2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
Copyright (C) 2014 Albert Krewinkel <tarleb@moltkeplatz.de>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2014 Albert Krewinkel
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel <tarleb@moltkeplatz.de>
2014-04-16 13:22:48 +02:00
Conversion of org-mode formatted plain text to 'Pandoc' document.
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org ( readOrg ) where
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
import Text.Pandoc.Builder ( Inlines, Blocks, HasMeta(..), (<>)
, trimInlines )
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Options
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Parsing as P
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding ( F, unF, askF, asksF, runF
, newline, orderedListMarker
2014-04-17 18:09:27 +02:00
, parseFromString
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
, updateLastStrPos )
2014-04-19 15:05:03 +02:00
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (compactify', compactify'DL)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
import Control.Applicative ( Applicative, pure
, (<$>), (<$), (<*>), (<*), (*>), (<**>) )
2014-05-05 14:39:25 +02:00
import Control.Arrow (first)
2014-04-30 11:16:01 +02:00
import Control.Monad (foldM, guard, liftM, liftM2, mzero, when)
2014-04-06 18:43:49 +02:00
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, runReader, ask, asks)
2014-04-24 17:42:01 +02:00
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, toLower)
2014-04-04 17:20:36 +02:00
import Data.Default
2014-04-17 18:09:27 +02:00
import Data.List (intersperse, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf)
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe, isJust)
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mconcat, mempty, mappend)
2014-04-30 11:16:01 +02:00
import Network.HTTP (urlEncode)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
-- | Parse org-mode string and return a Pandoc document.
readOrg :: ReaderOptions -- ^ Reader options
-> String -- ^ String to parse (assuming @'\n'@ line endings)
-> Pandoc
2014-04-10 17:25:05 +02:00
readOrg opts s = readWith parseOrg def{ orgStateOptions = opts } (s ++ "\n\n")
2014-04-04 17:20:36 +02:00
type OrgParser = Parser [Char] OrgParserState
2014-04-06 18:43:49 +02:00
parseOrg :: OrgParser Pandoc
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
parseOrg = do
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
blocks' <- parseBlocks
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
st <- getState
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
let meta = runF (orgStateMeta' st) st
return $ Pandoc meta $ filter (/= Null) (B.toList $ runF blocks' st)
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
-- Parser State for Org
2014-04-06 18:43:49 +02:00
type OrgNoteRecord = (String, F Blocks)
type OrgNoteTable = [OrgNoteRecord]
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
type OrgBlockAttributes = M.Map String String
2014-04-30 11:16:01 +02:00
type OrgLinkFormatters = M.Map String (String -> String)
2014-04-04 17:20:36 +02:00
-- | Org-mode parser state
data OrgParserState = OrgParserState
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
{ orgStateOptions :: ReaderOptions
2014-04-25 15:29:28 +02:00
, orgStateAnchorIds :: [String]
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
, orgStateBlockAttributes :: OrgBlockAttributes
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
, orgStateEmphasisCharStack :: [Char]
, orgStateEmphasisNewlines :: Maybe Int
, orgStateLastForbiddenCharPos :: Maybe SourcePos
, orgStateLastPreCharPos :: Maybe SourcePos
, orgStateLastStrPos :: Maybe SourcePos
2014-04-30 11:16:01 +02:00
, orgStateLinkFormatters :: OrgLinkFormatters
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
, orgStateMeta :: Meta
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
, orgStateMeta' :: F Meta
2014-04-06 18:43:49 +02:00
, orgStateNotes' :: OrgNoteTable
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
2014-04-04 17:20:36 +02:00
instance HasReaderOptions OrgParserState where
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
extractReaderOptions = orgStateOptions
2014-04-04 17:20:36 +02:00
instance HasMeta OrgParserState where
setMeta field val st =
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
st{ orgStateMeta = setMeta field val $ orgStateMeta st }
2014-04-04 17:20:36 +02:00
deleteMeta field st =
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
st{ orgStateMeta = deleteMeta field $ orgStateMeta st }
2014-04-04 17:20:36 +02:00
instance Default OrgParserState where
def = defaultOrgParserState
defaultOrgParserState :: OrgParserState
defaultOrgParserState = OrgParserState
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
{ orgStateOptions = def
2014-04-25 15:29:28 +02:00
, orgStateAnchorIds = []
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
, orgStateBlockAttributes = M.empty
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
, orgStateEmphasisCharStack = []
, orgStateEmphasisNewlines = Nothing
, orgStateLastForbiddenCharPos = Nothing
, orgStateLastPreCharPos = Nothing
, orgStateLastStrPos = Nothing
2014-04-30 11:16:01 +02:00
, orgStateLinkFormatters = M.empty
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
, orgStateMeta = nullMeta
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
, orgStateMeta' = return nullMeta
2014-04-06 18:43:49 +02:00
, orgStateNotes' = []
2014-04-04 17:20:36 +02:00
2014-04-25 15:29:28 +02:00
recordAnchorId :: String -> OrgParser ()
recordAnchorId i = updateState $ \s ->
s{ orgStateAnchorIds = i : (orgStateAnchorIds s) }
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
addBlockAttribute :: String -> String -> OrgParser ()
addBlockAttribute key val = updateState $ \s ->
let attrs = orgStateBlockAttributes s
in s{ orgStateBlockAttributes = M.insert key val attrs }
lookupBlockAttribute :: String -> OrgParser (Maybe String)
lookupBlockAttribute key =
