Add more article card tests and articlesList card tests

This commit is contained in:
Tissevert 2020-06-09 15:21:29 +02:00
parent 6002f7c4d6
commit 08990e8440
14 changed files with 320 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -83,10 +83,20 @@ test-suite tests
type: detailed-0.9 type: detailed-0.9
test-module: Tests test-module: Tests
other-modules: Mock.Article other-modules: Mock.Article
, Mock.ArticlesList
, Mock.Blog , Mock.Blog
, Mock.Blog.Path
, Mock.Blog.Skin
, Mock.Blog.Template
, Mock.Blog.URL
, Mock.Blog.Wording
, Mock.Collection
, Mock.Markdown
, Utils
, XML.Card , XML.Card
build-depends: base build-depends: base
, containers , containers
, filepath
, Cabal , Cabal
, hablo-internals , hablo-internals
, mtl , mtl

View file

@ -8,46 +8,16 @@ module Mock.Article (
import Article (Article(..)) import Article (Article(..))
import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList) import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList)
import Markdown (Markdown(..)) import Markdown (Markdown(..))
import Mock.Markdown (article)
simple :: Article simple :: Article
simple = Article (Markdown { simple = Article article
key = "test"
, path = "article/test"
, Markdown.title = "Some test"
, metadata = Map.fromList [
("summary", "It's a test")
, ("featuredImage", "test.png")
, bodyOffset = 3
, body = []
noImage :: Article noImage :: Article
noImage = Article (Markdown { noImage = Article $ article {metadata = Map.fromList [("summary", "It's a test")]}
key = "test"
, path = "article/test"
, Markdown.title = "Some test"
, metadata = Map.fromList [("summary", "It's a test")]
, bodyOffset = 3
, body = []
noDescription :: Article noDescription :: Article
noDescription = Article (Markdown { noDescription = Article $ article {metadata = Map.fromList [("featuredImage", "test.png")]}
key = "test"
, path = "article/test"
, Markdown.title = "Some test"
, metadata = Map.fromList [("featuredImage", "test.png")]
, bodyOffset = 3
, body = []
noMeta :: Article noMeta :: Article
noMeta = Article (Markdown { noMeta = Article $ article {metadata = Map.fromList []}
key = "test"
, path = "article/test"
, Markdown.title = "Some test"
, metadata = Map.fromList []
, bodyOffset = 3
, body = []

test/Mock/ArticlesList.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
module Mock.ArticlesList (
, longTesting
, shortMain
, shortTesting
) where
import ArticlesList (ArticlesList(..))
import Mock.Collection (main, testing)
import Prelude hiding (all)
shortMain :: IO ArticlesList
shortMain = ArticlesList False <$> main
shortTesting :: IO ArticlesList
shortTesting = ArticlesList False <$> testing
longMain :: IO ArticlesList
longMain = ArticlesList True <$> main
longTesting :: IO ArticlesList
longTesting = ArticlesList True <$> testing

View file

@ -1,8 +1,35 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Mock.Blog ( module Mock.Blog (
simple simple
, noRSS
) where ) where
import Blog (Blog) import Blog (Blog(..))
import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList)
import qualified Data.Set as Set (fromList)
import qualified Mock.Article (simple)
import qualified Mock.Blog.Path (simple)
import qualified Mock.Blog.Skin (simple)
import qualified Mock.Blog.Template (simple)
import qualified Mock.Blog.URL (simple)
import qualified Mock.Blog.Wording (defaultWording)
simple :: Blog simple :: IO Blog
simple = undefined simple =
let wording = Mock.Blog.Wording.defaultWording in do
templates <- Mock.Blog.Template.simple
return $ Blog {
articles = Map.fromList [("test", Mock.Article.simple)]
, hasRSS = True
, name = "The Test Blog"
, pages = Map.fromList []
, path = Mock.Blog.Path.simple
, skin = Mock.Blog.Skin.simple
, tags = Map.fromList [("testing", Set.fromList ["test"])]
, templates
, urls = Mock.Blog.URL.simple
, wording
noRSS :: IO Blog
noRSS = (\b -> b {hasRSS = False}) <$> simple

test/Mock/Blog/Path.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
module Mock.Blog.Path (
) where
import Blog.Path (Path(..))
simple :: Path
simple = Path {
articlesPath = "articles"
, pagesPath = Nothing
, remarkableConfig = Nothing
, root = "/home/test/blog"

test/Mock/Blog/Skin.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
module Mock.Blog.Skin (
) where
import Blog.Skin (Skin(..))
import Prelude hiding (head)
simple :: Skin
simple = Skin {
banner = Nothing
, cardImage = Nothing
, favicon = Nothing
, head = Nothing
, previewArticlesCount = 3
, previewLinesCount = 10

