Explode module «Module» into several parts specialized in Imports, Environment handling and simple File parsing and compiling
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 251 additions and 194 deletions
@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ executable sjw
other-modules: Compiler
, Context
, Module
, Module.Environment
, Module.File
, Module.Imports
, Paths_SJW
, Priority
-- other-extensions:
@ -1,21 +1,28 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Compiler (
) where
import Context (Context(..), Path)
import Context (Context(..), Contextual, Path)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.RWS (asks, gets)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Map ((!))
import qualified Data.Map as Map (member, toList)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (member)
import Data.Text (Text, cons)
import qualified Data.Text as Text (null, pack, unlines)
import Module (Compiler, Entry(..), ImportTree(..), Module(..), Modules, Reference(..))
import qualified Module (ModuleSpace(..), buildEntry, parse, register, reorder)
import qualified Data.Text as Text (null, unlines)
import Module (Environment, Failable, Log, Module(..), Log)
import qualified Module (parse)
import qualified Module.Environment as Environment (
Environment(..), register, reorder
import Module.File (File(..), variables)
import qualified Module.File as File (header, footer)
import qualified Priority (set, toList)
import Text.Printf (printf)
type Compiler m = (Contextual m, Log m, Environment m, MonadIO m, Failable m)
indent :: [Text] -> [Text]
indent = fmap indentLine
@ -24,58 +31,29 @@ indent = fmap indentLine
| Text.null t = t
| otherwise = cons '\t' t
variables :: ImportTree -> [(String, String)]
variables = fmap (fmap computeValue) . Map.toList . children
computeValue :: ImportTree -> String
computeValue subTree =
let subModules = intercalate ", " $ f <$> Map.toList (children subTree) in
case target subTree of
Nothing -> printf "Object.create(null, {%s})" subModules
Just (ModulePath {modulePath}) ->
printf "Object.create(modules['%s'], {%s})"
(show modulePath)
Just (Object {modulePath, field}) ->
printf "modules['%s'].%s" (show modulePath) field
f (name, subTree) = printf "%s: {value: %s}" name $ computeValue subTree
moduleHeader :: Bool -> Path -> [String] -> Text
moduleHeader isMain path names = Text.pack (outside isMain ++ arguments)
outside True = ""
outside False = printf "modules['%s'] = " (show path)
arguments = printf "(function(%s) {" (intercalate ", " $ names ++ ["modules"])
moduleFooter :: [String] -> [Text]
moduleFooter values = [Text.pack $ printf "})(%s);" (intercalate ", " values)]
include :: Modules m => (Int, Path) -> m [Text]
include :: Environment m => (Int, Path) -> m [Text]
include (priority, path) = do
Module {imports, payload} <- getModule path
File {imports, payload} <- gets (file . (! path) . Environment.modules)
let (names, values) = unzip $ variables imports
return $ moduleHeader isMain path names : indent payload ++ moduleFooter values
return $ File.header isMain path names : indent payload ++ File.footer values
isMain = priority == 0
getModule :: Modules m => Path -> m Module
getModule path = gets (content . (! path) . Module.entries)
scan :: Compiler m => Int -> Path -> m ()
scan priority modulePath = do
Module.reorder $ Priority.set modulePath priority
alreadyLoaded <- gets (Map.member modulePath . Module.entries)
Environment.reorder $ Priority.set modulePath priority
alreadyLoaded <- gets (Map.member modulePath . Environment.modules)
if alreadyLoaded then return () else load
load :: Compiler m => m ()
load = do
newEntry <- Module.buildEntry <$> Module.parse modulePath
Module.register modulePath newEntry
mapM_ (scan (priority + 1)) $ dependencies newEntry
newModule <- Module.parse modulePath
Environment.register modulePath newModule
mapM_ (scan (priority + 1)) $ dependencies newModule
body :: Compiler m => m [Text]
body = do
sortedPath <- gets (Priority.toList . Module.queue)
sortedPath <- gets (Priority.toList . Environment.queue)
includes <- concat <$> mapM include sortedPath
return $ "var modules = {};" : includes
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
module Context (
, Context(..)
, Contextual
, Path(..)
