Ugly JS desperate fix
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 64 additions and 57 deletions
@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ library
, containers >= 0.5.11 && < 0.7
, directory >= 1.3.1 && < 1.4
, filepath >= 1.4.2 && < 1.5
, lucid >= 2.8.0 && < 2.10
, blaze-html
, blaze-markup
, mtl >= 2.2.2 && < 2.3
, optparse-applicative >= 0.14.0 && < 0.17
, parsec >= 3.1.13 && < 3.2
@ -18,22 +18,28 @@ import Data.Map as Map (Map, toList)
import Data.Text (Text, pack, empty)
import DOM.Card (HasCard)
import qualified DOM.Card as Card (make)
import Lucid (
Attribute, HtmlT, a_, article_, body_, charset_, class_, div_, doctypehtml_
, h1_, h2_, head_, header_, href_, li_, link_, id_, meta_, pre_, rel_
, script_, src_, title_, toHtml, toHtmlRaw, type_, ul_
--import Lucid (
-- Attribute, HtmlT, a_, article_, body_, charset_, class_, div_, doctypehtml_
-- , h1_, h2_, head_, header_, href_, li_, link_, id_, meta_, pre_, rel_
-- , script_, src_, title_, toHtml, toHtmlRaw, type_, ul_
-- )
import Markdown (Markdown(..), MarkdownContent(..))
import Network.URL (URL)
import Page (Page)
import Prelude hiding (head, lookup)
import Prelude hiding (div, head, id, lookup)
import Pretty ((.$))
import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>), (<.>))
import Text.Blaze.Html5 as H (
(!), Html, ToValue(..), body, div, docTypeHtml, h2, head, li, meta, preEscapedText, script, text, title, ul
import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes (
charset, class_, id, src
type HtmlGenerator = HtmlT (ReaderT Blog IO)
type HtmlGenerator = ReaderT Blog IO Html
class HasCard a => PageType a where
content :: a -> HtmlGenerator ()
content :: a -> HtmlGenerator
pathToRoot :: a -> FilePath
instance PageType Article where
@ -47,17 +53,17 @@ instance PageType Page where
instance PageType ArticlesList where
content al@(ArticlesList {full}) = do
preview <- Article.preview <$> (asks $skin.$previewLinesCount)
h2_ . toHtml =<< description al
h2_ . text =<< description al
ul_ $ do
asks hasRSS >>= rssLink
li_ . a_ [href_ . pack $ otherURL al, class_ "other"] =<< otherLink
div_ [class_ "articles"] (
div [class_ "articles"] (
mapM_ (mDContent False (pathToRoot al) . preview) =<< getArticles al
otherLink =
toHtml <$> template (if full then "latestLink" else "allLink") []
rssLink :: Bool -> HtmlGenerator ()
rssLink :: Bool -> HtmlGenerator
rssLink True = do
(text, title) <- rssLinkTexts al
li_ . a_ [href_ "rss.xml", class_ "RSS", title_ title] $ toHtml text
@ -65,70 +71,68 @@ instance PageType ArticlesList where
pathToRoot = maybe "." (\_ -> "..") . Collection.tag . collection
mDContent :: Bool -> FilePath -> Markdown -> HtmlGenerator ()
mDContent raw base markdown@(Markdown {key, body}) =
article_ [id_ $ pack key] (do
mDContent :: Bool -> FilePath -> Markdown -> HtmlGenerator
mDContent raw base markdown@(Markdown {key, Markdown.body}) =
article_ ! id (toValue key) (do
header_ . h1_ $ mDLink raw base markdown
pre_ . toHtml $ unlines body
mDLink :: Bool -> FilePath -> Markdown -> HtmlGenerator ()
mDLink raw base (Markdown {Markdown.path, title}) = link $ toHtml title
mDLink :: Bool -> FilePath -> Markdown -> HtmlGenerator
mDLink raw base (Markdown {Markdown.path, Markdown.title}) = link $ toHtml title
link = a_ [href_ . prefix base $ path <.> (if raw then "md" else "html")]
prefix :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Text
prefix base = pack . (base </>)
tag :: FilePath -> String -> HtmlGenerator ()
tag :: FilePath -> String -> HtmlGenerator
tag base name =
a_ [href_ . prefix base $ name ++ "/", class_ "tag"] $ toHtml name
defaultBanner :: FilePath -> HtmlGenerator ()
defaultBanner :: FilePath -> HtmlGenerator
defaultBanner base =
div_ [id_ "header"] (
a_ [href_ $ pack base] (
h1_ . toHtml =<< asks name
div ! id "header" $
a_ [href_ $ pack base] (
h1_ . toHtml =<< asks name
faviconLink :: FilePath -> URL -> HtmlGenerator ()
faviconLink :: FilePath -> URL -> HtmlGenerator
faviconLink base url = link_ [
rel_ "shortcut icon", href_ $ localPrefix base url, type_ "image/x-icon"
optional :: (a -> HtmlGenerator ()) -> Maybe a -> HtmlGenerator ()
optional = maybe (return ())
optional :: (a -> HtmlGenerator) -> Maybe a -> HtmlGenerator
optional = maybe (return mempty)
navigationSection ::
Text -> String -> ((String, a) -> HtmlGenerator ()) -> Map String a -> HtmlGenerator ()
Text -> String -> ((String, a) -> HtmlGenerator) -> Map String a -> HtmlGenerator
navigationSection sectionId templateKey generator collection
| null collection = return ()
| otherwise =
div_ [id_ sectionId, class_ "navigator"] (do
h2_ . toHtml =<< template templateKey []
ul_ . mapM_ (li_ . generator) $ Map.toList collection
div ! id sectionId ! class_ "navigator" $ do
