Add program version in help and a separate --version flag
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 37 additions and 14 deletions
@ -5,12 +5,14 @@ module Arguments (
) where
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Options.Applicative
import qualified Paths_hablo as Hablo (version)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, makeAbsolute)
import System.Exit (die)
import System.Exit (die, exitSuccess)
import System.FilePath.Posix (dropTrailingPathSeparator, isValid)
data Arguments = Arguments {
data Arguments = BlogConfig {
sourceDir :: FilePath
, blogName :: Maybe String
, previewArticlesCount :: Int
@ -18,9 +20,10 @@ data Arguments = Arguments {
, bannerPath :: Maybe FilePath
, headPath :: Maybe FilePath
| Version
parseArguments :: Parser Arguments
parseArguments = Arguments
blogConfig :: Parser Arguments
blogConfig = BlogConfig
<$> argument filePath (metavar "INPUT_DIR")
<*> option (optional str) (
metavar "BLOG_NAME"
@ -58,6 +61,16 @@ parseArguments = Arguments
<> help "path to the file to add in the blog's head"
version :: Parser Arguments
version = flag' Version (
long "version"
<> short 'v'
<> help "print the version number"
arguments :: Parser Arguments
arguments = blogConfig <|> version
filePath :: ReadM FilePath
filePath = eitherReader $ \path ->
if isValid path
@ -71,16 +84,16 @@ ifNotDie check messageBuilder input = do
then return ()
else die $ messageBuilder input
get :: IO Arguments
get = do
arguments <- execParser $ info (parseArguments <**> helper) fullDesc
doesDirectoryExist `ifNotDie` noSuchDirectory $ sourceDir arguments
absoluteSourceDir <- makeAbsolute $ sourceDir arguments
mapM_ (doesFileExist `ifNotDie` noSuchFile) $ bannerPath arguments
absoluteBannerPath <- mapM makeAbsolute $ bannerPath arguments
mapM_ (doesFileExist `ifNotDie` noSuchFile) $ headPath arguments
absoluteHeadPath <- mapM makeAbsolute $ headPath arguments
return $ arguments {
checkAndMakeAbsolute :: Arguments -> IO Arguments
checkAndMakeAbsolute Version = return Version
checkAndMakeAbsolute aBlogConfig = do
doesDirectoryExist `ifNotDie` noSuchDirectory $ sourceDir aBlogConfig
absoluteSourceDir <- makeAbsolute $ sourceDir aBlogConfig
mapM_ (doesFileExist `ifNotDie` noSuchFile) $ bannerPath aBlogConfig
absoluteBannerPath <- mapM makeAbsolute $ bannerPath aBlogConfig
mapM_ (doesFileExist `ifNotDie` noSuchFile) $ headPath aBlogConfig
absoluteHeadPath <- mapM makeAbsolute $ headPath aBlogConfig
return $ aBlogConfig {
sourceDir = absoluteSourceDir
, bannerPath = absoluteBannerPath
, headPath = absoluteHeadPath
@ -88,3 +101,13 @@ get = do
noSuchDirectory = (++ ": no such directory")
noSuchFile = (++ ": no such file")
get :: IO Arguments
get = do
args <- execParser $
(arguments <**> helper)
(fullDesc <> header ("Hablo v" ++ showVersion Hablo.version))
case args of
Version -> (putStrLn $ showVersion Hablo.version) >> exitSuccess
BlogConfig {} -> checkAndMakeAbsolute args
Reference in a new issue