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% Title
spanning multiple lines
% Author One
Author Two; Author Three;
Author Four
# Additional markdown reader tests
## Blank line before URL in link reference
[foo] and [bar]
## Raw ConTeXt environments
\placeformula \startformula
L_{1} = L_{2}
## URLs with spaces
[foo](/bar and baz)
and baz )
[foo]( /bar and baz )
[foo](bar baz "title" )
[baz][] [bam][] [bork][]
[baz]: /foo foo
[bam]: /foo fee
[bork]: /foo/zee zob (title)
## Horizontal rules with spaces at end
* * * * *
-- - -- -- -
## Raw HTML before header
### my header
## $ in math
$\$2 + \$3$
## Commented-out list item
- one
- two
- three
## Backslash newline
## Code spans
`` hi````there ``
## Multilingual URLs
[foo](/bar/测?x=测 "title")
2010-07-12 23:07:00 -07:00
## Numbered examples
(@) First example.
(@foo) Second example.
Explanation of examples (@foo) and (@bar).
(@bar) Third example.
2010-10-26 20:03:02 -07:00
## Macros
\newcommand{\tuple}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle}
## Case-insensitive references
[fum]: /fum
[BAT]: /bat
## Curly smart quotes
## Consecutive lists
- one
- two
1. one
2. two
a. one
b. two
## Implicit header references
### My header
### My other header
A link to [My header].
Another link to [it][My header].
[my other header]: /foo
But this is not a link to [My other header], since the reference is defined.