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Here are some books, articles, and blogs that discuss pandoc:
# Articles
- [Pandoc]( on Wikipedia.
- Albert Krewinkel, Juanjo Bazán, and Afron M. Smith,
["JATS from Markdown: Developer friendly single-source
*JATS-Con Proceedings 2022*.
- A. Ohri and T. Schmah, ["Machine Translation of Mathematical
Text,"]( in
*IEEE Access*, vol. 9, pp. 38078-38086, 2021,
doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3063715.
- Julien Dehut, ["En finir avec Word ! Pour une analyse des
enjeux relatifs aux traitements de texte et à leur
*L'Atelier des Savoirs*, January 23, 2018.
- Phillips, Lee. ["Technical Writing with Pandoc and
Reproduced with permission from *Linux Journal*, September, 2017.
- Krewinkel, Albert and Robert Winkler. ["Formatting Open
Science: agile creation of multiple document types by writing
academic manuscripts in pandoc
*PeerJ Preprints*.
- Krijnen, Jacco, Doaitse Swierstra, and Marcos O. Viera. ["Expand:
Towards an Extensible Pandoc
*Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages* (Springer International
Publishing, 2014), 200--215.
- Kielhorn, Axel. ["Multi-target publishing-Generating ePub, PDF, and
more, from Markdown using
*TUGboat-TeX Users Group* 32, no. 3 (2011): 272.
- Massimiliano Dominici. ["An Overview of Pandoc."](,
*TUGboat* 32 (2014), n. 1: 44-50.
- Gieben, R. ["Writing I-Ds and RFCs Using Pandoc and a Bit of
XML."]( (RFC 7328, 2014).
- Ovadia, Steven (2014). ["Markdown for Librarians and
*Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian* 33 (2): 120124.
- Daniel Burgos and Alberto Corbí, "Semi-Automated Correction Tools for
Mathematics-Based Exercises in MOOC Environments,"
[*International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Multimedia*,
3](, 89-95.
- Garnett A, Alperin JP, Willinsky J. "The Public Knowledge Project XML
Publishing Service and meTypeset: Don't call it 'Yet Another
Word-to-JATS Conversion Kit'." *Journal Article Tag Suite
Conference (JATS-Con) Proceedings* 2015 [Internet]. Bethesda (MD):
National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2015. Available
from: <>
# Books
- Digital Publishing Toolkit Collective,
[*From Print to EBooks: A Hybrid Publishing Toolkit for the Arts*](
(Institute of Network Cultures), ch. 6.
- Hasecke, Jan Ulrich. [*Das ZEN von Pandoc: Bücher und E-Books einfach
und professionell
- Michael Kofler,
[*Markdown und
# Blog posts
- Grec, Dan (2021), ["How I self-published a professional paperback and
eBook using LaTeX and
The Road Chose Me.
- Grandesso, Piero (2018-03-23). ["A pandoc-based layout workflow for
scholarly journals"](
Piero G: Notes on Open Access, Scholarly Publishing etc.
- Krewinkel, Albert (2017-12-23). ["Extending pandoc with
- Pullum, Geoffrey (2017-03-13). ["Word-Processing
The Chronicle of Higher Education Blogs: Lingua Franca.
- Curiositry (2017-02-28). ["Pandoc for
The Autodidacts.
- Tenen, Dennis and Grant Wythoff (2014-03-19). ["Sustainable Authorship
in Plain Text using Pandoc and Markdown"]( The Programming
- Mullen, Lincoln (2012-02-23). ["Pandoc Converts All Your (Text)
Documents"](, The Chronicle of Higher Education Blogs: ProfHacker.
- Mullen, Lincoln (2012-03-20). ["Make Your Own E-Books with
Pandoc"]( The Chronicle of Higher Education Blogs: ProfHacker.
- Fenner, Martin (2013-12-12). ["From Markdown to JATS XML in one
Step"]( Gobbledygook.
- McDaniel, W. Caleb (2012-09-28). ["Why (and How) I Wrote My Academic
Book in Plain Text"](
- Healy, Kieran (2014-01-23). ["Plain Text, Papers, Pandoc"](
- Till, Kaitlyn, Shed Simas, and Velma Larkai (2014-04-14). ["The Flying
Narwhal: Small mag workflow"]( Publishing @ SFU.
- Maxwell, John (2013-11-01). ["Building Publishing Workflows with
Pandoc and Git"]( Publishing @ SFU.
- Maxwell, John (2014-02-26). ["On Pandoc"]( eBound Canada: Digital Production Workshop, Vancouver, BC.
- Puppet labs (2013-11-28).
["How We Automated our Ebook Builds with Pandoc and KindleGen."](
- Fenner, Martin (2014-08-25).
["Using Microsoft Word with
- Wouter Soudan (2015-12-02). ["From Word to Markdown to InDesign:
Fully automated typesetting."](
- Mattia Tezzele (2015-11-24), ["Typesetting automation: A Plain-text workflow for painless
production of personal documents & offline
correspondence---featuring Pandoc, LaTeX, and a simple
# Talks
- MacFarlane, John (2014-05-17). ["Pandoc for Haskell Hackers"]( BayHac 2014, Mountain View, CA.