M.lookup key . orgStateBlockAttributes <$> getState
resetBlockAttributes :: OrgParser ()
resetBlockAttributes = updateState $ \s ->
s{ orgStateBlockAttributes = orgStateBlockAttributes def }
2014-04-04 17:20:36 +02:00
updateLastStrPos :: OrgParser ()
updateLastStrPos = getPosition >>= \p ->
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
updateState $ \s -> s{ orgStateLastStrPos = Just p }
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
updateLastForbiddenCharPos :: OrgParser ()
updateLastForbiddenCharPos = getPosition >>= \p ->
updateState $ \s -> s{ orgStateLastForbiddenCharPos = Just p}
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
updateLastPreCharPos :: OrgParser ()
updateLastPreCharPos = getPosition >>= \p ->
updateState $ \s -> s{ orgStateLastPreCharPos = Just p}
pushToInlineCharStack :: Char -> OrgParser ()
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
pushToInlineCharStack c = updateState $ \s ->
s{ orgStateEmphasisCharStack = c:orgStateEmphasisCharStack s }
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
popInlineCharStack :: OrgParser ()
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
popInlineCharStack = updateState $ \s ->
s{ orgStateEmphasisCharStack = drop 1 . orgStateEmphasisCharStack $ s }
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
surroundingEmphasisChar :: OrgParser [Char]
surroundingEmphasisChar = take 1 . drop 1 . orgStateEmphasisCharStack <$> getState
startEmphasisNewlinesCounting :: Int -> OrgParser ()
startEmphasisNewlinesCounting maxNewlines = updateState $ \s ->
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
s{ orgStateEmphasisNewlines = Just maxNewlines }
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
decEmphasisNewlinesCount :: OrgParser ()
decEmphasisNewlinesCount = updateState $ \s ->
s{ orgStateEmphasisNewlines = (\n -> n - 1) <$> orgStateEmphasisNewlines s }
newlinesCountWithinLimits :: OrgParser Bool
newlinesCountWithinLimits = do
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
st <- getState
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
return $ ((< 0) <$> orgStateEmphasisNewlines st) /= Just True
resetEmphasisNewlines :: OrgParser ()
resetEmphasisNewlines = updateState $ \s ->
s{ orgStateEmphasisNewlines = Nothing }
2014-04-30 11:16:01 +02:00
addLinkFormat :: String
-> (String -> String)
-> OrgParser ()
addLinkFormat key formatter = updateState $ \s ->
let fs = orgStateLinkFormatters s
in s{ orgStateLinkFormatters = M.insert key formatter fs }
2014-04-06 18:43:49 +02:00
addToNotesTable :: OrgNoteRecord -> OrgParser ()
addToNotesTable note = do
oldnotes <- orgStateNotes' <$> getState
updateState $ \s -> s{ orgStateNotes' = note:oldnotes }
2014-04-17 18:09:27 +02:00
-- The version Text.Pandoc.Parsing cannot be used, as we need additional parts
-- of the state saved and restored.
parseFromString :: OrgParser a -> String -> OrgParser a
parseFromString parser str' = do
oldLastPreCharPos <- orgStateLastPreCharPos <$> getState
updateState $ \s -> s{ orgStateLastPreCharPos = Nothing }
result <- P.parseFromString parser str'
updateState $ \s -> s{ orgStateLastPreCharPos = oldLastPreCharPos }
return result
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
-- Adaptions and specializations of parsing utilities
newtype F a = F { unF :: Reader OrgParserState a
} deriving (Monad, Applicative, Functor)
runF :: F a -> OrgParserState -> a
runF = runReader . unF
2014-04-06 18:43:49 +02:00
askF :: F OrgParserState
askF = F ask
asksF :: (OrgParserState -> a) -> F a
asksF f = F $ asks f
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
instance Monoid a => Monoid (F a) where
mempty = return mempty
mappend = liftM2 mappend
mconcat = fmap mconcat . sequence
trimInlinesF :: F Inlines -> F Inlines
trimInlinesF = liftM trimInlines
2014-04-24 17:42:01 +02:00
returnF :: a -> OrgParser (F a)
returnF = return . return
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
-- | Like @Text.Parsec.Char.newline@, but causes additional state changes.
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
newline :: OrgParser Char
newline =
<* updateLastPreCharPos
<* updateLastForbiddenCharPos
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
-- parsing blocks
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
parseBlocks :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
parseBlocks = mconcat <$> manyTill block eof
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
block :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
block = choice [ mempty <$ blanklines
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
, optionalAttributes $ choice
[ orgBlock
, figure
, table
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
, example
, drawer
, specialLine
, header
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
, return <$> hline
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
, list
2014-04-18 10:15:58 +02:00
, latexFragment
2014-04-06 18:43:49 +02:00
, noteBlock
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
, paraOrPlain
] <?> "block"
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
optionalAttributes :: OrgParser (F Blocks) -> OrgParser (F Blocks)
optionalAttributes parser = try $
resetBlockAttributes *> parseBlockAttributes *> parser
parseBlockAttributes :: OrgParser ()
parseBlockAttributes = do
attrs <- many attribute
() <$ mapM (uncurry parseAndAddAttribute) attrs
attribute :: OrgParser (String, String)
attribute = try $ do
key <- metaLineStart *> many1Till (noneOf "\n\r") (char ':')
val <- skipSpaces *> anyLine
return (map toLower key, val)
parseAndAddAttribute :: String -> String -> OrgParser ()
parseAndAddAttribute key value = do
let key' = map toLower key
() <$ addBlockAttribute key' value
lookupInlinesAttr :: String -> OrgParser (Maybe (F Inlines))
lookupInlinesAttr attr = try $ do
val <- lookupBlockAttribute attr
maybe (return Nothing)
(fmap Just . parseFromString parseInlines)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
-- Org Blocks (#+BEGIN_... / #+END_...)
