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Copyright (C) 2012-2017 John MacFarlane <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Extensions
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2012-2017 John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : John MacFarlane <>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Data structures and functions for representing markup extensions.
module Text.Pandoc.Extensions ( Extension(..)
, Extensions
, emptyExtensions
, extensionsFromList
, parseFormatSpec
, extensionEnabled
, enableExtension
, disableExtension
, getDefaultExtensions
, pandocExtensions
, plainExtensions
, strictExtensions
, phpMarkdownExtraExtensions
, githubMarkdownExtensions
, multimarkdownExtensions )
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), defaultOptions,
import Data.Bits (clearBit, setBit, testBit, (.|.))
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead)
import Text.Parsec
newtype Extensions = Extensions Integer
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance ToJSON Extensions where
toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions
instance FromJSON Extensions
instance Monoid Extensions where
mempty = Extensions 0
mappend (Extensions a) (Extensions b) = Extensions (a .|. b)
extensionsFromList :: [Extension] -> Extensions
extensionsFromList = foldr enableExtension emptyExtensions
emptyExtensions :: Extensions
emptyExtensions = Extensions 0
extensionEnabled :: Extension -> Extensions -> Bool
extensionEnabled x (Extensions exts) = testBit exts (fromEnum x)
enableExtension :: Extension -> Extensions -> Extensions
enableExtension x (Extensions exts) = Extensions (setBit exts (fromEnum x))
disableExtension :: Extension -> Extensions -> Extensions
disableExtension x (Extensions exts) = Extensions (clearBit exts (fromEnum x))
-- | Individually selectable syntax extensions.
data Extension =
Ext_footnotes -- ^ Pandoc/PHP/MMD style footnotes
| Ext_inline_notes -- ^ Pandoc-style inline notes
| Ext_pandoc_title_block -- ^ Pandoc title block
| Ext_yaml_metadata_block -- ^ YAML metadata block
| Ext_mmd_title_block -- ^ Multimarkdown metadata block
| Ext_table_captions -- ^ Pandoc-style table captions
| Ext_implicit_figures -- ^ A paragraph with just an image is a figure
| Ext_simple_tables -- ^ Pandoc-style simple tables
| Ext_multiline_tables -- ^ Pandoc-style multiline tables
| Ext_grid_tables -- ^ Grid tables (pandoc, reST)
| Ext_pipe_tables -- ^ Pipe tables (as in PHP markdown extra)
| Ext_citations -- ^ Pandoc/citeproc citations
| Ext_raw_tex -- ^ Allow raw TeX (other than math)
| Ext_raw_html -- ^ Allow raw HTML
| Ext_tex_math_dollars -- ^ TeX math between $..$ or $$..$$
| Ext_tex_math_single_backslash -- ^ TeX math btw \(..\) \[..\]
| Ext_tex_math_double_backslash -- ^ TeX math btw \\(..\\) \\[..\\]
| Ext_latex_macros -- ^ Parse LaTeX macro definitions (for math only)
| Ext_fenced_code_blocks -- ^ Parse fenced code blocks
| Ext_fenced_code_attributes -- ^ Allow attributes on fenced code blocks
| Ext_backtick_code_blocks -- ^ GitHub style ``` code blocks
| Ext_inline_code_attributes -- ^ Allow attributes on inline code
| Ext_raw_attribute -- ^ Allow explicit raw blocks/inlines
| Ext_markdown_in_html_blocks -- ^ Interpret as markdown inside HTML blocks
| Ext_native_divs -- ^ Use Div blocks for contents of <div> tags
| Ext_fenced_divs -- ^ Allow fenced div syntax :::
| Ext_native_spans -- ^ Use Span inlines for contents of <span>
| Ext_bracketed_spans -- ^ Bracketed spans with attributes
| Ext_markdown_attribute -- ^ Interpret text inside HTML as markdown
-- iff container has attribute 'markdown'
| Ext_escaped_line_breaks -- ^ Treat a backslash at EOL as linebreak
| Ext_link_attributes -- ^ link and image attributes
| Ext_mmd_link_attributes -- ^ MMD style reference link attributes
| Ext_autolink_bare_uris -- ^ Make all absolute URIs into links
| Ext_fancy_lists -- ^ Enable fancy list numbers and delimiters
| Ext_lists_without_preceding_blankline -- ^ Allow lists without preceding blank
