2022-08-15 09:51:17 -07:00
.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 2.18
.\" Define V font for inline verbatim, using C font in formats
.\" that render this, and otherwise B font.
.ie "\f[CB]x\f[]"x" \{\
. ftr V B
. ftr VI BI
. ftr VB B
. ftr VBI BI
.el \{\
. ftr V CR
. ftr VI CI
. ftr VB CB
. ftr VBI CBI
.TH "pandoc-server" "1" "August 15, 2022" "pandoc-server 2.19" ""
\f[V]pandoc-server\f[R] [\f[I]options\f[R]]
\f[V]pandoc-server\f[R] is a web server that can perform pandoc
It can be used either as a running server or as a CGI program.
2022-08-16 16:11:04 -07:00
To use \f[V]pandoc-server\f[R] as a CGI program, rename it (or symlink
it) as \f[V]pandoc-server.cgi\f[R].
(Note: if you symlink it, you may need to adjust your webserver\[cq]s
configuration in order to allow it to follow symlinks for the CGI
All pandoc functions are run in the PandocPure monad, which ensures that
they can do no I/O operations on the server.
This should provide a high degree of security.
It does, however, impose certain limitations:
.IP \[bu] 2
PDFs cannot be produced.
.IP \[bu] 2
Filters are not supported.
.IP \[bu] 2
Resources cannot be fetched via HTTP.
.IP \[bu] 2
Any images, include files, or other resources needed for the document
conversion must be explicitly included in the request, via the
\f[V]files\f[R] field (see below under API).
2022-08-15 09:51:17 -07:00
\f[V]--port NUM\f[R]
HTTP port on which to run the server.
Default: 3030.
\f[V]--timeout SECONDS\f[R]
Timeout in seconds, after which a conversion is killed.
Default: 2.
2022-08-16 16:11:04 -07:00
Print this help.
Print version.
2022-08-15 09:51:17 -07:00
.SS Root endpoint
The root (\f[V]/\f[R]) endpoint accepts only POST requests.
It returns a converted document in one of the following formats,
depending on Accept headers:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
If the result is a binary format (e.g., \f[V]epub\f[R] or
\f[V]docx\f[R]) and the content is returned as plain text or JSON, the
binary will be base64 encoded.
The body of the POST request should be a JSON object, with the following
Only the \f[V]text\f[R] field is required; all of the others can be
omitted for default values.
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When there are several string alternatives, the first one given is the
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\f[V]text\f[R] (string)
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The document to be converted.
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Note: if the \f[V]from\f[R] format is binary (e.g., \f[V]epub\f[R] or
\f[V]docx\f[R]), then \f[V]text\f[R] should be a base64 encoding of the
\f[V]from\f[R] (string, default \f[V]\[dq]markdown\[dq]\f[R])
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The input format, possibly with extensions, just as it is specified on
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the pandoc command line.
\f[V]to\f[R] (string, default \f[V]\[dq]html\[dq]\f[R])
2022-08-16 16:11:04 -07:00
The output format, possibly with extensions, just as it is specified on
2022-08-15 09:51:17 -07:00
the pandoc command line.
2022-08-16 16:11:04 -07:00
\f[V]wrapText\f[R] (\f[V]\[dq]auto\[dq]|\[dq]preserve\[dq]|\[dq]none\[dq]\f[R])
Text wrapping option: either \f[V]\[dq]auto\[dq]\f[R] (automatic
hard-wrapping to fit within a column width),
\f[V]\[dq]preserve\[dq]\f[R] (insert newlines where they are present in
the source), or \f[V]\[dq]none\[dq]\f[R] (don\[cq]t insert any
unnecessary newlines at all).
\f[V]columns\f[R] (integer, default 72)
Column width (affects text wrapping and calculation of table column
widths in plain text formats)
\f[V]standalone\f[R] (boolean, default false)
If true, causes a standalone document to be produced, using the default
template or the custom template specified using \f[V]template\f[R].
If false, a fragment will be produced.
\f[V]template\f[R] (string)
String contents of a document template (see Templates in
\f[V]pandoc(1)\f[R] for the format).
