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pandoc (0.4) unstable; urgency=low
[ John MacFarlane ]
* Added two new output formats: groff man pages and ConTeXt. By
default, output files with extensions ".ctx" and ".context" are
assumed to be ConTeXt, and output files with single-digit extensions
are assumed to be man pages.
* Enhanced ordered lists (documented in README, under Lists):
+ The OrderedList block element now stores information about
list number style, list number delimiter, and starting number.
+ The readers parse this information when possible.
+ The writers use this information to style ordered lists.
+ The enhancement can be disabled using the --strict option.
* Added support for tables (with a new Table block element). Two kinds
of tables are supported: a simple table with one-line rows, and a
more complex variety with multiline rows. All output formats are
supported, but only markdown tables are parsed at the moment. The
syntax is documented in README.
* Added support for definition lists (with a new DefinitionList block
element). All output and input formats are supported. The syntax is
documented in README.
* Added support for superscripts and subscripts (with new Superscript
and Subscript inline elements). All input and output
formats. The syntax is documented in README.
* Added support for strikeout (with a new Strikeout inline element).
All input and output formats are supported. Thanks to Bradley Kuhn,
who contributed a patch. The syntax is documented in README. Resolves
Issue #18.
* Added a --toc|--table-of-contents option. This causes an automatically
generated table of contents (or an instruction that creates one) to
be inserted at the beginning of the document. Not supported in S5,
DocBook, or man page writers.
* Modified the -m|--asciimathml option:
+ If an optional URL argument is provided, a link is inserted
instead of the contents of the ASCIIMathML.js script.
+ Nothing is inserted unless the document actually contains
LaTeX math.
* Removed Blank block element as unnecessary.
* Removed Key and Note blocks from the Pandoc data structure. All
links are now stored as explicit links, and note contents are
stored with the (inline) notes.
+ All link Targets are now explicit (URL, title) pairs; there
is no longer a 'Ref' target.
+ Markdown and RST parsers now need to extract data from key and
note blocks and insert them into the relevant inline elements.
Other parsers have been simplified, since there is no longer any need
to construct separate key and note blocks.
+ Markdown, RST, and HTML writers need to construct lists of
notes; Markdown and RST writers need to construct lists of link
references (when the --reference-links option is specified); and
the RST writer needs to construct a list of image substitution
references. All writers have been rewritten to use the State monad
when state is required.
+ Several functions (generateReference, keyTable,
replaceReferenceLinks, replaceRefLinksBlockList, and some auxiliaries
used by them) have been removed from Text.Pandoc.Shared, since
they are no longer needed. New functions and data structures
(Reference, isNoteBlock, isKeyBlock, isLineClump) have been
added. The functions inTags, selfClosingTag, inTagsSimple, and
inTagsIndented have been moved to the DocBook writer, since that
is now the only module that uses them. NoteTable is now exported
in Text.Pandoc.Shared.
+ Added stateKeys and stateNotes to ParserState; removed stateKeyBlocks,
stateKeysUsed, stateNoteBlocks, stateNoteIdentifiers, stateInlineLinks.
+ Added writerNotes and writerReferenceLinks to WriterOptions.
* Added Text.Pandoc module that exports basic readers, writers,
definitions, and utility functions. This should export everything
needed for most uses of Pandoc libraries. The haddock documentation
includes a short example program.
* Text.Pandoc.ASCIIMathML is no longer an exported module.
* Added Text.Pandoc.Blocks module to help in printing markdown
and RST tables. This module provides functions for working with
fixed-width blocks of text--e.g., placing them side by side, as
in a table row.
* Refactored to avoid reliance on Haskell's Text.Regex library, which
(a) is slow, and (b) does not properly handle unicode. This fixed
some strange bugs, e.g. in parsing S-cedilla, and improved performance.
+ Replaced 'gsub' with a general list function 'substitute'
that does not rely on Text.Regex.
+ Rewrote extractTagType in HTML reader so that it doesn't use
+ In Markdown reader, replaced email regex test with a custom email
autolink parser (autoLinkEmail). Also replaced selfClosingTag regex
with a custom function isSelfClosingTag.
+ Modified Docbook writer so that it doesn't rely on Text.Regex for
detecting 'mailto' links.
+ Removed escapePreservingRegex and reamped entity-handling
functions in Text.Pandoc.Shared and Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences to
avoid reliance on Text.Regex (see below on character reference
handling changes).
* Renamed Text.Pandoc.Entities as Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences.
* Changed handling of XML entities. Entities are now parsed (and unicode
characters returned) in the Markdown and HTML readers, rather than being
handled in the writers. In HTML and Docbook writers, UTF-8 is now used
instead of entities for characters above 128. This makes the HTML and
DocBook output much more readable and more easily editable.
+ Removed sgmlHexEntity, sgmlDecimalEntity, sgmlNamedEntity, and
sgmlCharacterEntity regexes from Text.Pandoc.Shared.
+ Renamed escapeSGMLChar to escapeCharForXML. Added escapeStringForXML.
Moved both functions to Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docbook.
+ Added characterReference parser to Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences.
This parses a string and return a unicode character.
+ Rewrote decodeCharacterReferences to use the new parser instead of
+ Added new charRef parser for Markdown and HTML, which replaces the
old 'entity' parser. Added '&' as a special character in Markdown reader.
+ Modified HTML and Markdown readers to call decodeEntities on all raw
strings (e.g. authors, dates, link titles), to ensure that no
unprocessed entities are included in the native representation of
the document. (In the HTML reader, most of this work is done by a
change in extractAttributeName.)
+ In XML and Markdown output, escape unicode nonbreaking space as ' ',
since a unicode non-breaking space is impossible to distinguish visually
from a regular space. (Resolves Issue #3.)
+ Removed encodeEntitiesNumerical.
+ Use Data.Map for entityTable and (new) reverseEntityTable, for a
slight performance boost over the old association list.
+ Removed unneeded decodeEntities from 'str' parser in HTML and
Markdown readers.
* Text.Pandoc.UTF8: Renamed encodeUTF8 to toUTF8, decodeUTF8 to
fromUTF8, for clarity.
* Replaced old haskell98 module names replaced by hierarchical module
names, e.g. List by Data.List. Removed haskell98 from dependencies
in pandoc.cabal, and added mtl (needed for state monad). Substituted
xhtml for html.
* Refactored and cleaned up character escaping in writers, using
backslashEscapes and escapeStringUsing functions.
* Instead of adding "\n\n" to the end of an input string in Main.hs,
this is now done in the readers. This makes the libraries behave
the way you'd expect from the pandoc program. Resolves Issue #10.
* URLs and email addresses in autolinks are now typeset as Code.
* In Main.hs, changed putStr to putStrLn -- mainly because MacOS X
doesn't display the whole output unless there's a line ending.
* Major code cleanup in all modules, for greater consistency, concision,
and readability.
* HTML reader:
+ Fixed several bugs (extractTagType, attribute parsing).
+ Remove Null blocks in lists of blocks when possible.
* Markdown reader:
+ Ordered list items may no longer begin with uppercase letters, or
letters greater than 'n'. (This prevents first initials and page
reference, e.g. 'p. 400', from being parsed as beginning lists.)
Also, numbers beginning list items may no longer end with ')',
which is now allowed only after letters. Note: These changes
may cause documents to be parsed differently. Users should take
care in upgrading.
+ Changed autoLink parsing to conform better to's
behavior. <> is not treated as a link, but
<>, <>, and <>
+ Cleaned up handling of embedded quotes in link titles. Now these are
stored as a '"' character, not as '&quot;'.
+ Use lookAhead parser for the 'first pass' (looking for reference keys),
instead of parsing normally, then using setInput to reset input. This
yields a slight performance boost.
+ Fixed several bugs in smart quote recognition.
+ Fixed bug in indentSpaces (which didn't properly handle
cases with mixed spaces and tabs).
+ Consolidated 'text', 'special', and 'inline' into 'inline'.
+ Fixed bug which allowed URL and title to be separated by multiple blank
lines in links and reference keys. They can be on separate lines but
can't have blank lines between them.
+ Correctly handle bracketed text inside inline footnotes and links,using
new function inlinesInBalanced. Resolves Issue #14.
+ Fixed bug in footnotes: links in footnotes were not being
processed. Solution: three-stage parse. First, get all the
reference keys and add information to state. Next, get all the
notes and add information to state. (Reference keys may be needed
at this stage.) Finally, parse everything else.
+ Replaced named constants like 'emphStart' with literals.
+ Removed an extra occurance of escapedChar in definition of inline.
* RST reader:
+ Allow the URI in a RST hyperlink target to start on the line
after the reference key.
+ Added 'try' in front of 'string', where needed, or used a different
parser. This fixes a bug where ````` would not be correctly parsed as
a verbatim `.
+ Fixed slow performance in parsing inline literals in RST reader. The
problem was that ``#`` was seen by 'inline' as a potential link or image.
Fix: inserted 'notFollowedBy (char '`')' in link parsers.
Resolves Issue #8.
+ Use lookAhead instead of getInput/setInput in RST reader. Removed
unneeded getState call, since lookAhead automatically saves and
restores the parser state.
+ Allow hyperlink target URIs to be split over multiple lines, and
to start on the line after the reference. Resolves Issue #7.
+ Fixed handling of autolinks.
* LaTeX reader:
+ Replaced 'choice [(try (string ...), ...]' idiom with 'oneOfStrings',
for clarity.
+ Added clauses for tilde and caret. Tilde is \ensuremath{\sim}, and
caret is \^{}, not \^ as before.
+ Added parsing for \url.
* HTML writer:
+ Modified HTML writer to use the Text.XHtml library. This results
in cleaner, faster code, and it makes it easier to use Pandoc in
other projects, like wikis, which use Text.XHtml. Two functions are
now provided, writeHtml and writeHtmlString: the former outputs an
Html structure, the latter a rendered string. The S5 writer is also
changed, in parallel ways (writeS5, writeS5String).
+ The Html header is now written programmatically, so it has been
removed from the 'headers' directory. The S5 header is still
needed, but the doctype and some of the meta declarations have
been removed, since they are written programatically. This change
introduces a new dependency on the xhtml package.
+ Fixed two bugs in email obfuscation involving improper escaping
of '&' in the <noscript> section and in --strict mode. Resolves
Issue #9.
+ Fixed another bug in email obfuscation: If the text to be obfuscated
contains an entity, this needs to be decoded before obfuscation.
Thanks to thsutton for the patch. Resolves Issue #15.
+ Changed the way the backlink is displayed in HTML footnotes.
Instead of appearing on a line by itself, it now generally
appears on the last line of the note. (Exception: when the
note does not end with a Plain or Para block.) This saves space
and looks better.
+ Added automatic unique identifiers to headers:
- The identifier is derived from the header via a scheme
documented in README.
- WriterState now includes a list of header identifiers and a table
of contents in addition to notes.
- The function uniqueIdentifiers creates a list of unique identifiers
from a list of inline lists (e.g. headers).
- This list is part of WriterState and gets consumed by blockToHtml
each time a header is encountered.
+ Include CSS for .strikethrough class in header only if strikethrough
text appears in the document.
+ If the 'strict' option is specified, elements that do not appear in
standard markdown (like definition lists) are passed through as
raw HTML.
+ Simplified treatment of autolinks, using pattern matching instead of
* Markdown writer:
+ Links in markdown output are now printed as inline links by default,
rather than reference links. A --reference-links option has been added
that forces links to be printed as reference links. Resolves Issue #4.
+ Use autolinks when possible. Instead of [](,
use <>.
* LaTeX writer:
+ Rewrote to use the State monad. The preamble now includes only those
packages that are actually required, given the document's content.
Thus, for example, if strikeout is not used, ulem is not required.
Modified LaTeXHeader accordingly.
+ Modified LaTeX writer to insert '\,' between consecutive quotes.
+ Removed unused function tableRowColumnWidths.
+ Simplified code for escaping special characters.
+ Leave extra blank line after \maketitle.
+ Include empty '\author{}' when no author specified to avoid LaTeX
+ Include fancyvrb code in header only if needed -- that is, only
if there is actually code in a footnote.
+ Use \url{} for autolinks.
+ Include [mathletters] option in ucs package, so that basic unicode
Greek letters will work correctly.
* RST writer: Force blank line before lists, so that sublists will
be handled correctly.
* Docbook writer: Fixed a bug: email links with text, like
[foo](me@bar.baz), were being incorrectly treated as autolinks.
* Removed Text.ParserCombinators.Pandoc and moved all its functions to
* Text.Pandoc.Shared:
+ Added defaultWriterOptions.
+ Added writerTableOfContents to WriterOptions.
+ Added writerIgnoreNotes option to WriterOptions. This is needed
for processing header blocks for a table of contents, since notes on
headers should not appear in the TOC.
+ Added prettyprinting for native Table format.
+ Removed some unneeded imports.
+ Moved escape and nullBlock parsers from
Text.ParserCombinators.Pandoc, since the latter is for
general-purpose parsers that don't depend on Text.Pandoc.Definition.
+ Moved isHeaderBlock from Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML.
+ Moved Element, headerAtLeast, and hierarchicalize from Docbook
writer, because HTML writer now uses these in constructing a table
of contents.
+ Added clauses for new inline elements (Strikeout, Superscript,
Subscript) to refsMatch.
+ Removed backslashEscape; added new functions escapeStringUsing and
+ Moved failIfStrict from markdown reader, since it is now used also
by the HTML reader.
+ Added a 'try' to the definition of indentSpaces.
+ In definition of 'reference', added check to make sure it's not a note
+ Added functions: camelCaseToHyphenated, toRomanNumeral,
anyOrderedListMarker, orderedListmarker, orderedListMarkers,
charsInBalanced', withHorizDisplacement, romanNumeral
+ Fixed a bug in the anyLine parser. Previously it would parse an empty
string "", but it should fail on an empty string, or we get an error
when it is used inside "many" combinators.
+ Removed followedBy' parser, replacing it with the lookAhead parser from
+ Added some needed 'try's before multicharacter parsers, especially in
'option' contexts.
+ Removed the 'try' from the 'end' parser in 'enclosed', so that
'enclosed' behaves like 'option', 'manyTill', etc.
+ Added lineClump parser, which parses a raw line block up to and
including any following blank lines.
+ Renamed parseFromStr to parseFromString.
+ Added a 'try' to the 'end' parser in 'enclosed'. This makes errors in
the use of 'enclosed' less likely. Removed some now-unnecessary 'try's
in calling code.
+ Removed unneeded 'try' in blanklines.
+ Removed endsWith function and rewrote calling functions to use
isSuffixOf instead.
+ Added >>~ combinator.
* Refactored; added separate tests for tables.
* Shell scripts:
+ Added -asxhtml flag to tidy in html2markdown. This will
perhaps help the parser, which expects closing tags.
+ Modified markdown2pdf to run pdflatex a second time if --toc or
--table-of-contents was specified; otherwise the table of
contents won't appear.
+ Modified markdown2pdf to print a helpful message if the 'ulem'
LaTeX package is required and not found.
