Compare commits


No commits in common. "main" and "v0.1.1.1" have entirely different histories.

9 changed files with 119 additions and 292 deletions

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@ -1,13 +1,5 @@
# Revision history for Hufflepdf
## -- 2019-11-27
* Fix bug discovered while running Hufflepdf on a PDF output from pdftk : magic keywords like `obj`, `stream` or `xref` can have spaces after them before the EOL
## -- 2019-10-14
* Implement PDF's multilayer update mechanism
## -- 2019-05-31
* Fix a bug preventing files with the «trailer» keyword on the same line as the dictionary that follows it to be parsed

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- documentation, see
name: Hufflepdf
synopsis: A PDF parser
-- description:
license: BSD3
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ library
, PDF.Object
, PDF.Output
, PDF.Update
other-modules: Data.ByteString.Char8.Util
, PDF.Body
, PDF.Parser
@ -33,21 +32,3 @@ library
hs-source-dirs: src
ghc-options: -Wall
default-language: Haskell2010
executable equivalent
main-is: examples/equivalent.hs
build-depends: base
, bytestring
, Hufflepdf
ghc-options: -Wall
default-language: Haskell2010
executable getObj
main-is: examples/getObj.hs
build-depends: base
, bytestring
, containers
, Hufflepdf
, zlib
ghc-options: -Wall
default-language: Haskell2010

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (readFile)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as Lazy (writeFile)
import PDF (parseDocument, render)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
main :: IO ()
main = do
[inputFile, outputFile] <- getArgs
result <- parseDocument <$> BS.readFile inputFile
case result of
Left parseError -> hPutStrLn stderr parseError
Right doc -> Lazy.writeFile outputFile $ render doc

View file

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
import Codec.Compression.Zlib (decompress)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (readFile)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as Lazy (fromStrict, putStr, toStrict)
import Data.Map ((!?))
import qualified Data.Map as Map (keys, lookup)
import PDF (Document(..), parseDocument)
import qualified PDF.EOL as EOL (Style)
import PDF.Object (Content(..), DirectObject(..), Object(..), Name(..))
import PDF.Output (ObjectId(..))
import qualified PDF.Output as Output (render)
import PDF.Update (unify)
import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
import System.Exit (die)
import Text.Printf (printf)
display :: EOL.Style -> Object -> ByteString
display eolStyle d@(Direct _) = Output.render eolStyle d
display eolStyle s@(Stream {header, streamContent}) = Output.render eolStyle $
case Map.lookup (Name "Filter") header of
Just (NameObject (Name "FlateDecode")) -> Stream {
, streamContent = Lazy.toStrict . decompress $ Lazy.fromStrict streamContent
_ -> s
extractObject :: ObjectId -> Document -> Either String ByteString
extractObject objectId (Document {eolStyle, updates}) =
case objects content !? objectId of
Nothing -> Left $ "No object has ID " ++ show (getObjectId objectId)
Just o -> Right $ display eolStyle o
content = unify updates
listObjectIds :: Document -> Either String [String]
listObjectIds =
Right . prependTitle . toString . Map.keys . objects . unify . updates
toString = fmap (show . getObjectId)
prependTitle = ("ObjectIds defined in this PDF:":)
main :: IO ()
main = do
(inputFile, getData) <- parse =<< getArgs
input <- BS.readFile inputFile
either die id $ (parseDocument input >>= getData)
parse [inputFile] = return (inputFile, fmap (mapM_ putStrLn) . listObjectIds)
parse [inputFile, objectId] = return
(inputFile, fmap Lazy.putStr . extractObject (ObjectId (read objectId)))
parse _ = die . printf "Syntax: %s inputFile [OBJECT_ID]\n" =<< getProgName