Markdown reader: use CommonMark rules for list item nesting. Closes #3511. Previously pandoc used the four-space rule: continuation paragraphs, sublists, and other block level content had to be indented 4 spaces. Now the indentation required is determined by the first line of the list item: to be included in the list item, blocks must be indented to the level of the first non-space content after the list marker. Exception: if are 5 or more spaces after the list marker, then the content is interpreted as an indented code block, and continuation paragraphs must be indented two spaces beyond the end of the list marker. See the CommonMark spec for more details and examples. Documents that adhere to the four-space rule should, in most cases, be parsed the same way by the new rules. Here are some examples of texts that will be parsed differently: - a - b will be parsed as a list item with a sublist; under the four-space rule, it would be a list with two items. - a code Here we have an indented code block under the list item, even though it is only indented six spaces from the margin, because it is four spaces past the point where a continuation paragraph could begin. With the four-space rule, this would be a regular paragraph rather than a code block. - a code Here the code block will start with two spaces, whereas under the four-space rule, it would start with `code`. With the four-space rule, indented code under a list item always must be indented eight spaces from the margin, while the new rules require only that it be indented four spaces from the beginning of the first non-space text after the list marker (here, `a`). This change was motivated by a slew of bug reports from people who expected lists to work differently (#3125, #2367, #2575, #2210, #1990, #1137, #744, #172, #137, #128) and by the growing prevalance of CommonMark (now used by GitHub, for example). Users who want to use the old rules can select the `four_space_rule` extension. * Added `four_space_rule` extension. * Added `Ext_four_space_rule` to `Extensions`. * `Parsing` now exports `gobbleAtMostSpaces`, and the type of `gobbleSpaces` has been changed so that a `ReaderOptions` parameter is not needed.
2017-08-19 10:56:15 -07:00
| Ext_four_space_rule -- ^ Require 4-space indent for list contents
| Ext_startnum -- ^ Make start number of ordered list significant
| Ext_definition_lists -- ^ Definition lists as in pandoc, mmd, php
| Ext_compact_definition_lists -- ^ Definition lists without
-- space between items, and disallow laziness
| Ext_example_lists -- ^ Markdown-style numbered examples
| Ext_all_symbols_escapable -- ^ Make all non-alphanumerics escapable
| Ext_angle_brackets_escapable -- ^ Make < and > escapable
| Ext_intraword_underscores -- ^ Treat underscore inside word as literal
| Ext_blank_before_blockquote -- ^ Require blank line before a blockquote
| Ext_blank_before_header -- ^ Require blank line before a header
| Ext_space_in_atx_header -- ^ Require space between # and header text
| Ext_strikeout -- ^ Strikeout using ~~this~~ syntax
| Ext_superscript -- ^ Superscript using ^this^ syntax
| Ext_subscript -- ^ Subscript using ~this~ syntax
| Ext_hard_line_breaks -- ^ All newlines become hard line breaks
| Ext_ignore_line_breaks -- ^ Newlines in paragraphs are ignored
| Ext_east_asian_line_breaks -- ^ Newlines in paragraphs are ignored between
-- East Asian wide characters
| Ext_literate_haskell -- ^ Enable literate Haskell conventions
| Ext_abbreviations -- ^ PHP markdown extra abbreviation definitions
| Ext_emoji -- ^ Support emoji like :smile:
| Ext_auto_identifiers -- ^ Automatic identifiers for headers
| Ext_gfm_auto_identifiers -- ^ Automatic identifiers for headers,
-- using GitHub's method for generating identifiers
| Ext_ascii_identifiers -- ^ ascii-only identifiers for headers
| Ext_header_attributes -- ^ Explicit header attributes {#id .class k=v}
| Ext_mmd_header_identifiers -- ^ Multimarkdown style header identifiers [myid]
| Ext_implicit_header_references -- ^ Implicit reference links for headers
| Ext_line_blocks -- ^ RST style line blocks
| Ext_epub_html_exts -- ^ Recognise the EPUB extended version of HTML
| Ext_shortcut_reference_links -- ^ Shortcut reference links
| Ext_smart -- ^ "Smart" quotes, apostrophes, ellipses, dashes
| Ext_old_dashes -- ^ -- = em, - before number = en
| Ext_spaced_reference_links -- ^ Allow space between two parts of ref link
deriving (Show, Read, Enum, Eq, Ord, Bounded, Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance ToJSON Extension where
toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions
instance FromJSON Extension
-- | Extensions to be used with pandoc-flavored markdown.