* Changes to build process:
+ Dropped support for compilation with GHC 6.4. GHC 6.6 or higher
is now required.
+ Removed cabalize and The repository now contains
pandoc.cabal itself.
+ Pandoc.cabal has been changed to pandoc.cabal, because HackageDB
likes the cabal file to have the same name as the tarball.
+ Expanded and revised the package description in pandoc.cabal.
Revised the package synopsis.
+ The tarball built by 'make tarball' now contains files built from
templates (including man pages and shell scripts), so pandoc can
be built directly using Cabal tools, without preprocessing.
+ Executable binaries are now stripped before installing.
+ Man pages are now generated from markdown sources, using pandoc's
man page writer.
+ Use HTML version of README (instead of RTF) in Mac OS X installer.
+ Instead of testing for the existence of a pandoc symlink in build-exec,
use ln -f.
* Documentation:
+ Updated README and man pages with information on new features.
+ Updated INSTALL instructions with some useful clarifications and
+ Updated web content.
* Added FreeBSD port.
[ Recai Oktaş ]
* debian/control:
+ Changed pandoc's Build-Depends to include libghc6-mtl-dev and
libghc6-xhtml-dev. Removed libghc6-html-dev.
+ Suggest texlive-latex-recommended | tetex-extra instead of
tetex-bin. This brings in fancyvrb and unicode support.
-- Recai Oktaş <> Tue, 16 Jan 2007 00:37:21 +0200
pandoc (0.3) unstable; urgency=low
[ John MacFarlane ]
* Changes in pandoc options:
+ Allow options to follow or precede arguments.
+ Changed '--smartypants' to '--smart' and adjusted symbols accordingly.
+ Added '--strict' option.
+ Added '-o/--output' option.
+ Added '--dump-args' and '--ignore-args' options (for use in wrappers).
+ Modified '-v' and '-h' output to go to STDERR, not STDOUT, and return
error conditions. This is helpful for writing wrappers.
+ Added copyright message to '-v' output, modeled after FSF messages.
+ Reformatted usage message so that it doesn't wrap illegibly.
+ Removed extra blanks after '-h' and '-D' output.
* Added docbook writer.
* Added implicit setting of default input and output format based
on input and output filename extensions. These defaults are
overridden if explicit input and output formats are specified using
'-t', '-f', '-r', or '-w' options. Documented in pandoc(1) man page
* Allow ordered list items to begin with (single) letters, as well
as numbers. The list item marker may now be terminated either by
'.' or by ')'. This extension to standard markdown is documented
* Revised footnote syntax. (See README for full details.) The
'[^1]' format now standard in markdown extensions is supported,
as are inline footnotes with this syntax: '^[My note.]'.
The earlier footnote syntax '^(1)' is no longer supported.
* Improved HTML representation of footnotes. All footnotes
are now auto-numbered and appear in an ordered list at the
end of the HTML document. Since the default appearance is now
acceptable, the old footnote styles have been removed from the
HTML header.
* Bug fixes:
+ Fixed a serious bug in the markdown, LaTeX, and RST readers.
These readers ran 'runParser' on processed chunks of text to handle
embedded block lists in lists and quotation blocks. But then
any changes made to the parser state in these chunks was lost,
as the state is local to the parser. So, for example, footnotes
didn't work in quotes or list items. The fix: instead of calling
runParser on some raw text, use setInput to make it the input, then
parse it, then use setInput to restore the input to what it was
before. This is shorter and more elegant, and it fixes the problem.
+ Fixed bug in notFollowedBy' combinator (adding 'try' before
'parser'). Adjusted code that uses this combinator accordingly.
+ Fixed bug in RTF writer that caused improper indentation on
footnotes occurring in indented blocks like lists.
+ Fixed parsing of metadata in LaTeX reader. Now the title, author,
and date are parsed correctly. Everything else in the preamble
is skipped.
+ Modified escapedChar in LaTeX reader to allow a '\' at the end of a
line to count as escaped whitespace.
+ Modified LaTeX reader to produce inline links rather than reference
links. Otherwise, links in footnotes aren't handled properly.
+ Fixed handling of titles in links in Markdown reader, so that
embedded quotation marks are now handled properly.
+ Fixed Markdown reader's handling of embedded brackets in links.
+ Fixed Markdown reader so that it only parses bracketed material
as a reference link if there is actually a corresponding key.
+ Revised inline code parsing in Markdown reader to conform to
markdown standard. Now any number of `s can begin inline code,
which will end with the same number of `s. For example, to
have two backticks as code, write ``` `` ```. Modified Markdown
writer accordingly.
+ Fixed bug in text-wrapping routine in Markdown and RST writers.
Now LineBreaks no longer cause wrapping problems.
+ Supported hexadecimal numerical entity references as well as
decimal ones.
+ Fixed bug in Markdown reader's handling of underscores and other
inline formatting markers inside reference labels: for example,
in '[A_B]: /url/a_b', the material between underscores was being
parsed as emphasized inlines.
+ Changed Markdown reader's handling of backslash escapes so that
only non-alphanumeric characters can be escaped. Strict mode
follows in only allowing a select group of punctuation
characters to be escaped.