\f[V]tabStop\f[R] (integer, default 4)
Tab stop (spaces per tab).
\f[V]indentedCodeClasses\f[R] (array of strings)
List of classes to be applied to indented Markdown code blocks.
\f[V]abbreviations\f[R] (array of strings)
List of strings to be regarded as abbreviations when parsing Markdown.
See \f[V]--abbreviations\f[R] in \f[V]pandoc(1)\f[R] for details.
\f[V]defaultImageExtension\f[R] (string)
Extension to be applied to image sources that lack extensions
(e.g.\ \f[V]\[dq].jpg\[dq]\f[R]).
\f[V]trackChanges\f[R] (\f[V]\[dq]accept\[dq]|\[dq]reject\[dq]|\[dq]all\[dq]\f[R])
Specifies what to do with insertions, deletions, and comments produced
by the MS Word \[lq]Track Changes\[rq] feature.
Only affects docx input.
\f[V]stripComments\f[R] (boolean, default false)
Causes HTML comments to be stripped in Markdown or Textile source,
instead of being passed through to the output format.
\f[V]citeproc\f[R] (boolean, default false)
Causes citations to be processed using citeproc.
See Citations in \f[V]pandoc(1)\f[R] for details.
\f[V]citeMethod\f[R] (\f[V]\[dq]citeproc\[dq]|\[dq]natbib\[dq]|\[dq]biblatex\[dq]\f[R])
Determines how citations are formatted in LaTeX output.
\f[V]tableOfContents\f[R] (boolean, default false)
Include a table of contents (in supported formats).
\f[V]tocDepth\f[R] (integer, default 3)
Depth of sections to include in the table of contents.
\f[V]numberSections\f[R] (boolean, default false)
Automatically number sections (in supported formats).
\f[V]numberOffset\f[R] (array of integers)
Offsets to be added to each component of the section number.
For example, \f[V][1]\f[R] will cause the first section to be numbered
\[lq]2\[rq] and the first subsection \[lq]2.1\[rq]; \f[V][0,1]\f[R] will
cause the first section to be numbered \[lq]1\[rq] and the first
subsection \[lq]1.2.\[rq]
\f[V]identifierPrefix\f[R] (string)
Prefix to be added to all automatically-generated identifiers.
\f[V]sectionDivs\f[R] (boolean, default false)
Arrange the document into a hierarchy of nested sections based on the
\f[V]htmlQTags\f[R] (boolean, default false)
Use \f[V]<q>\f[R] elements in HTML instead of literal quotation marks.
\f[V]listings\f[R] (boolean, default false)
Use the \f[V]listings\f[R] package to format code in LaTeX output.
\f[V]referenceLinks\f[R] (boolean, default false)
Create reference links rather than inline links in Markdown output.
\f[V]setextHeaders\f[R] (boolean, default false)
Use Setext (underlined) headings instead of ATX (\f[V]#\f[R]-prefixed)
in Markdown output.
\f[V]preferAscii\f[R] (boolean, default false)
Use entities and escapes when possible to avoid non-ASCII characters in
the output.
\f[V]referenceLocation\f[R] (\f[V]\[dq]document\[dq]|\[dq]section\[dq]|\[dq]block\[dq]\f[R])
Determines whether link references and footnotes are placed at the end
of the document, the end of the section, or the end of the block
(e.g.\ paragraph), in certain formats.
(See \f[V]pandoc(1)\f[R] under \f[V]--reference-location\f[R].)
\f[V]topLevelDivision\f[R] (\f[V]\[dq]default\[dq]|\[dq]part\[dq]|\[dq]chapter\[dq]|\[dq]section\[dq]\f[R])
Determines how top-level headings are interpreted in LaTeX, ConTeXt,
DocBook, and TEI.
The \f[V]\[dq]default\[dq]\f[R] value tries to choose the best
interpretation based on heuristics.
\f[V]emailObfuscation\f[R] (\f[V]\[dq]none\[dq]|\[dq]references\[dq]|\[dq]javascript\[dq]\f[R])
Determines how email addresses are obfuscated in HTML.