pandocExtensions :: Extensions
pandocExtensions = extensionsFromList
[ Ext_footnotes
, Ext_inline_notes
, Ext_pandoc_title_block
, Ext_yaml_metadata_block
, Ext_table_captions
, Ext_implicit_figures
, Ext_simple_tables
, Ext_multiline_tables
, Ext_grid_tables
, Ext_pipe_tables
, Ext_citations
, Ext_raw_tex
, Ext_raw_html
, Ext_tex_math_dollars
, Ext_latex_macros
, Ext_fenced_code_blocks
, Ext_fenced_code_attributes
, Ext_backtick_code_blocks
, Ext_inline_code_attributes
, Ext_raw_attribute
, Ext_markdown_in_html_blocks
, Ext_native_divs
, Ext_fenced_divs
, Ext_native_spans
, Ext_bracketed_spans
, Ext_escaped_line_breaks
, Ext_fancy_lists
, Ext_startnum
, Ext_definition_lists
, Ext_example_lists
, Ext_all_symbols_escapable
, Ext_intraword_underscores
, Ext_blank_before_blockquote
, Ext_blank_before_header
, Ext_space_in_atx_header
, Ext_strikeout
, Ext_superscript
, Ext_subscript
, Ext_auto_identifiers
, Ext_header_attributes
, Ext_link_attributes
, Ext_implicit_header_references
, Ext_line_blocks
, Ext_shortcut_reference_links
, Ext_smart
-- | Extensions to be used with plain text output.
plainExtensions :: Extensions
plainExtensions = extensionsFromList
[ Ext_table_captions
, Ext_implicit_figures
, Ext_simple_tables
, Ext_multiline_tables
, Ext_grid_tables
, Ext_latex_macros
, Ext_fancy_lists
, Ext_startnum
, Ext_definition_lists
, Ext_example_lists
, Ext_intraword_underscores
, Ext_blank_before_blockquote
, Ext_blank_before_header
, Ext_strikeout
-- | Extensions to be used with github-flavored markdown.
phpMarkdownExtraExtensions :: Extensions
phpMarkdownExtraExtensions = extensionsFromList
[ Ext_footnotes
, Ext_pipe_tables
, Ext_raw_html
, Ext_markdown_attribute
, Ext_fenced_code_blocks
, Ext_definition_lists
, Ext_intraword_underscores
, Ext_header_attributes
, Ext_link_attributes
, Ext_abbreviations
, Ext_shortcut_reference_links
, Ext_spaced_reference_links
-- | Extensions to be used with github-flavored markdown.