+ Modified HTML reader to skip a newline following a <br> tag.
Otherwise the newline will be treated as a space at the beginning
of the next line.
* Made handling of code blocks more consistent. Previously, some
readers allowed trailing newlines, while others stripped them.
Now, all readers strip trailing newlines in code blocks. Writers
insert a newline at the end of code blocks as needed.
* Modified readers to make spacing at the end of output more consistent.
Revised changelog to reflect changes since r105. Included below is a summary of changes committed in the merge of the wrappers branch (r177): Refactored wrappers, with the following aims: + New command line convention, as follows: 1st form: input files specified <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] input_files... [pandoc_option...] 2nd form: using STDIN, no input file is specified <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] -- [pandoc_option...] 3rd form: input files specified, optional -- <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] input_files... -- [pandoc_option...] - All wrappers except 'html2markdown' and 'latex2markdown' should accept multiple filenames. - Use getopts shell builtin for portable option parsing. + Remove code duplication and provide consistency across command line interface. + Allow white space in filenames, especially suitable for Mac OSX users + Improve html2markdown's web grabber code, making it more robust, configurable and verbose. - new function 'grab_url_with' as the wrapper to web grabbers. - 'grab_url_with' can report errors if the grabber fails. - new command line option 'n' to avoid automatic web grabbing. - new command line option 'g' which explicitly selects a grabber and optionally specifies new options for the selected grabber. Possible use cases: # Just use curl. html2markdown -g 'curl' # Use wget by setting timeout to 10 seconds and limit retries to 2. html2markdown -g 'wget --timeout=10 --tries=2' + Add code to html2markdown that tries to determine the character encoding of an HTML file, by parsing the "Content-type" meta tag. - if the encoding can't be determined, then if the content is local, the local encoding is used; if it comes from a URL, UTF-8 is used by default. - if input is from stdin, don't try to determine character encoding. - add a new option '-e' to specify encoding. + Better warning messages: - print warning if iconv not available - in markdown2latex, print only relevant parts of log when pdflatex returns an error condition - in markdown2latex, when 'ucs.sty' is not found, print message telling where to find the 'unicode' package. + Remove PANDOC_OPTS environment variable functionality. It is no longer necessary, now that pandoc options may be specified on the command line. + Add tests for wrappers' processing of command line arguments: - new file '' to test the parsing code under 'bash', 'dash', 'ksh' and 'zsh' in POSIX mode. - new makefile target 'test-wrappers' to run 'testwrapper' + Document changes in revisions to wrapper syntax in README and man pages. git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
2006-12-12 07:31:24 +00:00
* Minor improvements to LaTeX reader:
Revised changelog to reflect changes since r105. Included below is a summary of changes committed in the merge of the wrappers branch (r177): Refactored wrappers, with the following aims: + New command line convention, as follows: 1st form: input files specified <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] input_files... [pandoc_option...] 2nd form: using STDIN, no input file is specified <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] -- [pandoc_option...] 3rd form: input files specified, optional -- <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] input_files... -- [pandoc_option...] - All wrappers except 'html2markdown' and 'latex2markdown' should accept multiple filenames. - Use getopts shell builtin for portable option parsing. + Remove code duplication and provide consistency across command line interface. + Allow white space in filenames, especially suitable for Mac OSX users + Improve html2markdown's web grabber code, making it more robust, configurable and verbose. - new function 'grab_url_with' as the wrapper to web grabbers. - 'grab_url_with' can report errors if the grabber fails. - new command line option 'n' to avoid automatic web grabbing. - new command line option 'g' which explicitly selects a grabber and optionally specifies new options for the selected grabber. Possible use cases: # Just use curl. html2markdown -g 'curl' # Use wget by setting timeout to 10 seconds and limit retries to 2. html2markdown -g 'wget --timeout=10 --tries=2' + Add code to html2markdown that tries to determine the character encoding of an HTML file, by parsing the "Content-type" meta tag. - if the encoding can't be determined, then if the content is local, the local encoding is used; if it comes from a URL, UTF-8 is used by default. - if input is from stdin, don't try to determine character encoding. - add a new option '-e' to specify encoding. + Better warning messages: - print warning if iconv not available - in markdown2latex, print only relevant parts of log when pdflatex returns an error condition - in markdown2latex, when 'ucs.sty' is not found, print message telling where to find the 'unicode' package. + Remove PANDOC_OPTS environment variable functionality. It is no longer necessary, now that pandoc options may be specified on the command line. + Add tests for wrappers' processing of command line arguments: - new file '' to test the parsing code under 'bash', 'dash', 'ksh' and 'zsh' in POSIX mode. - new makefile target 'test-wrappers' to run 'testwrapper' + Document changes in revisions to wrapper syntax in README and man pages. git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
2006-12-12 07:31:24 +00:00
+ '\thanks' now treated like a footnote.
+ Simplified parsing of LaTeX command arguments and options.
commandArgs now returns a list of arguments OR options (in
whatever order they appear). The brackets are included, and
a new stripFirstAndLast function is provided to strip them off
when needed. This fixes a problem in dealing with \newcommand
and \newenvironment.
