Add unit tests for new behaviour : articles or pages, auto or custom, fail if none is present
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 198 additions and 13 deletions
@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ executable hablo
test-suite tests
type: detailed-0.9
test-module: Tests
other-modules: Mock.Article
other-modules: Mock.Arguments
, Mock.Article
, Mock.ArticlesList
, Mock.Blog
, Mock.Blog.Path
@ -92,12 +93,14 @@ test-suite tests
, Mock.Blog.Wording
, Mock.Collection
, Mock.Markdown
, Structure
, Utils
, XML.Card
, XML.Card.Component
, XML.Card.Output
build-depends: base
, containers
, directory
, filepath
, Cabal
, hablo-internals
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
module Mock.Arguments (
, badCustomPages
, bothCustom
, bothDefault
, customArticles
, customArticlesDefaultPages
, customPages
, customPagesDefaultArticles
, defaultArticles
, defaultPages
, emptyBlog
) where
import Arguments (Arguments(..))
import Utils (testDataPath)
defaultArticles :: Arguments
defaultArticles = BlogConfig {
sourceDir = testDataPath "Structure/defaultArticles"
, articlesPath = Nothing
, bannerPath = Nothing
, cardImage = Nothing
, commentsURL = Nothing
, favicon = Nothing
, headPath = Nothing
, name = Nothing
, openGraphCards = False
, pagesPath = Nothing
, previewArticlesCount = 3
, previewLinesCount = 10
, remarkableConfig = Nothing
, rss = False
, siteURL = Nothing
, wording = Nothing
defaultPages :: Arguments
defaultPages = defaultArticles {
sourceDir = testDataPath "Structure/defaultPages"
bothDefault :: Arguments
bothDefault = defaultArticles {
sourceDir = testDataPath "Structure/both"
emptyBlog :: Arguments
emptyBlog = defaultArticles {
sourceDir = testDataPath "Structure/custom"
customArticles :: Arguments
customArticles = emptyBlog {
articlesPath = Just "customArticles"
customArticlesDefaultPages :: Arguments
customArticlesDefaultPages = bothDefault {
articlesPath = Just "customArticles"
customPages :: Arguments
customPages = emptyBlog {
pagesPath = Just "customPages"
customPagesDefaultArticles :: Arguments
customPagesDefaultArticles = bothDefault {
pagesPath = Just "customPages"
bothCustom :: Arguments
bothCustom = customArticles {
pagesPath = Just "customPages"
badCustomArticles :: Arguments
badCustomArticles = bothDefault {
articlesPath = Just "missingDirectory"
badCustomPages :: Arguments
badCustomPages = bothDefault {
pagesPath = Just "missingDirectory"
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Blog (Blog(..))
import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList)
import qualified Data.Set as Set (fromList)
import qualified Mock.Article (simple)
import qualified Mock.Blog.Path (simple)
import qualified Mock.Blog.Path (defaultArticles)
import qualified Mock.Blog.Skin (simple)
import qualified Mock.Blog.Template (simple)
import qualified Mock.Blog.URL (simple, noCards)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ simple =
, hasRSS = True
, name = "The Test Blog"
, pages = Map.fromList []
, path = Mock.Blog.Path.simple
, path = Mock.Blog.Path.defaultArticles
, skin = Mock.Blog.Skin.simple
, tags = Map.fromList [("testing", Set.fromList ["test"])]
, templates
@ -1,13 +1,66 @@
module Mock.Blog.Path (
, bothDefault
, customArticles
, customArticlesDefaultPages
, customPages
, customPagesDefaultArticles
, defaultArticles
, defaultPages
) where
import Blog.Path (Path(..))
