2017-06-19 11:46:02 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Tests.Readers.Muse (tests) where
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Test.Tasty
import Tests.Helpers
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ()
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Class
muse :: Text -> Pandoc
muse = purely $ \s -> do
def { stInputFiles = Just ["in"]
, stOutputFile = Just "out"
readMuse def s
infix 4 =:
(=:) :: ToString c
=> String -> (Text, c) -> TestTree
(=:) = test muse
spcSep :: [Inlines] -> Inlines
spcSep = mconcat . intersperse space
tests :: [TestTree]
tests =
[ testGroup "Inlines"
[ "Plain String" =:
"Hello, World" =?>
2017-08-07 07:43:59 +03:00
para "Hello, World"
2017-06-19 11:46:02 +03:00
, "Emphasis" =: "*Foo bar*" =?> para (emph . spcSep $ ["Foo", "bar"])
, "Emphasis tag" =: "<em>Foo bar</em>" =?> para (emph . spcSep $ ["Foo", "bar"])
, "Strong" =:
"**Cider**" =?>
para (strong "Cider")
, "Strong tag" =: "<strong>Strong</strong>" =?> para (strong "Strong")
, "Strong Emphasis" =:
"***strength***" =?>
para (strong . emph $ "strength")
, "Superscript tag" =: "<sup>Superscript</sup>" =?> para (superscript "Superscript")
, "Subscript tag" =: "<sub>Subscript</sub>" =?> para (subscript "Subscript")
, "Strikeout tag" =: "<del>Strikeout</del>" =?> para (strikeout "Strikeout")
, "Linebreak" =: "Line <br> break" =?> para ("Line" <> linebreak <> "break")
, "Code" =: "=foo(bar)=" =?> para (code "foo(bar)")
2017-06-25 11:01:43 +03:00
, "Not code" =: "a=b= =c=d" =?> para (text "a=b= =c=d")
2017-06-19 11:46:02 +03:00
, "Code tag" =: "<code>foo(bar)</code>" =?> para (code "foo(bar)")
, testGroup "Links"
[ "Link without description" =:
"[[https://amusewiki.org/]]" =?>
para (link "https://amusewiki.org/" "" (str "https://amusewiki.org/"))
, "Link with description" =:
"[[https://amusewiki.org/][A Muse Wiki]]" =?>
para (link "https://amusewiki.org/" "" (text "A Muse Wiki"))
, "Image" =:
"[[image.jpg]]" =?>
para (image "image.jpg" "" mempty)
, "Image with description" =:
"[[image.jpg][Image]]" =?>
para (image "image.jpg" "" (text "Image"))
, "Image link" =:
"[[URL:image.jpg]]" =?>
para (link "image.jpg" "" (str "image.jpg"))
, "Image link with description" =:
"[[URL:image.jpg][Image]]" =?>
para (link "image.jpg" "" (text "Image"))
2017-06-25 11:01:43 +03:00
-- Implicit links are supported in Emacs Muse, but not in Amusewiki:
-- https://github.com/melmothx/text-amuse/issues/18
-- This test also makes sure '=' without whitespace is not treated as code markup
, "No implicit links" =: "http://example.org/index.php?action=view&id=1"
=?> para "http://example.org/index.php?action=view&id=1"
2017-06-19 11:46:02 +03:00
, testGroup "Blocks"
2017-06-26 09:41:17 +03:00
[ "Block elements end paragraphs" =:
T.unlines [ "First paragraph"
, "----"
, "Second paragraph"
] =?> para (text "First paragraph") <> horizontalRule <> para (text "Second paragraph")
, testGroup "Horizontal rule"
[ "Less than 4 dashes is not a horizontal rule" =: "---" =?> para (text "---")
, "4 dashes is a horizontal rule" =: "----" =?> horizontalRule
, "5 dashes is a horizontal rule" =: "-----" =?> horizontalRule
, "4 dashes with spaces is a horizontal rule" =: "---- " =?> horizontalRule
2017-08-07 07:43:59 +03:00
, testGroup "Paragraphs"
[ "Simple paragraph" =:
T.unlines [ "First line"
, "second line."
] =?>
para "First line second line."
, "Indented paragraph" =:
T.unlines [ " First line"
, "second line."
] =?>
para "First line second line."
-- Emacs Muse starts a blockquote on the second line.
-- We copy Amusewiki behavior and require a blank line to start a blockquote.