, packages
) where
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
@ -22,6 +25,8 @@ data Context = Context {
, mainModule :: Path
type Contextual = MonadReader Context
instance Show Path where
show (Path components) = intercalate "." components
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Control.Monad.RWS (evalRWST)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text (unpack)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import qualified Module (emptySpace)
import qualified Module.Environment as Environment (empty)
import Options.Applicative (
Parser, execParser, fullDesc, info, header, help, helper, long, metavar
, short, strArgument, strOption, value
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ runCompiler :: Config -> IO (Either String (Text, [String]))
runCompiler (Config {includes, mainIs, target}) = do
codePaths <- CodePath . (target:) <$> packages includes
let initialContext = Context {codePaths, mainModule = read mainIs}
runExceptT $ evalRWST Compiler.main initialContext Module.emptySpace
runExceptT $ evalRWST Compiler.main initialContext Environment.empty
main :: IO ()
main = do
@ -1,176 +1,44 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Module (
, Contextual
, Entry(..)
, Failable
, ImportTree(..)
, Log
, Module(..)
, Modules
, ModuleSpace(..)
, Reference(..)
, buildEntry
, emptySpace
, parse
, register
, reorder
) where
import Context (CodePath(..), Context(..), Path(..))
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), many, optional)
import Context (CodePath(..), Context(..), Contextual, Path(..))
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.RWS (MonadReader, MonadState, MonadWriter, asks, modify)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (
Parser, char, count, digit, inClass, isEndOfLine, letter, parseOnly, sepBy
, string, takeTill, takeWhile
import Data.Map (Map, foldlWithKey)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty, insert, lookup)
import Control.Monad.RWS (MonadWriter, asks)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (parseOnly)
import qualified Data.Set as Set (empty, insert, toList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text (pack)
import Module.Environment (HasEnvironment)
import Module.File (File(..))
import qualified Module.File (parser)
import Module.Imports (Reference(..), recurse)
import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
import Priority (Queue, empty)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>))
import Text.Printf (printf)
data Reference =
ModulePath {modulePath :: Path}
| Object {modulePath :: Path, field :: String}
deriving Show
data ImportTree = ImportTree {
target :: Maybe Reference
, children :: Map String ImportTree
} deriving Show
recurse :: (a -> [String] -> Reference -> a) -> a -> ImportTree -> a
recurse f initValue = recAux [] initValue
next _ value Nothing = value
next stack value (Just ref) = f value (reverse stack) ref
recAux stack value tree =
let nextValue = next stack value (target tree) in
foldlWithKey (\a k b -> recAux (k:stack) a b) nextValue (children tree)
data Mapping = Mapping {
exposedName :: Path
, reference :: Reference
data Module = Module {
imports :: ImportTree
, payload :: [Text]
} deriving Show
data Entry = Entry {
content :: Module
file :: Module.File.File
, dependencies :: [Path]
data ModuleSpace = ModuleSpace {
entries :: Map Path Entry
, queue :: Queue Path
register :: Modules m => Path -> Entry -> m ()
register path entry = modify $ \moduleSpace -> moduleSpace {
entries = Map.insert path entry (entries moduleSpace)
reorder :: Modules m => (Queue Path -> Queue Path) -> m ()
reorder f = modify $ \moduleSpace -> moduleSpace {
queue = f (queue moduleSpace)
emptySpace :: ModuleSpace
emptySpace = ModuleSpace {
entries = Map.empty
, queue = Priority.empty
type Contextual = MonadReader Context
type Environment = HasEnvironment Module
type Log = MonadWriter [String]
type Modules = MonadState ModuleSpace
type Failable = MonadError String
type Compiler m = (Contextual m, Log m, Modules m, MonadIO m, Failable m)
space :: Parser ()
space = takeWhile (inClass " \t") *> pure ()
between :: Parser a -> (Parser b, Parser c) -> Parser a
between p (left, right) = left *> space *> p <* space <* right
keyword :: String -> Parser ()
keyword k = space <* string (Text.pack k) <* space
name :: Parser String
name = (:) <$> letter <*> many (letter <|> digit)
aliasedName :: Parser (Maybe String, String)
aliasedName =
((,) <$> (Just <$> name) <* keyword "as" <*> name)
<|> ((\s -> (Just s, s)) <$> name)
buildMappings :: Maybe [(Maybe String, String)] -> Path -> [Mapping]
buildMappings Nothing modulePath =
[Mapping modulePath (ModulePath modulePath)]
buildMappings (Just nameAssocs) modulePath = mappingOf <$> nameAssocs
mappingOf (Nothing, dest) = Mapping (Path [dest]) (ModulePath modulePath)
mappingOf (Just source, dest) =
Mapping (Path [dest]) (Object modulePath source)
mappingParser :: Parser [Mapping]
mappingParser =
buildMappings <$> optional fromClause <*> (Path <$> name `sepBy` char '.')
