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Copyright (C) 2006-8 John MacFarlane <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Shared
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2006-8 John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : John MacFarlane <>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Utility functions and definitions used by the various Pandoc modules.
module Text.Pandoc.Shared (
-- * List processing
-- * Text processing
BlockWrapper (..),
-- * Parsing
ParserState (..),
HeaderType (..),
ParserContext (..),
QuoteContext (..),
-- * Prettyprinting
-- * Pandoc block and inline list processing
Element (..),
-- * Writer options
HTMLMathMethod (..),
ObfuscationMethod (..),
WriterOptions (..),
-- * File handling
) where
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ ( Doc, fsep, ($$), (<>), empty, isEmpty, text, nest )
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as PP
import Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences ( characterReference )
import Data.Char ( toLower, toUpper, ord, isLower, isUpper )
import Data.List ( find, isPrefixOf, intercalate )
import Control.Monad ( join )
import Network.URI ( parseURI, URI (..), isAllowedInURI )
import System.Directory
import Prelude hiding ( putStrLn, writeFile, readFile, getContents )
import System.IO.UTF8
-- List processing
-- | Split list by groups of one or more sep.
splitBy :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitBy _ [] = []
splitBy sep lst =
let (first, rest) = break (== sep) lst
rest' = dropWhile (== sep) rest
in first:(splitBy sep rest')
-- | Split list into chunks divided at specified indices.
splitByIndices :: [Int] -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitByIndices [] lst = [lst]
splitByIndices (x:xs) lst =
let (first, rest) = splitAt x lst in
first:(splitByIndices (map (\y -> y - x) xs) rest)
-- | Replace each occurrence of one sublist in a list with another.
substitute :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
substitute _ _ [] = []
substitute [] _ lst = lst
substitute target replacement lst =
if target `isPrefixOf` lst
then replacement ++ (substitute target replacement $ drop (length target) lst)
else (head lst):(substitute target replacement $ tail lst)
-- Text processing
-- | Returns an association list of backslash escapes for the
-- designated characters.
backslashEscapes :: [Char] -- ^ list of special characters to escape
-> [(Char, String)]
backslashEscapes = map (\ch -> (ch, ['\\',ch]))
-- | Escape a string of characters, using an association list of
-- characters and strings.
escapeStringUsing :: [(Char, String)] -> String -> String
escapeStringUsing _ [] = ""
escapeStringUsing escapeTable (x:xs) =
case (lookup x escapeTable) of
Just str -> str ++ rest
Nothing -> x:rest
where rest = escapeStringUsing escapeTable xs
-- | Strip trailing newlines from string.
stripTrailingNewlines :: String -> String
stripTrailingNewlines = reverse . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse
-- | Remove leading and trailing space (including newlines) from string.
removeLeadingTrailingSpace :: String -> String
removeLeadingTrailingSpace = removeLeadingSpace . removeTrailingSpace
-- | Remove leading space (including newlines) from string.
removeLeadingSpace :: String -> String
removeLeadingSpace = dropWhile (`elem` " \n\t")
-- | Remove trailing space (including newlines) from string.
removeTrailingSpace :: String -> String
removeTrailingSpace = reverse . removeLeadingSpace . reverse
-- | Strip leading and trailing characters from string
stripFirstAndLast :: String -> String
stripFirstAndLast str =
drop 1 $ take ((length str) - 1) str
-- | Change CamelCase word to hyphenated lowercase (e.g., camel-case).
camelCaseToHyphenated :: String -> String
camelCaseToHyphenated [] = ""
camelCaseToHyphenated (a:b:rest) | isLower a && isUpper b =
a:'-':(toLower b):(camelCaseToHyphenated rest)
camelCaseToHyphenated (a:rest) = (toLower a):(camelCaseToHyphenated rest)
-- | Convert number < 4000 to uppercase roman numeral.
toRomanNumeral :: Int -> String
toRomanNumeral x =
if x >= 4000 || x < 0
then "?"