\f[V]htmlMathMethod\f[R] (\f[V]\[dq]plain\[dq]|\[dq]webtex\[dq]|\[dq]gladtex\[dq]|\[dq]mathml\[dq]|\[dq]mathjax\[dq]|\[dq]katex\[dq]\f[R])
Determines how math is represented in HTML.
\f[V]variables\f[R] (JSON mapping)
Variables to be interpolated in the template.
(See Templates in \f[V]pandoc(1)\f[R].)
\f[V]dpi\f[R] (integer, default 96)
Dots-per-inch to use for conversions between pixels and other
measurements (for image sizes).
\f[V]incremental\f[R] (boolean, default false)
If true, lists appear incrementally by default in slide shows.
\f[V]slideLevel\f[R] (integer)
Heading level that deterimes slide divisions in slide shows.
The default is to pick the highest heading level under which there is
body text.
\f[V]highlightStyle\f[R] (string, default \f[V]\[dq]pygments\[dq]\f[R])
Specify the style to use for syntax highlighting of code.
Standard styles are \f[V]\[dq]pygments\[dq]\f[R] (the default),
\f[V]\[dq]kate\[dq]\f[R], \f[V]\[dq]monochrome\[dq]\f[R],
\f[V]\[dq]breezeDark\[dq]\f[R], \f[V]\[dq]espresso\[dq]\f[R],
\f[V]\[dq]zenburn\[dq]\f[R], \f[V]\[dq]haddock\[dq]\f[R], and
Alternatively, the path of a \f[V].theme\f[R] with a KDE syntax theme
may be used (in this case, the relevant file contents must also be
included in \f[V]files\f[R], see below).
\f[V]epubMetadata\f[R] (string)
Dublin core XML elements to be used for EPUB metadata.
\f[V]epubChapterLevel\f[R] (integer, default 1)
Heading level at which chapter splitting occurs in EPUBs.
\f[V]epubSubdirectory\f[R] (string, default \[lq]EPUB\[rq])
Name of content subdirectory in the EPUB container.
\f[V]epubFonts\f[R] (array of file paths)
Fonts to include in the EPUB.
The fonts themselves must be included in \f[V]files\f[R] (see below).
\f[V]referenceDoc\f[R] (file path)
Reference doc to use in creating \f[V]docx\f[R] or \f[V]odt\f[R] or
See \f[V]pandoc(1)\f[R] under \f[V]--reference-doc\f[R] for details.
\f[V]files\f[R] (JSON mapping of file paths to base64-encoded strings)
Any files needed for the conversion, including images referred to in the
document source, should be included here.
Binary data must be base64-encoded.
Textual data may be left as it is, unless it is \f[I]also\f[R] valid
base 64 data, in which case it will be interpreted that way.
2022-08-15 09:51:17 -07:00
.SS \f[V]/batch\f[R] endpoint
The \f[V]/batch\f[R] endpoint behaves like the root endpoint, except for
these two points:
.IP \[bu] 2
It accepts a JSON array, each element of which is a JSON object like the
one expected by the root endpoint.
.IP \[bu] 2
It returns a JSON array of results.
(It will not return plain text or octet-stream, like the root endpoint.)
This endpoint can be used to convert a sequence of small snippets in one
.SS \f[V]/version\f[R] endpoint
The \f[V]/version\f[R] endpoint accepts a GET request and returns the
pandoc version as a plain or JSON-encoded string, depending on Accept
.SS \f[V]/babelmark\f[R] endpoint
The \f[V]/babelmark\f[R] endpoint accepts a GET request with the
following query parameters:
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[V]text\f[R] (required string)
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[V]from\f[R] (optional string, default is
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[V]to\f[R] (optional string, default is \f[V]\[dq]html\[dq]\f[R])
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[V]standalone\f[R] (optional boolean, default is \f[V]false\f[R])
It returns a JSON object with fields \f[V]html\f[R] and
This endpoint is designed to support the
Babelmarkhttps://babelmark.github.io website.
Copyright 2022 John MacFarlane (jgm\[at]berkeley.edu).
Released under the GPL, version 2 or greater.
This software carries no warranty of any kind.
(See COPYRIGHT for full copyright and warranty notices.)