* Revised RTF writer:
+ Default font is now Helvetica.
+ An '\f0' is added to each '\pard', so that font resizing works
Revised changelog to reflect changes since r105. Included below is a summary of changes committed in the merge of the wrappers branch (r177): Refactored wrappers, with the following aims: + New command line convention, as follows: 1st form: input files specified <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] input_files... [pandoc_option...] 2nd form: using STDIN, no input file is specified <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] -- [pandoc_option...] 3rd form: input files specified, optional -- <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] input_files... -- [pandoc_option...] - All wrappers except 'html2markdown' and 'latex2markdown' should accept multiple filenames. - Use getopts shell builtin for portable option parsing. + Remove code duplication and provide consistency across command line interface. + Allow white space in filenames, especially suitable for Mac OSX users + Improve html2markdown's web grabber code, making it more robust, configurable and verbose. - new function 'grab_url_with' as the wrapper to web grabbers. - 'grab_url_with' can report errors if the grabber fails. - new command line option 'n' to avoid automatic web grabbing. - new command line option 'g' which explicitly selects a grabber and optionally specifies new options for the selected grabber. Possible use cases: # Just use curl. html2markdown -g 'curl' # Use wget by setting timeout to 10 seconds and limit retries to 2. html2markdown -g 'wget --timeout=10 --tries=2' + Add code to html2markdown that tries to determine the character encoding of an HTML file, by parsing the "Content-type" meta tag. - if the encoding can't be determined, then if the content is local, the local encoding is used; if it comes from a URL, UTF-8 is used by default. - if input is from stdin, don't try to determine character encoding. - add a new option '-e' to specify encoding. + Better warning messages: - print warning if iconv not available - in markdown2latex, print only relevant parts of log when pdflatex returns an error condition - in markdown2latex, when 'ucs.sty' is not found, print message telling where to find the 'unicode' package. + Remove PANDOC_OPTS environment variable functionality. It is no longer necessary, now that pandoc options may be specified on the command line. + Add tests for wrappers' processing of command line arguments: - new file '' to test the parsing code under 'bash', 'dash', 'ksh' and 'zsh' in POSIX mode. - new makefile target 'test-wrappers' to run 'testwrapper' + Document changes in revisions to wrapper syntax in README and man pages. git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
2006-12-12 07:31:24 +00:00
* Moved handling of "smart typography" from the writers to the Markdown
and LaTeX readers. This allows great simplification of the writers
and more accurate smart quotes, dashes, and ellipses. DocBook can
now use '<quote>'. The '--smart' option now toggles an option in
the parser state rather than a writer option. Several new kinds
of inline elements have been added: Quoted, Ellipses, Apostrophe,
EmDash, EnDash.
* Changes in HTML writer:
+ Include title block in header even when title is null.
+ Made javascript obfuscation of emails even more obfuscatory,
by combining it with entity obfuscation.
* Changed default ASCIIMathML text color to black.
* Test suite:
+ Added --strip-trailing-cr option to diff in, for
compatibility with Windows.
+ Added regression tests with footnotes in quote blocks and lists.
* Makefile changes:
+ osx-pkg target creates a Mac OS X package (directory). New osx
directory contains files needed for construction of the package.
+ osx-dmg target creates a compressed disk image containing the package.
+ win-pkg target creates Windows binary package.
+ tarball target creates distribution source tarball.
+ website target generates pandoc's website automatically, including
demos. New 'web' directory containts files needed for construction
of the website (which will be created as the 'pandoc' subdirectory
of 'web').
+ Makefile checks to see if we're running Windows/Cygwin; if so,
a '.exe' extension is added to each executable in EXECS.
* Removed all wrappers except markdown2pdf and html2markdown.
* Added new wrapper hsmarkdown, to be used as a drop-in replacement
for hsmarkdown calls pandoc with the '--strict'
option and disables other options.
Revised changelog to reflect changes since r105. Included below is a summary of changes committed in the merge of the wrappers branch (r177): Refactored wrappers, with the following aims: + New command line convention, as follows: 1st form: input files specified <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] input_files... [pandoc_option...] 2nd form: using STDIN, no input file is specified <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] -- [pandoc_option...] 3rd form: input files specified, optional -- <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] input_files... -- [pandoc_option...] - All wrappers except 'html2markdown' and 'latex2markdown' should accept multiple filenames. - Use getopts shell builtin for portable option parsing. + Remove code duplication and provide consistency across command line interface. + Allow white space in filenames, especially suitable for Mac OSX users + Improve html2markdown's web grabber code, making it more robust, configurable and verbose. - new function 'grab_url_with' as the wrapper to web grabbers. - 'grab_url_with' can report errors if the grabber fails. - new command line option 'n' to avoid automatic web grabbing. - new command line option 'g' which explicitly selects a grabber and optionally specifies new options for the selected grabber. Possible use cases: # Just use curl. html2markdown -g 'curl' # Use wget by setting timeout to 10 seconds and limit retries to 2. html2markdown -g 'wget --timeout=10 --tries=2' + Add code to html2markdown that tries to determine the character encoding of an HTML file, by parsing the "Content-type" meta tag. - if the encoding can't be determined, then if the content is local, the local encoding is used; if it comes from a URL, UTF-8 is used by default. - if input is from stdin, don't try to determine character encoding. - add a new option '-e' to specify encoding. + Better warning messages: - print warning if iconv not available - in markdown2latex, print only relevant parts of log when pdflatex returns an error condition - in markdown2latex, when 'ucs.sty' is not found, print message telling where to find the 'unicode' package. + Remove PANDOC_OPTS environment variable functionality. It is no longer necessary, now that pandoc options may be specified on the command line. + Add tests for wrappers' processing of command line arguments: - new file '' to test the parsing code under 'bash', 'dash', 'ksh' and 'zsh' in POSIX mode. - new makefile target 'test-wrappers' to run 'testwrapper' + Document changes in revisions to wrapper syntax in README and man pages. git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
2006-12-12 07:31:24 +00:00
* Added code to html2markdown that tries to determine the character
encoding of an HTML file, by parsing the "Content-type" meta tag.