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
orgBlock :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
orgBlock = try $ do
(indent, blockType, args) <- blockHeader
2014-04-17 18:09:27 +02:00
content <- rawBlockContent indent blockType
contentBlocks <- parseFromString parseBlocks (content ++ "\n")
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
let classArgs = [ translateLang . fromMaybe [] $ listToMaybe args ]
case blockType of
"comment" -> return mempty
2014-04-17 18:09:27 +02:00
"html" -> returnF $ B.rawBlock "html" content
"latex" -> returnF $ B.rawBlock "latex" content
"ascii" -> returnF $ B.rawBlock "ascii" content
"example" -> returnF $ exampleCode content
"quote" -> return $ B.blockQuote <$> contentBlocks
"verse" -> parseVerse content
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
"src" -> codeBlockWithAttr classArgs content
2014-04-17 18:09:27 +02:00
_ -> return $ B.divWith ("", [blockType], []) <$> contentBlocks
parseVerse :: String -> OrgParser (F Blocks)
parseVerse cs =
fmap B.para . mconcat . intersperse (pure B.linebreak)
<$> mapM (parseFromString parseInlines) (lines cs)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
blockHeader :: OrgParser (Int, String, [String])
blockHeader = (,,) <$> blockIndent
<*> blockType
<*> (skipSpaces *> blockArgs)
where blockIndent = length <$> many spaceChar
blockType = map toLower <$> (stringAnyCase "#+begin_" *> many letter)
blockArgs = manyTill (many nonspaceChar <* skipSpaces) newline
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
codeBlockWithAttr :: [String] -> String -> OrgParser (F Blocks)
codeBlockWithAttr classArgs content = do
identifier <- fromMaybe "" <$> lookupBlockAttribute "name"
caption <- lookupInlinesAttr "caption"
let codeBlck = B.codeBlockWith (identifier, classArgs, []) content
return $ maybe (pure codeBlck) (labelDiv codeBlck) caption
labelDiv blk value =
B.divWith nullAttr <$> (mappend <$> labelledBlock value
<*> pure blk)
labelledBlock = fmap (B.plain . B.spanWith ("", ["label"], []))
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
rawBlockContent :: Int -> String -> OrgParser String
rawBlockContent indent blockType =
unlines . map commaEscaped <$> manyTill indentedLine blockEnder
indentedLine = try $ choice [ blankline *> pure "\n"
, indentWith indent *> anyLine
blockEnder = try $ indentWith indent *> stringAnyCase ("#+end_" <> blockType)
-- indent by specified number of spaces (or equiv. tabs)
indentWith :: Int -> OrgParser String
indentWith num = do
tabStop <- getOption readerTabStop
2014-04-10 17:25:05 +02:00
if num < tabStop
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
then count num (char ' ')
else choice [ try (count num (char ' '))
, try (char '\t' >> count (num - tabStop) (char ' ')) ]
translateLang :: String -> String
2014-04-05 09:09:44 +02:00
translateLang "C" = "c"
translateLang "C++" = "cpp"
translateLang "emacs-lisp" = "commonlisp" -- emacs lisp is not supported
translateLang "js" = "javascript"
translateLang "lisp" = "commonlisp"
translateLang "R" = "r"
translateLang "sh" = "bash"
translateLang "sqlite" = "sql"
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
translateLang cs = cs
commaEscaped :: String -> String
commaEscaped (',':cs@('*':_)) = cs
commaEscaped (',':cs@('#':'+':_)) = cs
commaEscaped cs = cs
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
example :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
example = try $ do
2014-04-17 18:09:27 +02:00
return . return . exampleCode =<< unlines <$> many1 exampleLine
exampleCode :: String -> Blocks
exampleCode = B.codeBlockWith ("", ["example"], [])
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
exampleLine :: OrgParser String
exampleLine = try $ string ": " *> anyLine
-- Drawers for properties or a logbook
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
drawer :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
drawer = try $ do
manyTill drawerLine (try drawerEnd)
return mempty
drawerStart :: OrgParser String
drawerStart = try $
skipSpaces *> drawerName <* skipSpaces <* newline
where drawerName = try $ char ':' *> validDrawerName <* char ':'
validDrawerName = stringAnyCase "PROPERTIES"
<|> stringAnyCase "LOGBOOK"
drawerLine :: OrgParser String
2014-04-10 17:25:05 +02:00
drawerLine = try anyLine
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
drawerEnd :: OrgParser String
drawerEnd = try $
skipSpaces *> stringAnyCase ":END:" <* skipSpaces <* newline
2014-04-12 00:17:46 +02:00
-- Figures
-- Figures (Image on a line by itself, preceded by name and/or caption)
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
figure :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
2014-04-12 00:17:46 +02:00
figure = try $ do
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
(cap, nam) <- nameAndCaption
2014-04-12 00:17:46 +02:00
src <- skipSpaces *> selfTarget <* skipSpaces <* newline
guard (isImageFilename src)
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
return $ do
cap' <- cap
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
return $ B.para $ B.image src nam cap'
2014-04-12 00:17:46 +02:00
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
nameAndCaption =
maybeCap <- lookupInlinesAttr "caption"
maybeNam <- lookupBlockAttribute "name"
guard $ isJust maybeCap || isJust maybeNam
return ( fromMaybe mempty maybeCap
, maybe mempty withFigPrefix maybeNam )
withFigPrefix cs =
if "fig:" `isPrefixOf` cs
then cs
else "fig:" ++ cs
2014-04-12 00:17:46 +02:00
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
-- Comments, Options and Metadata
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
specialLine :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
specialLine = fmap return . try $ metaLine <|> commentLine
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
metaLine :: OrgParser Blocks
2014-04-30 11:16:01 +02:00
metaLine = try $ mempty
<$ (metaLineStart *> (optionLine <|> declarationLine))
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
commentLine :: OrgParser Blocks
commentLine = try $ commentLineStart *> anyLine *> pure mempty
-- The order, in which blocks are tried, makes sure that we're not looking at
-- the beginning of a block, so we don't need to check for it
metaLineStart :: OrgParser String
metaLineStart = try $ mappend <$> many spaceChar <*> string "#+"
commentLineStart :: OrgParser String
commentLineStart = try $ mappend <$> many spaceChar <*> string "# "
2014-04-30 11:16:01 +02:00
declarationLine :: OrgParser ()
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
declarationLine = try $ do
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
key <- metaKey
inlinesF <- metaInlines
updateState $ \st ->
let meta' = B.setMeta <$> pure key <*> inlinesF <*> pure nullMeta
in st { orgStateMeta' = orgStateMeta' st <> meta' }
2014-04-30 11:16:01 +02:00
return ()
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
metaInlines :: OrgParser (F MetaValue)
metaInlines = fmap (MetaInlines . B.toList) <$> inlinesTillNewline
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-10 17:25:05 +02:00
metaKey :: OrgParser String
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
metaKey = map toLower <$> many1 (noneOf ": \n\r")
<* char ':'
<* skipSpaces
2014-04-30 11:16:01 +02:00
optionLine :: OrgParser ()
optionLine = try $ do
key <- metaKey
case key of
"link" -> parseLinkFormat >>= uncurry addLinkFormat
_ -> mzero
parseLinkFormat :: OrgParser ((String, String -> String))
parseLinkFormat = try $ do
linkType <- (:) <$> letter <*> many (alphaNum <|> oneOf "-_") <* skipSpaces
linkSubst <- parseFormat
return (linkType, linkSubst)
-- | An ad-hoc, single-argument-only implementation of a printf-style format
-- parser.