else case x of
_ | x >= 1000 -> "M" ++ toRomanNumeral (x - 1000)
_ | x >= 900 -> "CM" ++ toRomanNumeral (x - 900)
_ | x >= 500 -> "D" ++ toRomanNumeral (x - 500)
_ | x >= 400 -> "CD" ++ toRomanNumeral (x - 400)
_ | x >= 100 -> "C" ++ toRomanNumeral (x - 100)
_ | x >= 90 -> "XC" ++ toRomanNumeral (x - 90)
_ | x >= 50 -> "L" ++ toRomanNumeral (x - 50)
_ | x >= 40 -> "XL" ++ toRomanNumeral (x - 40)
_ | x >= 10 -> "X" ++ toRomanNumeral (x - 10)
_ | x >= 9 -> "IX" ++ toRomanNumeral (x - 5)
_ | x >= 5 -> "V" ++ toRomanNumeral (x - 5)
_ | x >= 4 -> "IV" ++ toRomanNumeral (x - 4)
_ | x >= 1 -> "I" ++ toRomanNumeral (x - 1)
_ -> ""
-- | Wrap inlines to line length.
wrapped :: Monad m => ([Inline] -> m Doc) -> [Inline] -> m Doc
wrapped listWriter sect = (mapM listWriter $ splitBy Space sect) >>=
return . fsep
-- | Wrap inlines if the text wrap option is selected.
wrapIfNeeded :: Monad m => WriterOptions -> ([Inline] -> m Doc) ->
[Inline] -> m Doc
wrapIfNeeded opts = if writerWrapText opts
then wrapped
else ($)
-- auxiliary function for wrappedTeX
isNote :: Inline -> Bool
isNote (Note _) = True
isNote _ = False
-- | Wrap inlines to line length, treating footnotes in a way that
-- makes sense in LaTeX and ConTeXt.
wrappedTeX :: Monad m
=> Bool
-> ([Inline] -> m Doc)
-> [Inline]
-> m Doc
wrappedTeX includePercent listWriter sect = do
let (firstpart, rest) = break isNote sect
firstpartWrapped <- wrapped listWriter firstpart
if null rest
then return firstpartWrapped
else do let (note:rest') = rest
let (rest1, rest2) = break (== Space) rest'
-- rest1 is whatever comes between the note and a Space.
-- if the note is followed directly by a Space, rest1 is null.
-- rest1 is printed after the note but before the line break,
-- to avoid spurious blank space the note and immediately
-- following punctuation.
rest1Out <- if null rest1
then return empty
else listWriter rest1
rest2Wrapped <- if null rest2
then return empty
else wrappedTeX includePercent listWriter (tail rest2)
noteText <- listWriter [note]
return $ (firstpartWrapped <> if includePercent then PP.char '%' else empty) $$
(noteText <> rest1Out) $$
-- | Wrap inlines if the text wrap option is selected, specialized
-- for LaTeX and ConTeXt.
wrapTeXIfNeeded :: Monad m
=> WriterOptions
-> Bool
-> ([Inline] -> m Doc)
-> [Inline]
-> m Doc
wrapTeXIfNeeded opts includePercent = if writerWrapText opts
then wrappedTeX includePercent
else ($)
-- | Indicates whether block should be surrounded by blank lines (@Pad@) or not (@Reg@).
data BlockWrapper = Pad Doc | Reg Doc
-- | Converts a list of wrapped blocks to a Doc, with appropriate spaces around blocks.
wrappedBlocksToDoc :: [BlockWrapper] -> Doc
wrappedBlocksToDoc = foldr addBlock empty
where addBlock (Pad d) accum | isEmpty accum = d
addBlock (Pad d) accum = d $$ text "" $$ accum
addBlock (Reg d) accum = d $$ accum
-- | Convert tabs to spaces and filter out DOS line endings.
-- Tabs will be preserved if tab stop is set to 0.
tabFilter :: Int -- ^ Tab stop
-> String -- ^ Input
-> String
tabFilter tabStop =
let go _ [] = ""
go _ ('\n':xs) = '\n' : go tabStop xs
go _ ('\r':'\n':xs) = '\n' : go tabStop xs
go _ ('\r':xs) = '\n' : go tabStop xs
go spsToNextStop ('\t':xs) =
if tabStop == 0
then '\t' : go tabStop xs
else replicate spsToNextStop ' ' ++ go tabStop xs
go 1 (x:xs) =
x : go tabStop xs
go spsToNextStop (x:xs) =
x : go (spsToNextStop - 1) xs
in go tabStop
-- Parsing
-- | Like >>, but returns the operation on the left.
-- (Suggested by Tillmann Rendel on Haskell-cafe list.)
(>>~) :: (Monad m) => m a -> m b -> m a
a >>~ b = a >>= \x -> b >> return x
-- | Parse any line of text
anyLine :: GenParser Char st [Char]
anyLine = manyTill anyChar newline
-- | Like @manyTill@, but reads at least one item.
many1Till :: GenParser tok st a
-> GenParser tok st end
-> GenParser tok st [a]
many1Till p end = do
first <- p
rest <- manyTill p end
return (first:rest)
-- | A more general form of @notFollowedBy@. This one allows any
-- type of parser to be specified, and succeeds only if that parser fails.