, "Indentation in the middle of paragraph" =:
T.unlines [ "First line"
, " second line"
, "third line"
] =?>
para "First line second line third line"
, "Quote" =:
" This is a quotation\n" =?>
blockQuote (para "This is a quotation")
, "Multiline quote" =:
T.unlines [ " This is a quotation"
, " with a continuation"
] =?>
blockQuote (para "This is a quotation with a continuation")
2017-06-28 15:32:53 +03:00
, "Quote tag" =: "<quote>Hello, world</quote>" =?> blockQuote (para $ text "Hello, world")
2017-06-19 11:46:02 +03:00
, "Center" =: "<center>Hello, world</center>" =?> para (text "Hello, world")
, "Right" =: "<right>Hello, world</right>" =?> para (text "Hello, world")
, testGroup "Comments"
[ "Comment tag" =: "<comment>\nThis is a comment\n</comment>" =?> (mempty::Blocks)
, "Line comment" =: "; Comment" =?> (mempty::Blocks)
, "Not a comment (does not start with a semicolon)" =: " ; Not a comment" =?> para (text "; Not a comment")
, "Not a comment (has no space after semicolon)" =: ";Not a comment" =?> para (text ";Not a comment")
, testGroup "Headers"
[ "Part" =:
"* First level\n" =?>
header 1 "First level"
, "Chapter" =:
"** Second level\n" =?>
header 2 "Second level"
, "Section" =:
"*** Third level\n" =?>
header 3 "Third level"
, "Subsection" =:
"**** Fourth level\n" =?>
header 4 "Fourth level"
, "Subsubsection" =:
"***** Fifth level\n" =?>
header 5 "Fifth level"
2017-08-04 01:41:45 +03:00
, "No headers in footnotes" =:
2017-06-20 15:48:00 +03:00
T.unlines [ "Foo[1]"
, "[1] * Bar"
] =?>
para (text "Foo" <>
note (para "* Bar"))
2017-08-04 01:41:45 +03:00
, "No headers in quotes" =:
T.unlines [ "<quote>"
, "* Hi"
, "</quote>"
] =?>
blockQuote (para "* Hi")
2017-06-19 11:46:02 +03:00
, testGroup "Footnotes"
[ "Simple footnote" =:
T.unlines [ "Here is a footnote[1]."
, ""
, "[1] Footnote contents"
] =?>
para (text "Here is a footnote" <>
note (para "Footnote contents") <>
str ".")
, "Recursive footnote" =:
T.unlines [ "Start recursion here[1]"
, ""
, "[1] Recursion continues here[1]"
] =?>
para (text "Start recursion here" <>
note (para "Recursion continues here[1]"))
, testGroup "Tables"
[ "Two cell table" =:
"One | Two" =?>
table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
[[plain "One", plain "Two"]]
, "Table with multiple words" =:
"One two | three four" =?>
table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
[[plain "One two", plain "three four"]]
, "Not a table" =:
"One| Two" =?>
para (text "One| Two")
, "Not a table again" =:
"One |Two" =?>
para (text "One |Two")
, "Two line table" =:
[ "One | Two"
, "Three | Four"
] =?>
table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
[[plain "One", plain "Two"],
[plain "Three", plain "Four"]]
, "Table with one header" =:
[ "First || Second"
, "Third | Fourth"
] =?>
table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
[plain "First", plain "Second"]
[[plain "Third", plain "Fourth"]]
, "Table with two headers" =:
[ "First || header"
, "Second || header"
, "Foo | bar"
] =?>
table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
[plain "First", plain "header"]
[[plain "Second", plain "header"],
[plain "Foo", plain "bar"]]
, "Header and footer reordering" =:
[ "Foo ||| bar"
, "Baz || foo"
, "Bar | baz"
] =?>
table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
[plain "Baz", plain "foo"]
[[plain "Bar", plain "baz"],
[plain "Foo", plain "bar"]]
, "Table with caption" =:
[ "Foo || bar || baz"
, "First | row | here"
, "Second | row | there"
, "|+ Table caption +|"
] =?>
table (text "Table caption") (replicate 3 (AlignDefault, 0.0))
[plain "Foo", plain "bar", plain "baz"]
[[plain "First", plain "row", plain "here"],
[plain "Second", plain "row", plain "there"]]
, "Caption without table" =:
"|+ Foo bar baz +|" =?>
table (text "Foo bar baz") [] [] []
, "Table indented with space" =:
[ " Foo | bar"
, " Baz | foo"
, " Bar | baz"
] =?>
table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
[[plain "Foo", plain "bar"],
[plain "Baz", plain "foo"],
[plain "Bar", plain "baz"]]
, "Empty cells" =:
[ " | Foo"
, " |"
, " bar |"
, " || baz"
] =?>
table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
[plain "", plain "baz"]
[[plain "", plain "Foo"],
[plain "", plain ""],
[plain "bar", plain ""]]
, testGroup "Lists"
[ "Bullet list" =:
[ " - Item1"
, ""
, " - Item2"
] =?>
bulletList [ para "Item1"
, para "Item2"
, "Ordered list" =:
[ " 1. Item1"
, ""
, " 2. Item2"
] =?>
orderedListWith (1, Decimal, Period) [ para "Item1"
, para "Item2"
, "Nested list" =:
[ " - Item1"
, " - Item2"
, " - Item3"
, " - Item4"
, " 1. Nested"
, " 2. Ordered"
, " 3. List"
] =?>
bulletList [ mconcat [ para "Item1"
, bulletList [ para "Item2"
, para "Item3"
, mconcat [ para "Item4"
, orderedListWith (1, Decimal, Period) [ para "Nested"
, para "Ordered"
, para "List"
2017-06-19 23:16:21 +03:00
, "List continuation" =:
[ " - a"
, ""
, " b"
, ""
, " c"
] =?>
bulletList [ mconcat [ para "a"
, para "b"
, para "c"
2017-08-06 23:19:59 +03:00
-- Emacs Muse allows to separate lists with two or more blank lines.