View file

@ -19,21 +19,21 @@ import PDF.Object (
, Structure(..)
, eofMarker, magicNumber, structure
import qualified PDF.Output as Output (render, line)
import PDF.Output (Output(..))
import qualified PDF.Output as Output (render, string)
import PDF.Output (Output(..), nextLine)
import PDF.Parser (Parser, runParser, string, takeAll)
import Text.Printf (printf)
data Document = Document {
pdfVersion :: String
, eolStyle :: EOL.Style
, updates :: [Content]
, contents :: [Content]
} deriving Show
instance Output Document where
output (Document {pdfVersion, updates}) =
Output.line (printf "%%PDF-%s" pdfVersion)
`mappend` output updates
output (Document {pdfVersion, contents}) =
Output.string (printf "%%PDF-%s" pdfVersion)
`nextLine` output contents
render :: Document -> Lazy.ByteString
render document@(Document {eolStyle}) = Output.render eolStyle document
@ -99,5 +99,5 @@ parseDocument input = do
(pdfVersion, eolStyle) <- runParser ((,) <$> version <*> EOL.parser) () input
startXref <- readStartXref eolStyle input
structuresRead <- readStructures startXref input
let updates = populate input <$> structuresRead
return $ Document {pdfVersion, eolStyle, updates}
let contents = populate input <$> structuresRead
return $ Document {pdfVersion, eolStyle, contents}

View file

@ -14,10 +14,9 @@ import qualified PDF.EOL as EOL (charset, parser)
import PDF.Object (
Content(..), DirectObject(..), Flow(..), IndirectObjCoordinates(..)
, InputStructure(..), Name(..), Number(..), Object(..), Occurrence(..)
, Structure(..), XRefEntry(..), XRefSection
, Structure(..), XRefEntry(..), XRefSection, XRefSubSection(..)
, blank, dictionary, directObject, integer, line
import PDF.Output (ObjectId(..), Offset(..))
import PDF.Parser (Parser, (<?>), block, char, on, option, runParser, takeAll)
data UserState = UserState {
@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ type SParser = Parser UserState
modifyFlow :: (Flow -> Flow) -> SParser ()
modifyFlow f = modify $ \state -> state {flow = f $ flow state}
addObject :: ObjectId -> Object -> SParser ()
addObject :: Int -> Object -> SParser ()
addObject objectId newObject = modifyFlow $ \flow -> flow {
tmpObjects = Map.insert objectId newObject $ tmpObjects flow
@ -46,20 +45,29 @@ comment = BS.unpack <$> (option "" afterPercent <* EOL.parser)
afterPercent = BS.cons <$> char '%' <*> takeAll (not . (`elem` EOL.charset))
lookupOffset :: ObjectId -> SParser Offset
lookupOffset objectId = do
lookupOffset :: Int -> XRefSection -> Maybe Int
lookupOffset _ [] = Nothing
lookupOffset objectId (xrefSubSection:others) =
let XRefSubSection {firstObjectId, entriesNumber, entries} = xrefSubSection in
let index = objectId - firstObjectId in
if index >= 0 && index < entriesNumber
case Map.lookup index entries of
Just (InUse {offset}) -> Just offset
_ -> Nothing
else lookupOffset objectId others
getOffset :: Int -> SParser Int
getOffset objectId = do
table <- gets xreferences
case Map.lookup objectId table >>= entryOffset of
case lookupOffset objectId table of
Nothing -> fail $
"obj " ++ show objectId ++ " is referenced but missing in XRef table"
Just offset -> return offset
entryOffset (InUse {offset}) = Just offset
entryOffset _ = Nothing
loadNumber :: ObjectId -> SParser Double
loadNumber :: Int -> SParser Float
loadNumber objectId = do
offset <- getOffset <$> lookupOffset objectId
offset <- getOffset objectId
objectStart <- BS.drop offset <$> gets input
indirectObjCoordinates `on` (objectStart :: ByteString) >> return ()
objectValue <- (!objectId) . tmpObjects <$> gets flow
@ -70,7 +78,7 @@ loadNumber objectId = do
invalidValue :: Object -> String
invalidValue v = "Invalid value " ++ show v
getSize :: Maybe DirectObject -> SParser Double
getSize :: Maybe DirectObject -> SParser Float
getSize Nothing = fail "Missing '/Length' key on stream"
getSize (Just (NumberObject (Number size))) = return size
getSize (Just (Reference (IndirectObjCoordinates {objectId}))) = do
@ -96,7 +104,7 @@ object = streamObject <|> Direct <$> directObject
indirectObjCoordinates :: SParser IndirectObjCoordinates
indirectObjCoordinates = do
objectId <- ObjectId <$> integer
objectId <- integer
coordinates <- IndirectObjCoordinates objectId <$> integer
objectValue <- line "obj" *> object <* blank <* line "endobj"
addObject objectId objectValue
@ -118,7 +126,7 @@ populate input structure =
docStructure = inputStructure structure
xreferences = xRef docStructure
xreferences = xrefSection docStructure
initialState = UserState {
input, xreferences, flow = Flow {
occurrencesStack = [], tmpObjects = Map.empty

View file

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ module PDF.Object (
, DirectObject(..)
, Flow(..)
, IndexedObjects
, IndirectObjCoordinates(..)
, InputStructure(..)
, Name(..)
@ -15,6 +14,7 @@ module PDF.Object (
, Structure(..)
, XRefEntry(..)
, XRefSection
, XRefSubSection(..)
, blank
, dictionary
, directObject
@ -31,15 +31,12 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (
concat, cons, pack, singleton, unpack
import Data.Map (Map, (!), mapWithKey)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (
delete, empty, fromList, lookup, minViewWithKey, toList, union
import qualified Data.Map as Map (elems, fromList, toList)
import qualified PDF.EOL as EOL (charset, parser)
import qualified PDF.Output as Output (concat, line, string)
import qualified PDF.Output as Output (string)
import PDF.Output (
OBuilder, ObjectId(..), Offset(..), Output(..), Resource(..)
, byteString, getObjectId, getOffset, getOffsets, join, newLine
, saveOffset
OBuilder, Offset(..), Output(..)
, byteString, getOffsets, join, newLine, nextLine, saveOffset
import PDF.Parser (
Parser, (<?>)
@ -49,7 +46,7 @@ import PDF.Parser (
import Text.Printf (printf)
line :: String -> Parser u ()
line l = (string (BS.pack l) *> blank *> return ()) <?> printf "line «%s»" l
line l = (string (BS.pack l) *> EOL.parser *> return ()) <?> printf "line «%s»" l
magicNumber :: ByteString
magicNumber = "%PDF-"
@ -76,8 +73,6 @@ integer = read . BS.unpack <$> decNumber <* blank <?> "decimal integer"
type IndexedObjects = Map ObjectId Object
-- Boolean
@ -88,7 +83,7 @@ boolean =
-- Number
newtype Number = Number Double deriving Show
newtype Number = Number Float deriving Show
instance Output Number where
output (Number f) = Output.string $
@ -135,7 +130,7 @@ stringObject =
newtype Name = Name String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Output Name where
output (Name n) = Output.string ('/':n)
output (Name n) = "/" `mappend` Output.string n
name :: Parser u Name
name = Name . BS.unpack <$> (char '/' *> takeAll regular) <?> "name"
@ -158,7 +153,7 @@ instance Output Dictionary where
keyValues = join " " $ outputKeyVal <$> Map.toList dict
outputKeyVal :: (Name, DirectObject) -> OBuilder
outputKeyVal (key, val) = Output.concat [output key, " ", output val]
outputKeyVal (key, val) = output key `mappend` " " `mappend` output val
dictionary :: Parser u Dictionary
dictionary =
@ -177,13 +172,12 @@ nullObject = string "null" *> return () <?> "null object"
-- Reference
data IndirectObjCoordinates = IndirectObjCoordinates {
objectId :: ObjectId
objectId :: Int
, versionNumber :: Int
} deriving Show
reference :: Parser u IndirectObjCoordinates
reference = IndirectObjCoordinates
<$> (fmap ObjectId integer) <*> integer <* char 'R' <?> "reference to an object"
reference = IndirectObjCoordinates <$> integer <*> integer <* char 'R' <?> "reference to an object"
-- DirectObject
@ -204,11 +198,11 @@ instance Output DirectObject where
output (NumberObject n) = output n
output (StringObject s) = output s
output (NameObject n) = output n
output (Array a) = Output.concat ["[", join " " a, "]"]
output (Array a) = "[" `mappend` join " " a `mappend` "]"
output (Dictionary d) = output d
output (Null) = "null"
output (Reference (IndirectObjCoordinates {objectId, versionNumber})) =
Output.string (printf "%d %d R" (getObjectId objectId) versionNumber)
Output.string (printf "%d %d R" objectId versionNumber)