-- It does not consume any input.
notFollowedBy' :: Show b => GenParser a st b -> GenParser a st ()
notFollowedBy' p = try $ join $ do a <- try p
return (unexpected (show a))
return (return ())
-- (This version due to Andrew Pimlott on the Haskell mailing list.)
-- | Parses one of a list of strings (tried in order).
oneOfStrings :: [String] -> GenParser Char st String
oneOfStrings listOfStrings = choice $ map (try . string) listOfStrings
-- | Parses a space or tab.
spaceChar :: CharParser st Char
spaceChar = char ' ' <|> char '\t'
-- | Skips zero or more spaces or tabs.
skipSpaces :: GenParser Char st ()
skipSpaces = skipMany spaceChar
-- | Skips zero or more spaces or tabs, then reads a newline.
blankline :: GenParser Char st Char
blankline = try $ skipSpaces >> newline
-- | Parses one or more blank lines and returns a string of newlines.
blanklines :: GenParser Char st [Char]
blanklines = many1 blankline
-- | Parses material enclosed between start and end parsers.
enclosed :: GenParser Char st t -- ^ start parser
-> GenParser Char st end -- ^ end parser
-> GenParser Char st a -- ^ content parser (to be used repeatedly)
-> GenParser Char st [a]
enclosed start end parser = try $
start >> notFollowedBy space >> many1Till parser end
-- | Parse string, case insensitive.
stringAnyCase :: [Char] -> CharParser st String
stringAnyCase [] = string ""
stringAnyCase (x:xs) = do
firstChar <- char (toUpper x) <|> char (toLower x)
rest <- stringAnyCase xs
return (firstChar:rest)
-- | Parse contents of 'str' using 'parser' and return result.
parseFromString :: GenParser tok st a -> [tok] -> GenParser tok st a
parseFromString parser str = do
oldPos <- getPosition
oldInput <- getInput
setInput str
result <- parser
setInput oldInput
setPosition oldPos
return result
-- | Parse raw line block up to and including blank lines.
lineClump :: GenParser Char st String
lineClump = blanklines
<|> (many1 (notFollowedBy blankline >> anyLine) >>= return . unlines)
-- | Parse a string of characters between an open character
-- and a close character, including text between balanced
-- pairs of open and close, which must be different. For example,
-- @charsInBalanced '(' ')'@ will parse "(hello (there))"
-- and return "hello (there)". Stop if a blank line is
-- encountered.
charsInBalanced :: Char -> Char -> GenParser Char st String
charsInBalanced open close = try $ do
char open
raw <- many $ (many1 (noneOf [open, close, '\n']))
<|> (do res <- charsInBalanced open close
return $ [open] ++ res ++ [close])
<|> try (string "\n" >>~ notFollowedBy' blanklines)
char close
return $ concat raw
-- | Like @charsInBalanced@, but allow blank lines in the content.
charsInBalanced' :: Char -> Char -> GenParser Char st String
charsInBalanced' open close = try $ do
char open
raw <- many $ (many1 (noneOf [open, close]))
<|> (do res <- charsInBalanced' open close
return $ [open] ++ res ++ [close])
char close
return $ concat raw
-- Auxiliary functions for romanNumeral:
lowercaseRomanDigits :: [Char]
lowercaseRomanDigits = ['i','v','x','l','c','d','m']
uppercaseRomanDigits :: [Char]
uppercaseRomanDigits = map toUpper lowercaseRomanDigits
-- | Parses a roman numeral (uppercase or lowercase), returns number.