parseFormat :: OrgParser (String -> String)
parseFormat = try $ do
replacePlain <|> replaceUrl <|> justAppend
-- inefficient, but who cares
replacePlain = try $ (\x -> concat . flip intersperse x)
<$> sequence [tillSpecifier 's', rest]
replaceUrl = try $ (\x -> concat . flip intersperse x . urlEncode)
<$> sequence [tillSpecifier 'h', rest]
justAppend = try $ (++) <$> rest
rest = manyTill anyChar (eof <|> () <$ oneOf "\n\r")
tillSpecifier c = manyTill (noneOf "\n\r") (try $ string ('%':c:""))
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
-- Headers
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
-- | Headers
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
header :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
header = try $ do
level <- headerStart
title <- inlinesTillNewline
return $ B.header level <$> title
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
headerStart :: OrgParser Int
headerStart = try $
(length <$> many1 (char '*')) <* many1 (char ' ')
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
-- Don't use (or need) the reader wrapper here, we want hline to be
-- @show@able. Otherwise we can't use it with @notFollowedBy'@.
-- | Horizontal Line (five -- dashes or more)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
hline :: OrgParser Blocks
hline = try $ do
string "-----"
many (char '-')
return B.horizontalRule
-- Tables
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
data OrgTableRow = OrgContentRow (F [Blocks])
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
| OrgAlignRow [Alignment]
| OrgHlineRow
2014-04-04 14:17:43 +02:00
data OrgTable = OrgTable
{ orgTableColumns :: Int
, orgTableAlignments :: [Alignment]
, orgTableHeader :: [Blocks]
, orgTableRows :: [[Blocks]]
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
table :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
table = try $ do
lookAhead tableStart
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
rows <- tableRows
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
cptn <- fromMaybe (pure "") <$> lookupInlinesAttr "caption"
return $ (<$> cptn) . orgToPandocTable . normalizeTable =<< rowsToTable rows
2014-04-06 19:09:33 +02:00
orgToPandocTable :: OrgTable
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
-> Inlines
2014-04-06 19:09:33 +02:00
-> Blocks
2014-04-18 20:47:50 +02:00
orgToPandocTable (OrgTable _ aligns heads lns) caption =
B.table caption (zip aligns $ repeat 0) heads lns
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
tableStart :: OrgParser Char
tableStart = try $ skipSpaces *> char '|'
tableRows :: OrgParser [OrgTableRow]
tableRows = try $ many (tableAlignRow <|> tableHline <|> tableContentRow)
tableContentRow :: OrgParser OrgTableRow
tableContentRow = try $
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
OrgContentRow . sequence <$> (tableStart *> manyTill tableContentCell newline)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
tableContentCell :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
tableContentCell = try $
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
fmap B.plain . trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many1Till inline endOfCell
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
endOfCell :: OrgParser Char
endOfCell = try $ char '|' <|> lookAhead newline
tableAlignRow :: OrgParser OrgTableRow
tableAlignRow = try $
OrgAlignRow <$> (tableStart *> manyTill tableAlignCell newline)
tableAlignCell :: OrgParser Alignment
tableAlignCell =
2014-04-10 17:25:05 +02:00
choice [ try $ emptyCell *> return AlignDefault
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
, try $ skipSpaces
*> char '<'
*> tableAlignFromChar
<* many digit
<* char '>'
<* emptyCell
] <?> "alignment info"
where emptyCell = try $ skipSpaces *> endOfCell
tableAlignFromChar :: OrgParser Alignment
tableAlignFromChar = try $ choice [ char 'l' *> return AlignLeft
, char 'c' *> return AlignCenter
, char 'r' *> return AlignRight
tableHline :: OrgParser OrgTableRow
tableHline = try $
OrgHlineRow <$ (tableStart *> char '-' *> anyLine)
2014-04-04 14:17:43 +02:00
rowsToTable :: [OrgTableRow]
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
-> F OrgTable
rowsToTable = foldM (flip rowToContent) zeroTable
2014-04-04 14:17:43 +02:00
where zeroTable = OrgTable 0 mempty mempty mempty
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-04 14:17:43 +02:00
normalizeTable :: OrgTable
-> OrgTable
normalizeTable (OrgTable cols aligns heads lns) =
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
let aligns' = fillColumns aligns AlignDefault
heads' = if heads == mempty
2014-04-04 14:17:43 +02:00
then mempty
2014-04-10 17:25:05 +02:00
else fillColumns heads (B.plain mempty)
lns' = map (`fillColumns` B.plain mempty) lns
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
fillColumns base padding = take cols $ base ++ repeat padding
2014-04-04 14:17:43 +02:00
in OrgTable cols aligns' heads' lns'
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
-- One or more horizontal rules after the first content line mark the previous
-- line as a header. All other horizontal lines are discarded.