h2 . toHtml =<< template templateKey []
ul $ (li . generator) <$> Map.toList collection
htmlDocument :: PageType a => a -> HtmlGenerator ()
htmlDocument :: PageType a => a -> HtmlGenerator
htmlDocument someContent =
let base = pathToRoot someContent in
doctypehtml_ (do
head_ (do
meta_ [charset_ "utf-8"]
title_ . toHtml =<< asks name
script_ [src_ $ prefix base "js/remarkable.min.js"] empty
script_ [src_ $ prefix base "js/hablo.js"] empty
docTypeHtml (do
H.head (do
meta ! charset "utf-8"
H.title . text =<< asks name
script ! src (prefix base "js/remarkable.min.js") mempty
script ! src (prefix base "js/hablo.js") mempty
optional (faviconLink base) =<< (asks $skin.$favicon)
optional (Card.make someContent) =<< (asks $urls.$cards)
optional toHtmlRaw =<< (asks $skin.$head)
optional preEscapedText =<< (asks $skin.$Blog.head)
body_ (do
maybe (defaultBanner base) toHtmlRaw =<< (asks $skin.$banner)
H.body (do
maybe (defaultBanner base) preEscapedText =<< (asks $skin.$banner)
asks tags >>= navigationSection "tags" "tagsList"
(\(key, _) -> tag base key)
asks pages >>= navigationSection "pages" "pagesList"
(\(_, page) -> mDLink False base $ getMarkdown page)
div_ [id_ "contents"] $ content someContent
div ! id "contents" $ content someContent
@ -17,14 +17,16 @@ import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.Reader (asks)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (lookup)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Lucid (HtmlT, content_, meta_)
import Lucid.Base (makeAttribute)
--import Lucid (HtmlT, content_, meta_)
--import Lucid.Base (makeAttribute)
import Markdown (MarkdownContent(..), metadata)
import Network.URL (URL)
import qualified Markdown (Markdown(..))
import Page (Page(..))
import Pretty ((.$))
import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>), (<.>))
import Text.Blaze.Html5 ((!), AttributeValue, Html, ToValue(..), meta, customAttribute)
import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A (content)
class HasCard a where
cardType :: Renderer m => a -> m Text
@ -33,14 +35,13 @@ class HasCard a where
title :: Renderer m => a -> m String
urlPath :: Renderer m => a -> m String
og :: Applicative m => Text -> Text -> HtmlT m ()
og attribute value =
meta_ [
makeAttribute "property" $ "og:" <> attribute
, content_ value
og :: Applicative m => AttributeValue -> Text -> m Html
og attribute t =
pure $ meta
! (customAttribute "property" $ "og:" <> attribute)
! content (toValue t)
make :: (HasCard a, Renderer m) => a -> AbsoluteURL -> HtmlT m ()
make :: (HasCard a, Renderer m) => a -> AbsoluteURL -> m Html
make element siteURL = do
og "url" . (pathOn siteURL) =<< urlPath element
og "type" =<< cardType element
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ make element siteURL = do
maybeImage =<< ((<|>) <$> image element <*> (asks $skin.$cardImage))
og "site_name" =<< (asks $name.$pack)
maybeImage = maybe (return ()) (og "image" . defaultOn siteURL)
maybeImage = maybe (return mempty) (og "image" . defaultOn siteURL)
mDImage :: (Renderer m, MarkdownContent a) => a -> m (Maybe URL)
mDImage = mapM checkURL . Map.lookup "featuredImage" . metadata . getMarkdown
@ -19,13 +19,14 @@ import Data.Map ((!))
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TextIO (writeFile)
import Data.Time (defaultTimeLocale, formatTime, rfc822DateFormat)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import Lucid (Attribute, HtmlT, Term, ToHtml(..), term, renderTextT)
--import Lucid (Attribute, HtmlT, Term, ToHtml(..), term, renderTextT)
import Lucid.Base (makeAttribute)
import Markdown (Markdown(..))
import Pretty ((.$))
import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>), (<.>))
import Text.Blaze.Html (Html)
prolog :: Monad m => HtmlT m ()
prolog :: Monad m => m Html
prolog = toHtmlRaw ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" :: String)
version_ :: Text -> Attribute
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ item_ = term "item"
pubDate_ :: Term arg result => arg -> result
pubDate_ = term "pubDate"
articleItem :: Monad m => AbsoluteURL -> Article -> HtmlT m ()
articleItem :: Monad m => AbsoluteURL -> Article -> m Html
articleItem siteURL (Article (Markdown {path, metadata, title})) =
item_ $ do
title_ $ toHtml title
@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ articleItem siteURL (Article (Markdown {path, metadata, title})) =
formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat
. posixSecondsToUTCTime . fromIntegral . (read :: String -> Int)
feed :: Renderer m => AbsoluteURL -> ArticlesList -> HtmlT m ()
feed :: Renderer m => AbsoluteURL -> ArticlesList -> m Html
feed siteURL al@(ArticlesList {collection}) = do
rss_ [version, content, atom] $ do
Reference in a new issue