
81 lines
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Raw Normal View History

{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Blog.URL (
, (./)
, (//)
, build
, checkURL
, pathRelative
, toText
) where
import Arguments (Arguments)
import qualified Arguments as Arguments (Arguments(..))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), (.=), object, pairs)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Network.URL (URL(..), URLType(..), exportURL, importURL)
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import System.Exit (die)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
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import Text.Printf (printf)
data URLs = URLs {
cards :: Maybe URL
, comments :: Maybe URL
, rss :: Maybe URL
instance ToJSON URLs where
toJSON (URLs {comments}) = object [
("comments", toJSON (exportURL <$> comments))
toEncoding (URLs {comments}) = pairs (
"comments" .= (exportURL <$> comments)
checkURL :: MonadIO m => String -> m URL
checkURL url =
maybe (liftIO . die $ printf "Invalid URL %s" url) pure $ importURL url
checksUsed :: Bool -> Maybe a -> IO ()
checksUsed False (Just _) =
hPutStrLn stderr "Site url is set but not used, did you forget --open-graph-cards or --rss ?"
checksUsed _ _ = return ()
getURL :: Maybe Bool -> Maybe String -> String -> IO (Maybe URL)
getURL Nothing (Just url) _ = Just <$> checkURL url
getURL (Just True) Nothing reason = die reason
getURL (Just True) (Just url) reason = Just <$> checkURL url
getURL _ _ _ = pure Nothing
build :: Arguments -> IO URLs
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build arguments = do
cards <- getURL (Just argOGCards) siteURL "Open Graph cards"
rss <- getURL (Just argRSS) siteURL "RSS feeds"
comments <- getURL Nothing commentsURL "Comments"
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checksUsed (argOGCards || argRSS) siteURL
return $ URLs {cards, comments, rss}
commentsURL = Arguments.commentsURL arguments
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siteURL = Arguments.siteURL arguments
argOGCards = Arguments.openGraphCards arguments
argRSS = Arguments.rss arguments
errorMsg :: String -> String
errorMsg = printf "Enabling %s requires setting the site url with --site-url"
pathRelative :: String -> URL
pathRelative url_path = URL {url_type = PathRelative, url_path, url_params = []}
toText :: URL -> Text
toText = pack . exportURL
(./) :: URL -> FilePath -> Text
(./) url subPath = toText $ url {url_path = url_path url </> subPath}
(//) :: URL -> URL -> Text
(//) _ url@(URL {url_type = Absolute _}) = pack $ exportURL url
(//) url (URL {url_type = HostRelative, url_path}) = url ./ ('/':url_path)
(//) url (URL {url_path}) = url ./ url_path