rowToContent :: OrgTableRow
2014-04-04 14:17:43 +02:00
-> OrgTable
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
-> F OrgTable
rowToContent OrgHlineRow t = maybeBodyToHeader t
rowToContent (OrgAlignRow as) t = setLongestRow as =<< setAligns as t
rowToContent (OrgContentRow rf) t = do
rs <- rf
setLongestRow rs =<< appendToBody rs t
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
setLongestRow :: [a]
2014-04-04 14:17:43 +02:00
-> OrgTable
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
-> F OrgTable
setLongestRow rs t =
return t{ orgTableColumns = max (length rs) (orgTableColumns t) }
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-04 14:17:43 +02:00
maybeBodyToHeader :: OrgTable
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
-> F OrgTable
2014-04-04 14:17:43 +02:00
maybeBodyToHeader t = case t of
OrgTable{ orgTableHeader = [], orgTableRows = b:[] } ->
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
return t{ orgTableHeader = b , orgTableRows = [] }
_ -> return t
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
appendToBody :: [Blocks]
2014-04-04 14:17:43 +02:00
-> OrgTable
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
-> F OrgTable
appendToBody r t = return t{ orgTableRows = orgTableRows t ++ [r] }
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
setAligns :: [Alignment]
2014-04-04 14:17:43 +02:00
-> OrgTable
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
-> F OrgTable
setAligns aligns t = return $ t{ orgTableAlignments = aligns }
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-18 10:15:58 +02:00
-- LaTeX fragments
latexFragment :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
latexFragment = try $ do
envName <- latexEnvStart
content <- mconcat <$> manyTill anyLineNewline (latexEnd envName)
return . return $ B.rawBlock "latex" (content `inLatexEnv` envName)
c `inLatexEnv` e = mconcat [ "\\begin{", e, "}\n"
, c
, "\\end{", e, "}\n"
latexEnvStart :: OrgParser String
latexEnvStart = try $ do
skipSpaces *> string "\\begin{"
*> latexEnvName
<* string "}"
<* blankline
latexEnd :: String -> OrgParser ()
latexEnd envName = try $
() <$ skipSpaces
<* string ("\\end{" ++ envName ++ "}")
<* blankline
-- | Parses a LaTeX environment name.
latexEnvName :: OrgParser String
latexEnvName = try $ do
mappend <$> many1 alphaNum
<*> option "" (string "*")
2014-04-06 18:43:49 +02:00
-- Footnote defintions
noteBlock :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
noteBlock = try $ do
2014-04-19 13:15:47 +02:00
ref <- noteMarker <* skipSpaces
content <- mconcat <$> blocksTillHeaderOrNote
2014-04-06 18:43:49 +02:00
addToNotesTable (ref, content)
return mempty
2014-04-19 13:15:47 +02:00
blocksTillHeaderOrNote =
many1Till block (eof <|> () <$ lookAhead noteMarker
<|> () <$ lookAhead headerStart)
2014-04-06 18:43:49 +02:00
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
-- Paragraphs or Plain text
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
paraOrPlain :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
paraOrPlain = try $
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
parseInlines <**> (fmap <$> option B.plain (try $ newline *> pure B.para))
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
inlinesTillNewline :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
inlinesTillNewline = trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> manyTill inline newline
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
-- list blocks
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
list :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
2014-04-06 14:49:57 +02:00
list = choice [ definitionList, bulletList, orderedList ] <?> "list"
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
definitionList :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
2014-04-19 15:05:03 +02:00
definitionList = fmap B.definitionList . fmap compactify'DL . sequence
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
<$> many1 (definitionListItem bulletListStart)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
bulletList :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
bulletList = fmap B.bulletList . fmap compactify' . sequence
<$> many1 (listItem bulletListStart)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
orderedList :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
orderedList = fmap B.orderedList . fmap compactify' . sequence
<$> many1 (listItem orderedListStart)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
genericListStart :: OrgParser String
-> OrgParser Int
genericListStart listMarker = try $
(+) <$> (length <$> many spaceChar)
<*> (length <$> listMarker <* many1 spaceChar)
-- parses bullet list start and returns its length (excl. following whitespace)
bulletListStart :: OrgParser Int
bulletListStart = genericListStart bulletListMarker
where bulletListMarker = pure <$> oneOf "*-+"
orderedListStart :: OrgParser Int
orderedListStart = genericListStart orderedListMarker
-- Ordered list markers allowed in org-mode
where orderedListMarker = mappend <$> many1 digit <*> (pure <$> oneOf ".)")
2014-04-06 14:49:57 +02:00
definitionListItem :: OrgParser Int
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
-> OrgParser (F (Inlines, [Blocks]))
2014-04-06 14:49:57 +02:00
definitionListItem parseMarkerGetLength = try $ do
markerLength <- parseMarkerGetLength
term <- manyTill (noneOf "\n\r") (try $ string "::")
2014-05-05 14:39:25 +02:00
line1 <- anyLineNewline
2014-04-18 08:33:25 +02:00
blank <- option "" ("\n" <$ blankline)
2014-04-06 14:49:57 +02:00
cont <- concat <$> many (listContinuation markerLength)
term' <- parseFromString inline term
2014-05-05 14:39:25 +02:00
contents' <- parseFromString parseBlocks $ line1 ++ blank ++ cont
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
return $ (,) <$> term' <*> fmap (:[]) contents'
2014-04-06 14:49:57 +02:00
2014-04-06 19:09:33 +02:00
-- parse raw text for one list item, excluding start marker and continuations
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
listItem :: OrgParser Int
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
-> OrgParser (F Blocks)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
listItem start = try $ do
2014-04-06 19:09:33 +02:00
markerLength <- try start
firstLine <- anyLineNewline
2014-04-18 08:33:25 +02:00
blank <- option "" ("\n" <$ blankline)
2014-04-06 19:09:33 +02:00
rest <- concat <$> many (listContinuation markerLength)
2014-04-18 08:33:25 +02:00
parseFromString parseBlocks $ firstLine ++ blank ++ rest
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
-- continuation of a list item - indented and separated by blankline or endline.