-- Text::Amuse (Amusewiki engine) always creates a single list as of version 0.82.
-- pandoc follows Emacs Muse behavior
, testGroup "Blank lines"
[ "Blank lines between list items are not required" =:
[ " - Foo"
, " - Bar"
] =?>
bulletList [ para "Foo"
, para "Bar"
, "One blank line between list items is allowed" =:
[ " - Foo"
, ""
, " - Bar"
] =?>
bulletList [ para "Foo"
, para "Bar"
, "Two blank lines separate lists" =:
[ " - Foo"
, ""
, ""
, " - Bar"
] =?>
bulletList [ para "Foo" ] <> bulletList [ para "Bar" ]
, "No blank line after multiline first item" =:
[ " - Foo"
, " bar"
, " - Baz"
] =?>
bulletList [ para "Foo bar"
, para "Baz"
, "One blank line after multiline first item" =:
[ " - Foo"
, " bar"
, ""
, " - Baz"
] =?>
bulletList [ para "Foo bar"
, para "Baz"
, "Two blank lines after multiline first item" =:
[ " - Foo"
, " bar"
, ""
, ""
, " - Baz"
] =?>
bulletList [ para "Foo bar" ] <> bulletList [ para "Baz" ]
, "No blank line after list continuation" =:
[ " - Foo"
, ""
, " bar"
, " - Baz"
] =?>
bulletList [ para "Foo" <> para "bar"
, para "Baz"
, "One blank line after list continuation" =:
[ " - Foo"
, ""
, " bar"
, ""
, " - Baz"
] =?>
bulletList [ para "Foo" <> para "bar"
, para "Baz"
, "Two blank lines after list continuation" =:
[ " - Foo"
, ""
, " bar"
, ""
, ""
, " - Baz"
] =?>
bulletList [ para "Foo" <> para "bar" ] <> bulletList [ para "Baz" ]
2017-08-22 07:08:44 +03:00
-- Test that definition list requires a leading space.
-- Emacs Muse does not require a space, we follow Amusewiki here.
, "Not a definition list" =:
[ "First :: second"
, "Foo :: bar"
] =?>
para "First :: second Foo :: bar"
, "Definition list" =:
[ " First :: second"
, " Foo :: bar"
] =?>
definitionList [ ("First", [ para "second" ])
, ("Foo", [ para "bar" ])
, "Definition list term cannot include newline" =:
[ " Foo" -- "Foo" is not a part of the definition list term
, " Bar :: baz"
] =?>
para "Foo" <>
definitionList [ ("Bar", [ para "baz" ]) ]
, "Multi-line definition lists" =:
[ " First term :: Definition of first term"
, "and its continuation."
, " Second term :: Definition of second term."
] =?>
definitionList [ ("First term", [ para "Definition of first term and its continuation." ])
, ("Second term", [ para "Definition of second term." ])
-- Emacs Muse creates two separate lists when indentation of items is different.
-- We follow Amusewiki and allow different indentation within one list.
, "Changing indentation" =:
[ " First term :: Definition of first term"
, "and its continuation."
, " Second term :: Definition of second term."
] =?>
definitionList [ ("First term", [ para "Definition of first term and its continuation." ])
, ("Second term", [ para "Definition of second term." ])
, "Two blank lines separate definition lists" =:
[ " First :: list"
, ""
, ""
, " Second :: list"
] =?>
definitionList [ ("First", [ para "list" ]) ] <>
definitionList [ ("Second", [ para "list" ]) ]
2017-06-20 15:48:00 +03:00
-- Headers in first column of list continuation are not allowed
, "No headers in list continuation" =:
[ " - Foo"
, ""
, " * Bar"
] =?>
bulletList [ mconcat [ para "Foo"
, para "* Bar"
2017-07-21 11:04:13 +03:00
, "List inside a tag" =:
[ "<quote>"
, " 1. First"
, ""
, " 2. Second"
, ""
, " 3. Third"
, "</quote>"
] =?>
blockQuote (orderedListWith (1, Decimal, Period) [ para "First"
, para "Second"
, para "Third"
-- Amusewiki requires block tags to be on separate lines,
-- but Emacs Muse allows them to be on the same line as contents.
, "List inside an inline tag" =:
[ "<quote> 1. First"
, ""
, " 2. Second"
, ""
, " 3. Third</quote>"
] =?>
blockQuote (orderedListWith (1, Decimal, Period) [ para "First"
, para "Second"
, para "Third"
2017-06-19 11:46:02 +03:00