Tissevert db7b0b5d89 Release
* Add support for disjunct package folders
* Release SJW as a guix package
* Switch from BSD-3 license to GPL3+
2022-10-29 17:16:09 +02:00

120 lines
4.0 KiB

--- SJW -- Clean Javascript modules for front-end development
--- Copyright © 2022 Tissevert <>
--- This file is part of SJW.
--- SJW is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
--- Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- SJW is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
--- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
--- details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
--- with this program. If not, see <>.
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module SJW.Module.Imports (
, Tree(..)
, parser
, recurse
) where
import SJW.Source (Path(..))
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), many, optional)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (
Parser, char, count, digit, inClass, letter, sepBy, string, takeWhile
import Data.Map (Map, foldlWithKey)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty, insert, lookup)
import qualified Data.Text as Text (pack)
import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
data Reference =
ModulePath {modulePath :: Path}
| Object {modulePath :: Path, field :: String}
deriving Show
data Tree = Tree {
target :: Maybe Reference
, children :: Map String Tree
} deriving Show
data Mapping = Mapping {
exposedName :: Path
, reference :: Reference
recurse :: (a -> [String] -> Reference -> a) -> a -> Tree -> a
recurse f initValue = recAux [] initValue
next _ value Nothing = value
next stack value (Just ref) = f value (reverse stack) ref
recAux stack value tree =
let nextValue = next stack value (target tree) in
foldlWithKey (\a k b -> recAux (k:stack) a b) nextValue (children tree)
space :: Parser ()
space = takeWhile (inClass " \t\r\n") *> pure ()
between :: Parser a -> (Parser b, Parser c) -> Parser a
between p (left, right) = left *> space *> p <* space <* right
keyword :: String -> Parser ()
keyword k = space <* string (Text.pack k) <* space
name :: Parser String
name = (:) <$> letter <*> many (letter <|> digit)
aliasedName :: Parser (Maybe String, String)
aliasedName =
((,) <$> (Just <$> name) <* keyword "as" <*> name)
<|> ((\s -> (Just s, s)) <$> name)
buildMappings :: Maybe [(Maybe String, String)] -> Path -> [Mapping]
buildMappings Nothing modulePath =
[Mapping modulePath (ModulePath modulePath)]
buildMappings (Just nameAssocs) modulePath = mappingOf <$> nameAssocs
mappingOf (Nothing, dest) = Mapping (Path [dest]) (ModulePath modulePath)
mappingOf (Just source, dest) =
Mapping (Path [dest]) (Object modulePath source)
mappingParser :: Parser [Mapping]
mappingParser =
buildMappings <$> optional fromClause <*> (Path <$> name `sepBy` char '.')
fromClause =
(count 1 (aliasedName <|> star) <|> namesBlock) <* keyword "from"
namesBlock =
(aliasedName `sepBy` (char ',' *> space)) `between` (char '{', char '}')
star = (,) <$> (char '*' *> pure Nothing) <* keyword "as" <*> name
emptyTree :: Tree
emptyTree = Tree {
target = Nothing
, children = Map.empty
insertMapping :: Tree -> Mapping -> Tree
insertMapping tmpTree (Mapping {exposedName, reference}) =
insertAt components tmpTree
Path components = exposedName
insertAt [] tree = tree {target = Just reference}
insertAt (next:restOfPath) tree@(Tree {children}) =
let subTree = maybe emptyTree id $ Map.lookup next children in tree {
children = Map.insert next (insertAt restOfPath subTree) children
parser :: Parser Tree
parser = foldl (foldl insertMapping) emptyTree <$> importParser `sepBy` blank
blank = takeWhile (inClass " \t\r\n")
importParser = mappingParser `between` (string "import", char ';')