romanNumeral :: Bool -- ^ Uppercase if true
-> GenParser Char st Int
romanNumeral upperCase = do
let romanDigits = if upperCase
then uppercaseRomanDigits
else lowercaseRomanDigits
lookAhead $ oneOf romanDigits
let [one, five, ten, fifty, hundred, fivehundred, thousand] =
map char romanDigits
thousands <- many thousand >>= (return . (1000 *) . length)
ninehundreds <- option 0 $ try $ hundred >> thousand >> return 900
fivehundreds <- many fivehundred >>= (return . (500 *) . length)
fourhundreds <- option 0 $ try $ hundred >> fivehundred >> return 400
hundreds <- many hundred >>= (return . (100 *) . length)
nineties <- option 0 $ try $ ten >> hundred >> return 90
fifties <- many fifty >>= (return . (50 *) . length)
forties <- option 0 $ try $ ten >> fifty >> return 40
tens <- many ten >>= (return . (10 *) . length)
nines <- option 0 $ try $ one >> ten >> return 9
fives <- many five >>= (return . (5 *) . length)
fours <- option 0 $ try $ one >> five >> return 4
ones <- many one >>= (return . length)
let total = thousands + ninehundreds + fivehundreds + fourhundreds +
hundreds + nineties + fifties + forties + tens + nines +
fives + fours + ones
if total == 0
then fail "not a roman numeral"
else return total
-- Parsers for email addresses and URIs
emailChar :: GenParser Char st Char
emailChar = alphaNum <|> oneOf "-+_."
domainChar :: GenParser Char st Char
domainChar = alphaNum <|> char '-'
domain :: GenParser Char st [Char]
domain = do
first <- many1 domainChar
dom <- many1 $ try (char '.' >> many1 domainChar )
return $ intercalate "." (first:dom)
-- | Parses an email address; returns string.
emailAddress :: GenParser Char st [Char]
emailAddress = try $ do
firstLetter <- alphaNum
restAddr <- many emailChar
let addr = firstLetter:restAddr
char '@'
dom <- domain
return $ addr ++ '@':dom
-- | Parses a URI.
uri :: GenParser Char st String
uri = try $ do
str <- many1 $ satisfy isAllowedInURI
case parseURI str of
Just uri' -> if uriScheme uri' `elem` [ "http:", "https:", "ftp:",
"file:", "mailto:",
"news:", "telnet:" ]
then return $ show uri'
else fail "not a URI"
Nothing -> fail "not a URI"
-- | Applies a parser, returns tuple of its results and its horizontal
-- displacement (the difference between the source column at the end
-- and the source column at the beginning). Vertical displacement
-- (source row) is ignored.
withHorizDisplacement :: GenParser Char st a -- ^ Parser to apply
-> GenParser Char st (a, Int) -- ^ (result, displacement)
withHorizDisplacement parser = do
pos1 <- getPosition
result <- parser
pos2 <- getPosition
return (result, sourceColumn pos2 - sourceColumn pos1)
-- | Parses a character and returns 'Null' (so that the parser can move on
-- if it gets stuck).
nullBlock :: GenParser Char st Block
nullBlock = anyChar >> return Null
-- | Fail if reader is in strict markdown syntax mode.
failIfStrict :: GenParser Char ParserState ()
failIfStrict = do
state <- getState
if stateStrict state then fail "strict mode" else return ()
-- | Fail unless we're in literate haskell mode.
failUnlessLHS :: GenParser tok ParserState ()
failUnlessLHS = do
state <- getState
if stateLiterateHaskell state then return () else fail "Literate haskell feature"
-- | Parses backslash, then applies character parser.
escaped :: GenParser Char st Char -- ^ Parser for character to escape
-> GenParser Char st Inline
escaped parser = try $ do
char '\\'
result <- parser
return (Str [result])
-- | Parses an uppercase roman numeral and returns (UpperRoman, number).
upperRoman :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
upperRoman = do
num <- romanNumeral True
return (UpperRoman, num)
-- | Parses a lowercase roman numeral and returns (LowerRoman, number).
lowerRoman :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
lowerRoman = do
num <- romanNumeral False
return (LowerRoman, num)
-- | Parses a decimal numeral and returns (Decimal, number).
decimal :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
decimal = do
num <- many1 digit
return (Decimal, read num)
-- | Parses a '#' returns (DefaultStyle, 1).
defaultNum :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
defaultNum = do
char '#'
return (DefaultStyle, 1)
-- | Parses a lowercase letter and returns (LowerAlpha, number).
lowerAlpha :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
lowerAlpha = do
ch <- oneOf ['a'..'z']
return (LowerAlpha, ord ch - ord 'a' + 1)
-- | Parses an uppercase letter and returns (UpperAlpha, number).
upperAlpha :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
upperAlpha = do
ch <- oneOf ['A'..'Z']
return (UpperAlpha, ord ch - ord 'A' + 1)
-- | Parses a roman numeral i or I
romanOne :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
romanOne = (char 'i' >> return (LowerRoman, 1)) <|>
(char 'I' >> return (UpperRoman, 1))
-- | Parses an ordered list marker and returns list attributes.