Revised changelog to reflect changes since r105. Included below is a summary of changes committed in the merge of the wrappers branch (r177): Refactored wrappers, with the following aims: + New command line convention, as follows: 1st form: input files specified <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] input_files... [pandoc_option...] 2nd form: using STDIN, no input file is specified <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] -- [pandoc_option...] 3rd form: input files specified, optional -- <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] input_files... -- [pandoc_option...] - All wrappers except 'html2markdown' and 'latex2markdown' should accept multiple filenames. - Use getopts shell builtin for portable option parsing. + Remove code duplication and provide consistency across command line interface. + Allow white space in filenames, especially suitable for Mac OSX users + Improve html2markdown's web grabber code, making it more robust, configurable and verbose. - new function 'grab_url_with' as the wrapper to web grabbers. - 'grab_url_with' can report errors if the grabber fails. - new command line option 'n' to avoid automatic web grabbing. - new command line option 'g' which explicitly selects a grabber and optionally specifies new options for the selected grabber. Possible use cases: # Just use curl. html2markdown -g 'curl' # Use wget by setting timeout to 10 seconds and limit retries to 2. html2markdown -g 'wget --timeout=10 --tries=2' + Add code to html2markdown that tries to determine the character encoding of an HTML file, by parsing the "Content-type" meta tag. - if the encoding can't be determined, then if the content is local, the local encoding is used; if it comes from a URL, UTF-8 is used by default. - if input is from stdin, don't try to determine character encoding. - add a new option '-e' to specify encoding. + Better warning messages: - print warning if iconv not available - in markdown2latex, print only relevant parts of log when pdflatex returns an error condition - in markdown2latex, when 'ucs.sty' is not found, print message telling where to find the 'unicode' package. + Remove PANDOC_OPTS environment variable functionality. It is no longer necessary, now that pandoc options may be specified on the command line. + Add tests for wrappers' processing of command line arguments: - new file '' to test the parsing code under 'bash', 'dash', 'ksh' and 'zsh' in POSIX mode. - new makefile target 'test-wrappers' to run 'testwrapper' + Document changes in revisions to wrapper syntax in README and man pages. git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
2006-12-12 07:31:24 +00:00
+ If the encoding can't be determined, then if the content is local,
the local encoding is used; if it comes from a URL, UTF-8 is used
by default.
+ If input is from STDIN, don't try to determine character encoding.
Revised changelog to reflect changes since r105. Included below is a summary of changes committed in the merge of the wrappers branch (r177): Refactored wrappers, with the following aims: + New command line convention, as follows: 1st form: input files specified <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] input_files... [pandoc_option...] 2nd form: using STDIN, no input file is specified <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] -- [pandoc_option...] 3rd form: input files specified, optional -- <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] input_files... -- [pandoc_option...] - All wrappers except 'html2markdown' and 'latex2markdown' should accept multiple filenames. - Use getopts shell builtin for portable option parsing. + Remove code duplication and provide consistency across command line interface. + Allow white space in filenames, especially suitable for Mac OSX users + Improve html2markdown's web grabber code, making it more robust, configurable and verbose. - new function 'grab_url_with' as the wrapper to web grabbers. - 'grab_url_with' can report errors if the grabber fails. - new command line option 'n' to avoid automatic web grabbing. - new command line option 'g' which explicitly selects a grabber and optionally specifies new options for the selected grabber. Possible use cases: # Just use curl. html2markdown -g 'curl' # Use wget by setting timeout to 10 seconds and limit retries to 2. html2markdown -g 'wget --timeout=10 --tries=2' + Add code to html2markdown that tries to determine the character encoding of an HTML file, by parsing the "Content-type" meta tag. - if the encoding can't be determined, then if the content is local, the local encoding is used; if it comes from a URL, UTF-8 is used by default. - if input is from stdin, don't try to determine character encoding. - add a new option '-e' to specify encoding. + Better warning messages: - print warning if iconv not available - in markdown2latex, print only relevant parts of log when pdflatex returns an error condition - in markdown2latex, when 'ucs.sty' is not found, print message telling where to find the 'unicode' package. + Remove PANDOC_OPTS environment variable functionality. It is no longer necessary, now that pandoc options may be specified on the command line. + Add tests for wrappers' processing of command line arguments: - new file '' to test the parsing code under 'bash', 'dash', 'ksh' and 'zsh' in POSIX mode. - new makefile target 'test-wrappers' to run 'testwrapper' + Document changes in revisions to wrapper syntax in README and man pages. git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
2006-12-12 07:31:24 +00:00
+ Encoding can be specified explicitly using '-e' option.