-- Note: nested lists are parsed as continuations.
listContinuation :: Int
-> OrgParser String
listContinuation markerLength = try $
2014-04-18 08:33:25 +02:00
notFollowedBy' blankline
*> (mappend <$> (concat <$> many1 listLine)
<*> many blankline)
2014-04-06 19:09:33 +02:00
where listLine = try $ indentWith markerLength *> anyLineNewline
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-06 19:09:33 +02:00
anyLineNewline :: OrgParser String
anyLineNewline = (++ "\n") <$> anyLine
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
-- inline
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
inline :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
inline =
choice [ whitespace
2014-04-12 11:07:38 +02:00
, linebreak
2014-04-06 18:43:49 +02:00
, footnote
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
, linkOrImage
2014-04-24 17:42:01 +02:00
, anchor
2014-05-05 14:39:25 +02:00
, inlineCodeBlock
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
, str
, endline
, emph
, strong
, strikeout
, underline
, code
, math
2014-04-10 15:11:03 +02:00
, displayMath
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
, verbatim
, subscript
, superscript
, symbol
] <* (guard =<< newlinesCountWithinLimits)
<?> "inline"
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
parseInlines :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
parseInlines = trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many1 inline
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
-- treat these as potentially non-text when parsing inline:
specialChars :: [Char]
specialChars = "\"$'()*+-./:<=>[\\]^_{|}~"
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
whitespace :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
whitespace = pure B.space <$ skipMany1 spaceChar
<* updateLastPreCharPos
<* updateLastForbiddenCharPos
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
<?> "whitespace"
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
linebreak :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
linebreak = try $ pure B.linebreak <$ string "\\\\" <* skipSpaces <* newline
2014-04-12 11:07:38 +02:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
str :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
str = return . B.str <$> many1 (noneOf $ specialChars ++ "\n\r ")
<* updateLastStrPos
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-18 10:15:58 +02:00
-- | An endline character that can be treated as a space, not a structural
-- break. This should reflect the values of the Emacs variable
-- @org-element-pagaraph-separate@.
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
endline :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
endline = try $ do
notFollowedBy blankline
notFollowedBy' exampleLine
notFollowedBy' hline
2014-04-06 18:43:49 +02:00
notFollowedBy' noteMarker
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
notFollowedBy' tableStart
notFollowedBy' drawerStart
notFollowedBy' headerStart
notFollowedBy' metaLineStart
2014-04-18 10:15:58 +02:00
notFollowedBy' latexEnvStart
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
notFollowedBy' commentLineStart
notFollowedBy' bulletListStart
notFollowedBy' orderedListStart
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
guard =<< newlinesCountWithinLimits
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
return . return $ B.space
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-06 18:43:49 +02:00
footnote :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
footnote = try $ inlineNote <|> referencedNote
inlineNote :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
inlineNote = try $ do
string "[fn:"
ref <- many alphaNum
char ':'
note <- fmap B.para . trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many1Till inline (char ']')
when (not $ null ref) $
addToNotesTable ("fn:" ++ ref, note)
return $ B.note <$> note
referencedNote :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
referencedNote = try $ do
ref <- noteMarker
return $ do
notes <- asksF orgStateNotes'
case lookup ref notes of
Nothing -> return $ B.str $ "[" ++ ref ++ "]"
Just contents -> do
st <- askF
let contents' = runF contents st{ orgStateNotes' = [] }
return $ B.note contents'
noteMarker :: OrgParser String
noteMarker = try $ do
char '['
choice [ many1Till digit (char ']')
, (++) <$> string "fn:"
<*> many1Till (noneOf "\n\r\t ") (char ']')
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
linkOrImage :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
2014-04-24 17:42:01 +02:00
linkOrImage = explicitOrImageLink
<|> selflinkOrImage
<|> angleLink
<|> plainLink
<?> "link or image"
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
explicitOrImageLink :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
2014-04-05 16:10:52 +02:00
explicitOrImageLink = try $ do
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
char '['
2014-04-30 11:16:01 +02:00
srcF <- applyCustomLinkFormat =<< linkTarget
2014-04-05 16:10:52 +02:00
title <- enclosedRaw (char '[') (char ']')
2014-04-06 19:09:33 +02:00
title' <- parseFromString (mconcat <$> many inline) title
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
char ']'
2014-04-30 11:16:01 +02:00
return $ do
src <- srcF
if isImageFilename src && isImageFilename title
then pure $ B.link src "" $ B.image title mempty mempty
else linkToInlinesF src =<< title'
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
selflinkOrImage :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
2014-04-05 16:10:52 +02:00
selflinkOrImage = try $ do
2014-04-10 17:25:05 +02:00
src <- char '[' *> linkTarget <* char ']'
2014-04-25 15:29:28 +02:00
return $ linkToInlinesF src (B.str src)
2014-04-24 17:42:01 +02:00
plainLink :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
plainLink = try $ do
(orig, src) <- uri
returnF $ B.link src "" (B.str orig)
angleLink :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
angleLink = try $ do
char '<'
link <- plainLink
char '>'
return link
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-12 00:17:46 +02:00
selfTarget :: OrgParser String
selfTarget = try $ char '[' *> linkTarget <* char ']'
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
linkTarget :: OrgParser String
2014-04-24 17:42:01 +02:00
linkTarget = enclosed (char '[') (char ']') (noneOf "\n\r[]")
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
2014-04-30 11:16:01 +02:00
applyCustomLinkFormat :: String -> OrgParser (F String)
applyCustomLinkFormat link = do
let (linkType, rest) = break (== ':') link
return $ do
formatter <- M.lookup linkType <$> asksF orgStateLinkFormatters
return $ maybe link ($ drop 1 rest) formatter
2014-04-25 15:29:28 +02:00
linkToInlinesF :: String -> Inlines -> F Inlines
linkToInlinesF s@('#':_) = pure . B.link s ""
linkToInlinesF s
| isImageFilename s = const . pure $ B.image s "" ""
| isUri s = pure . B.link s ""
| isRelativeUrl s = pure . B.link s ""
linkToInlinesF s = \title -> do
anchorB <- (s `elem`) <$> asksF orgStateAnchorIds
if anchorB
then pure $ B.link ('#':s) "" title
else pure $ B.emph title
isRelativeUrl :: String -> Bool
isRelativeUrl s = (':' `notElem` s) && ("./" `isPrefixOf` s)
isUri :: String -> Bool
isUri s = let (scheme, path) = break (== ':') s
in all (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c `elem` ".-") scheme
&& not (null path)
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
isImageFilename :: String -> Bool
isImageFilename filename =
any (\x -> ('.':x) `isSuffixOf` filename) imageExtensions &&
2014-04-19 11:25:39 +02:00
(any (\x -> (x++":") `isPrefixOf` filename) protocols ||
':' `notElem` filename)
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
imageExtensions = [ "jpeg" , "jpg" , "png" , "gif" , "svg" ]
protocols = [ "file", "http", "https" ]
2014-04-24 17:42:01 +02:00
-- | Parse an anchor like @<<anchor-id>>@ and return an empty span with
-- @anchor-id@ set as id. Legal anchors in org-mode are defined through
-- @org-target-regexp@, which is fairly liberal. Since no link is created if
-- @anchor-id@ contains spaces, we are more restrictive in what is accepted as
-- an anchor.