anyOrderedListMarker :: GenParser Char st ListAttributes
anyOrderedListMarker = choice $
[delimParser numParser | delimParser <- [inPeriod, inOneParen, inTwoParens],
numParser <- [decimal, defaultNum, romanOne,
lowerAlpha, lowerRoman, upperAlpha, upperRoman]]
-- | Parses a list number (num) followed by a period, returns list attributes.
inPeriod :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-> GenParser Char st ListAttributes
inPeriod num = try $ do
(style, start) <- num
char '.'
let delim = if style == DefaultStyle
then DefaultDelim
else Period
return (start, style, delim)
-- | Parses a list number (num) followed by a paren, returns list attributes.
inOneParen :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-> GenParser Char st ListAttributes
inOneParen num = try $ do
(style, start) <- num
char ')'
return (start, style, OneParen)
-- | Parses a list number (num) enclosed in parens, returns list attributes.
inTwoParens :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-> GenParser Char st ListAttributes
inTwoParens num = try $ do
char '('
(style, start) <- num
char ')'
return (start, style, TwoParens)
-- | Parses an ordered list marker with a given style and delimiter,
-- returns number.
orderedListMarker :: ListNumberStyle
-> ListNumberDelim
-> GenParser Char st Int
orderedListMarker style delim = do
let num = case style of
DefaultStyle -> decimal <|> defaultNum
Decimal -> decimal
UpperRoman -> upperRoman
LowerRoman -> lowerRoman
UpperAlpha -> upperAlpha
LowerAlpha -> lowerAlpha
let context = case delim of
DefaultDelim -> inPeriod
Period -> inPeriod
OneParen -> inOneParen
TwoParens -> inTwoParens
(start, _, _) <- context num
return start
-- | Parses a character reference and returns a Str element.
charRef :: GenParser Char st Inline
charRef = do
c <- characterReference
return $ Str [c]
-- | Parse a string with a given parser and state.
readWith :: GenParser Char ParserState a -- ^ parser
-> ParserState -- ^ initial state
-> String -- ^ input string
-> a
readWith parser state input =
case runParser parser state "source" input of
Left err -> error $ "\nError:\n" ++ show err
Right result -> result
-- | Parse a string with @parser@ (for testing).
testStringWith :: (Show a) => GenParser Char ParserState a
-> String
-> IO ()
testStringWith parser str = putStrLn $ show $
readWith parser defaultParserState str
-- | Parsing options.
data ParserState = ParserState
{ stateParseRaw :: Bool, -- ^ Parse raw HTML and LaTeX?
stateParserContext :: ParserContext, -- ^ Inside list?
stateQuoteContext :: QuoteContext, -- ^ Inside quoted environment?
Added optional HTML sanitization using a whitelist. When this option is specified (--sanitize-html on the command line), unsafe HTML tags will be replaced by HTML comments, and unsafe HTML attributes will be removed. This option should be especially useful for those who want to use pandoc libraries in web applications, where users will provide the input. + Main.hs: Added --sanitize-html option. + Text.Pandoc.Shared: Added stateSanitizeHTML to ParserState. + Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML: - Added whitelists of sanitaryTags and sanitaryAttributes. - Added parsers to check these lists (and state) to see if a given tag or attribute should be counted unsafe. - Modified anyHtmlTag and anyHtmlEndTag to replace unsafe tags with comments. - Modified htmlAttribute to remove unsafe attributes. - Modified htmlScript and htmlStyle to remove these elements if unsafe. - Modified rawHtmlBlock to use anyHtmlBlockTag instead of anyHtmlTag and anyHtmlEndTag. This fixes a bug in markdown parsing, where inline tags would be included in raw HTML blocks. - Modified anyHtmlBlockTag to test for (not inline) rather than directly for block. This allows us to handle e.g. docbook in the markdown reader. - Minor tweaks in nonTitleNonHead and parseTitle. + Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown: - In non-strict mode use rawHtmlBlocks instead of htmlBlock. Simplified htmlBlock, since we know it's only called in strict mode. + Modified README and man pages to document new option. git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
2008-01-03 21:32:32 +00:00
stateSanitizeHTML :: Bool, -- ^ Sanitize HTML?
stateKeys :: KeyTable, -- ^ List of reference keys
#ifdef _CITEPROC
stateCitations :: [String], -- ^ List of available citations
stateNotes :: NoteTable, -- ^ List of notes
stateTabStop :: Int, -- ^ Tab stop
stateStandalone :: Bool, -- ^ Parse bibliographic info?
