import {articlesList, getResource, render} from DomRenderer; import blog from Hablo.Config; import * as Async from UnitJS.Async; import * as Cache from UnitJS.Cache; import * as Dom from UnitJS.Dom; import * as Fun from UnitJS.Fun; var cache = {}; ['article', 'page'].forEach(function(contentType) { cache[contentType] = Cache.make(function(key) { var url = ["", blog.path[contentType + 'sPath'], key + '.md'].join('/'); return Async.bind( Async.http({method: 'GET', url: url}), function(queryResult) { if(queryResult.status == 200) { return Async.wrap(queryResult.responseText); } else { return "Could not load " + contentType + " " + url + " (" + queryResult.status + " " + queryResult.statusText + ")" ); } } ); }); }); window.addEventListener('popstate', function(e) { if(e.state != undefined) { navigate(e.state.url); } }); history.replaceState({url: window.location.pathname}, 'Blog - title', window.location.pathname); return { hijackLinks: hijackLinks }; function hijackLinks(domElem) { domElem = domElem || document; var links = domElem.getElementsByTagName('a'); for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var a = links[i]; var href = a.getAttribute("href"); if((href[0] == "/" && href.slice(-3) != ".md") || href[0] == "#") { a.addEventListener('click', visit(a.getAttribute("href"))); } } } function visit(url) { return function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if(url[0] == '#') { window.location = url; history.replaceState({url: window.location.pathname}, 'Blog - title', url); } else { navigate(url); history.pushState({url: url}, 'Blog - title', url); } }; } function navigate(url) { var resource = getResource(url); switch(resource.type) { case 'list': show(getArticlesList(resource)); break; case 'article': case 'page': show(getCached(resource)); break; default: console.log("No idea how to navigate to " + url); } } function getCached(resource) { return Async.bind( cache[resource.type].get(resource.key), function(contents) {return [render(resource, contents)];} ) ); } function preview(key) { return Async.bind( cache.article.get(key), function(contents) { return Async.wrap( render({type: 'article', key: key}, contents, ); } ); } function articleIds(resource) { var ids = resource.tag != undefined ? blog.tags[resource.tag] : Object.keys(blog.articles); var reverseDate = function (id) {return -blog.articles[id];}; ids.sort(; return ids.slice(0, resource.all ? undefined :; } function getArticlesList(resource) { return Async.bind( Async.parallel.apply(null, articleIds(resource).map(preview)), ); } function show(contents) { Async.bind( contents, (domElems) { domElems = domElems.filter(Fun.defined); var div = document.getElementById('contents'); Dom.clear(div); for(var i = 0; i < domElems.length; i++) { div.appendChild(domElems[i]); } hijackLinks(div); }) ) ); }