simple :: Path
simple = Path {
defaultArticles :: Path
defaultArticles = Path {
articlesPath = Just "articles"
, pagesPath = Nothing
, remarkableConfig = Nothing
, root = "/home/test/blog"
, root = "test/Structure/defaultArticles"
defaultPages :: Path
defaultPages = Path {
articlesPath = Nothing
, pagesPath = Just "pages"
, remarkableConfig = Nothing
, root = "test/Structure/defaultPages"
bothDefault :: Path
bothDefault = Path {
articlesPath = Just "articles"
, pagesPath = Just "pages"
, remarkableConfig = Nothing
, root = "test/Structure/both"
customArticles :: Path
customArticles = Path {
articlesPath = Just "customArticles"
, pagesPath = Nothing
, remarkableConfig = Nothing
, root = "test/Structure/custom"
bothCustom :: Path
bothCustom = customArticles {
pagesPath = Just "customPages"
customPages :: Path
customPages = bothCustom {
articlesPath = Nothing
customArticlesDefaultPages :: Path
customArticlesDefaultPages = bothDefault {
articlesPath = Just "customArticles"
, pagesPath = Just "pages"
customPagesDefaultArticles :: Path
customPagesDefaultArticles = customArticlesDefaultPages {
articlesPath = Just "articles"
, pagesPath = Just "customPages"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
module Structure (
) where
import Arguments (Arguments(..))
import Blog (Path)
import qualified Blog.Path as Path (build)
import Distribution.TestSuite
import qualified Mock.Arguments as Arguments
import qualified Mock.Blog.Path as Path
import System.Directory (withCurrentDirectory)
import Utils (simpleTest, tag)
checkPath :: Arguments -> Maybe Path -> IO Progress
checkPath input expected = do
withCurrentDirectory root $ do
actual <- either (\_ -> Nothing) Just <$> root input
return . Finished $
if actual == expected
then Pass
else Fail $ "Expected " ++ show expected ++ " but got " ++ show actual
root = sourceDir input
test :: Test
test = tag "structure" . testGroup "Blog structure" $ simpleTest <$> [
("empty structure", checkPath Arguments.emptyBlog Nothing)
, ("default articles", checkPath Arguments.defaultArticles $ Just Path.defaultArticles)
, ("default pages", checkPath Arguments.defaultPages $ Just Path.defaultPages)
, ("both default", checkPath Arguments.bothDefault $ Just Path.bothDefault)
, ("custom articles", checkPath Arguments.customArticles $ Just Path.customArticles)
, ("custom pages", checkPath Arguments.customPages $ Just Path.customPages)
, ("both custom", checkPath Arguments.bothCustom $ Just Path.bothCustom)
, ("custom articles, default pages"
, checkPath Arguments.customArticlesDefaultPages $ Just Path.customArticlesDefaultPages)
, ("custom pages, default articles"
, checkPath Arguments.customPagesDefaultArticles $ Just Path.customPagesDefaultArticles)
, ("bad custom articles", checkPath Arguments.badCustomArticles $ Nothing)
, ("bad custom pages", checkPath Arguments.badCustomPages $ Nothing)
@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ module Tests (
) where
import Distribution.TestSuite
import qualified Structure (test)
import Utils (tag)
import qualified XML.Card (test)
tests :: IO [Test]
tests = return $ tag "xml" <$> [
, Structure.test
@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ module Utils (
, assertEqual
, simpleTest
, tag
, testDataPath
) where
import Distribution.TestSuite
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Text.Printf (printf)
tagInstance :: String -> TestInstance -> TestInstance
@ -43,3 +45,5 @@ assertEqual :: (Show a, Eq a) => String -> a -> a -> (Bool, IO Progress, String)
assertEqual what a b =
(a == b, wrong (what ++ " do not match !") a b, what ++ " ok")
testDataPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
testDataPath = ("test" </>)
@ -16,16 +16,13 @@ import Mock.ArticlesList as ArticlesList (
import Pretty ((.$))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Utils (assertAll, assertEqual, simpleTest, tag)
testDataPath :: FilePath
testDataPath = "test/XML/Card/Output"
import Utils (assertAll, assertEqual, simpleTest, tag, testDataPath)
check :: HasCard a => IO Blog -> a -> FilePath -> IO Progress
check getBlog input expectedFile =
getBlog >>= runReaderT (do
actual <- renderTextT $ maybe (return ()) (DOM.Card.make input) =<< (asks $urls.$cards)
expected <- liftIO . Lazy.readFile $ testDataPath </> expectedFile
expected <- liftIO . Lazy.readFile $ testDataPath "XML/Card/Output" </> expectedFile
liftIO $ assertAll [
assertEqual "card HTML output" expected actual
Reference in a new issue