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-- | Converts Pandoc to HTML.
module Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML (
) where
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Html ( stringToHtmlString )
import Text.Regex ( mkRegex )
import Numeric ( showHex )
import Char ( ord )
import List ( isPrefixOf )
-- | Convert Pandoc document to string in HTML format.
writeHtml :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
writeHtml options (Pandoc (Meta title authors date) blocks) =
let titlePrefix = writerTitlePrefix options in
let topTitle = if not (null titlePrefix) then
[Str titlePrefix] ++ (if not (null title) then [Str " - "] ++ title else [])
title in
let head = if (writerStandalone options) then
htmlHeader options (Meta topTitle authors date)
titleBlocks = if (writerStandalone options) && (not (null title)) &&
(not (writerS5 options)) then
[RawHtml "<h1 class=\"title\">", Plain title, RawHtml "</h1>\n"]
foot = if (writerStandalone options) then "</body>\n</html>\n" else ""
body = (writerIncludeBefore options) ++
concatMap (blockToHtml options) (replaceReferenceLinks (titleBlocks ++ blocks)) ++
(writerIncludeAfter options) in
head ++ body ++ foot
-- | Obfuscate a "mailto:" link using Javascript.
obfuscateLink :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> String -> String
obfuscateLink options text src =
let text' = inlineListToHtml options text in
let linkText = if src == ("mailto:" ++ text') then "e" else "'" ++ text' ++ "'"
altText = if src == ("mailto:" ++ text') then "\\1 [at] \\2" else text' ++ " (\\1 [at] \\2)" in
gsub "mailto:([^@]*)@(.*)" ("<script type=\"text/javascript\">h='\\2';n='\\1';e=n+'@'+h;document.write('<a href=\"mailto:'+e+'\">'+" ++ linkText ++ "+'<\\/a>');</script><noscript>" ++ altText ++ "</noscript>") src
-- | Obfuscate character as entity.
obfuscateChar :: Char -> String
obfuscateChar char = let num = ord char in
let numstr = if even num then (show num) else ("x" ++ (showHex num "")) in
"&#" ++ numstr ++ ";"
-- | Escape string, preserving character entities and quote.
stringToHtml :: String -> String
stringToHtml str = escapePreservingRegex stringToHtmlString (mkRegex "\"|(&[[:alnum:]]*;)") str
-- | Escape string as in 'stringToHtml' but add smartypants filter.
stringToSmartHtml :: String -> String
stringToSmartHtml =
let escapeDoubleQuotes =
gsub "(\"|&quot;|'')" "&rdquo;" . -- rest are right quotes
gsub "([[:space:]])(\"|&quot;)" "\\1&ldquo;" . -- never right quo after space
gsub "(\"|&quot;|``)('|`|&lsquo;)([^[:punct:][:space:]])" "&ldquo;&lsquo;\\3" . -- "'word left
gsub "(\"|&quot;|``)([^[:punct:][:space:]])" "&ldquo;\\2" -- "word left
escapeSingleQuotes =
gsub "'" "&rsquo;" . -- otherwise right
gsub "([[:space:]])'" "\\1&lsquo;" . -- never right quo after space
gsub "`" "&lsquo;" . -- ` is left
gsub "([^[:punct:][:space:]])'" "\\1&rsquo;" . -- word' right
gsub "('|`)(\"|&quot;|&ldquo;|``)" "&lsquo;&ldquo;" . -- '"word left
gsub "^('|`)([^[:punct:][:space:]])" "&lsquo;\\2" . -- 'word left
gsub "([^[:punct:][:space:]])'(s|S)" "\\1&rsquo;\\2" . -- possessive
gsub "([[:space:]])'([^[:punct:][:space:]])" "\\1&lsquo;\\2" . -- 'word left
gsub "'([0-9][0-9](s|S))" "&rsquo;\\1" -- '80s - decade abbrevs.
escapeDashes = gsub " ?-- ?" "&mdash;" .
gsub " ?--- ?" "&mdash;" .
gsub "([0-9])--?([0-9])" "\\1&ndash;\\2"
escapeEllipses = gsub "\\.\\.\\.|\\. \\. \\." "&hellip;" in
escapeSingleQuotes . escapeDoubleQuotes . escapeDashes . escapeEllipses . stringToHtml
-- | Escape code string as needed for HTML.
codeStringToHtml :: String -> String
codeStringToHtml [] = []
codeStringToHtml (x:xs) = case x of
'&' -> "&amp;" ++ codeStringToHtml xs
'<' -> "&lt;" ++ codeStringToHtml xs
_ -> x:(codeStringToHtml xs)
-- | Escape string to HTML appropriate for attributes
attributeStringToHtml :: String -> String
attributeStringToHtml = gsub "\"" "&quot;"
-- | Returns an HTML header with appropriate bibliographic information.
htmlHeader :: WriterOptions -> Meta -> String
htmlHeader options (Meta title authors date) =
let titletext = if (null title) then
"<title>" ++ (inlineListToHtml options title) ++ "</title>\n"
authortext = if (null authors) then
"<meta name=\"author\" content=\"" ++
(joinWithSep ", " (map stringToHtml authors)) ++ "\" />\n"
datetext = if (date == "") then
"<meta name=\"date\" content=\"" ++ (stringToHtml date) ++ "\" />\n" in
(writerHeader options) ++ authortext ++ datetext ++ titletext ++ "</head>\n<body>\n"
-- | Convert Pandoc block element to HTML.