stateTitle :: [Inline], -- ^ Title of document
stateAuthors :: [String], -- ^ Authors of document
stateDate :: String, -- ^ Date of document
stateStrict :: Bool, -- ^ Use strict markdown syntax?
stateSmart :: Bool, -- ^ Use smart typography?
stateLiterateHaskell :: Bool, -- ^ Treat input as literate haskell
stateColumns :: Int, -- ^ Number of columns in terminal
stateHeaderTable :: [HeaderType] -- ^ Ordered list of header types used
deriving Show
defaultParserState :: ParserState
defaultParserState =
ParserState { stateParseRaw = False,
stateParserContext = NullState,
stateQuoteContext = NoQuote,
Added optional HTML sanitization using a whitelist. When this option is specified (--sanitize-html on the command line), unsafe HTML tags will be replaced by HTML comments, and unsafe HTML attributes will be removed. This option should be especially useful for those who want to use pandoc libraries in web applications, where users will provide the input. + Main.hs: Added --sanitize-html option. + Text.Pandoc.Shared: Added stateSanitizeHTML to ParserState. + Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML: - Added whitelists of sanitaryTags and sanitaryAttributes. - Added parsers to check these lists (and state) to see if a given tag or attribute should be counted unsafe. - Modified anyHtmlTag and anyHtmlEndTag to replace unsafe tags with comments. - Modified htmlAttribute to remove unsafe attributes. - Modified htmlScript and htmlStyle to remove these elements if unsafe. - Modified rawHtmlBlock to use anyHtmlBlockTag instead of anyHtmlTag and anyHtmlEndTag. This fixes a bug in markdown parsing, where inline tags would be included in raw HTML blocks. - Modified anyHtmlBlockTag to test for (not inline) rather than directly for block. This allows us to handle e.g. docbook in the markdown reader. - Minor tweaks in nonTitleNonHead and parseTitle. + Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown: - In non-strict mode use rawHtmlBlocks instead of htmlBlock. Simplified htmlBlock, since we know it's only called in strict mode. + Modified README and man pages to document new option. git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
2008-01-03 21:32:32 +00:00
stateSanitizeHTML = False,
stateKeys = [],
#ifdef _CITEPROC
stateCitations = [],
stateNotes = [],
stateTabStop = 4,
stateStandalone = False,
stateTitle = [],
stateAuthors = [],
stateDate = [],
stateStrict = False,
stateSmart = False,
stateLiterateHaskell = False,
stateColumns = 80,
stateHeaderTable = [] }
data HeaderType
= SingleHeader Char -- ^ Single line of characters underneath
| DoubleHeader Char -- ^ Lines of characters above and below
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ParserContext
= ListItemState -- ^ Used when running parser on list item contents
| NullState -- ^ Default state
deriving (Eq, Show)
data QuoteContext
= InSingleQuote -- ^ Used when parsing inside single quotes
| InDoubleQuote -- ^ Used when parsing inside double quotes
| NoQuote -- ^ Used when not parsing inside quotes
deriving (Eq, Show)
type NoteTable = [(String, [Block])]
type KeyTable = [([Inline], Target)]
-- | Look up key in key table and return target object.
lookupKeySrc :: KeyTable -- ^ Key table
-> [Inline] -- ^ Key
-> Maybe Target
lookupKeySrc table key = case find (refsMatch key . fst) table of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (_, src) -> Just src
-- | Returns @True@ if keys match (case insensitive).
refsMatch :: [Inline] -> [Inline] -> Bool
refsMatch ((Str x):restx) ((Str y):resty) =
((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((Emph x):restx) ((Emph y):resty) =
refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((Strong x):restx) ((Strong y):resty) =
refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((Strikeout x):restx) ((Strikeout y):resty) =
refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((Superscript x):restx) ((Superscript y):resty) =
refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((Subscript x):restx) ((Subscript y):resty) =
refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((SmallCaps x):restx) ((SmallCaps y):resty) =
refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((Quoted t x):restx) ((Quoted u y):resty) =
t == u && refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((Code x):restx) ((Code y):resty) =
((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((Math t x):restx) ((Math u y):resty) =
((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && t == u && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((TeX x):restx) ((TeX y):resty) =
((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch ((HtmlInline x):restx) ((HtmlInline y):resty) =
((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch (x:restx) (y:resty) = (x == y) && refsMatch restx resty
refsMatch [] x = null x
refsMatch x [] = null x
-- Prettyprinting
-- | A version of hang that works like the version in pretty-
hang' :: Doc -> Int -> Doc -> Doc
hang' d1 n d2 = d1 $$ (nest n d2)
-- | Indent string as a block.
