Separate a description from the synopsis + remove duplicate dependencies versions (DRY)

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Tissevert 2020-12-12 12:05:31 +01:00
parent 82fcaac8f0
commit 0cad5ec449

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@ -4,8 +4,12 @@ cabal-version: >=1.10
name: SJW
synopsis: The Simple Javascript Wrench is a very simple tool to pack several JS «modules» into a single script.
-- description:
synopsis: The Simple Javascript Wrench
SJW is a very simple tool to pack several JS «modules» into a single script.
It doesn't really do proper compilation work (yet) except resolving the
modules dependencies and detecting import loops but it provides each module
with an independent execution context in the resulting script.
-- bug-reports:
license: BSD3
@ -43,11 +47,11 @@ executable sjw
main-is: src/Main.hs
other-modules: Paths_SJW
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: attoparsec >= 0.13.2 && < 0.14
, base >=4.9 && <4.15
build-depends: attoparsec
, base
, optparse-applicative >= 0.15 && < 0.17
, text >= 1.2.3 && < 1.3
, text
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall