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{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module : Tests.Readers.Org.Block.Table
Copyright : © 2014-2019 Albert Krewinkel
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel <>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Test parsing of org tables.
module Tests.Readers.Org.Block.Table (tests) where
import Prelude
import Test.Tasty (TestTree)
import Tests.Helpers ((=?>))
import Tests.Readers.Org.Shared ((=:), spcSep)
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import qualified Data.Text as T
simpleTable' :: Int
-> [Blocks]
-> [[Blocks]]
-> Blocks
simpleTable' n = table "" (replicate n (AlignDefault, 0.0))
tests :: [TestTree]
tests =
[ "Single cell table" =:
"|Test|" =?>
simpleTable' 1 mempty [[plain "Test"]]
, "Multi cell table" =:
"| One | Two |" =?>
simpleTable' 2 mempty [ [ plain "One", plain "Two" ] ]
, "Multi line table" =:
T.unlines [ "| One |"
, "| Two |"
, "| Three |"
] =?>
simpleTable' 1 mempty
[ [ plain "One" ]
, [ plain "Two" ]
, [ plain "Three" ]
, "Empty table" =:
"||" =?>
simpleTable' 1 mempty [[mempty]]
, "Glider Table" =:
T.unlines [ "| 1 | 0 | 0 |"
, "| 0 | 1 | 1 |"
, "| 1 | 1 | 0 |"
] =?>
simpleTable' 3 mempty
[ [ plain "1", plain "0", plain "0" ]
, [ plain "0", plain "1", plain "1" ]
, [ plain "1", plain "1", plain "0" ]
, "Table between Paragraphs" =:
T.unlines [ "Before"
, "| One | Two |"
, "After"
] =?>
mconcat [ para "Before"
, simpleTable' 2 mempty [ [ plain "One", plain "Two" ] ]
, para "After"
, "Table with Header" =:
T.unlines [ "| Species | Status |"
, "|--------------+--------------|"
, "| cervisiae | domesticated |"
, "| paradoxus | wild |"
] =?>
simpleTable [ plain "Species", plain "Status" ]
[ [ plain "cervisiae", plain "domesticated" ]
, [ plain "paradoxus", plain "wild" ]
, "Table with final hline" =:
T.unlines [ "| cervisiae | domesticated |"
, "| paradoxus | wild |"
, "|--------------+--------------|"
] =?>
simpleTable' 2 mempty
[ [ plain "cervisiae", plain "domesticated" ]
, [ plain "paradoxus", plain "wild" ]
, "Table in a box" =:
T.unlines [ "|---------|---------|"
, "| static | Haskell |"
, "| dynamic | Lisp |"
, "|---------+---------|"
] =?>
simpleTable' 2 mempty
[ [ plain "static", plain "Haskell" ]
, [ plain "dynamic", plain "Lisp" ]
, "Table with empty cells" =:
"|||c|" =?>
simpleTable' 3 mempty [[mempty, mempty, plain "c"]]
, "Table with empty rows" =:
T.unlines [ "| first |"
, "| |"
, "| third |"
] =?>
simpleTable' 1 mempty [[plain "first"], [mempty], [plain "third"]]
, "Table with alignment row" =:
T.unlines [ "| Numbers | Text | More |"
, "| <c> | <r> | |"
, "| 1 | One | foo |"
, "| 2 | Two | bar |"
] =?>
table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignRight, AlignDefault] [0, 0, 0])
[ [ plain "Numbers", plain "Text", plain "More" ]
, [ plain "1" , plain "One" , plain "foo" ]
, [ plain "2" , plain "Two" , plain "bar" ]
, "Pipe within text doesn't start a table" =:
"Ceci n'est pas une | pipe " =?>
para (spcSep [ "Ceci", "n'est", "pas", "une", "|", "pipe" ])
, "Missing pipe at end of row" =:
"|incomplete-but-valid" =?>
simpleTable' 1 mempty [ [ plain "incomplete-but-valid" ] ]
, "Table with differing row lengths" =:
T.unlines [ "| Numbers | Text "
, "|-"
, "| <c> | <r> |"
, "| 1 | One | foo |"
, "| 2"
] =?>
table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignRight] [0, 0])
[ plain "Numbers", plain "Text" ]
[ [ plain "1" , plain "One" , plain "foo" ]
, [ plain "2" ]
, "Table with caption" =:
T.unlines [ "#+CAPTION: Hitchhiker's Multiplication Table"
, "| x | 6 |"
, "| 9 | 42 |"
] =?>
table "Hitchhiker's Multiplication Table"
[(AlignDefault, 0), (AlignDefault, 0)]
[ [ plain "x", plain "6" ]
, [ plain "9", plain "42" ]
, "named table" =:
T.unlines [ "#+NAME: x-marks-the-spot"
, "| x |"
] =?>
divWith ("x-marks-the-spot", mempty, mempty)
(simpleTable' 1 mempty [ [ plain "x" ] ])