indentBy :: Int -- ^ Number of spaces to indent the block
-> Int -- ^ Number of spaces (rel to block) to indent first line
-> String -- ^ Contents of block to indent
-> String
indentBy _ _ [] = ""
indentBy num first str =
let (firstLine:restLines) = lines str
firstLineIndent = num + first
in (replicate firstLineIndent ' ') ++ firstLine ++ "\n" ++
(intercalate "\n" $ map ((replicate num ' ') ++ ) restLines)
-- | Prettyprint list of Pandoc blocks elements.
prettyBlockList :: Int -- ^ Number of spaces to indent list of blocks
-> [Block] -- ^ List of blocks
-> String
prettyBlockList indent [] = indentBy indent 0 "[]"
prettyBlockList indent blocks = indentBy indent (-2) $ "[ " ++
(intercalate "\n, " (map prettyBlock blocks)) ++ " ]"
-- | Prettyprint Pandoc block element.
prettyBlock :: Block -> String
prettyBlock (BlockQuote blocks) = "BlockQuote\n " ++
(prettyBlockList 2 blocks)
prettyBlock (OrderedList attribs blockLists) =
"OrderedList " ++ show attribs ++ "\n" ++ indentBy 2 0 ("[ " ++
(intercalate ", " $ map (\blocks -> prettyBlockList 2 blocks)
blockLists)) ++ " ]"
prettyBlock (BulletList blockLists) = "BulletList\n" ++
indentBy 2 0 ("[ " ++ (intercalate ", "
(map (\blocks -> prettyBlockList 2 blocks) blockLists))) ++ " ]"
prettyBlock (DefinitionList blockLists) = "DefinitionList\n" ++
indentBy 2 0 ("[" ++ (intercalate ",\n"
(map (\(term, blocks) -> " (" ++ show term ++ ",\n" ++
indentBy 1 2 (prettyBlockList 2 blocks) ++ " )") blockLists))) ++ " ]"
prettyBlock (Table caption aligns widths header rows) =
"Table " ++ show caption ++ " " ++ show aligns ++ " " ++
show widths ++ "\n" ++ prettyRow header ++ " [\n" ++
(intercalate ",\n" (map prettyRow rows)) ++ " ]"
where prettyRow cols = indentBy 2 0 ("[ " ++ (intercalate ", "
(map (\blocks -> prettyBlockList 2 blocks)
cols))) ++ " ]"
prettyBlock block = show block
-- | Prettyprint Pandoc document.
prettyPandoc :: Pandoc -> String
prettyPandoc (Pandoc meta blocks) = "Pandoc " ++ "(" ++ show meta ++
")\n" ++ (prettyBlockList 0 blocks) ++ "\n"
-- Pandoc block and inline list processing
-- | Generate infinite lazy list of markers for an ordered list,
-- depending on list attributes.
orderedListMarkers :: (Int, ListNumberStyle, ListNumberDelim) -> [String]
orderedListMarkers (start, numstyle, numdelim) =
let singleton c = [c]
nums = case numstyle of
DefaultStyle -> map show [start..]
Decimal -> map show [start..]
UpperAlpha -> drop (start - 1) $ cycle $
map singleton ['A'..'Z']
LowerAlpha -> drop (start - 1) $ cycle $
map singleton ['a'..'z']
UpperRoman -> map toRomanNumeral [start..]
LowerRoman -> map (map toLower . toRomanNumeral) [start..]
inDelim str = case numdelim of
DefaultDelim -> str ++ "."
Period -> str ++ "."
OneParen -> str ++ ")"
TwoParens -> "(" ++ str ++ ")"
in map inDelim nums
-- | Normalize a list of inline elements: remove leading and trailing
-- @Space@ elements, collapse double @Space@s into singles, and
-- remove empty Str elements.
normalizeSpaces :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
normalizeSpaces [] = []
normalizeSpaces list =
let removeDoubles [] = []
removeDoubles (Space:Space:rest) = removeDoubles (Space:rest)
removeDoubles (Space:(Str ""):Space:rest) = removeDoubles (Space:rest)
removeDoubles ((Str ""):rest) = removeDoubles rest
removeDoubles (x:rest) = x:(removeDoubles rest)
removeLeading (Space:xs) = removeLeading xs
removeLeading x = x
removeTrailing [] = []
removeTrailing lst = if (last lst == Space)
then init lst
else lst
in removeLeading $ removeTrailing $ removeDoubles list
-- | Change final list item from @Para@ to @Plain@ if the list should
-- be compact.