directObject :: Parser u DirectObject
directObject =
@ -235,26 +229,25 @@ data Object =
instance Output Object where
output (Direct d) = output d
output (Stream {header, streamContent}) = Output.concat [
output header, newLine
, Output.line "stream"
, byteString streamContent
, "endstream"
output (Stream {header, streamContent}) =
output header
`nextLine` "stream"
`nextLine` byteString streamContent
`mappend` "endstream"
-- Occurrence
data Occurrence = Comment String | Indirect IndirectObjCoordinates deriving Show
outputOccurrence :: IndexedObjects -> Occurrence -> OBuilder
outputOccurrence _ (Comment c) = Output.line c
outputOccurrence :: Map Int Object -> Occurrence -> OBuilder
outputOccurrence _ (Comment c) =
Output.string c `mappend` newLine
outputOccurrence objects (Indirect (IndirectObjCoordinates {objectId, versionNumber})) =
saveOffset (Object objectId) >> Output.concat [
Output.line (printf "%d %d obj" (getObjectId objectId) versionNumber)
, output (objects ! objectId), newLine
, Output.line "endobj"
saveOffset (ObjectId objectId)
>> Output.string (printf "%d %d obj" objectId versionNumber)
`nextLine` output (objects ! objectId)
`nextLine` "endobj" `mappend` newLine
@ -264,18 +257,18 @@ outputOccurrence objects (Indirect (IndirectObjCoordinates {objectId, versionNum
-- XRefEntry
data XRefEntry = InUse {
offset :: Offset
offset :: Int
, generation :: Int
} | Free {
nextFree :: ObjectId
nextFree :: Int
, generation :: Int
} deriving Show
instance Output XRefEntry where
output (InUse {offset, generation}) =
Output.line (printf "%010d %05d n " (getOffset offset) generation)
Output.string (printf "%010d %05d n " offset generation) `mappend` newLine
output (Free {nextFree, generation}) =
Output.line (printf "%010d %05d f " (getObjectId nextFree) generation)
Output.string (printf "%010d %05d f " nextFree generation) `mappend` newLine
entry :: Parser u XRefEntry
entry = do
@ -283,56 +276,31 @@ entry = do
(inUse big small <|> free big small <?> "XRef entry") <* blank
inUse :: Int -> Int -> Parser u XRefEntry
inUse big generation =
char 'n' *> return (InUse {offset = Offset big, generation})
inUse offset generation = char 'n' *> return (InUse {offset, generation})
free :: Int -> Int -> Parser u XRefEntry
free big generation =
char 'f' *> return (Free {nextFree = ObjectId big, generation})
free nextFree generation = char 'f' *> return (Free {nextFree, generation})
-- XRefSubSection
data XRefSubSection = XRefSubSection {
firstObjectId :: ObjectId
, entries :: [XRefEntry]
firstObjectId :: Int
, entriesNumber :: Int
, entries :: Map Int XRefEntry
} deriving Show
instance Output XRefSubSection where
output (XRefSubSection {firstObjectId, entries}) =
Output.line (printf "%d %d" (getObjectId firstObjectId) (length entries))
`mappend` output entries
output (XRefSubSection {firstObjectId, entriesNumber, entries}) =
Output.string (printf "%d %d" firstObjectId entriesNumber)
`nextLine` output (Map.elems entries)
xRefSubSection :: Parser u XRefSubSection
xRefSubSection = do
(firstId, entriesNumber) <- (,) <$> integer <*> integer <?> "XRef subsection"
entries <- count entriesNumber entry
return $ XRefSubSection {firstObjectId = ObjectId firstId, entries}
xrefSubSection :: Parser u XRefSubSection
xrefSubSection = do
(firstObjectId, entriesNumber) <- (,) <$> integer <*> integer <?> "XRef subsection"
