
101 lines
3.6 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Blog.Wording (
, build
) where
import Arguments (Arguments(..))
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), (.=), object, pairs)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Map (Map, (!))
import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty, fromList, map, union)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text (pack, unpack)
import Data.Text.Template (Template, renderA, showTemplate, templateSafe)
import Paths_hablo (getDataFileName)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (
, (<|>)
, char, choice, endBy, many, many1, noneOf, parse, string, try
import System.Exit (die)
data Wording = Wording {
allLink :: Text
, allPage :: Text
, allTaggedPage :: Template
, commentsSection :: Text
, latestLink :: Text
, latestPage :: Text
, latestTaggedPage :: Template
, tagsList :: Text
keys :: [String]
keys = [
"allLink", "allPage", "allTaggedPage", "commentsSection"
, "latestLink", "latestPage", "latestTaggedPage", "tagsList"
values :: [Wording -> Text]
values = [
allLink, allPage, showTemplate . allTaggedPage, commentsSection
, latestLink, latestPage, showTemplate . latestTaggedPage, tagsList
texts :: Wording -> [Text]
texts wording = ($ wording) <$> values
instance ToJSON Wording where
toJSON = object . zipWith (.=) (Text.pack <$> keys) . texts
toEncoding = pairs . foldl (<>) mempty . zipWith (.=) (Text.pack <$> keys) . texts
addWording :: Map String Text -> FilePath -> IO (Map String Text)
addWording currentWording wordingFile = do
parsed <- parse wordingP wordingFile <$> readFile wordingFile
case parsed of
Left errorMessage -> die $ show errorMessage
Right newWording -> return $ Map.union currentWording newWording
wordingP :: Parser (Map String Text)
wordingP = Map.map Text.pack . Map.fromList <$> (many eol *> line `endBy` (many1 eol))
line = (,) <$> (choice (try . string <$> keys) <* equal) <*> many (noneOf "\r\n")
equal = many (char ' ') *> char '=' *> many (char ' ')
eol = try (string "\r\n") <|> string "\r" <|> string "\n"
checkTemplateWith :: [Text] -> String -> Map String Text -> IO Template
checkTemplateWith variables key wording =
let templateText = wording ! key in
let testEnvironment = flip lookup [(s, "") | s <- variables] in
case templateSafe templateText of
Left (row, col) -> die $ syntaxError (show row) (show col)
Right template ->
maybe (die badTemplate) (return . const template) (renderA template testEnvironment)
availableVariables =
" (available variables: " ++ intercalate ", " (Text.unpack <$> variables) ++ ")"
syntaxError row col =
"Syntax error in template for variable " ++ key ++ "at l." ++ row ++ ", c." ++ col
badTemplate = "Invalid template for variable " ++ key ++ availableVariables
build :: Arguments -> IO Wording
build arguments = do
defaultWording <- getDataFileName "defaultWording.conf"
let wordingFiles = maybe id (:) (wording arguments) $ [defaultWording]
wording <- foldM addWording Map.empty wordingFiles
allTaggedPage <- checkTemplateWith ["tag"] "allTaggedPage" wording
latestTaggedPage <- checkTemplateWith ["tag"] "latestTaggedPage" wording
return Wording {
allLink = wording ! "allLink"
, allPage = wording ! "allPage"
, allTaggedPage
, commentsSection = wording ! "commentsSection"
, latestLink = wording ! "latestLink"
, latestPage = wording ! "latestPage"
, latestTaggedPage
, tagsList = wording ! "tagsList"