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4 Commits

4 changed files with 111 additions and 87 deletions

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@ -3,93 +3,86 @@
module Graph (
, Vertex(..)
, Zipper(..)
, editLabel
, editVertex
, follow
, open
, rewind
, singleton
, stitch
, weave
) where
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (delete, empty, insert, lookup, toList)
import Data.Map ((!), Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (adjust, empty, insert, lookup, singleton, size, toList)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set (insert, member, singleton)
import Tree (Tree(..), Structure(..))
type VertexID = Int
data Vertex edge label = Vertex {
label :: label
, edges :: Map edge (Vertex edge label)
} deriving (Functor, Show)
instance Show edge => Tree (Vertex edge) where
getStructure (Vertex {label, edges}) = Node [
("(" ++ label ++ ")", Node $ recurseOnEdge <$> Map.toList edges)
recurseOnEdge (edge, vertex) = (show edge, getStructure vertex)
singleton :: label -> Vertex edge label
singleton label = Vertex {label, edges = Map.empty}
data Zipper edge label = Top | Zipper {
origin :: Zipper edge label
, from :: label
, by :: edge
, siblingEdges :: Map edge (Vertex edge label)
, edges :: Map edge VertexID
} deriving (Functor, Show)
data Graph edge label = Graph {
focus :: Vertex edge label
, context :: Zipper edge label
vertices :: Map VertexID (Vertex edge label)
, focus :: VertexID
, root :: VertexID
} deriving (Functor, Show)
instance (Ord edge, Show edge) => Tree (Graph edge) where
getStructure = getStructure . zipUp
getStructureWithoutLoop :: Show edge => Set VertexID -> Graph edge String -> Structure
getStructureWithoutLoop visitedIDs graph@(Graph {focus, vertices}) = Node [(
"(" ++ show focus ++ ":" ++ label ++ ")"
, Node $ recurseOnEdge <$> Map.toList edges
Vertex label edges = vertices ! focus
recurseOnEdge (edge, vertexID) = (
show edge
, if Set.member vertexID visitedIDs
then Node [("(:" ++ show vertexID ++ ")", Node [])]
else getStructureWithoutLoop (Set.insert vertexID visitedIDs) $ graph {focus = vertexID}
open :: Vertex edge label -> Graph edge label
open focus = Graph {focus, context = Top}
instance Show edge => Tree (Graph edge) where
getStructure graph =
getStructureWithoutLoop (Set.singleton $ root graph) (rewind graph)
zipUp :: Ord edge => Graph edge label -> Vertex edge label
zipUp graph =
case context graph of
Top -> focus graph
Zipper {origin, from, by, siblingEdges} -> zipUp $ Graph {
context = origin
, focus = Vertex {
label = from
, edges = Map.insert by (focus graph) siblingEdges
vertex :: label -> Vertex edge label
vertex label = Vertex {label, edges = Map.empty}
rewind :: Ord edge => Graph edge label -> Graph edge label
rewind = open . zipUp
follow :: Ord edge => Graph edge label -> edge -> Maybe (Graph edge label)
follow (Graph {focus, context}) edge =
Map.lookup edge (edges focus) >>= \vertex -> Just $ Graph {
focus = vertex
, context = Zipper {
origin = context
, from = label $ focus
, by = edge
, siblingEdges = Map.delete edge $ edges focus
singleton :: label -> Graph edge label
singleton label = Graph {
vertices = Map.singleton 0 $ vertex label
, focus = 0
, root = 0
weave :: (Monoid label, Ord edge) => Graph edge label -> [edge] -> Graph edge label
weave = foldl $ \graph edge ->
rewind :: Graph edge label -> Graph edge label
rewind graph = graph {focus = root graph}
follow :: Ord edge => Graph edge label -> edge -> Maybe (Graph edge label)
follow graph@(Graph {vertices, focus}) edge =
setFocus <$> Map.lookup edge (edges $ vertices ! focus)
setFocus vertexID = graph {focus = vertexID}
stitch :: (Monoid label, Ord edge) => Graph edge label -> edge -> Graph edge label
stitch graph edge =
case graph `follow` edge of
Nothing -> Graph {
focus = singleton mempty
, context = Zipper {
origin = context graph
, from = label $ focus graph
, by = edge
, siblingEdges = edges $ focus graph
Nothing ->
let newVertexID = Map.size $ vertices graph in
let link aVertex = aVertex {edges = Map.insert edge newVertexID $ edges aVertex} in
graph {
vertices =
Map.adjust link (focus graph) . Map.insert newVertexID (vertex mempty) $ vertices graph
, focus = newVertexID
Just newGraph -> newGraph
editLabel :: Graph edge label -> (label -> label) -> Graph edge label
editLabel graph@(Graph {focus}) labelEditor =
graph {focus = focus {label = labelEditor $ label focus}}
weave :: (Monoid label, Ord edge) => Graph edge label -> [edge] -> Graph edge label
weave = foldl stitch
editVertex :: Graph edge label -> (Vertex edge label -> Vertex edge label) -> Graph edge label
editVertex graph@(Graph {vertices, focus}) vertexEditor =
graph {vertices = Map.adjust vertexEditor focus vertices}