entries <- Map.fromList . zip [firstObjectId..] <$> count entriesNumber entry
return $ XRefSubSection {firstObjectId, entriesNumber, entries}
type XRefSection = Map ObjectId XRefEntry
instance Output XRefSection where
output = output . sections
sections tmp =
case Map.minViewWithKey tmp of
Nothing -> []
Just ((objectId@(ObjectId value), firstEntry), rest) ->
let (subSection, sndRest) = section objectId [firstEntry] (value + 1) rest in
subSection : sections sndRest
section firstObjectId stack nextValue tmp =
let nextId = ObjectId nextValue in
case Map.lookup nextId tmp of
Nothing -> (XRefSubSection {firstObjectId, entries = reverse stack}, tmp)
Just nextEntry ->
section firstObjectId (nextEntry:stack) (nextValue + 1) (Map.delete nextId tmp)
xRefSection :: Parser u XRefSection
xRefSection = foldr addSubsection Map.empty <$>
(line "xref" *> xRefSubSection `sepBy` many EOL.parser)
addSubsection (XRefSubSection {firstObjectId, entries}) =
Map.union . Map.fromList $ zip ([firstObjectId..]) entries
type XRefSection = [XRefSubSection]
-- Structure
@ -343,28 +311,34 @@ data InputStructure = InputStructure {
data Structure = Structure {
xRef :: XRefSection
xrefSection :: XRefSection
, trailer :: Dictionary
} deriving Show
structure :: Parser u Structure
structure =
<$> xRefSection
<$> (line "xref" *> xrefSubSection `sepBy` EOL.parser)
<*> (string "trailer" *> blank *> dictionary <* EOL.parser)
updateXrefs :: XRefSection -> Map Resource Offset -> (XRefSection, Offset)
updateXrefs xRef offsets = (mapWithKey updateEntry xRef, offsets ! StartXRef)
updateXrefs :: XRefSection -> Map Offset Int -> (XRefSection, Int)
updateXrefs xrefSection offsets = (
updateSubSection <$> xrefSection
, offsets ! StartXRef
updateEntry objectId e@(InUse {}) = e {offset = offsets ! (Object objectId)}
updateEntry _ e = e
updateSubSection subSection@(XRefSubSection {firstObjectId, entries}) =
subSection {entries = mapWithKey (updateEntry firstObjectId) entries}
updateEntry firstObjectId index e@(InUse {}) =
e {offset = offsets ! (ObjectId $ firstObjectId + index)}
updateEntry _ _ e = e
-- Flow
data Flow = Flow {
occurrencesStack :: [Occurrence]
, tmpObjects :: IndexedObjects
, tmpObjects :: Map Int Object
} deriving Show
@ -372,26 +346,25 @@ data Flow = Flow {
data Content = Content {
occurrences :: [Occurrence]
, objects :: IndexedObjects
, objects :: Map Int Object
, docStructure :: Structure
} deriving Show
outputBody :: ([Occurrence], IndexedObjects) -> OBuilder
outputBody :: ([Occurrence], Map Int Object) -> OBuilder
outputBody (occurrences, objects) =
output (outputOccurrence objects <$> occurrences) <* saveOffset StartXRef
instance Output Content where
output (Content {occurrences, objects, docStructure}) =
fmap (updateXrefs xRef) <$> getOffsets (outputBody (occurrences, objects))
>>= \(body, (xref, startXRef)) -> Output.concat [
, Output.line "xref"
, output xref
, Output.line "trailer"
, output trailer, newLine
, Output.line "startxref"
, Output.line (printf "%d" (getOffset startXRef))
, byteString eofMarker
fmap (updateXrefs xrefSection) <$> getOffsets (outputBody (occurrences, objects))
>>= \(body, (xref, startXRef)) ->
`mappend` "xref"
`nextLine` output xref
`mappend` "trailer"
`nextLine` output trailer
`nextLine` "startxref"
`nextLine` (Output.string (printf "%d" startXRef))
`nextLine` byteString eofMarker
Structure {xRef, trailer} = docStructure
Structure {xrefSection, trailer} = docStructure

