Implement a stricter parser that rejects invalid sequences of RomanChars and provide total functions to parse and validate RomanNums

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@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Data.RomanNum (
, nullus
, parse
, plus
, r
, validate
) where
import Data.Map (Map, (!))
import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
newtype RomanNum = RomanNum Int
newtype RomanNum = RomanNum Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum)
data RomanChar = I | V | X | L | C | D | M deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord, Enum, Show, Read)
@ -45,14 +49,53 @@ instance Show RomanNum where
times count letter = take count $ repeat letter
r :: String -> RomanNum
r "" = nullus
r "nullus" = nullus
r n@[_] = RomanNum (values ! (read n))
r (digit:nextDigit:otherDigits) =
let (rChar, nextRChar) = (read [digit], read [nextDigit]) in
if rChar < nextRChar
then RomanNum (values ! nextRChar - values ! rChar) `plus` r otherDigits
else RomanNum (values ! rChar) `plus` r(nextDigit:otherDigits)
r = either error id . parse
validate :: String -> Bool
validate = either (\_ -> False) (\_ -> True) . parse
readDigit :: Char -> Either String Int
readDigit c = maybe errMsg (Right . (values !)) $ readMaybe [c]
errMsg = Left $ "Not a roman digit: «" ++ c:"»"
log10 :: Int -> Int
log10 n = length (show n) - 1
parse :: String -> Either String RomanNum
parse "" = Right nullus
parse "nullus" = Right nullus
parse s = RomanNum <$>
(mapM readDigit s >>= mapM analyzeBlock . romanGroups >>= romanSum)
romanGroups [] = []
romanGroups (x:xs) =
let groups = romanGroups xs in
case groups of
| x <= y -> (x:group):otherGroups
_ -> [x]:groups
analyzeBlock [n] = Right (log10 n, n)
analyzeBlock l@(n1:n2:ns)
| n1 == 10 ^ p =
if n1 < n2 && 10*n1 >= n2 && null ns
then Right (p, n2 - n1)
else if n1 == n2 && all (== n1) ns && length ns < 2
then Right (p, (length ns +2)*n1)
else invalidSequence l
p = log10 n1
analyzeBlock l = invalidSequence l
romanSum [] = Right 0
romanSum [(_, n)] = Right n
romanSum ((p1, n1):blocks@((p2, n2):otherBlocks))
| p1 > p2 = (n1+) <$> romanSum blocks
| p1 == p2 && n1 == 5*10^p1 && n2 < n1 = (n1+n2+) <$> romanSum otherBlocks
| otherwise = invalidSequence [n1, n2]
invalidSequence l =
Left $ "Invalid sequence : " ++ concat (show . RomanNum <$> l)
nullus :: RomanNum
nullus = RomanNum 0