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module Mock.Blog.Template (
) where
import Blog.Template (Templates, build)
import Mock.Blog.Wording (defaultWording)
simple :: IO Templates
simple = build Mock.Blog.Wording.defaultWording

test/Mock/Blog/URL.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module Mock.Blog.URL (
) where
import Blog.URL (URL(..))
simple :: URL
simple = URL {
cards = Nothing
, comments = Nothing
, rss = Nothing

test/Mock/Blog/Wording.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Mock.Blog.Wording (
) where
import Blog.Wording (Wording(..))
import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList)
defaultWording :: Wording
defaultWording = Wording $ Map.fromList [
("allLink", "See all")
, ("allPage", "All articles{? tagged ${tag}?}")
, ("commentsLink", "Comment on the fediverse")
, ("commentsSection", "Comments")
, ("dateFormat", "en-US")
, ("latestLink", "See only latest")
, ("latestPage", "Latest articles{? tagged ${tag}?}")
, ("metadata", "{?by ${author} ?}on ${date}{? tagged ${tags}?}")
, ("rssLink", "Subscribe")
, ("rssTitle", "Follow all articles{? tagged ${tag}?}")
, ("tagsList", "Tags")

test/Mock/Collection.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
module Mock.Collection (
, testing
) where
import Blog (Blog(..), Path(..))
import Collection (Collection(..))
import Data.Map as Map (elems)
import qualified Mock.Blog (simple)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
main :: IO Collection
main = do
blog <- Mock.Blog.simple
return $ Collection {
featured = Map.elems $ articles blog
, basePath = root $ path blog
, tag = Nothing
testing :: IO Collection
testing = do
blog <- Mock.Blog.simple
return $ Collection {
featured = Map.elems $ articles blog
, basePath = root (path blog) </> "testing"
, tag = Just "testing"

test/Mock/Markdown.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
module Mock.Markdown (
, page
) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList)
import Markdown (Markdown(..))
article :: Markdown
article = Markdown {
key = "test"
, path = "articles/test"
, Markdown.title = "Some test"
, metadata = Map.fromList [
("summary", "It's a test")
, ("featuredImage", "test.png")
, bodyOffset = 3
, body = []
page :: Markdown
page = Markdown {
key = "test"
, path = "pages/test"
, Markdown.title = "A test page"
, metadata = Map.fromList [
("summary", "Tests are useful")
, ("featuredImage", "test.png")
, bodyOffset = 3
, body = []

View file

@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ module Tests (
) where ) where
import Distribution.TestSuite import Distribution.TestSuite
import Utils (tag)
import qualified XML.Card (test) import qualified XML.Card (test)
tests :: IO [Test] tests :: IO [Test]
tests = return [ tests = return $ tag "xml" <$> [
XML.Card.test XML.Card.test
] ]

test/Utils.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Utils (
, assertEqual
, simpleTest
, tag
) where
import Distribution.TestSuite
import Text.Printf (printf)
tagInstance :: String -> TestInstance -> TestInstance
tagInstance tagName testInstance = testInstance {
tags = tagName : (tags testInstance)
tag :: String -> Test -> Test
tag tagName (Test testInstance) = Test (tagInstance tagName testInstance)
tag tagName group = group {groupTests = tag tagName <$> groupTests group}
simpleTest :: (String, IO Progress) -> Test
simpleTest (name, run) = Test testInstance
testInstance = TestInstance {
, name
, tags = []
, options = []
, setOption = \_ _ -> Right testInstance
wrong :: Show a => String -> a -> a -> IO Progress
wrong message expected actual = return . Finished . Fail $
printf "%s: %s vs. %s" message (show expected) (show actual)
assertAll :: [(Bool, IO Progress, String)] -> IO Progress
assertAll = foldr assert (return $ Finished Pass)
assert (bool, badIssue, checkMessage) next =
if bool then return $ Progress checkMessage next else badIssue
assertEqual :: (Show a, Eq a) => String -> a -> a -> (Bool, IO Progress, String)
assertEqual what a b =
(a == b, wrong (what ++ " do not match !") a b, what ++ " ok")