anchor :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
2014-04-25 15:29:28 +02:00
anchor = try $ do
anchorId <- parseAnchor
recordAnchorId anchorId
returnF $ B.spanWith (solidify anchorId, [], []) mempty
2014-04-24 17:42:01 +02:00
2014-04-25 15:29:28 +02:00
parseAnchor = string "<<"
*> many1 (noneOf "\t\n\r<>\"' ")
<* string ">>"
<* skipSpaces
2014-04-24 17:42:01 +02:00
-- | Replace every char but [a-zA-Z0-9_.-:] with a hypen '-'. This mirrors
-- the org function @org-export-solidify-link-text@.
solidify :: String -> String
solidify = map replaceSpecialChar
where replaceSpecialChar c
| isAlphaNum c = c
| c `elem` "_.-:" = c
| otherwise = '-'
2014-05-05 14:39:25 +02:00
-- | Parses an inline code block and marks it as an babel block.
inlineCodeBlock :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
inlineCodeBlock = try $ do
string "src_"
lang <- many1 orgArgWordChar
opts <- option [] $ enclosedByPair '[' ']' blockOption
inlineCode <- enclosedByPair '{' '}' (noneOf "\n\r")
let attrClasses = [translateLang lang, rundocBlockClass]
let attrKeyVal = map toRundocAttrib (("language", lang) : opts)
returnF $ B.codeWith ("", attrClasses, attrKeyVal) inlineCode
where enclosedByPair s e p = char s *> many1Till p (char e)
-- | The class-name used to mark rundoc blocks.
rundocBlockClass :: String
rundocBlockClass = "rundoc-block"
blockOption :: OrgParser (String, String)
blockOption = try $ (,) <$> orgArgKey <*> orgArgValue
orgArgKey :: OrgParser String
orgArgKey = try $
skipSpaces *> char ':'
*> many1 orgArgWordChar
<* many1 spaceChar
orgArgValue :: OrgParser String
orgArgValue = try $
skipSpaces *> many1 orgArgWordChar
<* skipSpaces
orgArgWordChar :: OrgParser Char
orgArgWordChar = alphaNum <|> oneOf "-_"
toRundocAttrib :: (String, String) -> (String, String)
toRundocAttrib = first ("rundoc-" ++)
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
emph :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
emph = fmap B.emph <$> emphasisBetween '/'
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
strong :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
strong = fmap B.strong <$> emphasisBetween '*'
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
strikeout :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
strikeout = fmap B.strikeout <$> emphasisBetween '+'
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
-- There is no underline, so we use strong instead.
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
underline :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
underline = fmap B.strong <$> emphasisBetween '_'
2014-04-07 11:00:30 +02:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
code :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
code = return . B.code <$> verbatimBetween '='
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
verbatim :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
verbatim = return . B.rawInline "" <$> verbatimBetween '~'
2014-04-10 15:11:03 +02:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
subscript :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
subscript = fmap B.subscript <$> try (char '_' *> subOrSuperExpr)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
superscript :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
superscript = fmap B.superscript <$> try (char '^' *> subOrSuperExpr)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
math :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
math = return . B.math <$> choice [ math1CharBetween '$'
, mathStringBetween '$'
, rawMathBetween "\\(" "\\)"
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
displayMath :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
displayMath = return . B.displayMath <$> choice [ rawMathBetween "\\[" "\\]"
, rawMathBetween "$$" "$$"
symbol :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
symbol = return . B.str . (: "") <$> (oneOf specialChars >>= updatePositions)
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
where updatePositions c
| c `elem` emphasisPreChars = c <$ updateLastPreCharPos
| c `elem` emphasisForbiddenBorderChars = c <$ updateLastForbiddenCharPos
| otherwise = return c
emphasisBetween :: Char
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
-> OrgParser (F Inlines)
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
emphasisBetween c = try $ do
startEmphasisNewlinesCounting emphasisAllowedNewlines
res <- enclosedInlines (emphasisStart c) (emphasisEnd c)
isTopLevelEmphasis <- null . orgStateEmphasisCharStack <$> getState
when isTopLevelEmphasis
return res
verbatimBetween :: Char
-> OrgParser String
verbatimBetween c = try $
emphasisStart c *>
many1TillNOrLessNewlines 1 (noneOf "\n\r") (emphasisEnd c)
-- | Parses a raw string delimited by @c@ using Org's math rules
mathStringBetween :: Char
-> OrgParser String
mathStringBetween c = try $ do
mathStart c
body <- many1TillNOrLessNewlines mathAllowedNewlines
(noneOf (c:"\n\r"))
(lookAhead $ mathEnd c)
final <- mathEnd c
return $ body ++ [final]
2014-04-10 15:11:03 +02:00
-- | Parse a single character between @c@ using math rules
math1CharBetween :: Char
-> OrgParser String
math1CharBetween c = try $ do
char c
res <- noneOf $ c:mathForbiddenBorderChars
char c
2014-04-16 13:22:48 +02:00
eof <|> () <$ lookAhead (oneOf mathPostChars)
2014-04-10 15:11:03 +02:00
return [res]
rawMathBetween :: String
-> String
-> OrgParser String