githubMarkdownExtensions :: Extensions
githubMarkdownExtensions = extensionsFromList
[ Ext_angle_brackets_escapable
, Ext_pipe_tables
, Ext_raw_html
, Ext_fenced_code_blocks
, Ext_gfm_auto_identifiers
, Ext_ascii_identifiers
, Ext_backtick_code_blocks
, Ext_autolink_bare_uris
, Ext_space_in_atx_header
, Ext_intraword_underscores
, Ext_strikeout
, Ext_emoji
, Ext_lists_without_preceding_blankline
, Ext_shortcut_reference_links
-- | Extensions to be used with multimarkdown.
multimarkdownExtensions :: Extensions
multimarkdownExtensions = extensionsFromList
[ Ext_pipe_tables
, Ext_raw_html
, Ext_markdown_attribute
, Ext_mmd_link_attributes
-- , Ext_raw_tex
-- Note: MMD's raw TeX syntax requires raw TeX to be
-- enclosed in HTML comment
, Ext_tex_math_double_backslash
, Ext_intraword_underscores
, Ext_mmd_title_block
, Ext_footnotes
, Ext_definition_lists
, Ext_all_symbols_escapable
, Ext_implicit_header_references
, Ext_shortcut_reference_links
, Ext_auto_identifiers
, Ext_mmd_header_identifiers
, Ext_implicit_figures
-- Note: MMD's syntax for superscripts and subscripts
-- is a bit more permissive than pandoc's, allowing
-- e^2 and a~1 instead of e^2^ and a~1~, so even with
-- these options we don't have full support for MMD
-- superscripts and subscripts, but there's no reason
-- not to include these:
, Ext_superscript
, Ext_subscript
, Ext_backtick_code_blocks
, Ext_spaced_reference_links
-- So far only in dev version of mmd:
, Ext_raw_attribute
-- | Language extensions to be used with strict markdown.
strictExtensions :: Extensions
strictExtensions = extensionsFromList
[ Ext_raw_html
, Ext_shortcut_reference_links
, Ext_spaced_reference_links
-- | Default extensions from format-describing string.
getDefaultExtensions :: String -> Extensions
getDefaultExtensions "markdown_strict" = strictExtensions
getDefaultExtensions "markdown_phpextra" = phpMarkdownExtraExtensions
getDefaultExtensions "markdown_mmd" = multimarkdownExtensions
getDefaultExtensions "markdown_github" = githubMarkdownExtensions
getDefaultExtensions "markdown" = pandocExtensions
getDefaultExtensions "plain" = plainExtensions
getDefaultExtensions "gfm" = githubMarkdownExtensions
getDefaultExtensions "org" = extensionsFromList
getDefaultExtensions "html" = extensionsFromList
getDefaultExtensions "html4" = getDefaultExtensions "html"
getDefaultExtensions "html5" = getDefaultExtensions "html"
getDefaultExtensions "epub" = extensionsFromList
getDefaultExtensions "epub2" = getDefaultExtensions "epub"
getDefaultExtensions "epub3" = getDefaultExtensions "epub"
getDefaultExtensions "latex" = extensionsFromList
2017-07-01 19:31:43 +02:00
getDefaultExtensions "context" = extensionsFromList
getDefaultExtensions "textile" = extensionsFromList
getDefaultExtensions _ = extensionsFromList
-- | Parse a format-specifying string into a markup format and a function that
-- takes Extensions and enables and disables extensions as defined in the format
-- spec.
parseFormatSpec :: String
-> Either ParseError (String, Extensions -> Extensions)
parseFormatSpec = parse formatSpec ""
where formatSpec = do
name <- formatName
extMods <- many extMod
return (name, \x -> foldl (flip ($)) x extMods)
formatName = many1 $ noneOf "-+"
extMod = do
polarity <- oneOf "-+"
name <- many $ noneOf "-+"
ext <- case safeRead ("Ext_" ++ name) of
Just n -> return n
| name == "lhs" -> return Ext_literate_haskell
| otherwise -> fail $ "Unknown extension: " ++ name
return $ case polarity of
'-' -> disableExtension ext
_ -> enableExtension ext