fromClause =
(count 1 (aliasedName <|> star) <|> namesBlock) <* keyword "from"
namesBlock =
(aliasedName `sepBy` (char ',' *> space)) `between` (char '{', char '}')
star = (,) <$> (char '*' *> pure Nothing) <* keyword "as" <*> name
importParser :: Parser [Mapping]
importParser = mappingParser `between` (string "import", char ';')
emptyTree :: ImportTree
emptyTree = ImportTree {
target = Nothing
, children = Map.empty
insertMapping :: ImportTree -> Mapping -> ImportTree
insertMapping tmpTree (Mapping {exposedName, reference}) =
insertAt components tmpTree
Path components = exposedName
insertAt [] tree = tree {target = Just reference}
insertAt (next:restOfPath) tree@(ImportTree {children}) =
let subTree = maybe emptyTree id $ Map.lookup next children in tree {
children = Map.insert next (insertAt restOfPath subTree) children
moduleParser :: Parser Module
moduleParser = Module
<$> (foldl (foldl insertMapping) emptyTree <$> importParser `sepBy` blank)
<*> (blank *> line `sepBy` eol)
eol = string "\r\n" <|> string "\r" <|> string "\n"
blank = takeWhile (inClass " \t\r\n")
line = takeTill isEndOfLine
buildEntry :: Module -> Entry
buildEntry content = Entry {content, dependencies}
build :: File -> Module
build file = Module {file, dependencies}
dependencies =
Set.toList . recurse pushDependency Set.empty $ imports content
Set.toList . recurse pushDependency Set.empty $ imports file
pushDependency set _ ref = Set.insert (modulePath ref) set
parse :: (Contextual m, MonadIO m, Failable m) => Path -> m Module
@ -180,8 +48,8 @@ parse path = do
case maybeSource of
Nothing -> throwError $
printf "Module %s not found in paths : %s" (show path) (show searchPath)
Just source -> either throwError return =<<
parseOnly moduleParser . Text.pack <$> liftIO (readFile source)
Just source -> either throwError (return . build) =<<
parseOnly Module.File.parser . Text.pack <$> liftIO (readFile source)
find :: MonadIO m => CodePath -> Path -> m (Maybe FilePath)
find (CodePath []) _ = return Nothing
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Module.Environment (
, HasEnvironment
, empty
, register
, reorder
) where
import Context (Path)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, modify)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty, insert)
import Priority (Queue)
import qualified Priority (empty)
data Environment a = Environment {
modules :: Map Path a
, queue :: Queue Path
type HasEnvironment a = MonadState (Environment a)
register :: HasEnvironment a m => Path -> a -> m ()
register path module_ = modify $ \moduleSpace -> moduleSpace {
modules = Map.insert path module_ (modules moduleSpace)
reorder :: HasEnvironment a m => (Queue Path -> Queue Path) -> m ()
reorder f = modify $ \moduleSpace -> moduleSpace {
queue = f (queue moduleSpace)
empty :: Environment a
empty = Environment {
modules = Map.empty
, queue = Priority.empty
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Module.File (
, header
, footer
, parser
, variables
) where
import Context (Path)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (
Parser, inClass, isEndOfLine, sepBy, string, takeTill, takeWhile
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (toList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text (pack)
import Module.Imports (Reference(..), Tree(..))
