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Raw Normal View History

import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (readDataFileUTF8, normalize)
import Criterion.Main
import Criterion.Config
2010-12-30 15:32:34 -08:00
import Text.JSON.Generic
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Monoid
readerBench :: Pandoc
-> (String, ReaderOptions -> String -> Pandoc)
-> Benchmark
readerBench doc (name, reader) =
let writer = case lookup name writers of
Just (PureStringWriter w) -> w
_ -> error $ "Could not find writer for " ++ name
inp = writer def{ writerWrapText = True } doc
-- we compute the length to force full evaluation
getLength (Pandoc (Meta a b c) d) =
length a + length b + length c + length d
in bench (name ++ " reader") $ whnf (getLength .
reader def{ readerSmart = True }) inp
writerBench :: Pandoc
-> (String, WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String)
-> Benchmark
writerBench doc (name, writer) = bench (name ++ " writer") $ nf
(writer def{ writerWrapText = True }) doc
2010-12-30 15:32:34 -08:00
normalizeBench :: Pandoc -> [Benchmark]
normalizeBench doc = [ bench "normalize - with" $ nf (encodeJSON . normalize) doc
, bench "normalize - without" $ nf encodeJSON doc
2012-07-26 10:02:00 -07:00
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
(conf,_) <- parseArgs defaultConfig{ cfgSamples = Last $ Just 20 } defaultOptions args
inp <- readDataFileUTF8 (Just ".") "README"
inp2 <- readDataFileUTF8 (Just ".") "tests/testsuite.txt"
let opts = def{ readerSmart = True }
2012-07-27 11:06:24 -07:00
let doc = readMarkdown opts $ inp ++ unlines (drop 3 $ lines inp2)
let readerBs = map (readerBench doc) readers
let writers' = [(n,w) | (n, PureStringWriter w) <- writers]
defaultMainWith conf (return ()) $
map (writerBench doc) writers' ++ readerBs ++ normalizeBench doc