* Improved warning messages in wrappers:
Revised changelog to reflect changes since r105. Included below is a summary of changes committed in the merge of the wrappers branch (r177): Refactored wrappers, with the following aims: + New command line convention, as follows: 1st form: input files specified <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] input_files... [pandoc_option...] 2nd form: using STDIN, no input file is specified <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] -- [pandoc_option...] 3rd form: input files specified, optional -- <wrapper> [wrapper_arg...] input_files... -- [pandoc_option...] - All wrappers except 'html2markdown' and 'latex2markdown' should accept multiple filenames. - Use getopts shell builtin for portable option parsing. + Remove code duplication and provide consistency across command line interface. + Allow white space in filenames, especially suitable for Mac OSX users + Improve html2markdown's web grabber code, making it more robust, configurable and verbose. - new function 'grab_url_with' as the wrapper to web grabbers. - 'grab_url_with' can report errors if the grabber fails. - new command line option 'n' to avoid automatic web grabbing. - new command line option 'g' which explicitly selects a grabber and optionally specifies new options for the selected grabber. Possible use cases: # Just use curl. html2markdown -g 'curl' # Use wget by setting timeout to 10 seconds and limit retries to 2. html2markdown -g 'wget --timeout=10 --tries=2' + Add code to html2markdown that tries to determine the character encoding of an HTML file, by parsing the "Content-type" meta tag. - if the encoding can't be determined, then if the content is local, the local encoding is used; if it comes from a URL, UTF-8 is used by default. - if input is from stdin, don't try to determine character encoding. - add a new option '-e' to specify encoding. + Better warning messages: - print warning if iconv not available - in markdown2latex, print only relevant parts of log when pdflatex returns an error condition - in markdown2latex, when 'ucs.sty' is not found, print message telling where to find the 'unicode' package. + Remove PANDOC_OPTS environment variable functionality. It is no longer necessary, now that pandoc options may be specified on the command line. + Add tests for wrappers' processing of command line arguments: - new file '' to test the parsing code under 'bash', 'dash', 'ksh' and 'zsh' in POSIX mode. - new makefile target 'test-wrappers' to run 'testwrapper' + Document changes in revisions to wrapper syntax in README and man pages. git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
2006-12-12 07:31:24 +00:00
+ Print warning if iconv not available
+ More user-friendly error messages in markdown2pdf, when
pdflatex fails.
* Code cleanup:
+ Renamed 'Text/Pandoc/HtmlEntities' module to
'Text/Pandoc/Entities'. Also changed function names so as
not to be HTML-specific.
+ Refactored SGML string escaping functions from HTML and Docbook
writers into Text/Pandoc/Shared. (escapeSGML, stringToSGML)
+ Removed 'BlockQuoteContext' from ParserContext, as it isn't
used anywhere.
+ Removed splitBySpace and replaced it with a general, polymorphic
splitBy function.
+ Refactored LaTeX reader for clarity (added isArg function).
+ Converted some CR's to LF's in src/ui/default/print.css.
+ Added license text to top of source files.
+ Added module data for haddock to source files.
+ Reformatted code for consistency.
* Rewrote documentation and man pages. Split README into INSTALL
* Removed TODO, since we now maintain ToDo on the wiki.
* Made COPYRIGHT in top level a symlink to debian/copyright, to avoid
[ Recai Oktaş ]
* Revamped build process to conform to debian standards and created
a proper debian package. Closes: #391666.
* Modified build process to support GHC 6.6.
+ The package can still be compiled using GHC 6.4.2, though because
of dependencies the "make deb" target works only with GHC 6.6+.
+ The script 'cabalize' is used to create an appropriate
'Pandoc.cabal' from '', depending on the GHC and
Cabal versions.
* Refactored template processing (
* Modified wrapper scripts to make them more robust and portable.
To avoid code duplication and ensure consistency, wrappers are
generated via a templating system from templates in src/wrappers.
+ Wrappers now accept multiple filenames, when appropriate.
+ Spaces and tabs allowed in filenames.
+ getopts shell builtin is used for portable option parsing.
+ Improved html2markdown's web grabber code, making it more robust,
configurable and verbose. Added '-e', '-g' options.
-- Recai Oktaş <> Fri, 05 Jan 2007 09:41:19 +0200
pandoc (0.2) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed unicode/utf-8 translation
-- John MacFarlane <> Mon, 14 Aug 2006 00:00:00 -0400
pandoc (0.1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial creation of debian package
-- John MacFarlane <> Mon, 14 Aug 2006 00:00:00 -0400