import qualified Module.Imports (parser)
import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
import Text.Printf (printf)
data File = File {
imports :: Tree
, payload :: [Text]
} deriving Show
parser :: Parser File
parser = File
<$> Module.Imports.parser
<*> (blank *> line `sepBy` eol)
eol = string "\r\n" <|> string "\r" <|> string "\n"
blank = takeWhile (inClass " \t\r\n")
line = takeTill isEndOfLine
header :: Bool -> Path -> [String] -> Text
header isMain path names = Text.pack (outside isMain ++ arguments)
outside True = ""
outside False = printf "modules['%s'] = " (show path)
arguments = printf "(function(%s) {" (intercalate ", " $ names ++ ["modules"])
footer :: [String] -> [Text]
footer values = [Text.pack $ printf "})(%s);" (intercalate ", " values)]
variables :: Tree -> [(String, String)]
variables = fmap (fmap computeValue) . Map.toList . children
computeValue :: Tree -> String
computeValue subTree =
let subModules = intercalate ", " $ f <$> Map.toList (children subTree) in
case target subTree of
Nothing -> printf "Object.create(null, {%s})" subModules
Just (ModulePath {modulePath}) ->
printf "Object.create(modules['%s'], {%s})"
(show modulePath)
Just (Object {modulePath, field}) ->
printf "modules['%s'].%s" (show modulePath) field
f (name, subTree) = printf "%s: {value: %s}" name $ computeValue subTree
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Module.Imports (
, Tree(..)
, parser
, recurse
) where
import Context (Path(..))
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), many, optional)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (
Parser, char, count, digit, inClass, letter, sepBy, string, takeWhile
import Data.Map (Map, foldlWithKey)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty, insert, lookup)
import qualified Data.Text as Text (pack)
import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
data Reference =
ModulePath {modulePath :: Path}
| Object {modulePath :: Path, field :: String}
deriving Show
data Tree = Tree {
target :: Maybe Reference
, children :: Map String Tree
} deriving Show
data Mapping = Mapping {
exposedName :: Path
, reference :: Reference
recurse :: (a -> [String] -> Reference -> a) -> a -> Tree -> a
recurse f initValue = recAux [] initValue
next _ value Nothing = value
next stack value (Just ref) = f value (reverse stack) ref
recAux stack value tree =
let nextValue = next stack value (target tree) in
foldlWithKey (\a k b -> recAux (k:stack) a b) nextValue (children tree)
space :: Parser ()
space = takeWhile (inClass " \t") *> pure ()
between :: Parser a -> (Parser b, Parser c) -> Parser a
between p (left, right) = left *> space *> p <* space <* right
keyword :: String -> Parser ()
keyword k = space <* string (Text.pack k) <* space
name :: Parser String
name = (:) <$> letter <*> many (letter <|> digit)
aliasedName :: Parser (Maybe String, String)
aliasedName =
((,) <$> (Just <$> name) <* keyword "as" <*> name)
<|> ((\s -> (Just s, s)) <$> name)
buildMappings :: Maybe [(Maybe String, String)] -> Path -> [Mapping]
buildMappings Nothing modulePath =
[Mapping modulePath (ModulePath modulePath)]
buildMappings (Just nameAssocs) modulePath = mappingOf <$> nameAssocs
mappingOf (Nothing, dest) = Mapping (Path [dest]) (ModulePath modulePath)
mappingOf (Just source, dest) =
Mapping (Path [dest]) (Object modulePath source)
mappingParser :: Parser [Mapping]
mappingParser =
buildMappings <$> optional fromClause <*> (Path <$> name `sepBy` char '.')
fromClause =
(count 1 (aliasedName <|> star) <|> namesBlock) <* keyword "from"
namesBlock =
(aliasedName `sepBy` (char ',' *> space)) `between` (char '{', char '}')
star = (,) <$> (char '*' *> pure Nothing) <* keyword "as" <*> name
emptyTree :: Tree
emptyTree = Tree {
target = Nothing
, children = Map.empty
insertMapping :: Tree -> Mapping -> Tree
insertMapping tmpTree (Mapping {exposedName, reference}) =
insertAt components tmpTree
Path components = exposedName
insertAt [] tree = tree {target = Just reference}
insertAt (next:restOfPath) tree@(Tree {children}) =
let subTree = maybe emptyTree id $ Map.lookup next children in tree {
children = Map.insert next (insertAt restOfPath subTree) children
parser :: Parser Tree
parser = foldl (foldl insertMapping) emptyTree <$> importParser `sepBy` blank
blank = takeWhile (inClass " \t\r\n")
importParser = mappingParser `between` (string "import", char ';')
Add table
Reference in a new issue