compactify :: [[Block]] -- ^ List of list items (each a list of blocks)
-> [[Block]]
compactify [] = []
compactify items =
let final = last items
others = init items
in case last final of
Para a -> if all endsWithPlain others && not (null final)
then others ++ [init final ++ [Plain a]]
else items
_ -> items
endsWithPlain :: [Block] -> Bool
endsWithPlain [] = False
endsWithPlain blocks =
case last blocks of
Plain _ -> True
(BulletList (x:xs)) -> endsWithPlain $ last (x:xs)
(OrderedList _ (x:xs)) -> endsWithPlain $ last (x:xs)
(DefinitionList (x:xs)) -> endsWithPlain $ last $ map snd (x:xs)
_ -> False
-- | Data structure for defining hierarchical Pandoc documents
data Element = Blk Block
| Sec [Inline] [Element] deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
-- | Returns @True@ on Header block with at least the specified level
headerAtLeast :: Int -> Block -> Bool
headerAtLeast level (Header x _) = x <= level
headerAtLeast _ _ = False
-- | Convert list of Pandoc blocks into (hierarchical) list of Elements
hierarchicalize :: [Block] -> [Element]
hierarchicalize [] = []
hierarchicalize (block:rest) =
case block of
(Header level title) ->
let (thisSection, rest') = break (headerAtLeast level) rest
in (Sec title (hierarchicalize thisSection)):(hierarchicalize rest')
x -> (Blk x):(hierarchicalize rest)
-- | True if block is a Header block.
isHeaderBlock :: Block -> Bool
isHeaderBlock (Header _ _) = True
isHeaderBlock _ = False
-- Writer options
data HTMLMathMethod = PlainMath
| LaTeXMathML (Maybe String) -- url of LaTeXMathML.js
| JsMath (Maybe String) -- url of jsMath load script
| GladTeX
| MimeTeX String -- url of mimetex.cgi
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
-- | Methods for obfuscating email addresses in HTML.
data ObfuscationMethod = NoObfuscation
| ReferenceObfuscation
| JavascriptObfuscation
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
-- | Options for writers
data WriterOptions = WriterOptions
{ writerStandalone :: Bool -- ^ Include header and footer
, writerHeader :: String -- ^ Header for the document
, writerTitlePrefix :: String -- ^ Prefix for HTML titles
, writerTabStop :: Int -- ^ Tabstop for conversion btw spaces and tabs
, writerTableOfContents :: Bool -- ^ Include table of contents
, writerS5 :: Bool -- ^ We're writing S5
, writerHTMLMathMethod :: HTMLMathMethod -- ^ How to print math in HTML
, writerIgnoreNotes :: Bool -- ^ Ignore footnotes (used in making toc)
, writerIncremental :: Bool -- ^ Incremental S5 lists
, writerNumberSections :: Bool -- ^ Number sections in LaTeX
, writerIncludeBefore :: String -- ^ String to include before the body
, writerIncludeAfter :: String -- ^ String to include after the body
, writerStrictMarkdown :: Bool -- ^ Use strict markdown syntax
, writerReferenceLinks :: Bool -- ^ Use reference links in writing markdown, rst
, writerWrapText :: Bool -- ^ Wrap text to line length
, writerLiterateHaskell :: Bool -- ^ Write as literate haskell
, writerEmailObfuscation :: ObfuscationMethod -- ^ How to obfuscate emails
} deriving Show
-- | Default writer options.
defaultWriterOptions :: WriterOptions
defaultWriterOptions =
WriterOptions { writerStandalone = False
, writerHeader = ""
, writerTitlePrefix = ""
, writerTabStop = 4
, writerTableOfContents = False
, writerS5 = False
, writerHTMLMathMethod = PlainMath
, writerIgnoreNotes = False
, writerIncremental = False
, writerNumberSections = False
, writerIncludeBefore = ""
, writerIncludeAfter = ""
, writerStrictMarkdown = False
, writerReferenceLinks = False
, writerWrapText = True
, writerLiterateHaskell = False
, writerEmailObfuscation = JavascriptObfuscation
-- File handling
-- | Perform an IO action in a directory, returning to starting directory.
inDirectory :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a
inDirectory path action = do
oldDir <- getCurrentDirectory
setCurrentDirectory path
result <- action
setCurrentDirectory oldDir
return result