rawMathBetween s e = try $ string s *> manyTill anyChar (try $ string e)
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
-- | Parses the start (opening character) of emphasis
emphasisStart :: Char -> OrgParser Char
emphasisStart c = try $ do
guard =<< afterEmphasisPreChar
guard =<< notAfterString
char c
lookAhead (noneOf emphasisForbiddenBorderChars)
pushToInlineCharStack c
return c
-- | Parses the closing character of emphasis
emphasisEnd :: Char -> OrgParser Char
emphasisEnd c = try $ do
guard =<< notAfterForbiddenBorderChar
char c
2014-04-16 13:22:48 +02:00
eof <|> () <$ lookAhead acceptablePostChars
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
return c
2014-04-16 13:22:48 +02:00
where acceptablePostChars =
surroundingEmphasisChar >>= \x -> oneOf (x ++ emphasisPostChars)
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
mathStart :: Char -> OrgParser Char
2014-04-10 17:25:05 +02:00
mathStart c = try $
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
char c <* notFollowedBy' (oneOf (c:mathForbiddenBorderChars))
mathEnd :: Char -> OrgParser Char
mathEnd c = try $ do
res <- noneOf (c:mathForbiddenBorderChars)
char c
2014-04-16 13:22:48 +02:00
eof <|> () <$ lookAhead (oneOf mathPostChars)
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
return res
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
enclosedInlines :: OrgParser a
-> OrgParser b
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
-> OrgParser (F Inlines)
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
enclosedInlines start end = try $
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> enclosed start end inline
2014-03-04 00:33:25 +01:00
enclosedRaw :: OrgParser a
-> OrgParser b
-> OrgParser String
enclosedRaw start end = try $
start *> (onSingleLine <|> spanningTwoLines)
where onSingleLine = try $ many1Till (noneOf "\n\r") end
spanningTwoLines = try $
anyLine >>= \f -> mappend (f <> " ") <$> onSingleLine
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
-- | Like many1Till, but parses at most @n+1@ lines. @p@ must not consume
-- newlines.
many1TillNOrLessNewlines :: Int
-> OrgParser Char
-> OrgParser a
-> OrgParser String
many1TillNOrLessNewlines n p end = try $
nMoreLines (Just n) mempty >>= oneOrMore
nMoreLines Nothing cs = return cs
nMoreLines (Just 0) cs = try $ (cs ++) <$> finalLine
nMoreLines k cs = try $ (final k cs <|> rest k cs)
>>= uncurry nMoreLines
2014-04-10 17:25:05 +02:00
final _ cs = (\x -> (Nothing, cs ++ x)) <$> try finalLine
rest m cs = (\x -> (minus1 <$> m, cs ++ x ++ "\n")) <$> try (manyTill p P.newline)
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
finalLine = try $ manyTill p end
minus1 k = k - 1
oneOrMore cs = guard (not $ null cs) *> return cs
-- Org allows customization of the way it reads emphasis. We use the defaults
-- here (see, e.g., the Emacs Lisp variable `org-emphasis-regexp-components`
-- for details).
-- | Chars allowed to occur before emphasis (spaces and newlines are ok, too)
emphasisPreChars :: [Char]
emphasisPreChars = "\t \"'({"
-- | Chars allowed at after emphasis
emphasisPostChars :: [Char]
emphasisPostChars = "\t\n !\"'),-.:;?\\}"
-- | Chars not allowed at the (inner) border of emphasis
emphasisForbiddenBorderChars :: [Char]
emphasisForbiddenBorderChars = "\t\n\r \"',"
-- | The maximum number of newlines within
emphasisAllowedNewlines :: Int
emphasisAllowedNewlines = 1
-- LaTeX-style math: see `org-latex-regexps` for details
-- | Chars allowed after an inline ($...$) math statement
mathPostChars :: [Char]
2014-04-10 15:11:03 +02:00
mathPostChars = "\t\n \"'),-.:;?"
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
-- | Chars not allowed at the (inner) border of math
mathForbiddenBorderChars :: [Char]
mathForbiddenBorderChars = "\t\n\r ,;.$"
-- | Maximum number of newlines in an inline math statement
mathAllowedNewlines :: Int
mathAllowedNewlines = 2
-- | Whether we are right behind a char allowed before emphasis
afterEmphasisPreChar :: OrgParser Bool
afterEmphasisPreChar = do
2014-04-07 11:00:30 +02:00
pos <- getPosition
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
lastPrePos <- orgStateLastPreCharPos <$> getState
2014-04-10 17:25:05 +02:00
return . fromMaybe True $ (== pos) <$> lastPrePos
2014-04-07 11:00:30 +02:00
2014-04-08 22:39:25 +02:00
-- | Whether we are right after the end of a string
notAfterString :: OrgParser Bool
notAfterString = do
pos <- getPosition
lastStrPos <- orgStateLastStrPos <$> getState
return $ lastStrPos /= Just pos
-- | Whether the parser is right after a forbidden border char
notAfterForbiddenBorderChar :: OrgParser Bool
notAfterForbiddenBorderChar = do
pos <- getPosition
lastFBCPos <- orgStateLastForbiddenCharPos <$> getState
return $ lastFBCPos /= Just pos
2014-04-11 11:05:42 +02:00
-- | Read a sub- or superscript expression
2014-04-16 11:58:16 +02:00
subOrSuperExpr :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
2014-04-14 15:04:32 +02:00
subOrSuperExpr = try $
choice [ id <$> charsInBalanced '{' '}' (noneOf "\n\r")
, enclosing ('(', ')') <$> charsInBalanced '(' ')' (noneOf "\n\r")
2014-04-11 11:05:42 +02:00
, simpleSubOrSuperString
] >>= parseFromString (mconcat <$> many inline)
2014-04-14 15:04:32 +02:00
where enclosing (left, right) s = left : s ++ [right]
2014-04-11 11:05:42 +02:00
simpleSubOrSuperString :: OrgParser String
simpleSubOrSuperString = try $
choice [ string "*"
, mappend <$> option [] ((:[]) <$> oneOf "+-")
<*> many1 alphaNum