blockToHtml :: WriterOptions -> Block -> String
blockToHtml options Blank = "\n"
blockToHtml options Null = ""
blockToHtml options (Plain lst) = inlineListToHtml options lst
blockToHtml options (Para lst) = "<p>" ++ (inlineListToHtml options lst) ++ "</p>\n"
blockToHtml options (BlockQuote blocks) =
if (writerS5 options) then -- in S5, treat list in blockquote specially
-- if default is incremental, make it nonincremental; otherwise incremental
let inc = not (writerIncremental options) in
case blocks of
[BulletList lst] -> blockToHtml (options {writerIncremental = inc}) (BulletList lst)
[OrderedList lst] -> blockToHtml (options {writerIncremental = inc}) (OrderedList lst)
otherwise -> "<blockquote>\n" ++ (concatMap (blockToHtml options) blocks) ++
"<blockquote>\n" ++ (concatMap (blockToHtml options) blocks) ++ "</blockquote>\n"
blockToHtml options (Note ref lst) =
let marker = "<span class=\"pandocNoteMarker\"><a name=\"note_" ++ ref ++
"\" href=\"#ref_" ++ ref ++ "\">(" ++ ref ++ ")</a></span> " in
let contents = (concatMap (blockToHtml options) lst) in
let contents' = case contents of
('<':'p':'>':rest) -> "<p class=\"first\">" ++ marker ++ rest ++ "\n"
otherwise -> marker ++ contents ++ "\n" in
"<div class=\"pandocNote\">\n" ++ contents' ++ "</div>\n"
blockToHtml options (Key _ _) = ""
blockToHtml options (CodeBlock str) = "<pre><code>" ++ (codeStringToHtml str) ++
blockToHtml options (RawHtml str) = str
blockToHtml options (BulletList lst) =
let attribs = if (writerIncremental options) then " class=\"incremental\"" else "" in
"<ul" ++ attribs ++ ">\n" ++ (concatMap (listItemToHtml options) lst) ++ "</ul>\n"
blockToHtml options (OrderedList lst) =
let attribs = if (writerIncremental options) then " class=\"incremental\"" else "" in
"<ol" ++ attribs ++ ">\n" ++ (concatMap (listItemToHtml options) lst) ++ "</ol>\n"
blockToHtml options HorizontalRule = "<hr />\n"
blockToHtml options (Header level lst) = if ((level > 0) && (level <= 6)) then
"<h" ++ (show level) ++ ">" ++
(inlineListToHtml options lst) ++
"</h" ++ (show level) ++ ">\n"
"<p>" ++ (inlineListToHtml options lst) ++ "</p>\n"
listItemToHtml options list = "<li>" ++ (concatMap (blockToHtml options) list) ++ "</li>\n"
-- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to HTML.
inlineListToHtml :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> String
inlineListToHtml options lst =
-- consolidate adjacent Str and Space elements for more intelligent
-- smartypants filtering
let lst' = consolidateList lst in
concatMap (inlineToHtml options) lst'
-- | Convert Pandoc inline element to HTML.
inlineToHtml :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> String
inlineToHtml options (Emph lst) = "<em>" ++ (inlineListToHtml options lst) ++ "</em>"
inlineToHtml options (Strong lst) = "<strong>" ++ (inlineListToHtml options lst) ++ "</strong>"
inlineToHtml options (Code str) = "<code>" ++ (codeStringToHtml str) ++ "</code>"
inlineToHtml options (Str str) = if (writerSmartypants options) then
stringToSmartHtml str
stringToHtml str
inlineToHtml options (TeX str) = (codeStringToHtml str)
inlineToHtml options (HtmlInline str) = str
inlineToHtml options (LineBreak) = "<br />\n"
inlineToHtml options Space = " "
inlineToHtml options (Link text (Src src tit)) =
let title = attributeStringToHtml tit in
if (isPrefixOf "mailto:" src) then
obfuscateLink options text src
"<a href=\"" ++ (codeStringToHtml src) ++ "\"" ++
(if tit /= "" then " title=\"" ++ title ++ "\">" else ">") ++
(inlineListToHtml options text) ++ "</a>"
inlineToHtml options (Link text (Ref [])) = "[" ++ (inlineListToHtml options text) ++ "]"
inlineToHtml options (Link text (Ref ref)) = "[" ++ (inlineListToHtml options text) ++ "][" ++
(inlineListToHtml options ref) ++ "]" -- this is what markdown does, for better or worse
inlineToHtml options (Image alt (Src source tit)) =
let title = attributeStringToHtml tit
alternate = inlineListToHtml options alt in
"<img src=\"" ++ source ++ "\"" ++
(if tit /= "" then " title=\"" ++ title ++ "\"" else "") ++
(if alternate /= "" then " alt=\"" ++ alternate ++ "\"" else "") ++ ">"
inlineToHtml options (Image alternate (Ref [])) =
"![" ++ (inlineListToHtml options alternate) ++ "]"
inlineToHtml options (Image alternate (Ref ref)) =
"![" ++ (inlineListToHtml options alternate) ++ "][" ++ (inlineListToHtml options ref) ++ "]"
inlineToHtml options (NoteRef ref) =
"<span class=\"pandocNoteRef\"><a name=\"ref_" ++ ref ++ "\" href=\"#note_" ++ ref ++
"\">(" ++ ref ++ ")</a></span>"