View file

@ -2,21 +2,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module PDF.Output (
, ObjectId(..)
, OContext(..)
, Offset(..)
, Output(..)
, Resource(..)
, byteString
, char
, concat
, getOffsets
, join
, line
, newLine
, nextLine
, saveOffset
, string
, render
@ -32,14 +28,10 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map (singleton)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Control.Monad.RWS (RWS, runRWS, ask, get, listen, modify, tell)
import qualified PDF.EOL as EOL (Style(..))
import Prelude hiding (concat)
newtype ObjectId = ObjectId {getObjectId :: Int} deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Offset = Offset {getOffset :: Int} deriving (Show)
data Offset = StartXRef | ObjectId Int deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Resource = StartXRef | Object ObjectId deriving (Eq, Ord)
newtype OContext a = OContext (RWS EOL.Style (Map Resource Offset) Offset a)
newtype OContext a = OContext (RWS EOL.Style (Map Offset Int) Int a)
type OBuilder = OContext Builder
instance Functor OContext where
@ -52,23 +44,20 @@ instance Applicative OContext where
instance Monad OContext where
(>>=) (OContext a) f = OContext (a >>= (\x -> let OContext y = f x in y))
saveOffset :: Resource -> OContext ()
saveOffset resource = OContext $
get >>= tell . Map.singleton resource
saveOffset :: Offset -> OContext ()
saveOffset offset = OContext $
get >>= tell . Map.singleton offset
lift :: (a -> Builder) -> a -> OBuilder
lift f a = return (f a)
getOffsets :: OBuilder -> OContext (OBuilder, Map Resource Offset)
getOffsets :: OBuilder -> OContext (OBuilder, Map Offset Int)
getOffsets (OContext builder) =
OContext (listen builder >>= \(a, w) -> return (return a, w))
append :: OBuilder -> OBuilder -> OBuilder
append (OContext a) (OContext b) = OContext (mappend <$> a <*> b)
concat :: [OBuilder] -> OBuilder
concat = foldl mappend mempty
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
instance Semigroup OBuilder where
(<>) = append
@ -94,7 +83,7 @@ instance Output Bool where
output True = string "true"
instance Output a => Output [a] where
output = concat . fmap output
output = foldl mappend mempty . fmap output
join :: Output a => String -> [a] -> OBuilder
join _ [] = mempty
@ -102,30 +91,27 @@ join _ [a] = output a
join separator (a:as) =
output a `mappend` string separator `mappend` (join separator as)
offset :: (Int -> Int) -> OContext ()
offset f = OContext $ modify $ \(Offset o) -> Offset (f o)
newLine :: OBuilder
newLine = buildEOL =<< OContext ask
newLine = OContext $ buildEOL =<< ask
buildEOL EOL.CR = return (char8 '\r') <* offset (+1)
buildEOL EOL.LF = return (char8 '\n') <* offset (+1)
buildEOL EOL.CRLF = return (string8 "\r\n") <* offset (+2)
buildEOL EOL.CR = return (char8 '\r') <* modify (+1)
buildEOL EOL.LF = return (char8 '\n') <* modify (+1)
buildEOL EOL.CRLF = return (string8 "\r\n") <* modify (+2)
nextLine :: OBuilder -> OBuilder -> OBuilder
nextLine a b = a `mappend` newLine `mappend` b
char :: Char -> OBuilder
char c = lift char8 c <* offset (+1)
char c = lift char8 c <* OContext (modify (+1))
string :: String -> OBuilder
string s = lift string8 s <* offset (+ toEnum (length s))
line :: String -> OBuilder
line l = string l `mappend` newLine
string s = lift string8 s <* OContext (modify (+ toEnum (length s)))
byteString :: ByteString -> OBuilder
byteString bs = lift B.byteString bs <* offset (+ BS.length bs)
byteString bs = lift B.byteString bs <* OContext (modify (+ BS.length bs))
render :: Output a => EOL.Style -> a -> Lazy.ByteString
render eolStyle a =
let OContext builder = output a in
let (outputByteString, _, _) = runRWS builder eolStyle (Offset 0) in
let (outputByteString, _, _) = runRWS builder eolStyle 0 in
toLazyByteString outputByteString

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module PDF.Update (
) where
import Data.Map (member)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty, union)
import PDF.Object (
Content(..), IndexedObjects, IndirectObjCoordinates(..), Occurrence(..)
, Structure(..)
emptyContent :: Content
emptyContent = Content {
docStructure = Structure {xRef = Map.empty, trailer = Map.empty}
, objects = Map.empty
, occurrences = []
unify :: [Content] -> Content
unify = foldl complete emptyContent
complete tmpContent older =
let mergedObjects = Map.union (objects tmpContent) (objects older) in
Content {
docStructure =
unifyDocStructure (docStructure tmpContent) (docStructure older)
, objects = mergedObjects
, occurrences =
unifyOccurrences mergedObjects (occurrences tmpContent) (occurrences older)
unifyDocStructure :: Structure -> Structure -> Structure
unifyDocStructure update original = Structure {
xRef = Map.union (xRef update) (xRef original)
, trailer = Map.union (trailer update) (trailer original)
unifyOccurrences :: IndexedObjects -> [Occurrence] -> [Occurrence] -> [Occurrence]
unifyOccurrences objects update = foldr addOlder update
addOlder occurrence@(Comment _) existing = occurrence : existing
addOlder occurrence@(Indirect indirect) existing =
if objectId indirect `member` objects
then occurrence : existing
else existing