp pptxFp
testCompare :: String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
testCompare testName nativeFp pptxFp =
testCompareWithOpts testName def nativeFp pptxFp
tests :: [TestTree]
tests = [ testCompare
"Inline formatting"
, testCompare
"slide breaks (default slide-level)"
, testCompareWithOpts
"slide breaks (slide-level set to 1)"
def{writerSlideLevel=Just 1}