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ instance Functor Stream where
Stream $ (\(a, stream) -> (f a, fmap f stream)) <$> pairs
instance Tree Stream where
getStructure (Stream []) = Leaf
getStructure (Stream pairs) =
Node $ (\(s, stream) -> (s, getStructure stream)) <$> pairs

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@ -5,30 +5,59 @@ module Transducer (
, run
) where
import Data.Map ((!), insert)
import Graph (Graph(..), Vertex(..), editVertex, follow, rewind, singleton, weave)
import Stream (Stream(..), merge)
import qualified Stream (empty)
import Graph (Graph(..), Vertex(..), Zipper(..), editLabel, follow, open, rewind, singleton, weave)
type Transducer input output = Graph input [output]
newtype Stack a = Stack [a]
push :: a -> Stack a -> Stack a
push a (Stack s) = Stack (a:s)
content :: Stack a -> [a]
content (Stack s) = reverse s
empty :: Transducer input output
empty = open $ singleton []
empty = singleton []
add :: Ord input => Transducer input output -> ([input], output) -> Transducer input output
add transducer (path, output) =
rewind $ editLabel (weave transducer path) (output:)
fromList :: Ord input => [([input], output)] -> Transducer input output
fromList = foldl add empty
run :: (Ord input, Eq output) => Transducer input output -> Stream input -> Stream output
run transducer (Stream inputs) = foldl (\(Stream outputs) (input, stream) ->
case follow transducer input of
Nothing -> case context transducer of
Top -> run (rewind transducer) stream
_ -> Stream.empty
Just newState@(Graph {focus}) ->
Stream ((emit stream <$> label focus) ++ outputs) `merge` run newState stream
) Stream.empty inputs
entry :: Ord input => Transducer input output -> ([input], output) -> Transducer input output
entry transducer (path, output) =
rewind $ editVertex (weave transducer path) pushLabel
emit stream output = (output, run (rewind transducer) stream)
pushLabel vertex = vertex {label = output:(label vertex)}
loop :: Ord input => Transducer input output -> ([input], [input]) -> Transducer input output
loop transducer ([], loopPath) =
case splitAt (length loopPath - 1) loopPath of
(_, []) -> transducer
(loopBegining, lastInput:_) ->
let end = weave transducer loopBegining in
rewind $
editVertex end $ tieKnot lastInput
tieKnot input vertex =
vertex {edges = insert input (focus transducer) $ edges vertex}
loop transducer (prefix, loopPath) = loop (weave transducer prefix) ([], loopPath)
fromList :: Ord input => [([input], Either [input] output)] -> Transducer input output
fromList = foldl add empty
add transducer (path, Left loopPath) = loop transducer (path, loopPath)
add transducer (path, Right output) = entry transducer (path, output)
run :: (Ord input, Eq output) => Transducer input output -> Stream input -> Stream ([input], output)
run transducer = runWithStack initState
initState = (transducer, Stack [])
emit stack stream output = ((content stack, output), runWithStack initState stream)
runWithStack (state, stack) (Stream inputs) = foldl (\outputsStream (input, stream) ->
case follow state input of
Nothing -> Stream.empty
Just newState@(Graph {vertices, focus}) ->
let newStack = push input stack in
let emitted = Stream $ emit newStack stream <$> label (vertices ! focus) in
let continue = runWithStack (newState, newStack) stream in
emitted `merge` continue `merge` outputsStream
) Stream.empty inputs

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Tree (
, Structure(..)
) where
data Structure = Node [(String, Structure)]
data Structure = Leaf | Node [(String, Structure)]
class Functor a => Tree a where
getStructure :: a String -> Structure
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ class Functor a => Tree a where
draw = unlines . getLines . getStructure . fmap show
getLines :: Structure -> [String]
getLines (Node []) = [""]
getLines Leaf = [""]
getLines (Node []) = [""]
getLines (Node [(s, structure)]) = showBlock '─' (s, structure)
getLines (Node ((s, structure):pairs)) = concat $
showBlock '┬' (s, structure) : showBlocks pairs