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2019-05-03 07:58:44 +02:00
module Stream (
, fromList
, infinite
, merge
, showStream
2019-05-03 07:58:44 +02:00
) where
import Data.List (intercalate)
data Stream a = Stream [(a, Stream a)] deriving Show
instance Monoid (Stream a) where
mempty = fromList []
mappend (Stream []) b = b
mappend (Stream pairs) b = Stream $ (\(a, stream) -> (a, stream `mappend` b)) <$> pairs
2019-05-03 07:58:44 +02:00
fromList :: [a] -> Stream a
fromList [] = Stream []
fromList (pair:pairs) = Stream [(pair, fromList pairs)]
infinite :: a -> Stream a
infinite a = Stream [(a, infinite a)]
2019-05-03 19:07:40 +02:00
merge :: Eq a => Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a
merge (Stream aPairs) (Stream bPairs) = Stream $ foldl mergeOrAdd aPairs bPairs
openAt _ l [] = (l, [])
openAt p up l@(x:xs) = if p x then (up, l) else openAt p (x:up) xs
zipUp ([], l) = l
zipUp (x:xs, l) = zipUp (xs, x:l)
mergeOrAdd accumulator (b, bStream) = zipUp $
case openAt ((== b) . fst) [] accumulator of
(up, []) -> (up, [(b, bStream)])
(up, (x, xStream):down) -> (up, (x, merge xStream bStream):down)
showStream :: Show a => Stream a -> String
showStream = intercalate "\n" . getLines
getLines :: Show a => Stream a -> [String]
getLines (Stream []) = [""]
getLines (Stream [(a, stream)]) = showBlock '─' (a, stream)
getLines (Stream ((a, stream):pairs)) = concat $
showBlock '┬' (a, stream) : showBlocks pairs
2019-05-03 07:58:44 +02:00
showBlocks [] = []
showBlocks [(a, stream)] = [showBlock '╰' (a, stream)]
showBlocks ((a, stream):pairs) =
showBlock '├' (a, stream) : showBlocks pairs
showBlock :: Show a => Char -> (a, Stream a) -> [String]
showBlock connectingChar (a, stream) =
case getLines stream of
[] -> []
firstLine:otherLines -> (prefix ++ firstLine) : (pad <$> otherLines)
2019-05-03 07:58:44 +02:00
connect = ((if connectingChar `elem` "├┬" then '│' else ' '):)
prefix = connectingChar : " " ++ show a ++ " "
pad = connect . (take (length prefix - 1) (repeat ' ') ++)