View file

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module XML.Card ( module XML.Card (
test test
) where ) where
import Article (Article(..))
import Blog (Blog) import Blog (Blog)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT) import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT)
@ -12,57 +10,87 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import Distribution.TestSuite import Distribution.TestSuite
import DOM.Card (HasCard(..)) import DOM.Card (HasCard(..))
import Mock.Blog as Blog (simple) import Mock.Blog as Blog (simple)
import Mock.Article as Article (noDescription, noImage, noMeta, simple) import Mock.Article as Article (noDescription, noImage, simple)
import Text.Printf (printf) import Mock.ArticlesList as ArticlesList (
longMain, longTesting, shortMain, shortTesting
import Utils (assertAll, assertEqual, simpleTest, tag)
simpleTest :: [String] -> (String, IO Progress) -> Test checkCard :: HasCard a => IO Blog -> a -> (Text, Text, Maybe String, String, String) -> IO Progress
simpleTest tags (name, run) = Test testInstance checkCard getBlog input (expectedCT, expectedD, expectedI, expectedT, expectedU) =
where getBlog >>= runReaderT (
testInstance = TestInstance { sequence [
run assertEqual "card types" expectedCT <$> cardType input
, name , assertEqual "descriptions" expectedD <$> description input
, tags , assertEqual "images" expectedI <$> image input
, options = [] , assertEqual "titles" expectedT <$> title input
, setOption = \_ _ -> Right testInstance , assertEqual "urls" expectedU <$> urlPath input
} ] >>= liftIO . assertAll
wrong :: Show a => String -> a -> a -> IO Progress
wrong message expected actual = return . Finished . Fail $
printf "%s: %s vs. %s" message (show expected) (show actual)
assertAll :: [(Bool, IO Progress, String)] -> IO Progress
assertAll = foldr assert (return $ Finished Pass)
assert (bool, badIssue, checkMessage) next =
if bool then return $ Progress checkMessage next else badIssue
assertEqual :: (Show a, Eq a) => String -> a -> a -> (Bool, IO Progress, String)
assertEqual what a b =
(a == b, wrong (what ++ " do not match !") a b, what ++ " ok")
checkCard :: Blog -> Article -> (Text, Text, Maybe String, String, String) -> IO Progress
checkCard blog article (expectedCT, expectedD, expectedI, expectedT, expectedU) =
flip runReaderT blog $
sequence [
assertEqual "card types" expectedCT <$> cardType article
, assertEqual "descriptions" expectedD <$> description article
, assertEqual "images" expectedI <$> image article
, assertEqual "titles" expectedT <$> title article
, assertEqual "urls" expectedU <$> urlPath article
] >>= liftIO . assertAll
articleCard :: Test articleCard :: Test
articleCard = articleCard = tag "article" . testGroup "Article cards" $ simpleTest <$> [
testGroup "Article cards" $ simpleTest ["xml", "card", "article"] <$> [
("simple article", checkCard Blog.simple Article.simple ( ("simple article", checkCard Blog.simple Article.simple (
"article" "article"
, "It's a test" , "It's a test"
, Just "test.png" , Just "test.png"
, "Some test" , "Some test"
, "" , "articles/test.html"
) )
) )
] , ("article without description", checkCard Blog.simple Article.noDescription (
, "A new article on The Test Blog"
, Just "test.png"
, "Some test"
, "articles/test.html"
, ("article without image", checkCard Blog.simple Article.noImage (
, "It's a test"
, Nothing
, "Some test"
, "articles/test.html"
articlesListCard :: Test
articlesListCard = tag "articlesList" . testGroup "Articles list cards" $ simpleTest <$> [
("short untagged page", ArticlesList.shortMain >>= (flip (checkCard Blog.simple) (
, "Latest articles"
, Nothing
, "The Test Blog"
, "index.html"
, ("long untagged page", ArticlesList.longMain >>= (flip (checkCard Blog.simple) (
, "All articles"
, Nothing
, "The Test Blog"
, "all.html"
, ("short tagged page", ArticlesList.shortTesting >>= (flip (checkCard Blog.simple) (
, "Latest articles tagged testing"
, Nothing
, "The Test Blog - testing"
, "testing/index.html"
, ("long tagged page", ArticlesList.longTesting >>= (flip (checkCard Blog.simple) (
, "All articles tagged testing"
, Nothing
, "The Test Blog - testing"
, "testing/all.html"
test :: Test test :: Test
test = testGroup "Cards" [articleCard] test = tag "card" $ testGroup "Cards" [articleCard, articlesListCard]